Make three changes to make a Bond movies better



  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,233MI6 Agent
    edited May 1

    Bad judgement isn't exclusive to the DC era:

    Don't have Bond in space

    Don't have rapey scenes for Bond

    Don't make Bond a comedian

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,886MI6 Agent
    edited May 1

    I don't have a problem with Christmas Jones, but I think Renard could be cast better. Someone recently suggested Jean Reno and that really works for me - he's a proper heavy and would have been a match in stature for Brosnan at the end, should be the sort of charismatic baddie who really could conceivably turn Electra bad, plus would have played the slightly sympathetic, exploited by Electra stuff well I think. I'm not sure Carlisle is quite right for it.

    Really agree about the Parahawk sequence- I don't know if it's the direction or editing or music what but it really is one of the most leaden action sequences in the series if you ask me.

  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,070MI6 Agent

    Dr No

    1 - build a proper fishtank filled with real fish (for some reason this is the detail which has most bugged me in recent years)

    2 - give us the giant squid and the migrating landcrabs

    3 - edit out "fetch my shoes"

    4 - bonus - have Honey's knowledge of local ecology help Bond, as was done in the book

    that unconvincing fishtank, blown up from a little tank with its scaled up guppies and angelfish looking as big as Bond, is only exasperated when Dr No brags "one million dollars". wasnt that the budget for the whole movie? so whatd the fishtank effect cost? five dollars at the pet shop plus a bit of trickery in the editing room?

  • The Red KindThe Red Kind EnglandPosts: 3,332MI6 Agent

    Agree. Jean Reno would have been a good shout for the role of Renard.

    I think Carlyle got the role partly based on his chilling performance as Albie in the UK TV Series 'Cracker'. In the same vein, Sean Bean's performance in Patriot Games, Javier Bardem's in No Country for Old Men and Christoph Waltz' in Inglorious Basterds all played a significant part in them being sought out for Bond. All brilliantly terrifying in their roles in those aforementioned films but less so when transposing into a Bond villain.

    "Any of the opposition around..?"
  • HarryCanyonHarryCanyon Posts: 328MI6 Agent

    I kept waiting for Carlyle to go into TRAINSPOTTING mode.

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,450MI6 Agent
    edited May 1

    For Your Eyes Only

    1) Blofeld's cat should have been dealt with in the pre-credits - maybe have it hanging onto Blofled, distraught and scratching his tunic before being dropped down the chimney. As it is, it turns up again in Never Say Never Again with another Blofeld, totally different - no one ever figures it's the cat that's the villain, it always looks the same.

    2) Failing that, Bibi wailing with misery as she opens her wardrobe and finds Blofeld's cat has ripped her clothing to shreds.

    3) Ending with Russian bomb destroying Maggie in No 10, setting the scene for the next movie.

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,233MI6 Agent
    edited June 4

    I'm changing number 3:

    3) Bond is still in the Blayden safe house when Necros and a second henchman attack. Bond has to chose between protecting M or Koskov, and he choses M. The fight in the kitchen is between Bond and the second henchman while Necros escapes with Koskov.

  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,070MI6 Agent

    napoleon said:

     no one ever figures it's the cat that's the villain, it always looks the same.


    this is a good explanation that clears up a few plotholes and contradictions

    the Evil Cat employs various actor/minions to play the part of Blofeld and not even the other SPECTRE agents ever guess who is really in charge. Not only does this theory explain why Blofeld keeps changing his face, but also why Blofeld fails to recognise Bond in OHMSS: Tiddles was probably trying to tell SavalasBlofeld ("mrowrr!! for the twentieth time, thats James Bond! kill Bond now! mrowrr!!") , but SavalasBlofeld wasnt very good at understanding the subtleties of cat language and because of that one weakness screwed up the whole operation

  • GiveMeMooreBondGiveMeMooreBond Posts: 16MI6 Agent

    Can't believe no one has mentioned the slide whistle yet for the corkscrew jump. One of the best stunts in Bond history ruined by a goofy whistle. I'm against editing movies, but really wish the stupid slide whistle would be removed in future releases of the movie.

  • HarryCanyonHarryCanyon Posts: 328MI6 Agent


    1. Ensure the screenwriters have seen AUSTIN POWERS IN GOLDMEMBER first to get rid of that whole brothers thing.
    2. Recast Lea Seydoux with someone else. She's a fine actress but sometimes actors simply have zero chemistry. She and Daniel had zero chemistry and their relationship doesn't feel legit.
    3. Redo the car chase and make it exciting instead of a leisurely, comedic romp.
    4. Give David Bautista more to do. The best scenes in the film (apart from the car chase) involve him. Even better, bring him back for NTTD. He was given a vague enough 'death' that this could have been done.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,886MI6 Agent
  • CoolHandBondCoolHandBond Mactan IslandPosts: 7,049MI6 Agent

    Pussy is interested in Bond from the first time they meet - they’re flirting constantly from then onwards, she’s playing the “hard-to-get” game. Look at the sparkle in her eyes and her seductive smile.

    Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,886MI6 Agent

    I don’t really get that, certainly I think pushing him off with all her strength goes a bit beyond that. His films suggest Hamilton had some odd ideas.

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,662Chief of Staff
  • HarryCanyonHarryCanyon Posts: 328MI6 Agent


    • Get rid of the invisible car. It's simply not a credible gadget. Almost all of Bond's prior gadgets had a 'that's feasible' patina to them that you could accept their usage without being taken out of the film. The invisible car lacks that feasibility.
    • Redo the second-half stuntwork and special effects to be practical rather than CGI as much as possible. They pushed the boundaries of what CGI could accomplish too far for that year, rendering a lot of shots laughably incomplete. Know your limitations. Today's CGI technology could probably pull off what they were attempting to do then.
    • Commit to a tone. The first half of the film is actually pretty great. The film only goes off the cliff when they hit Iceland and the tone shifts into 'ridiculous mode' almost immediately. There's no gradual escalation of the madness ala MOONRAKER where that tonal shift works.

    I don't really have an issue with Halle Berry. She doesn't elevate the film or sink it.

    The Madonna song isn't a favorite but it's the least of the film's problems.

  • GiveMeMooreBondGiveMeMooreBond Posts: 16MI6 Agent

    Die Another Day is actually a pretty good movie up until Bond gets to the ice palace. Then it just goes down hill from there. If Roger Moore thinks a Bond movie is too over the top, then you know its gone off the rails. The invisible car, CGI kite surfing scene, Moneypenny having virtual sex with 007, and Koreans using DNA modification to turn English, its too much even for a Bond movie. Looking back, its hard to believe a movie that starts off with a dark tone and has Bond being tortured morphs into laugh fest that makes Moonraker look like Skyfall.

  • HarryCanyonHarryCanyon Posts: 328MI6 Agent

    The first half of DAD is arguably the 'best' Brosnan film. It simply cannot be overstated just how badly the film goes off the rails once they go to Iceland.

  • CoolHandBondCoolHandBond Mactan IslandPosts: 7,049MI6 Agent


    Edit in at least one scene where Kissy’s name is mentioned.

    Spend some more money on the visual effects of the volcano blowing up.

    Telly Savalas as Blofeld.

    YOLT is a terrific romp, especially on the big screen, one of best in the series.

    Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,233MI6 Agent
    edited July 2


    (I'm treating Bond's death as given, since the writers were ordered to kill Bond)

    - Bond never meets his child, but perhaps he knows Madeleine is pregnant at the end.

    - Blofeld is the main villain and Bond strangles him at the on the island.

    - Nomi stays on the island like a real 00 would, and gets shot and killed there.

  • chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,554MI6 Agent

    I'd go with those @Number24 although if you make Blofeld the main villain you have to change an awful lot more too. For me, perhaps even more than OO7's unfortunate demise, not making Blofeld the baddie a la Fleming's YOLT was the biggest miscalculation in NTTD.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,233MI6 Agent

    You're right, a lot has to be changed for Blofeld to be the main villain. I imagine Madeleine brings a virus that she got from Primo into the prison. Blofeld has agreed to talk, but only to Madeleine and only during a fine dinner. The dinner happens in his cell, but Madeleine is wearing a beautiful dress, there is wine and music. The guards inside the cell are in full riot gear and a couple of them are acting as waiters. The poison doesn't kill Blofeld, but all the guards except one. He has been told he has to help Blofeld or his whole family will be killed. He escapes.

    In his birthday party in Cuba SPECTRE doesn't know Blofeld is free, but Valdo knows and switches the gass to kill only Safin and his people. Blofeld says over the speakers that he's free and now commands SPECTRE directly. His people also take control on Safin's island. I'm sure much more would have to be changed, but I think it could work.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,233MI6 Agent

    A change that requires many other challenges is of course questionable in this thread. I could argue the same goes for "change the last half" or even "change the director", but it's still a valid question.

  • LicencetochatLicencetochat Posts: 74MI6 Agent

    I agree on everything other than Thomas Newman. I love the soundtrack (only in this movie)

    specially the soundtrack on the helicopter fight wich also is somewhat the same in skyfall i belive. I listen to that soundtrack all the time when running. Especially when im running up a long uphill climb😅

  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,886MI6 Agent

    Yeah I think Newman is great. Really rich and lush. I much prefer to Arnold I'm afraid, even though I enjoy Arnold in places.

  • ManxmanManxman Posts: 125MI6 Agent

    Yes, they could possibly have done more with the cat in the films – perhaps a scene such as the following:

    (Bond is held prisoner in Blofeld's underground lair.)

    BLOFELD: Before I have Otto throw you into the pool with the stonefish and sea snakes, I have a little proposition for you, Mr Bond. I wish to invite you to join SPECTRE.

    BOND: Why would you require my services? We have been sworn enemies for years.

    BLOFELD: I am about to embark on my most dangerous endeavour and I require a man of your calibre to assist me.

    BOND: What are you planning to do?

    BLOFELD: I need to give the cat a pill.

    (Close-up of Bond's shocked face.)

    BOND: I'll take my chances in the pool. Thanks all the same. Otto, would you oblige?

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,662Chief of Staff

    😂😂😂 I'd love you to repost that in the Imaginary Conversations thread, it's hilarious.

  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,233MI6 Agent

    Tomorrow Never Dies

    • Cast Angelina Jolie or Monica Bellucci as Paris Carver
    • Trained dolphins carrying magnetic mines instead of the sea drill.
    • Instead of having a laughing 007 playing with his remote controlled car right after Paris is found dead: Set the scene in Helsinki or St Petersburg and have a street chase on snowmobiles.

  • IcePakIcePak Perth, Western AustraliaPosts: 177MI6 Agent


    1. Don't reveal S.P.E.C.T.R.E.'s plan until much later in the film so the story has more tension.

    2. Cut the length of the underwater battles near the climax.

    3. Either cut superfluous characters, like Paula, or given them the screen time they deserve so, in this example, we feel the loss of her death. I'd also like more time with Domino so we understand her motivations more.


    1. Pay Connery what he deserves so he bothers to give a performance.

    2. Keep Aki for the length of the film and get rid of Kissy, who serves little to no purpose.


    1. Rewrite the script so it becomes a revenge thriller.

    2. Pay Lazenby whatever he wants to return to give the series some consistency.

    3. Get rid of Charles Gray and bring back Telly Salavas as Blofeld.


    1. Delay production for a year and give the film a full budget so it doesn't feel so cheap.

    2. Make Bond likable.

    3. Jettison the silliness in the middle of the film and make it more serious like Acts I & III.


    1. Use actresses closer to Moore's age to play the Bond girls.

    2. Give the film a full budget so it doesn't feel so cheap.


    1. Hire a better director who can make this schizophrenic film a cohesive whole.


    1. Rewrite the second half of the film.

    2. Cast someone likable to play Jinx.

    3. Use practical effects for the stunts.


    1. Delay film production until they have a completed script. After this, there should hopefully be no need for other fixes.


    1. Give some oomph and add some tension to the subdued action sequences.

    2. Either do a better job making the Brofeld subplot work or remove it entirely.

    3. Play up the C subplot more.


    1. Give Bond an emotionally-impactful reason for giving up at the end. Or at least have him try to escape to keep in character rather than just giving up.

    2. Make Safin more menacing and an actual threat to Bond and the world.

    3. Play up the threat S.P.E.C.T.R.E. poses.

    1. CR 2. OHMSS 3. GE 4. TLD 5. OP 6. FRwL 7. FYEO
    8. TSWLM 9. TND 10. LtK 11. SF 12. TMwtGG 13. AVtaK 14. NTtD
    15. GF 16. MR 17. LaLD 18. YOLT 19. DN 20. SP 21. TWiNE
    22. TB 23. DAD 24. QoS 25. DaF
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,570Chief of Staff


    1. Give Bond an emotionally-impactful reason for giving up at the end.

    Bond sacrifices himself for Madeleine and his daughter….how much more emotionally-impactful can you get? 😳

    YNWA 97
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