Best Battle scene?

Is The Thunderball Underwater Fight Best


Is The Moonraker Space fight Best?

Even though MR is My fav. Movie I like the Thunderball fight best!


  • ABurgessABurgess Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    My fav. is the attack on the Piz Gloria in OHMSS.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    I like the Piz Gloria attack myself. . .for one thing, it's one of the more brutal and realistic of the battle scenes--I actually cringe at the scene where the flamethrower is used. I also feel that the ninja attack in YOLT and the assault on the control room in the Liparus (TSWLM) are both well-staged and exciting sequences. I can't rank the Moonraker space station fight as one of the better ones, Max. . .in my opinion, it's utterly outlandish and it just looks silly--those lasers could have come right out of a Space Invaders game!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    I like the ones in OHMSS and Thunderball best.They both look believable and are very well staged.Neither one is an action sequence just for the sake of an action sequence(unlike in some of the more recent Bonds),but is instead the logical result of the story itself.
  • JACKIEJACKIE Posts: 13MI6 Agent
    I think i probably enjoy the climax to Goldeneye the most. It isn't too OTT, but also it isn't dull. It's exciting without any "silly" action, and it has a gritty "real' feel to it as well as my favourite Bond hand-to-hand fight scene. :007)
  • DortmunderDortmunder Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    My favourite is also the attack on Piz Gloria. There were no aspects of that battle, IMO, that were not believable. The views out of the Alpine Room and from the deck surrounding it were awesome. It really captured the true beauty of the Jungfrau region in the Alps. It offers one of the lines that makes me laugh everytime I watch the movie (Bond in Bray's voice: Guns make me nervous!). That was actually filmed at Piz Gloria, rather than in a set at Pinewood, so it just makes everything seem more real. A great battle in one of the most beautiful regions of the Alps.
  • Red GrantRed Grant Posts: 147MI6 Agent
    I really liked the GoldenEye climax, but turht be told I prefer the train battle between Bond and Grant in From Russia With Love. It was quite intense, and one of the few tiimes I thought Bond could be overcome.
  • Kerim BeyKerim Bey Posts: 52MI6 Agent
    I too feel that the assault on Piz Gloria is the best, but I also really enjoy the fight outside the Karate school in TMWTGG for its silliness.
  • Kara MilovyKara Milovy Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    hmm....large scale fight, or hand-to-hand?

    My favorite large scale battle is the raid on the Afghan airbase is TLD.

    My favorite hand-to-hand is the inimitable fight on the Orient Express against Red Grant in FRWL.
  • MBE_MBE_ USAPosts: 266MI6 Agent
    I really have to say that the large scale attacks on the whole do zip for me, they go on too long and are just basically faceless goodguys fighting faceless bad guys. Yawn. But the Piz Gloria is the best and Ninjas fighting in a volcano in YOLT at least makes that one visually interesting.

    Hand to hand which I much prefer and have many more favorites of: Bond/Alec:GE and Bond/Grant: FRWL, head and shoulders above the rest.

  • Parli32Parli32 Posts: 28MI6 Agent
    Definitely Bond & Trevelyan in GE. Very physical, very fast paced, and quite believeable.
    Bond & Grant in FRWL is right up there too.
  • JACKIEJACKIE Posts: 13MI6 Agent
    I completely agree Parli. I really like the Bond/Trevelyan fight, it is just very sold well coreographed (of course not a patch on Jackie's work :) ).
  • maxzorinmaxzorin Posts: 9MI6 Agent
    I agree with most of you. but those two Karate fights with Roger Moore on TMWTGG where cool! Him just having One on One with those two Karate Guys where well staged! and Kicking that guy in the face when he was bowing was pure genius!
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    Put me down for the attack on Piz Gloria as well. It has action, tension and brutality plus the great bob-sled chase as well.
    YNWA 97
  • Sprog731Sprog731 Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    Thunderball rocks and nothing should ever be taken away from that, but there's this one momnet in twine, kinda in a fight scene, but in the opening credits when bond shoots someone in the banker's office, pierce looks like he really means it, and i thought that was such a defining momnet, bringing some meaning back to the bond 'battles'-he means it now, not like the joke that was roger moore!
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    Battle? IMO, I think it's the hand to hand underwater one in TB. The speargun's discharged at human beings is so much against everything you are taught. And then you got the live sharks...that would be very painstaking to film. That scene is fantastic eye candy and my favorite of the grand scale battles.
  • Red GrantRed Grant Posts: 147MI6 Agent
    it's a great scene no doubt Alex, but I think it would be much better if there were not a million underwater scens before. I think it was spoiled.
  • PredatorPredator Posts: 790Chief of Staff
    Piz Gloria and the Liparus for me, but in terms of hand-to-hand, one-on-one fights the Bond/Grant and Bond/Trevelyan fights are top notch (I love the latter for its almost graceful choregraphing - everything seems to fit and it is almost a dance - pretty brutal too, you really get the feeling they are hurting one another and that is exactly what a fight scene should portray).
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    edited August 2002
    Quoting Red Grant:
    it's a great scene no doubt Alex, but I think it would be much better if there were not a million underwater scens before. I think it was spoiled.

    If you wanna watch Thunderball, ya gotta get wet!!
  • Bond_James_BondBond_James_Bond +++ Classified +++Posts: 569MI6 Agent
    The end fight in Goldenexe between Alec and Bond is fantastic!! Very Realistic.
    The name's Bond_James_Bond
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited August 2002
    Quoting Red Grant:
    it's a great scene no doubt Alex, but I think it would be much better if there were not a million underwater scens before. I think it was spoiled.

    I understand what you're saying Red but I also think we've been spoiled by what we can see on movie screens nowadays.

    In 1965 nothing as elaborate as Thunderball's climactic undersea battle between the SPECTRE divers and the CIA divers had _ever_ been filmed before.It's a sequence that's still unmatched today(if the film was remade a 3rd time,most of the fight would probably be computer animated).Fully half of Thunderball was shot underwater and that was a first for any ocean-based movie.So I place Thunderball's battle sequence at the top of my list--closely followed by the Piz Gloria siege in OHMSS.
  • JACKIEJACKIE Posts: 13MI6 Agent
    I especially like the "little" things in the Bond/Travelyan fight. Things like the way there isn't any background music, which i know must have been a real struggle for the sound guys to NOT put any music in! LOL. But (Sorry Hardy) it works better without. Also I like the part where Bond throws a chain across the room and it misses Trevelyan, just a small detail, but something that makes up a better bigger picture, and something that a lesser movie would have left out.
  • raftermanrafterman Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    Piz Gloria baby...all the way...especially when Bond slides on his belly while firing the machine gun....awesome....
  • Red GrantRed Grant Posts: 147MI6 Agent
    Well you guys have great points, the old ones really have an edge with many of the battle scenes. They are not to much and really define what a battle scene is supposed to be. Piz Gloria rocked, but nothing beats the train fight in FRWL!!!
  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 42MI6 Agent
    The battle scene I love most of all is the one in The Spy Who Loved Me between Stromberg's men and the 3 submarine crews. This could almost have come from a warfilm.

    What I think is especially unique about the ending of TSWLM, Bond and his allies have escaped and the world has been saved from nuclear obliteration and the film could have easily come to a natural conclusion there. With all these dramatic events going on, it is easy for the audience to momentarily forget that Bond still has to rescue Anya from Atlantis and deal with Stromberg and Jaws.

    In a Spielberg like twist in the tail, the movie goes on for another 15 minutes where Bond travels to Atlantis for the grand finale. It is perhaps this final little twist that makes TSWLM my favourite Bond movie as the script could so easily have seen Bond fight Stromberg and Jaws etc while still aboard the Liparus.
  • Prince Kamal KhanPrince Kamal Khan Posts: 277MI6 Agent
    Best battle scenes?

    I broke them down into 2 categories

    1)Best big scale battles, i.e. an army of good guys vs. an army of bad guys:

    Top 3:

    All the ones directed by Lewis Gilbert-
    The ninja/Volcano battle in You Only Live Twice
    The Liparus battle in The Spy Who Loved Me
    The battle at Drax's space station in Moonraker

    Honorable mention:
    The underwater frogmen battle in Thunderball
    The attack on Piz Gloria in OHMSS.

    Weakest final big scale battle:
    The final battle at St. Cyril's atop the Meteora in For Your Eyes Only.

    Best 2 man battles:

    Bond/Red Grant in From Russia With Love
    Bond/Oddjob at Ft. Knox in Goldfinger
    Bond/Necros in the skies over Afghanistan in Living Daylights
    Bond/Scarmanga's gun duel in The Man with the Golden Gun
    (the last one more for suspense and ingenuity than "action")

    Weakest 2 man battle:

    Bond/Renard in the submarine at the end of The World Is Not Enough
  • 3rbrown3rbrown MI6 Top Secret - Scotland, GlaPosts: 100MI6 Agent
    edited April 2007
    From Russia With Love - Train Fight Bond vs Grant
    It is intence, fast, real and exiting. I love the ironic way Grand dies with bond stangling him with his own watch. It is epic

    Bond: Red wine with fish now that should have told me somthing.
    Grant: You might know the right wines and your the one on the knees how does it feel old man?
  • TobiasTobias Chelmsford UKPosts: 115MI6 Agent
    I think the battle at Piz Gloria is one of the best and the James Bond theme comes into it just right on cue and where Blofeld suprises bond when he is taking the photos of Blofelds angels of death the music starts of great there too.The Octopussy battle at Kamal's castle is good as well.
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    My Top 8:

    1. The Living Daylights
    2. The Spy Who Loved Me
    3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    4. Thunderball
    5. For Your Eyes Only
    6. You Only Live Twice
    7. Moonraker
    8. Octopussy

    We haven't had a full-scale battle sequence since TLD :(
  • TobiasTobias Chelmsford UKPosts: 115MI6 Agent
    I like the battle on board Carver's stealt boat it might be a little bit over the top but its got some good moment and TSWLM is a great battle too
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Forgot about that one, ended up like a Schwarzenegger movie though LOL
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