Best Henchmen?

Who is the best Villians Henchman? There are so many good ones! Oddjob, Nick Nack, Tee Hee? My personal favorite is of course JAWS! He could beat up anybody! and he isn't even dead!


  • Red GrantRed Grant Posts: 147MI6 Agent
    edited October 2002
    Renard.He was well devolped and really mentally abused by Electra. Xenia Onnatop would be a good choice too. Oh my, I just might let her crush me! lol. Zao looks like he is shaping up well, too.
  • Alex ZamudioAlex Zamudio Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Well it all depends, if Red Grant is considered a regular Bond Henchman, than handsdown, he is the most suave, dangerous and cool of them all. But I think most 007 Henchman are modeled after Oddjob, if this is the
    case, then Jaws wins the crown! he is the only Henchman who returns for an encore and survives James Bond, he is misterious and cool, O.k., O.k., the Dolly thing wasn´t so cool, but I belive he is more popular than Oddjob, what do think, is he?
  • DortmunderDortmunder Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    My favourite henchman is Jaws. I like it because the it was just an intrguing role. With the metal teeth, and the size and strength, he just looked like one of those people that have to be a henchman. Very intimidating. The security guy at the airport in MR figured that one out!

    My favourite henchwoman is Xenia Onatopp. She was gorgeous and had an interesting way of killing people. :p PLus she was played by the great Famke Jansen.
  • Ryder on the StormRyder on the Storm Posts: 14MI6 Agent
    Jaws, without a doubt.
  • Nick NackNick Nack Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    Don't forget the little people! Actually, Jaws went from a serious threat to too much comic relief for my taste. I'd have to pick Oddjob.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    As far as I'm concerned, Oddjob is still the best. While Tee Hee and Jaws were both pretty good, they're still just variations on the frightening yet loveable Oddjob.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,447Chief of Staff
    Donovan "Red" Grant is my favourite henchman.He is portrayed as a real human being not a cartoon character like Jaws.
    YNWA 97
  • cbs007cbs007 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    I'll Have To Say Tee Hee Is My Favorite, But I Also Liked May Day,Stamper,Oddjob,Jaws.
  • cbs007cbs007 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    I'll Have To Say Tee Hee Is My Favorite, But I Also Liked May Day,Stamper,Oddjob,Jaws.
  • crownthornecrownthorne Posts: 9MI6 Agent
    I think Jaws was way too comical and took away any edge of every scene he was in.

    Red Grant or General Ouromov are the best two.

    Brad Whittaker and Jaws are the worst.

    In my humble opinion anyway.
  • largo_7largo_7 PalmyraPosts: 24MI6 Agent
    I think of Oddjob right away when I think of Bond henchman, but I think of Red Grant when I hear just henchman. Jaws was a nice addition in TSWLM.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    I have a few.
    Oddjob, c'mon to hat.
    Stamper, the thrill of torture and killing.
    Zao, just a cool name and a cool look.
    I this one I might be getting messed up but Baron Samadei, I just love that laugh. Was he a henchman? Or what could you call him?
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    Quoting Red Grant:

    I didn't see Renard as a Henchman, The Bull seemed to be a bigger henchman roley figure in this movie and that is why I think this is my favourite Brosnan, because there is more than one master villain, however, I think the best henchman is Oddjobb or Mr Wint and Mr Kidd
  • The BaronThe Baron Posts: 66MI6 Agent
    I'd take Oddjob over Jaws. But Red Grant over anyone.
  • Tee HeeTee Hee CBT Headquarters: Chicago, ILPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    My favorites are Red Grant, Fiona Volpe, Tee Hee, Stamper, and Renard. They were absolutely evil villains and great opponents for Bond.
    "My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised..."

    -Roger Moore
  • the witchdoctorthe witchdoctor Posts: 24MI6 Agent
    Jaws owns everyone.Except anyone cooler than him!
    Nick Nack and Oddjob are also brilliant.
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    Quoting The Baron:
    I'd take Oddjob over Jaws. But Red Grant over anyone.

    Not even Baron Samedi? Baron?
  • SPECTRENumber1SPECTRENumber1 L.O.Posts: 75MI6 Agent
    I would say either Red Grant or Oddjob. Both of them are classic. Red Grant was merciless, cold, and cruel. Oddjob had strength and set up the prototypical henchman.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    Quoting wormlover:
    Quoting wormlover:
    Quoting The Baron:
    I'd take Oddjob over Jaws. But Red Grant over anyone.

    Not even Baron Samedi? Baron?

    Baron is awesome! Is he considered a henchman?
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • the witchdoctorthe witchdoctor Posts: 24MI6 Agent
    Oh, yeah! I forgot about baron samedi!He is way badass!
  • SPECTRENumber1SPECTRENumber1 L.O.Posts: 75MI6 Agent
    I too forgot about Baron Samedi, possibly the scariest henchman in the Bond series. I actually gasped at the ending of Live and Let Die when it showed Baron Samedi on front of the train, laughing.
  • Moonraker 10Moonraker 10 Posts: 16MI6 Agent
    Connery Henchman: Red Grant (Although I consider him THE villain in FRWL)
    Moore Henchman: Jaws
    Dalton: Nicos
    Brosnan: Ourumov
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    I would've said Jaws hands down. And then I saw Moonraker...

    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • ohmss1969ohmss1969 EuropePosts: 141MI6 Agent
    How sad that Loque is hardly mentioned about memorable henchmen , a cruel and tough as nails villain even though he doesn't speak.

    I'd say he's one of the best things about FYEO :)
  • Hells AngelHells Angel Posts: 36MI6 Agent
    I would have said Jaws if he was only in TSWLM but I just don't like the comical way he was played in Moonraker that much, so I' d have to go for Dario. He's definitly got a creepy feeling about him!
  • Hells AngelHells Angel Posts: 36MI6 Agent
    edited August 2005
    In LTK, Sanchez's henchman. y'know the guy that says "hooneymooooon!"
  • Moonraker 10Moonraker 10 Posts: 16MI6 Agent
    He's Benicio Del Toro. Strangely enough, most of the films he's in these days are drug movies as well: "Traffic" and "21 Grams" being the most famous.
  • Hells AngelHells Angel Posts: 36MI6 Agent
    yeah true, but in 'Excess Baggage' he plays a complete goofball!
  • Hells AngelHells Angel Posts: 36MI6 Agent
    Thanks, we hope to be recording some music soon anyway so people can actually hear us play!
  • C_VarrickC_Varrick Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    Cast my vote from Grant (Robert Shaw) in FRWL.
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