Possible Bond 22 Titles



  • cabuttocabutto Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    How about this 1 ' to kill or not to kill , that is the option '
  • PoonrakerPoonraker Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    Quoting Red Grant:
    Forever is Just the Beginnig

    But lets enjoy DAD first, eh?


    That is such a Bond title its not even funny. I like it.
  • the headlightthe headlight Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    Let's just leave the titles to the film makers, no offence but the majority of these titles are awful and very cheesy.
  • enliahenliah Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    the new bond movie will be named: 'a shower of death' and it will feature kylie minouge as the new bondgirl. I'm sorry, now you've got nothing to dream about anymore...
  • royalmileroyalmile Station CPosts: 115MI6 Agent
    How refreshing it would be to see a movie without "Kill" or "Die" in the title. There have been a few too many in recent years.
  • FrankieFrankie Posts: 11MI6 Agent
    Quoting Major_Bootheroyd:
    The new ones not even out yet
    so lets get cracking on possible titles for the next one

    My dad came up with this, I don't like it but I'll post it anyway:

    "Death is not an option"

    so what ideas do any of you have???

    It would sound better like this:

  • J-B-007J-B-007 Posts: 17MI6 Agent
    I don't like that kind od speculations. Although I think that title of the next movie is already known, only it's kept in secret. ;)
  • enliahenliah Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    no, it isn't a secret anymore. believe me, it's called 'shower of death'. they've already announced that.
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    edited August 2004
    Quoting the headlight:
    Let's just leave the titles to the film makers, no offence but the majority of these titles are awful and very cheesy.

    Isn't it funny that when anyone says 'no offence' you know fine well they are about to say something pretty offensive.
    Quoting bladerunner_ozd:
    The title should come after the story has been written. If you make up the usual corny title and try and fit a story to it the story will be crap.

    If you write a good Bond story with interesting characters and strange character names (but not rubbish like Mr Kill...) A title will come easily, either based on the main villains name ie Goldfinger/Dr No or their profession or something inetesting in the story.

    I entirely agree with this. As long as the title is not completely generic (aka Tomorrow Never Dies), has some relevance to the actual film, and does not contain some variation of 'Death/Kill' I'll be quite happy. It is interesting that you point out Mr Kil, perhaps the best example of coming up with a name (to be used for a pun) first and the actual character later (although surely they could have come up with a better name than that.) Dr Christmas Jones is another example, the worst part of an otherwise stellar film.

    As you say, the story should be written first and then the title should fit that.
  • royalmileroyalmile Station CPosts: 115MI6 Agent
    I entirely agree with this. As long as the title is not completely generic (aka Tomorrow Never Dies), has some relevance to the actual film...[/quote]

    I think "Tomorrow Never Dies" does have relevance, Tomorrow being the name of Carver's newspaper, but I agree that, despite this, it does SOUND like a cheesy, generic title.
  • StreetwizeStreetwize Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    edited August 2004
    I wrote a Bond screenplay draft 20+ years ago

    'For King and Country'

    Sounds very Bond-ish IMHO and was even said by Connery after bedding Fiona Volpe in 'Thunderball'

    What's tough to believe is noone thought to use it yet.

    Now that it's "published" here on AJB, I guess I'm entitled to royalties, huh....Don't worry, you all will get a cut for being witnesses! :D
  • Bond 3159Bond 3159 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    How about :-

    From Within
    Target Unknown
    Death to Spies

    OK they are crap, but I only had 2 mins to do this.
  • 007_nich007_nich Posts: 24MI6 Agent
    Quoting Major_Bootheroyd:

    My dad came up with this, I don't like it but I'll post it anyway:

    "Death is not an option"

    Sorry to disturb and uncover an old thread, but I was reading through this and my dad came up with the exact same title a couple months back. Strange... Anyway, sorry mods.
  • 007_nich007_nich Posts: 24MI6 Agent
    Like I said, it is an old thread and the title was not yet announced when this was started.
  • wolflanderswolflanders Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    some good titles remain available:

    I have read about a screenplay where bond learnt about the true cause of her parent death.

    And from Fleming:
    DEATH LEAVES AN ECHO (previous title of FYEO novel)
    TREASURE HUNT IN EDEN (non bond fleming write)
    THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD (previous Goldfinger title)
    THE ROUGHT WITH THE SMOOTH (previous title of FYEO short story collection)
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,512Chief of Staff
    Quoting wolflanders:
    And from Fleming:
    DEATH LEAVES AN ECHO (previous title of FYEO novel)
    TREASURE HUNT IN EDEN (non bond fleming write)
    THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD (previous Goldfinger title)
    THE ROUGHT WITH THE SMOOTH (previous title of FYEO short story collection)

    Not to mention:
    THE UNDERTAKER'S WIND (LALD provisional title)
    THE BELLES OF HELL (OHMSS early title)
  • 007_nich007_nich Posts: 24MI6 Agent
    Quoting wolflanders:
    some good titles remain available:

    I have read about a screenplay where bond learnt about the true cause of her parent death.

    That's a good title for 22, but "his" is the word you are looking for, I believe. :))

  • bones1971bones1971 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    "The Final Countdown"

    "Permission to Die" (Comic Book Title)
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    OK, since this topic was brought back from the dead, I decided to change the title. "Bond 21" has a name, so meet "Possible Bond 22 Titles."

    And on that note. . .

    Risky Business: Tom Cruise movie.

    The Final Countdown: I can hear the electric keyboard now!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    The Final Countdown is the name of that Kirk Douglas movie, isn't it? The one where the modern-day battleship gets thrown back in time to WWII?
  • Nikolai_Diavolo 05Nikolai_Diavolo 05 Posts: 125MI6 Agent
    I was thinking "The Way Of Life," "Long Live The Queen," or something like "A Death A Day."
  • EverythingorNothingEverythingorNothing Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    Quoting taity:
    Everything or Nothing - great title and can't wait for them to use it.

    already used 4 a PS2 game! hence my name!
  • ScorupcoScorupco Posts: 86MI6 Agent
    I've always thought the game "Nobody lives forever" would make a good Bond title. :)
  • DominoDomino Posts: 31MI6 Agent
    I am reading Diamonds are Forever and I think the filmakers should make a movie with the Spangled Mob in it... you know like Serrafimo (the villian).
  • Rogue_AgentRogue_Agent Posts: 8MI6 Agent
    Here's some options for a Bond title:
    - "Operation Grandslam" (name of Goldfinger's scheme to break into Fort Knox)
    - "Today is Just a Memory" (I think it was one of the taglines from the TND teaser)
    - "Firestorm" (just a title I came up with on my own that I thinks sounds cool)
    - "The Things I Do For England" (I know I heard it before, but I don't remember where)
  • sampile2005sampile2005 Posts: 56MI6 Agent
    I think it should be Casino Royale and Bond 21 should b the property of a lady to end of the Brosnan role but i know it wont happen. then enter clive owen in casino royale (22) but if not then maybe Zero Minus Ten or Colonel Sun.
  • Double-oh nineDouble-oh nine USAPosts: 60MI6 Agent
    "Love Kills All"
    May not be relevant but I like it...a lot!
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