Why do you love Bond so much?

Rather than saying that the films and 007 character
'kicks ass', is 'cool' and meets hot women, get seriously or even humorously poetic or even insightful about why you love the Bond films and the mythic Bond persona so much, or what aspects of the films you find so addictive.

Or quote any comments made by others, that for you, answers the question.


  • Adrian_MalpraveAdrian_Malprave Posts: 30MI6 Agent
    I dont see hoe some people hate Bond. I think it is great. The film makers really put time into their work. Something that lasts about 10 seconds on screen probably takes 10 days to work on.
    A perfect example of the Thames Chase in London in TWINE.
    This lasted about 10 minutes on screen and took seven weeks I think they said. Even risk is put into Bond films like the car barrel roll over the creek in TMWTGG.

    Bond has the great action, hot women, nasty villains, great locations, cool gadgets, mad cars, storylines and much more.
  • AdamAdam Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Its a brilliant series of films! and one thing you missed out was the humour and there is some really funny qoutes in these films, and when u see a james bond film u leave the real world for a bit, there no stress etc just a funny action thriller with great gadgets and gizmos a mad storyline
    and its makes a great bond film!
  • Kara MilovyKara Milovy Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    Well, first it's the fantasy, that you could be in that world, that it could be that cool, that a man that perfect could come along, rescue me from the bad guys, sweep me off my feet, and order the best champagne. (Hey, it's my fantasy!)

    Bond films offer up fantasy in a safe sort of way. In the best films, the villains are scary, the locations exotic, the women magnificent, the adventures cutting-edge, the sex is sexy, but all of it has an air of perfection, of unreality. It is too perfect, too wonderful, and so it doesn't touch the messy side of real life. That's why time and age don't affect James Bond, while he's still 40something years old after 40 years. That's why the jokes about safe sex don't matter. It's all in its own bubble, a wonderful bubble we'd all like to visit.

    But I think the key in a Bond movie is imagery. Bond movies look a particular way. I think the most important person in the success of James Bond, beyond The Usual Suspects (Broccoli, Saltzman, Connery, Fleming) was Ken Adams. I think the visual effect of a Bond film is what really brings us into this amazing fantasy world that turns us upsidedown.
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    edited April 2009
    Escapism... pure escapism from the real world for a couple of hours hours (that is probably why I have such a soft spot for Moore ;%)

    I mean, edge-of-your-seat action, beautiful girls, exotic locations, fast cars, hi-tech gadgets etc etc... what's not to love?
  • JADE66JADE66 Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    We live in a world of difficult choices. Bond's choices are the most difficult of all. If I make a mistake in my work, I can backspace or take it to my boss and correct it. If Bond makes a mistake, people die. A lot of people. Bond truly matters. If I quit my job, just decide not to show up one day, it will inconvenience some people but I would certainly be replaceable. Bond isn't. If he quits, takes up chicken farming, then again, people die.
    Bond kills people but they are evil people. In the process, he saves many, many more lives than he takes. He saves innocent lives. And before someone asks me to define innocent, we all know what innocent means: Those people who are uninvolved in violent criminal activity which threatens the lives and security of others. Bond
    is protecting school children and working parents, teachers, doctors, etc. etc. etc. who all just want to live their lives. Bond hunts the Klebbs and the Blofelds and the Scaramangas of the world who threaten that. And never, ever will Bond take an innocent life.
    From an entertainment point of view, Bond is much more accessible than a super hero like Superman or Spiderman or Wolverine. These are great characters but they are remote. We can't know what it would feel like to fly or to have blades come out of our knuckles. But, especially with the Bond of Fleming's novels and the new Bond, Daniel Craig,the character's humanity really comes through and for me, that is what makes Bond so powerful.
    In short, Bond matters. Not just to a few people, but to the world.
    We all matter to our families and friends. Doctors matter to their patients etc.
    Bond matters to everyone, whether they know it or not. -{
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Churchill said, "We sleep in our beds at night, because rough men lurk in the shadows and risk their lives to protect us..."
    This is the element of Bond I like. He does his job to keep the world in check. Not save the day and banish evil forever - just keep it in check and stop the bad guys from winning this time.
    I did a bit of undercover stuff in the army and it was usually cold, wet, unglamorous and largely boring. When things went noisy it was scary as hell. But when you got the result you were after it was worth it. No elation, just rewarding to have been part of the machine and done your job. Bond is on his own and crams a career's worth of action and excitment into ten minutes screen time. We know it's rubbish - the situations he gets into, the way he gets out, but it's not real and it feels good to watch. We watch Bond wanting to emulate parts of him. No one would want to be exactly like him - not the Bond of both film and literature - it would make for too colder existence, but people can pick what they want and try to emulate that.
    I think part of the reason Daniel Craig has been a hit, is he isn't too unrealistic. I mean, I'm no Brosnan, but I'm a hell of a lot better looking than DC! He's rough around the edges, and so am I. I couldn't incapacitate a henchman using his own knife and tie, say something glib and not spill my martini while he hangs off the bar, but I could give one a bloody good hiding, take a few punches in the process and carry on. Each Bond actor brings something you like, or would like about yourself to the role. And that's the thing about Bond, he changes and so does the audience.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Bond lives in a world I know nothing about,Through the books and movies I get a glimpse.Excitment,adventure and great story telling from Fleming alot of which was transfered to the early films.I have grown up with the character(read my first Bond at 12)and watched my first Bond film the same year.
    I really don't know why I love Bond,all I know is the excitment of waiting for a new book or movie to come out is sometimes almost unbearable.But in Bond I see a kindred spirit not in his action/stunt ability or pulling power with women,rather his self reliance,loyalty, determination,and independance.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
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