Miserable sod Sean Connery



  • Sir_Miles_MesservySir_Miles_Messervy MI6 CLASSIFIEDPosts: 113MI6 Agent
    I'm not going to say you're not a true Bond fan...but if you can't see the MAGIC in seeing the 5 men to play Bond over the last 40 years in one place...you're simply deluded!

    How would it fuel Brosnan fans?? Of course Sean's not going to look 32 again when he's 72...and hell for his age is does look damn good.

    If he wanted to get away from the Bond image so bad why did he do Never Say Never Again in 1983?? Come on! I understand wanting to dodge fans attacking you from every direction, but if he can't suck it up for one night and go to a Bond premier, why should I respect him?

    Face it, as much as he made the Bond movies, they made him...and that's where a lot of the current Sean Connery fans were born...so yes, I say he, like every other star of popular culture does owe his fans a lot.

    Don't throw it on fans of the Brosnan era, trust me, I'm a big fan of Sean Connery's work...the main reason I like Brosnan better is that we know he loves the role of James Bond and hasn't become a corrupt SOB because of it.
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    Quoting Sir_Miles_Messervy:missy...where's the magic in a picture of all 5 bonds super-imposed onto an image?

    I'd love to see an actual picture of all 5 bonds next to each other posing or smiling or something.

    On Sat 28th Dec the BBC is broadcasting the BAFTA
    tribute to James Bond. It was recorded around the time of the
    DAD premiere. In my tv magazine there is a picture from the event. It shows, from left to right, Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, tv presenter Michael Parkinson, George Lazenby and Timothy Dalton. They are all standing, wearing black tuxedos, except Pierce. I am not sure what he is wearing because the picture is too damn small. It is only about 3cm wide. It will surely be on the net within the next couple of days, if if isn't already.
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited December 2002
    Some of these value judgments applied to Connery would be entertaining if they weren't so hostile.Personally,I don't think Sean Connery--or any other actor on the planet--owes anyone anything short of the best performance he can give.Period.
    It's great to have fans but fans shouldn't attempt to dictate to an actor how he should behave off camera.

    It would be wonderful if Sean Connery was as friendly with EON as Timothy Dalton Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan clearly are--but he isn't,and that's unfortunate.Connery's reasons are his own--some of them have to do with money and others apparently come down to a profound dislike and distrust for Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman--the founders of EON.

    However,for all we know--or rather,all we don't know--it's entirely possible that Sean Connery sent Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli his deepest regrets via email or telegram or by a personal phone call.The film Connery is currently starring in,The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,has fallen way behind schedule due largely to a massive flood which destroyed portions of Prague--where LOEG is being filmed.Connery may simply not have had the time to attend the Die Another Day premiere.Who knows?He may even have been ill...

    "Corrupt SOB" is pretty strong language.In another age--and I'm not trying to be judgmental here--a popular actor who fathered children out of wedlock--no matter how handsome and charming Pierce Brosnan might be,probably wouldn't be well-thought of by portions of the general movie-going public.

    Or an actor who's famous for playing heroes almost exclusively,but who'd been married multiple times probably wouldn't be considered much of a role model either--but we all like Roger Moore.

    It's all too easy to find fault with celebrities.Actors are human beings--they pretend for a living.They aren't perfect people.Ideally,their private lives shouldn't add to or subtract from our appreciation for their thespic skills.

    Of course it would be great to see all five James Bonds gathered together for a special moment,but it's an event that's unlikely to happen.And that's too bad--especially as ALL five of the actors who've played Bond have given excellent performances--it'd be a historic moment honoring 007's rich legacy--hell,I'd like to see Barry Nelson included in that lineup,too.After all,he was the 1st actor to play James Bond...

    We are however,fortunate to have all five 007s performances recorded on film for posterity.And in the final analysis that's probably enough.

  • MBE_MBE_ USAPosts: 266MI6 Agent
    Er.... OK, I wasn't going to get into this, but please, out of wedlock kids (how quaint a term) and multiple marriages don't compare to getting on Barbara Walters and telling the world that women need to be hit every now and then to keep them in line because sometimes they just get too uppity or won't shut up. OOOH what a man. Repugnant. And no it wasn't "just" an ex-wife saying it, it was Connery saying it, and then saying it again and expounding on it when an aghast Walter's tried to give him a chance to retrench and say he was just kidding or only meant it abstractly. But no, it's what he believes in and according to him what he practices. And if he didn't want anyone to judge it or discuss it then he should have kept his repellant ideas and practices to himself. To this day no matter how much I enjoy him on screen this has coloured how I view him not just as a man but as an actor.

    As for participating in Bond functions, as others have said, he doesn't owe the franchise anything. He gave them great performances and he made Bond as much as Bond made him. It would be nice to see him with the others but he has a life, obligations and interests outside of Bond.

  • Sean Connery is the best James Bond there ever was and will ever be. We do know that our favorite Bonds age but they all are forever young on celluloid. However, Connery stands head and shoulders above the rest and he will always cast a huge shadow over the character and the actor who protrays Bond for this simple reason. Like Coca-Cola once advertised...Its the REAL THING. Connery is the REAL THING and theres nothing like the ORIGINAL.
  • MBE_MBE_ USAPosts: 266MI6 Agent
    edited December 2002
    He's not my husband so why should I care? Hmmm, because it's repugnant? Because I'm a human being and it's natural to be revolted by morally repellant criminal behavior? That's why we have jails in this society isn't it?

    Assault and spousal abuse isn't some private lifestyle choice, or some personal flaw or weakness that everyone has. First you want to say it's just his whining ex-wife saying mean things (hmmm, I wonder does she have a right to be upset?), then it's jealous Pierce fans making things up (oh please, you can prefer one actor's performance to another and it has nothing to do with their private life. I happen to prefer Connery to Moore as Bond but think Moore is a lovely man), and now when you're told the man admits it himself it's all none of anyone's business to judge. He put it out there in public domain, he's proud of it and unapologetic about it. He invited comment and judgement by his actions and statements. The first Bond I ever saw was Connery on TV as a kid, loved his Bond, love much of his other work and I think he's a great actor. I just also think he's a rather lousy human being.

  • lawrencelawrence Posts: 6MI6 Agent
    Sean a wife beater ? Oh God ! I thought all these while he's a goody old man ...

    After reading all these postings, I am agreed that no matter how busy or sick he is, he still has to be present during the premiere of DAD as it is BOND that make him today. If not, he is still a coffin polisher or grave digger. Very ungrateful old sod. Even though he is still the best Bond, but his private life is a real piece of s**t.
  • Parli32Parli32 Posts: 28MI6 Agent
    I think a picture with all 5 would be a great collector's item, even though it probably will never happen. Each person can make up his own mind whether or not they want to be a part of any of this. It would be nice to see them all together, but for obvious reasons, it looks like it won't.

    Remember, this is a civil public forum. Personal attacks aren't tolerated here. Be mindful of other's opinions, as they are opinions, not fact. There is nothing wrong with supporting one's own opinion, but it is unfair to bash someone else because of their's.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited December 2002
    Quoting missy:
    hes not your husband so why would you care? no ones perfect, not even your holy saint Pierce "the GOD" Brosnan.

    Right now here in Scotland there's a massive advertising campaign to get women to speak up about domestic abuse (actually taken from the very successful campaign working in New York just now, I've seen the ads). It's terrifyingly more common than you'd think. I'm sure all these women, who lead terrified and miserable lives, many contemplating suicide, would take heart from your "He's not my husband, why should I care?" piece of advice...

    Personally, beat your wife/girlfriend/partner, get jailed. Just like you'd be jailed if you beat anyone else.
  • Iona Havelock RIPIona Havelock RIP Posts: 38MI6 Agent
    The BAFTA tribute to Bond is giving Connery respect. It's just a shame he never attends these functions.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Quoting missy:why should we care about his morals? is he a priest telling people how to live their lifes? no. hes an actor. his morals are (within reason) irrelevant. not only that, but NO ONE here knows sean connery and his real morals. if you think you know him based on interviews and some rumors you need to realize that you dont know him at all, nor have any busyness commenting on his private life because you dont know him well enough to be in a position to make a senseful judgement.

    I'd resolved to stay out of this one, since--to go along with what Missy says--I really don't know if Connery beats his wife or not. However, I don't think it's necessarily a matter of "none of your business." What people do with consenting adults is indeed their own business, and it's not our place to condemn or condone. For instance, Ian Fleming apparently enjoyed flogging his wife's rear and she enjoyed being flogged--so I don't think you can call Ian a wife-beater. However, someone who assaults another person is NOT committing a private act. Any time you harm another (non-consenting) person, you have stepped out of the private sphere and are open to criticism. As I said, I don't know if Connery truly beat his wife or not--but if he did, it shouldn't be hushed up.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    edited December 2002
    Quoting missy:

    Statistics say that women are the perpetrators in most cases
    of domestic violence.

    quit whining and give the man respect.

    What?? You are sadly mistaken missy. Where are you getting that crock of bull from? And you are talking respect??? Please. Attitudes like yours are not only dangerous to women, but completely void of respect or empathy for any human being in your blatant attempt to defend Connery, and purposely rile people up on this thread. I've had enough of it.
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    Let's not fight here,people.If we can't disagree agreeably then perhaps we shouldn't discuss this topic at all.No name calling,please.

    Back to the principal topic of this thread--the lack of a photo of all 5 James Bonds gathered together.It probably won't occur but there is an excellent painting by the late artist Bob Peak on display at http://artofjamesbond.com/...
    It features all of the movie Bonds--in their tuxedoes,guns in hand,standing side by side.It's worth a look.

  • thunderballdb5thunderballdb5 Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    I guess if you feel that way about Connery you must feel the same way about Sir Alec Guinness who played Obi Wan in the Star Wars series.
    He wants nothing to do with Star Wars for some reason and I can respect his decision just as I respect Connery and his decision to stay clear of the Bond "experiance".
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Ok WG...I'm biting my tongue for your sake.
  • Holly GoodheadHolly Goodhead Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    i have to stick my two cents in here. I agree it is a shame that Connery doesn't feel the love for the franchise that all of us do...but I too have been offended by some of his chauvanistic attittudes.

    Missy your comments really surprise me. Mo is correct, you are very misinformed. Men are NOT the largest percentage of victims of spousal abuse. While it does happen, is just as reprehensible, and often does go unreported, they are clearly the minority there. Where did Mo say she got this info from Vogue or Elle? She didn't. I have actually volunteered in a women's shelter and to hear these women's stories would change your perspective considerably.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Quoting thunderballdb5:I guess if you feel that way about Connery you must feel the same way about Sir Alec Guinness who played Obi Wan in the Star Wars series. He wants nothing to do with Star Wars for some reason and I can respect his decision just as I respect Connery and his decision to stay clear of the Bond "experiance".

    Err. . .I guess you mean that Guinness wanted nothing to do with the series? He is dead, ya know. That said, Connery hasn't ENTIRELY divorced himself from Bond. A few years ago he even made his entrance on the David Letterman show via the Thunderball jet pack. Maybe like Scrooge with Christmas, Connery prefers to keep Bond his own way?
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • WizemanWizeman Posts: 2MI6 Agent

    Mayhaps it would be thoughtful to put a link to the research that you reference in your posts? I'm quite sure that if it is reliable research done by a university or research institute they would have made it available via the Internet. If not, then at least provide the primary researcher so that it can be verified.

  • KhanKhan Posts: 22MI6 Agent
    I have seen Connery in at least 20 movies, and I have never seen him smile or laugh even once. He is indeed a miserable sod. The premiere of the 20th James Bond film seemed to be a joyous occasion, so Connery's absence was probably for the best.
  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 42MI6 Agent
    I don't think it is fair to say that Connery never smiles in his movies. It is just that many of the parts he gets now and his mature age.

    Did anyone see Timothy Dalton at the Bond BAFTAs recently? Dalton as both Bond and many of his other roles comes over as the archetypal miserable sod. At the BAFTAs though, he seemed happy and jovial. Nothing like his on screen personsa. The same probably applies with Connery. The man is an actor. It is his job to laugh only when the director says "Laugh" and Cry when the director says cry. I can also think of many of his movies where Connery laughs on camera.
  • KhanKhan Posts: 22MI6 Agent
    I don't mean to get off the topic, but I always thought Dalton's humor in the Bond films was underrated. I remember several lines in both TLD and LTK that made me laugh out loud("Why didn't you learn the violin?" and "I hope you don't snore, Q," are two that leap to mind). I am not a fan of those two movies, but in terms of humor I found that Dalton was unfarily judged as scowlingly serious and humorless. I guess I could see it because his immediate predecessor, Moore, is argueably the best performer of sophisticated comedy there is. He was a tough act to follow in that regard.

    I also realize that by making negative comments about Connery I open myself up to negative comments, like an assumption that I haven't even watched the Connery Bond films...the truth is that I have seen Goldfinger and FRWL so many times that I know them practically by heart, and I have seen all the other ones at least a dozen times(even NSNA). And Robinson, you make a good point - the actor laughs or smiles because they are directed to do so. What I should have said is that Connery is indeed a miserable sod off camera, and therefore his absence from the DAD premiere probably made the occasion more enjoyable for the guests than it would have been if he were there. A grumpy old man can really ruin a good party. The point I was really trying to make was: who cares if Connery didn't show up? I'm sure all of the guests had a great time without him there. If his attitude is "I don't need to be a part of the Bond scene anymore" than to h*ll with him, everyone else's attitude should be Bond doesn't need to be a part of you, either! After all, in the last thirty years, the franchise has done fine without him. When he did his little rogue Bond film with Kevin McClory, the prick who took Ian Fleming to court, people overwhelmingly chose to see Roger Moore in Octopussy over him. So quite frankly, the Bond franchise needs Connery far less than they need him. Let him stay home if he wants.

    All that being said, I'd feel like a real sod myself if it turned out Connery had a sick relative or something like that and that's why he couldn't be there.

    Also I'd like to say that I have been throughly entertained reading all of your posts for this topic.
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Personally I feel that people are too hard on Connery. He's just a grumpy old man who wants to be left alone to retire gracefully. He's a bit of an ******** when it comes to Bond though. If it wasn't for Bond I doubt that any of us would ever have heard of Connery.

    I also heard that there was some bad-blood between Connery and the Broccoli's but I don't know much about that so I'll keep my gob shut :D
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Sweepy, Sweepy, Sweepy! I just adore your tact!

    Why reawaken this hithero thankfully dormant thread? Look at the post above you; it's seven years old! Craig wasn't even a twinkle in Babs Broccoli's eye!
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    This thread's older than my dog.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    I also heard that there was some bad-blood between Connery and the Broccoli's but I don't know much about that so I'll keep my gob shut :D

    As I understand it, Connery wanted to be put on a percentage of the Bond profits along with Broccoli & Saltzman rather than being a (very highly paid) hired hand. They refused, which may have been a poor short term decision (profits fell for OHMSS) but worked out well as we all know. It may have resulted in more Connery films, at least until OP given that he made NSNA at the same time, but there is an argument to be made that the series wouldn't have lasted so long without the continuous refreshment most clearly displayed by the changes in lead actor.

    Anyway, Connery has a long history of arguing with producers about money which isn't restricted to the Bond films and extends as far back as the fifties.
  • Alec 006Alec 006 Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 211MI6 Agent
    He doesn't do the Scottish stereotype any good does he?

    Suck it up Sean, you could always be a labourer on a building site.

    It makes it refreshing when you come across actors or celebrities that really acknowledge how fortunate their life has become and how grateful they are.
    Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
    Oscar Wilde
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    Alec 006 wrote:
    He doesn't do the Scottish stereotype any good does he?

    Well, he's not short and red-haired! :))
  • Alec 006Alec 006 Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 211MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    Alec 006 wrote:
    He doesn't do the Scottish stereotype any good does he?

    Well, he's not short and red-haired! :))

    Ouch. I am not going anywhere near that one. {[]
    Some redheaded girlfriends will beat me up if I do.

    I really like him in that film with Michael Caine where the tribes people thought he was a god.
    Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
    Oscar Wilde
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    "The Man Who Would Be King"- great film!
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    edited April 2009
    My main dislike of Connery is that, he thinks he is above / better than Bond .. and the truth is Bond made him who he is .. theres no way he would have the status he has, and the sucess he has had if it was not for Bond.... but on the othr hand he was the original Bond and he established the Bond character of the Cinematic world.... however you cant just say it was down to him many writers / producers / production designers... directors and special effects technicions and other actors account for the success also....

    But I agree.. he is a bit above himself I think... Lazenby seems a down to earth kinda guy .. I know he got a bit carried away at the time of being cast as Bond .. however I like him and his film was one of the best of the whole series.. it is a shame he didnt do more films .. he would have been the best ..

    Roger .. can do no worng in my eyes on and off screen .. hes a fab guy .. and a terrific personality .. the guy is a true Saint. and a fabulous Bond .. his only downfall was AVTAK .. too old .. OCTOPUSSY was amazing and should have been his last .. thats my only cirtasism of Moore... like the way he played Bond .. top stuff for the times..

    Timothy .. classy guy .. cool character .. and reinvented Bond in the Fleming tradition .. he understood the novels and knew what he wanted to do with the character... and did it .. tough more gritty Bond but still very cool.... and he never looked down on the Bond character or though he was better.. than it.. shame he didnt do more.. another great Bond...

    Pierce Brosnan.... the guy was great and loved playing James Bond .. brought it into the 90's and the millenium .. the guy was a fantastic suave Bond .. and he was genuinely upset when he was dropped as Bond .. I think it should have maybe been dealt with in a better way the way he was told... or informed.. but to be honest .. when you listen to the audio comentary for DAD i think he knew it was his last Bond.... as I say .. he was great ..

    Daniel Craig.. in my Mind is... just the top choice for Bond.. he was one of my favorite actors before Bond during and will be after the role.... hes whan Bond should be .. cool .. tough .. a killer.. got that .. look of a guy who can blend into the crowd .. a real assasin .. hes just got all the qualities for a Bond of this day and age.. he knew what he wanted to do with CASINO ROYALE.... and he did it .. reinvented the whole thing.. like no one else had done.. and I hope he stays for as many films as possibly without going down the Roger Moore AVTAK road... however it wouldnt be as Band with Craig.. being an older Bond .. as he more gritty and If AVTAK was more gritty it would have been ok for Roger .. it was the bad humor and stupid car chase etc that ruined the film.. some highlights thouggh .. but not one of the best ..
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