stolen DB5 whereabouts



  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    edited April 2009
    One thing that puzzles me also with regards to the stolen original DB5 is these parts that were suposedly from it.... I know these parts were fake replicas

    in the Cannonball Run i KNOW THAT THE ORIGINAL DB5 Prototype gadget car was used for light film work and when Roger moore and the girls are standing beside it and insert shots of the car ,....

    and for high speed car chasing and stunts a DB4 GT was used .. it was pretty rough looking and baddly sprayed... and lumpy .. and the air intake on the bonet was done very badly...

    so the last know bit of film work for teh original DB5 was indeed the Cannonball Run with Roger Moore.... and the poorly replicated gadget buttons and devices can bee seen .. on film...

    I did enjoy the cannonball run film and Roger Moore was a highlight.. funny stuff.... just a bit of fun .. Dont hold it against old ROGER.... and he did look very cool in the DB5 ... so at least we can all say every single Bond has drove and Aston ... WELL EVERYONE HAS DROVE A db5 ... APART FROM timothy dalton.. LAZENBY drove a DB5 with gadgets in the return of the man from uncle.... desparate times for old George..... Roger looked and was cool in the DB5. the return of the man from uncle.. was a waste of a petrol time money .. and film

    another thing that puzzles me .. is that I have a newpaper clipping showing / stating that the original gear stick top with the little red button sold at auction for £40,000 or something like that .. how did that come about .. was that from the actual original prototype DB5 or from one of the promotional cars etc ....

    I think a follow up book to Dave Worrall's first book is long over due... full of conspricies and speculation.. and opinions... and the continuation of the story....

    I am going to make a dedication mimorial to the original DB5 on my website soon... i am hopefully going to have access to an original DB5 at a local classic car garage close to where I live.. for photographing... etc
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    I love the way it handles, but 60's British engineering means it over heats a lot when I thrash it down country lanes. It was difficult to steal, and even harder to transport back to England, but well worth it. And now it's mine! ALL MINE! HAH! HAH! The revolving numberplates are useful and so are the oil-slikers and machine guns, but the chariot style shredders were irripairably damaged on some flousy's Mustang...
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    I love the way it handles, but 60's British engineering means it over heats a lot when I thrash it down country lanes. It was difficult to steal, and even harder to transport back to England, but well worth it. And now it's mine! ALL MINE! HAH! HAH! The revolving numberplates are useful and so are the oil-slikers and machine guns, but the chariot style shredders were irripairably damaged on some flousy's Mustang...

    damn...that confounds my theory that it was taken by alien collectors, kept alongside a lunar rover and the special version of the bmw x5 built for exploring mars...

    human technology at it's best....

    nanu nanu....

    on the knob (gearstick) i was told by aston martin veterans that it was taken off one of the show cars when aston stripped them on their return, and lived on the desk of an aston office worker (or two) for decades......

    i was staggered by the hammer price (plus commissions, taxes and harrods wrapping paper) but hey, imagine the fun u can have fondling it's cap, flipping it up to reveal the big reg press and you're freed from the incessant requests to slow down from the misses......
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    for fear of stawberry jam, and the lack of a sunroof, its best i don't install any 'little red button's. :o
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    any new thoughts on this ..

    Why hasnt the car been found ?

    why hasnt anyone spoke out or broke there silence ?

    why hasnt parts of the car been found or sold on ?

    why hasnt any scuba teams searched the the Forida coast line ?

    why has a car of this value just vaniashed..

    surely if it was an insurance job ,, the owner would have made more money selling it on at auction and keeping it as the ORIGINAL car, rather than settling for an insurance payout ?

    i think the whole thing would make for a fantastic conspiricy movie
  • j.bladesj.blades Currently? You must be joking?Posts: 530MI6 Agent
    wow interestingly enough i just watched the little 10 minute extra featurette of the DB5 on the goldfinger blu-ray. i would hate to be the guy that stole it never actualy getting to drive it or really in a sense own it, probably the second most beutiful car ever manufactured right under bonds own battle ship grey bentley with amherst viller supercharger. :007)
    "I take a ridiculous pleasure in what I eat and drink."

    ~ Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I love the way it handles, but 60's British engineering means it over heats a lot when I thrash it down country lanes. It was difficult to steal, and even harder to transport back to England, but well worth it. And now it's mine! ALL MINE! HAH! HAH! The revolving numberplates are useful and so are the oil-slikers and machine guns, but the chariot style shredders were irripairably damaged on some flousy's Mustang...

    Nonsense! I've got it! Problem is, my hooves can't reach the pedals.

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Wasted in your day job Nap... :))
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:
  • mrbondmrbond Posts: 296MI6 Agent
    I know the location of the car..My garage and no you can't have it back!
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,249MI6 Agent
    As much as pains me to write this, I too feel that that BMT 216A is just a pile of parts now. 10 years after the theft and not one sign of it. I am pretty sure that the persons responsible for stealing it had planed to cut it up, as it would near impossible to sell or put in a private collection. Unless the thieves switched the license plates and repainted the car after stealing it, to make it look like a regular DB5. I have seen quite a few pictures of DB5's in other colors thought the sliver color was defiantly the most poplar following Goldfinger's release.
  • Number 11Number 11 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Just prior to the actual theft, an attempt had been made to steal the car in another location. On the Monday night just prior to the theft, the storage container in which the Aston Martin DB5 had been stored at Delray Beach (for a prior promotion) had been broken into, but the car was already in Boca. That means that this was definitely a well-funded and planned event. Given that this was the second attempt within a week at two separate locations, we're talking about a specific plan to steal THIS car for a private interest. I agree with those who say the car is intact, but in a private collection. This is akin to the "Gone in 60 Seconds" operations. You pay enough money, you can get someone to steal the car. They'll own it until they die (and maybe thereafter the family will keep it). It is possible the vehicle shipped overseas, where it would be easy to hide in a private collection in, say, the Middle East or China.
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    edited March 2010
    Finally someone who truly sees the side of why it
    could still be intact,

    I have to admit I am 50 / 50 on the whole thing the part
    of me that thinks the car is still alive some where in the
    world is probably the part that just loves the original Bond
    car so much, and want it to still be out there,

    there is lots of reasons for and against it still existing,

    ok if it was dropped from a plane into the sea surely some
    bits of it would have surfaced by now or washed up on the
    shores, also there would have been an atempt to go down
    and see it out in the ocean if there was solid fact that it was
    out there in a general area, maybe if there is enough history
    and cult following for the search and the conspiricy it will be
    like the raising of the titanic at some point :))

    I honestly dont think it was dropped at sea, why would some
    one go to the trouble of getting it up into the air in a plane ok,
    after having a failed atempt to steal it the ( week before as
    number 11 stated ) were talking proffesional auto theft here
    not some young guys looking for something to joy ride,
    we need to remember what this car was and is the history
    of it what its worth, it was a spacific target car for what ever reason,

    now if you were wanting to steal a DB5 or vintage car for selling off
    the spear parts I could point you in the location of about 4 DB5's
    around my general location where i live that are not that well hidden
    or locked up etc, NOW THAT I WOULD NOT DO! but i am trying to make
    the point of it being less risk for the same spare parts so it was THE
    BOND car that was wanted and not A DB5 FOR BREAKING !

    NOW if you had the kind of money lying around that could pay Nicolas
    Cage and his crew from ''Gone in 60 SECONDS'' to steal wouldnt you be
    better just offering the owner of the car a lump sum of money for it and
    own it legaly ?

    if the car was still in pristine condition etc I would bet it was in
    some oil sheik's privite underground marble personal car collection,
    museum, under his gold plated palace. ok if you had the kind of
    money to pay a team of experts to steal the car for you surely
    paying off some coast guard authorities and border air contol
    people to look the other way, while the cargo plane was flying
    overhead carrying the Bond DB5, wouldnt be too difficult?

    its a debate that can and will go on until somthing of the car is found,

    Heres another theory of mines,

    What if the car, the ORIGINAL car had the chasis number renewed and
    replaced new documents etc / old doccuments taken from another DB5
    of the same era of manufacture, the plain other DB5 was then destroyed,
    and the ORIGINAL with new ID now registered as a standard road DB5 was
    then SUPOSEDLY converted to feature replica Bond gadgets etc and passed
    off as a replica although it was actualy the original ?

    that way it could be in the public eye and as long as it was on display as
    a replica no authorities would question it if it had the documentation etc
    of the BROKEN UP NEW ID DB5 etc with it that complied with it,

  • markomarko Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    hi peops believe this or not the db5 that was stolen is alive and well it is at a workshop under cover in the united kingdom i am not bulling you up its true seen it with my own eyes :s
  • markomarko Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    it is currently owned by a former james bond actor
    but i can not tell you who every bond has seen the car only one had it removed
  • pyratpyrat Posts: 260MI6 Agent
    edited September 2011
    Interesting comments, but the info I had on the Goldfinger cars was a bit different. This is from a post I did for another site when chassis: DB5/1486/R was put up for auction earlier this year...
    This car, chassis: DB5/1486/R (known as the road car), appeared in both Goldfinger and Thunderball, but was not the car outfitted with all the Q-Branch extras during filming. That car, known as the effects car was DP/216/1 (original holder of plate number BMT 216A). Note the DP in its chassis number indicates it was a actually a prototype DB5. DP/216/1 which is really the quintessential Bond car was stolen from a warehouse in Florida in the 1990s and never recovered.

    DB5/1486/R was used for filming driving scenes and only fitted out with the Q-Branch modifications after filming stopped for the show circuit. So it did appear in the films but is not as it appeared in the films.

    There are two other cars which were outfitted for publicity tours, DB5/2008/R and DB5/2017/R. They never appeared in film, but are accurate recreations of DP/216/1.


    I hadn't heard the storage facility was in fact a hanger. As to whether or not DP/216/1 was parted out or is in a collection somewhere, it is hard to believe who ever was behind the theft didn't know exactly what he, she or they had. Stolen cars in Miami can be put on a ship and out of the country with in a few hours so it is possible the car is in a covert collection in some other country and may still turn up some day.


    Thesecretagent's comment on handling reminded me of an article in, if memory serves, Motor Trend or Road and Track back in the 60s where they did a road test of one of the Bond Q equipped cars in which they stated that after a few laps around the track the car, with all the extra weight, was such a slug they went off and found a regular Aston Martin to test.
    Reflections in a double bourbon...
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    I'm enjoying every minute of driving it...

    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Good Lord, It's The good Lord. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    I'm enjoying every minute of driving it...


    Class TSA.....pure class.....
  • motoxer311motoxer311 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    OLD thread I know.. Is there a reward for the where abouts of this car?
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    And why would you want to know? :D

    BTW it would make a great injoke for a movie, Bond or not, where 007 or the hero gets to a sheik's underground lair, as described in a previous post, and there is the lost Aston in the background. As with the lost Duke of Marlborough painting in Dr No.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,249MI6 Agent
    After having read some of the other posts here, it does seem possible that either the owner of the car was in the theft to collect insurence money, or the thieves being paid by some rich collector based overseas loaded the DB5 onto a cargo jet or a container ship and had the car out of the United States, faster than you can say Goldfinger.

    As many news reports have shown, if you have enough money you can own just about anything. I even read that Nicholas Cage prior to his tax issues bought a T Rex skull in an auction. As for it failing to turn up anywhere, I again point to my theory of the parties responsible for the theft changing the apperence some how.
  • motoxer311motoxer311 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    And why would you want to know? :D

    BTW it would make a great injoke for a movie, Bond or not, where 007 or the hero gets to a sheik's underground lair, as described in a previous post, and there is the lost Aston in the background. As with the lost Duke of Marlborough painting in Dr No.

    I believe I have some good information as to where it's been.. Just looking to try and make some money..
  • CJ007GoldeneyeCJ007Goldeneye LondonPosts: 587MI6 Agent
    Yer its in my estate lol
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Yer its in my estate lol

    Volvo or mondeo? Christ it's surprising how much you can get in them things.
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
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