Which movie series slowly catching up to Bond ... ?

Just wonder any of you guys/girls noted any movie series slowly catching up with the number of sequels made.

For a start, I think the Friday The 13th Series is catching up fast. Less than a year they made Jason X (Friday the 13th Part 10), they are now completing the 11th sequel; namely Freddy Vs Jason - a combination of the Nightmare on Elm Street series. So, Jason is now numbered 11, 9 sequels behind Bond. Bond has to be extra careful and look out for Jason slashing the records for the most sequels ....


  • asioasio Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 546MI6 Agent
    Yes, but the difference between 007 & Jason is that the 007 franchise is actually making a profit. :))
    Drawn Out Dad.
    Independent, one-shot comic books from the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Karl StrombergKarl Stromberg Posts: 12MI6 Agent
    There aren't any that are THAT close to the Bond series still produced at the moment that I can think of, but from memory I think both the Sherlock Holmes and Charlie Chan films of the 1930s and 1940s were each greater in number than Bond. But that was in the age where 1 or 2 films were made a year.
  • J-B-007J-B-007 Posts: 17MI6 Agent
    Well, I think that series about James Bond, are wide known and that will be for some time in the future. The James Bond stories are very attractive for a very wide spector of people who are watching this serie.

    And because of that, I think there is no serie of movies who can came even close to teh world of James Bond.
  • lawrencelawrence Posts: 6MI6 Agent
    Yeah. A modern Sherlock Holmes with Dr Watson sounds good. Something came into my mind about these long sequels. Star Trek is one of them. I had already lost count on the number of movie sequel the Star Trek Entreprise crews had made during the past ten years. A new journey begun at the end of each space journey.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    It's difficult to compare any film series to Bond. There were more Sherlock Holmes and Tarzan films, but there were different studios involved and many of them--such as the Basil Rathbone Holmes films--were fairly cheap B-movies. (This isn't an insult, by the way--they were designed to be fillers and not main features.) The Friday the 13th series is just a series of shlocky slasher flicks, with none of the Bond series' high standards and sense of quality. I have to admit, the Star Trek series comes to my mind as well--ten films in 23 years--but, remember, six of the movies feature the original Enterprise crew and four of them feature the new group and are set 80 years later. I'd say that in terms of quality, profits, and continuity, Bond remains untouched.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • J-B-007J-B-007 Posts: 17MI6 Agent
    James Bond - Sherlock Holmes and Q - Dr. Watson.... come on, give me a break. :) ;)
  • TobiasTobias Chelmsford UKPosts: 115MI6 Agent
    The carry ons have got ahead 32 films in all but they started in 1958 they used to make about 2 a year
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