
MI-6 AGENT 003MI-6 AGENT 003 Posts: 53MI6 Agent
edited January 2004 in Off Topic Chat


  • SiCoSiCo EnglandPosts: 1,371M
    Just a quick note theres no need to type completely in capitals.

    As for Alias it is excellent, although I have been missing the second series as they keep changing the times here.

    It is one of the best new shows in a long long time, obviously it doesn't beat Bond! It is probably how a 45 min Bond episode may be.
  • Steve Rush DI5 AgentSteve Rush DI5 Agent Oxfordshire, Great BritainPosts: 59MI6 Agent
    Agreed, SiCo.

    As well as this second series being very well written and more exciting than the first, Jennifer Garner is gorgeous!

    I have just the role for her... See my signature tag for details! :)
  • JamesbondmmJamesbondmm Posts: 294MI6 Agent
    edited January 2004
    Quoting Steve Rush DI5 Agent:
    Jennifer Garner is gorgeous!

    Well I've been saying that for years... :D :x

    Yeah I have missed most of the second series as well, as it was moved from a sensible time like 8pm on a monday on sky to something like midnight on some far out channel. Although I have bought series 1 and 2 on DVD..just finding the time to watch them!
  • tirpitztirpitz Posts: 339MI6 Agent
    I like the series, but I haven't been able to watch it as of late.
  • Kerim BeyKerim Bey Posts: 52MI6 Agent
    I bought and watched the first two seasons on DVD after starting to watch it in its regular run this season. Obviously, I have developed an obsession. :S

    I'm curious, how far along are you guys in the UK?
  • Agent00CRAgent00CR United StatesPosts: 33MI6 Agent
    I don't know if I've posted this somewhere in AJB already, but it's worth saying again anyway. I do know that I've said that I'm about as much of an Alias fan as a Bond fan.

    Back in the middle of the second season of the show, it seemed that the Alias producers were unsure of whether they should continue the series. As soon as devoted fans of the show caught wind of this, we signed a petition by the thousands to ensure that our beloved show would stay on the air for years to come.

    The following is my signature at I was number 336.

    Alias is the most impressive show I have ever watched. The plot is intriguingly complex and satisfying. The story is written so that I care about the characters. The events are not candy-coated; they are made to evoke emotion, such as the torture scenes. The cliff-hangers, scene placements, and timing are well-done. The story and show is intelligent; I do not want to miss any detail, quote, or bit of action. The actors, especially Jennifer Garner, deliver powerful, sharp performances. Notice that only now will I mention that Jennifer Garner is extremely attractive, which is only a bonus. The writers, actors, and crew are the ones who make the eye (and mind) candy. Alias is, because of all these reasons and more, the best show I have ever seen.

    Do you watch the show?
    Absolutely Yes. I've watched every episode, which I always tape so that I will not miss any of the plot details and so that I am able to watch each episode again

    I think that we were successful!

    When comparing Alias with the Bond series or Mission Impossible, the main thing to remember is that Bond and MI are mainly action/espionage thrillers that rely mostly on entertaining their audiences with onscreen action and some suspense. Some drama gives the two series added credibility and seriousness so that they're not all fun and games, but since they are primarily escapist series, they won't get too intimate or emotional.

    Alias, on the other hand, is a drama and an action series, about 65/35 respectively in my opinion compared to about 85/15 or so for Bond and MI each. It does get very gritty, intimate, and emotional, and you care so much about the characters and their lives that both the pain and pleasure of the show is even more intense. Alias, as a television series, ventures into the level of drama, character and plot intimacy, and insight that the Bond novels barely reach. It's not as escapist as the Bond or MI series; rather, they invite the audience to dive deeper into life and its troubles and triumphs. As a result, the conflicts and plots (and subplots!) of Alias can be stronger and be more meaningful simply because the increased depth of audience-show intimacy.

    This doesn't make any of the series better than the others; Alias is not an escapist series, but Bond and MI are. Your personal preference really will guide your "Which is better: Alias or Bond" argument.

    (Alias . . . I mean Bond . . . I mean . . . I don't know! Don't ask me!)
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    To revive an old topic-for American viewers, what did you think of the Alias season 4 premier?
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • one night standone night stand Posts: 127MI6 Agent
    I am kind of regretting that I didnt watch it when it started, because it seems interesting. I was gonna watch the premier, but I figured I would not understand any of it. what a shame
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    I actually started in the middle of season 2 (the first episode I saw was the two-part one with Irina Derevko, Jack, and Sydney in India) and have been hooked since. It's pretty easy to pick up on the storyline once you figure out who everybody is, though lately the missions have been relating more and more to what happened earlier in the series which would make watching them for the first time a bit puzzling.
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • Agent PhoenixAgent Phoenix Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    I am a long time fan of Alias. However, I thought the third season was absolutely horrible. There were possibly only three episodes that I thought were interesting. What were they thinking having Vaughn get married? But, as for the fourth season, The premier was ok I suppose. My hopes are that the season does get better though. Last night I watched "Nightenbgale". Which was the 14th episode in season four. And might I add the most recent. Are you still watching ALias?
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    I recently discovered that Roger Moore guest starred on Alias, season 1. Unfortunately I've never seen this show's first season and the beginning of the second season, so I've missed out. Which episode does he appear in, and what is his character like?
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • JamesbondmmJamesbondmm Posts: 294MI6 Agent
    I have to agree that the third season wasn't as good as some of the ones that came before. Alias thrives on its cliffhangers and while there were good eps, there was more excitement in S2. The finale to S2 was excellent, with me glued to the screen, awaiting in anticipation S3, although I thought the S3 finale lacked something.

    Just got to wait for S4 now to come out on DVD..
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    Quoting Jamesbondmm:
    I have to agree that the third season wasn't as good as some of the ones that came before. Alias thrives on its cliffhangers and while there were good eps, there was more excitement in S2. The finale to S2 was excellent, with me glued to the screen, awaiting in anticipation S3, although I thought the S3 finale lacked something.

    My favorite season so far probably is season 2, though season 4 does have its highlights (that, and I love all of the borrowed thematic elements from the Prisoner). As with season 3, there are still some tiresome angsty love-hate relationships going on, particularly with Sydney and Sloane, but I am quite glad that Lauren Reed is out of the picture. Thankfully Katya Derevko has been brought back, too :)
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    I've been on something of an Alias kick lately and have just started watching the first season (I started in the middle of the second). It suddenly struck me the other day that there are a lot of eerie connections between OHMSS and the finale for season 4.
    -The general premise of using biochemical agents to cause worldwide chaos in just the human race. Both in OHMSS and Alias, "small-scale" test runs have been made proving the effectiveness of the biochemical agents before being unleashed globally.
    -Elena Derevko and Irma Bunt: They are both maternal figures to a large group of girls (as seen in earlier episodes, Elena ran the all-girls orphanage where Nadia Santos spent her childhood) who turn out to be much deadlier than they first appear. Both are killers, although Elena ends up being shot and Irma gets away scot-free.
    -The involvement of family in carrying out a mission: Bond couldn't have destroyed Piz Gloria without the aid of Draco and his team. Here, we see the Bristow family (and Vaughn, who is to become a family member??) in action to take out the deadly red ball thingy.
    -The ending for s4: I predicted the outcome pretty quickly after all of the other OHMSS references. The bride-to-be has her hair much in the style of Tracy's on her wedding day. She is sitting in the passenger's seat looking at her fiancé facing the camera in virtually the same position as Tracy in OHMSS. Vaughn is at the wheel like Bond. The two are discussing their future in a similar manner to Bond and Tracy before Vaughn begins to reveal his big secret.

    So we're supposed to be surprised when the couple gets into a car accident?
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • MI-6 AGENT 003MI-6 AGENT 003 Posts: 53MI6 Agent
    Ok I finally started watching Alias. A friend of mine let me borrow the first season on dvd. Man, this show is alot better than I thought it was going to be. I'm a huge 24 fan as well and I can't tell you which one is better. I would recommend this show to anyone who likes Bond or spy types shows. I work about 5 minutes from where Jennifer Garner grew up so it's really cool to see someone local play that kind of role.

    I finished the whole first season in like a week. I just couldn't stop watching. At the end of each episode I just had to see what was going to happen. Just thought I would revive this thread! Can't wait to start watching season 2 when my friend lets me have it.
  • JamesbondmmJamesbondmm Posts: 294MI6 Agent
    Don't want to spoil it for you, but season two is great, especially when things take a twist. I would have to say that the series finale is edge-of-your-seat stuff leaving not just on a cliffhanger but a canyon-hanger!
  • MI-6 AGENT 003MI-6 AGENT 003 Posts: 53MI6 Agent
    Well I am half way finished with season 2 and I must say they have just had a big twist. I hear that the season finale cliffhanger is pretty good.
  • wet nelliewet nellie Posts: 16MI6 Agent
    Enjoy the early seasons - it's getting progressively duller. Now that it's cancelled after this season, they promise to finish with a bang, but I long for seasons 1 and 2!
  • MI-6 AGENT 003MI-6 AGENT 003 Posts: 53MI6 Agent
    Well I finished the 2nd season and am getting ready to start season 3! Season 2 ends very weird! I hope they explain alot in season 3!
  • MI-6 AGENT 003MI-6 AGENT 003 Posts: 53MI6 Agent
    Just finished up with Season 3. It was pretty good in my opinion, not that there weren't any problems with it though. The cliffhanger at the end of this one isn't quite as shocking as season 2's but it still leaves me wanting more. Won't be too long and I'll be caught up on the whole deal.
  • VampiressRNVampiressRN CaliforniaPosts: 203MI6 Agent
    Many of the folks that worked on the TV show La Femme Nikita (one of my favorites) ended up working on Alias, so I see a lot of similarity in the story lines, characters, sets, and gadgetry. I watched the show faithfully in the beginning, but then lost interest when they changed the showing days/times. I have the DVDs, so will have to do an Alias marathon some time. Jennifer Garner is very talented and really carries the show. It is worth watching, but you need to see it from the beginning to take full advantage of where the story is now as to when it first started.
  • ShakennotStirredShakennotStirred Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    edited February 2006
    Tracy wrote:
    I recently discovered that Roger Moore guest starred on Alias, season 1. Unfortunately I've never seen this show's first season and the beginning of the second season, so I've missed out. Which episode does he appear in, and what is his character like?

    Roger appears as Edward Poole head of SD-3 in a couple of episodes on Season find out he is in Khasinau's pocket...a plant in The Alliance...he manipulated Sloane into killing Jean Briault. Was nice to see Roger pop up in Alias....(was it SD-3??)
  • ShakennotStirredShakennotStirred Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    I own all 4 series of Alias so all began when I wanted to buy the '24' sets...but they were nearly 50 quid at the time....and I spotted Seasons 1 and 2 of Alias going for £20 each...which turned out to be a bargain!! Since then I have been hooked on the series, some great characters like Julian Sark,Irina Derevko, Sloane....and Marshall always makes me laugh!! And well what can I say Mr Affleck is one lucky git....Jen is extremely hot :x, as well as being a great Sydney!

    I await with baited breath the arrival of Series 5...will buy it as soon as it's available!
  • MI-6 AGENT 003MI-6 AGENT 003 Posts: 53MI6 Agent
    I own all 4 series of Alias so all began when I wanted to buy the '24' sets...but they were nearly 50 quid at the time....and I spotted Seasons 1 and 2 of Alias going for £20 each...which turned out to be a bargain!! Since then I have been hooked on the series, some great characters like Julian Sark,Irina Derevko, Sloane....and Marshall always makes me laugh!! And well what can I say Mr Affleck is one lucky git....Jen is extremely hot :x, as well as being a great Sydney!

    I await with baited breath the arrival of Series 5...will buy it as soon as it's available!
    I agree! I used to not be a big fan of Jen Garner, but after watching Alias, I'm a huge fan. She grew up in my town and went to school about a mile from where I work, but she is really a great actress and plays Sydney Bristow very well. I can't wait for season 5 either! I haven't watched any of the episodes though and I'm thinking of reading season 5's episode's transcripts to get caught up with the show, then start watching again in March when it comes back on the air. At least that's what I did with Lost and I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. Hopefully they will come out with a DVD set of all 5 Alias seasons so I can buy them all together!
  • ShakennotStirredShakennotStirred Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    Already checked out the transcripts for the episodes aired so far....interesting twist with the Vaughn thing! I just hope it becomes available in the UK pretty soon as I am getting withdrawal symptoms! Wasnt the season finale almost like Resident Evil Apocalypse?? One thing though...I want to see Sark back in Season 5, David Anders kicks ass! Yet he is even younger than I am, I'm sure he is only 23
  • MI-6 AGENT 003MI-6 AGENT 003 Posts: 53MI6 Agent
    Yeah I can't believe Sark didn't have a bigger role in season 4. I didn't care for the season 4 Zombie thing. I probably won't start reading Season 5 until it almost time for a new episode to air!
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Jennifer Garner is very talented and really carries the show. It is worth watching, but you need to see it from the beginning to take full advantage of where the story is now as to when it first started.

    I personally feel the show is carried by it's stong contingent of supporting players. Jack, Dixon, Will, were all the most fascinating to me. And I felt the whole bunch of them were overshadowed by Lena Olin's portrayal of the mother. Even though she spent a great deal of time sitting in a cell, I found myself more involved with her as a character, and clean forgot about Jennifer Garner's presence.

    This show is fun...and sometimes it blows me away with it's creativity. Other times though it simply doesn't make any sense. But that's television! :)
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    I've recently purchased the Series 1 boxset, just to see whether I'd like the show or not, and so far I've found it hard to turn it off at all! It really is a fantastic show, with Garner superb in the leading role (though my personal favourite is Victor Garber).

    Some interesting cameos throughout the first series, the best of which was Quentin Tarantino (but our own Roger Moore was a welcome sight, too). I haven't read most of this topic incase I bump into any spoilers, but I've quickly realised I'm going to have to get hold of Series 2 as quickly as possible!
  • JamesbondmmJamesbondmm Posts: 294MI6 Agent
    Having seen all the eps, Series 1 + 2 are definately the best. About 1/2 way through Series 3 things get interesting although the cliffhanger (as mentioned) and resulting conclusion is a bit dull. I think series 5 is very rushed, both new and old threads are concluded too quickly, or un-imaginitively. Some twists are just plain odd...
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    I loved this show its just a shame that when it first aired over here it was pushed as "high school girl is secret agent" which it clearly isn't after watching the first couple of eps but I think it turned a lot of people off
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