


  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    I've been working my way through all 5 seasons of Alias and have finally got to the end. Good show. I could have done without all the Rimbaldi prophecy nonsense, and would rather have had a straight-forward spy show, but that might be me. The guest stars were far more interesting than the series regulars. I found Garner and Michael Vartan a bit bland and goody-goody, but having guys like Roger Moore and Rutger Hauer turn up was a bonus. Not to mention a regular recurring role for the ridiculously hot Lena Olin as Sydney's mom. I also liked David Anders performance as Sark. I was surprised to find out he is actually an American.
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    yes a very good brit accent without going all dick van dyke, and good to see him turn up in heroes now as well
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    I haven't been on here in MONTHS AND MONTHS and I have recently rewatched Alias (HUUUGE fan from the beginning). So I am ALL over in love with this fantastic show again. I'll have to strongly disagree with those who say Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan are too goody-goody, those two plus Victor Garber and Ron Rifkin are what carries the whole series, and the chemistry between them is what hooked a lot of WOMEN and not just men into the show (there was a MASSIVE uproar of fans when they made Vaughn married in S3 :))). Anyway, that said, I am pleased to see Alias got the appreciation it deserved on here.

    It truly is one of the best spy/action shows and shows in general I have seen on TV (and I have watched quite a LOT of shows). The acting is superb. All of the regulars are fantastic in their part AND the guest stars are stuff people wouldn't even dream of in today's shows. Seriously? Ethan Hawke guest starring (with a major role) when he was basically at the peak of his career? Quentin Tarantino? Roger Moore? Christian Slater? Rutger Hauer? Isabella Rossellini? They even had Ricky Gervais! :)) It is a magnificent show from the acting point of view and because of the great inventive stories. Of course they took the Rambaldi stuff a tad too far in the end, but still.. what ALWAYS made it worth watching were the actors. Including the supporting cast (the guy who plays Marshall is HILARIOUS and the character, basically Alias's version of Bond's Q, is awesome!). And, most actors on the show are now HUGELY popular even as movie stars (even Bradley Cooper who played Will!:))). Means they really did things right with casting and everything.

    I warmly recommend it to those who didn't see it back in the day. Watching it now is even better because TV has deteriorated in some ways meantime (though some products, like Mad Men, are remarkably good). And this was, with La Femme Nikita, a new genre for TV. I really think, rewatching it, that s3 was GREAT too. Watching things after time puts everything in a different perspective. The last season lacked some stuff because they knew they were getting cancelled, but it picked up the moment the Sydney/Vaughn dynamic was back. This series truly is something worth watching for anyone who loves the spy genre and loves good acting. It's entertaining, it can get really dark and gritty, it can be funny, it can be all action and it also gets really deeply emotional, but never cheesy. In short, fantastic.
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Alias was a great show. I seemed to be one of the few who really enjoyed the Rimbaldi aspect, maybe because it's what distinguished itself from other contributions to the spy genre. Aspects of the other show were obviously Bond-inspired, but the show itself was not a Bond-rip-off. I do admit to getting annoyed with Sidney's hot/cold emotional roller coaster with her father...everytime the situation was 'resolved' it somehow got dredged up again.
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    darenhat wrote:
    Alias was a great show. I seemed to be one of the few who really enjoyed the Rimbaldi aspect, maybe because it's what distinguished itself from other contributions to the spy genre. Aspects of the other show were obviously Bond-inspired, but the show itself was not a Bond-rip-off. I do admit to getting annoyed with Sidney's hot/cold emotional roller coaster with her father...everytime the situation was 'resolved' it somehow got dredged up again.

    hi! :D Just to make it clear, I DID enjoy the Rambaldi stuff and I agree with you that it set the show apart from other contributions to the spy genre. I just think that in the end (the final season) they took it too far, as in, they could and should've solved the mystery in a less extravagant way? But what led to it and the whole theme was great. I agree there were aspects that were clearly Bond-inspired (Marshall being the most obvious one, he really is the Alias version of Q), but they never ripped off from Bond which is good in terms of showing they didn't lack fantasy and originality.

    :)) I think the main rollercoaster between Syd and Spy Daddy was in the first two seasons, then it kind of settled nicely and it was great to see their relationship... I laugh everytime I see the Spy Family going on the India trip (seriously, families do picnics, these ones? They go retrieve nuclear warheads in India :)) ) , and damn Spy Mommy was fabulously played by Lena Olin. It's the whole package that makes this show a great watch I think. Story, actors, different style from the usual spy stuff. But the actors most of all. I'm glad there were others here who really appreciated it. :D I very recently rewatched it as a friend of mine wanted to watch it (she had never seen it). So we watched and commented together, and it was SO great to see the reactions of a newbie to some of the stuff. I admit to having forgotten lots of details over time, and it was really good to rewatch it all in a row. Made me realise how great the show is, and how even the subtlety of the acting in some scenes stands out, especially compared to some stuff we get today.
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Alessandra wrote:
    I very recently rewatched it as a friend of mine wanted to watch it (she had never seen it). So we watched and commented together, and it was SO great to see the reactions of a newbie to some of the stuff. I admit to having forgotten lots of details over time, and it was really good to rewatch it all in a row. Made me realise how great the show is, and how even the subtlety of the acting in some scenes stands out, especially compared to some stuff we get today.

    It's been some years since I watched it (it was a requirement that my wife watch it with me when we got married). Maybe once we're done with Lost, we'll re-visit it. :)
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    darenhat wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    I very recently rewatched it as a friend of mine wanted to watch it (she had never seen it). So we watched and commented together, and it was SO great to see the reactions of a newbie to some of the stuff. I admit to having forgotten lots of details over time, and it was really good to rewatch it all in a row. Made me realise how great the show is, and how even the subtlety of the acting in some scenes stands out, especially compared to some stuff we get today.

    It's been some years since I watched it (it was a requirement that my wife watch it with me when we got married). Maybe once we're done with Lost, we'll re-visit it. :)

    I think that's a great idea! Alias is the perfect show (well if the woman,, or wife in this case is COOL because it's strictly cool women only :D) to watch with the cool significant other. It has many aspects that appeal to men and others that can appeal to women (again, cool women, not those who like corny romances LOL). I think you would both appreciate it if you rewatched :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • ellachan91ellachan91 Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    Alias is awesome.:))
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Oh it really is awesome. Many who missed it back in the day didn't really know what it was about I guess. I think it truly is a show that can greatly appeal to Bond fans.

    There is some great acting involved and it really is a very "cinematographic" show. So for those like us who like the spy genre, it's basically a must-see! :D

    Speaking of... I'm gonna go check if there's a thread for another awesome NEW show. White Collar!
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
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