The X-Files Movie, your thoughts?

wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
edited January 2004 in Off Topic Chat
As I am a rather large fan of the science-fiction series, what did anyone think about the movie? Did anyone even remember the movie? To be honest, they could of split this into two seperate 45 min long episodes but I prefer them on the "Big Screen". A great movie which you didn't have to understand the X-Files to understand

Long live "The Cigarette Smoking Man" A.K.A CGB Spender


  • The AnarchistThe Anarchist Posts: 34MI6 Agent
    edited January 2004
    I'm a huge fan of the X-Files. Although the last episode left me on my appetite, I still have 9 years and one very good movie to fill this appetite.

    The X-Files movie holds the record for one of the most well-written dialogue in the X-Files series : the scene where they almost kiss. Just absolutely marvelous, I watch it again and again when I popped in my VHS. It's very romantic.

    The movie in itself is well done, although the bits aboard the ExtraTerrestial spaceship was too much. Nonetheless, from the very beginning until Dana is abducted, it's a very stylish movie and extremely enjoyable. Hiring Martin Landau as the paranoical (is that a word?) doctor Kutzweil is one of the highlight. He's just so believable in his part.

    The rest of the cast delivers full time, including the superbs Well-Manicured Man and the Cigarette-Smoking Man. Duchovny and Anderson certainly don't disapoint, their chemistry expanding exponentially on the big screen.

    X-Files is a wonderfully done series, and I hope the rumour of getting the Doggett-Reyes-Scully trio on the big screen one more time will be fulfilled.
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    I'm glad to see somebody read this post.

    "The movie in itself is well done, although the bits aboard the ExtraTerrestial spaceship was too much."

    I thought those scences were very gripping and I hold my breath eevry time and the great thing about it is you don't know it's in a space ship.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    I'm also a bit of an X Files fan, and I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. When I saw it in the cinema it surpassed my expectations and certainly didn't feel like two episodes "stuck together". It feels bigger, better and beefier - there's more effort and way more money in the production and as The Anarchist mentioned the dialogue is superb. I particularly like the scene opening on Mulder and Scully for the first time, on the roof, and the spectacular explosion that follows (now THAT'S something I wouldn't mind seeing in a Bond film...). The sinister feel throughout is also gripping and suspenseful.

    I know they were talking about a second movie before the X Files final series wrapped, but since then Gillian Anderson let slip on Graham Norton last year that another series and second movie is still being discussed - what's the story with this, anyone know?
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    There is no news of anything on IMDB and I doubt it will be soon, They had Spiderman 2 on IMDB about 2 years ago so they seem to know pretty early unless Chris Carter wants to keep it under wraps
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    Empire is reporting that there is a possibility of a sequel finally going into production.
    It’s been talked about for nearly ten years, but now, thanks to an out-of-court settlement, it might actually happen. David Duchovny, aka Agent Fox Mulder from the smash ‘90s sci-fi show The X-Files, recently spilled that show creator Chris Carter is finally in talks with 20th Century Fox about a second X-Files movie, having settled with them in a lawsuit over syndication profits. So when Empire got the chance to sit down with Gillian Anderson, aka Agent Dana Scully, to discuss her new film, Straightheads, we couldn’t resist bringing up her mooted return to the shadowy basement beneath FBI headquarters.

    “They’re starting to talk about doing a feature again,” she confirms. “Every year or two they talk about it again, but it seems like it might be for real this time. Somehow it seems like somebody’s really serious about it. I know that Chris’ lawsuit with Fox is over, so maybe now it can be done.”

    There’s no getting plot details out of her (“I keep in email contact with Chris but he won’t talk about it. At all”), but Anderson was able to say that it’s unlikely we’ll see the return of the little grey aliens at the heart of the series’ long-running conspiracy thread. “All Chris says is that he wants to make a really scary horror, like a stand-alone episode. I don’t think they’re interested in touching on any of the conspiracy stuff.”

    The show disappointed many of its followers by petering out without wrapping up the story to their satisfaction. But Anderson says that the movie sequel’s function isn’t to appease the hardcore fans. “I actually don’t have enough of a perspective to say whether questions were answered or whether it was wrapped up enough in the end, and honestly there’s part of me that doesn’t care. I can be sympathetic to die-hard fans who might feel left in short shrift, but that’s where my sympathies lie!”

    For the latest news on The X-Files’ bid to mutate into a big-screen franchise, trust no-one — except Empire.
  • LazenbyLazenby The upper reaches of the AmazoPosts: 606MI6 Agent
    I was a big fan of the series while it was filmed in Canada. When they moved down to the US, however, I noticed a big change in the writing and overall tone of the show, and I never enjoyed it as much after that. I thought the movie was ok. My impression watching it was that the people making it were used to working 45min at a time and the movie almost seemed awkward and choppy in parts. I had other criticisms but it's been so long I can't remember.
  • Klaus HergescheimerKlaus Hergescheimer Posts: 332MI6 Agent
    I loved that film to death when I first saw it, and I still do. It's basically a long episode, which is how it should have been filmed, and it tied into the series perfectly. A terrific series, and a terrific movie to watch.

    My favorite part of the film was when Mulder woke up in the hospital. Who was there to greet him? None other than Langly, Frohike, and Byers! I was the biggest Lone Gunmen fan back in the day, and I am still miffed at Fox for cancelling their show.

    Thank you for bringing up one I need to add to my DVD collection. Can't play my VHS anymore.
  • LazenbyLazenby The upper reaches of the AmazoPosts: 606MI6 Agent
    edited April 2007
    Hey Klaus-- How are things in G-Section? :p (I realize that joke is probably as stale as 10 year old toast, but I couldn't resist.)
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    Here's a leaked trailer.

    Anybody else get a shiver down their spine when the music starts?
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    I'm there when it comes out B-)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    John Drake wrote:
    Here's a leaked trailer.

    Anybody else get a shiver down their spine when the music starts?
    That looks superb. I was a huge X-Files fan at the time in the 1990s when I was in primary and then secondary school and I would watch the programme religiously. I did not watch later series to such an extent as I felt the quality dropped off. I missed all the episodes with those other two agents who came in. Nevertheless, this trailer has reignited my X-fandom (and Ms Anderson is looking scrumptuous :x ) so I will definitely be checking this picture out.
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    I might be seeing it. I was a massive fan of the TV series (and still am), however I stopped watching when it seriously jumped the shark. That was when I realised that Carter was more intent on posing ridiculous questions than answering them. :# (I would argue that if the show wasn't as conspiracy obsessed, or more to the point, was only focused on one conspiracy, it could been one of the absolute best shows of all time, rather than a great show which became a disappointment.)

    Anyway, I will go see the film, only if you don't need to have seen every episode (and the first film which I never saw), and if it has a coherent narrative structure. Basically, what I am saying is, no more posing questions upon questions upon questions without giving any answers.
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    I'll be there. I was a huge X files fan. I always thought it was such a clever programme. Stopped watching it though when David Duchovny left so its great to see he is back with Gillian Anderson. ( maybe a little romance this time - please ).

    I'm really please David Duchovny is back in the limelight - I just adored him in Californication.

    (As a side note my daughter doesn't get passed the music on the opening credits because its too scary ... she watched part of one on cable reruns and now thinks its 'sooo scary' )
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    The X-Files-I Want to Believe is a real let-down. It could easily have been a filler episode in one of the weaker series spread out to feature-length. Actually, it could have been an episode of Without a Trace. Callum Keith Rennie is quietly menacing as the bad guy, but the film is just drab, with too many ruminations on faith and redemption. Which kind of stick in the throat when they're delivered by a dodgy Glaswegian priest. Consider it a footnote in the X-Files history.
  • cbdouble07cbdouble07 Posts: 132MI6 Agent
    I'm very disappointed by what I've heard about the reception of the film. I was a HUGE X-Files fan back in the day, own the seasons on DVD, and until Lost was never obsessed with a show like I was with The X-Files. I was excited when I heard about the new film. Seeing Mulder and Scully back together again in what was promised to be a very scary, atmospheric, and well-written film with a great Mark Snow score seemed too good to be true. What had me even more excited was hints that if the film did well then we could potentially have another one in the future that would finally complete the series on-going mythology, specifically the invasion that was promised in 2012. I was shocked to hear the bad reviews for the new film, and so disappointed that I have yet to see it. Please someone tell me that all this negativity is not true and that the X-Files I loved is back.
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    Maybe I am out of touch, but I really liked the TV show until it took a right turn into all the conspiracy C**p with the Cancer Man, and Mulder going missing. Episodes like the Peacock Brothers, Peter Boyle as the Psychic Insurance Salesman and the Vampire Fat Boy were terrific.

    I did not like Movie Number 1 at all.... sorry.

    I found the new X Files flick a pleasant surpirse. It got back to the roots of the series, brought everything up to date, and had a plot that I was not able to figure out in advance. I especially liked the end.

    So don't dispair, there are a couple of folks "out there" who enjoyed the new movie. It won't win an Oscar, but it may find a place on my DVD shelf.
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    edited August 2008
    7289 wrote:
    I found the new X Files flick a pleasant surpirse. It got back to the roots of the series, brought everything up to date, and had a plot that I was not able to figure out in advance. I especially liked the end.

    So don't dispair, there are a couple of folks "out there" who enjoyed the new movie. It won't win an Oscar, but it may find a place on my DVD shelf.
    I'm with you on that 7289. I think the negative press this film has received is ridiculous. Is the film a classic? No. But was it entertaining? Absolutely. I liked that they didn't keep harking back to the past too much. I really liked the performances (especially Anderson as Scully), and the relationship between Mulder and Scully. It felt 'stand-alone' enough for someone like me who completely missed the later series of the programme. There were several very exciting bits, in particular the chase on the building being renovated. The religious undertones gave the film some added depth.

    On the down side, the plot was a bit slow and not quite 'supernatural' enough for me. Yet I was fully engaged throughout, and found it a thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours. It is not like The Dark Knight which I will definitely view again, but it is good - three stars out of five.
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