While England's Dreaming: Discussion & Comment



  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited February 2005
    Quoting jetsetwilly:
    Fine. SHAME me into posting ;)
    The upper case and that wink and gives me the impression you enjoy that sorta stuff, so if it's all the best, I'd rather not... :D

    "Were his Scottish genes crying out for the heat and warmth wherever he could take it?"

    Rest assured, no. If that was the case, he'd more than likely have whipped his top off and rolled up his trousers, splashed some baby oil on and will have turned his pale blue skin colour to bright, vibrant red in less than half an hour.

    Thankfully I shy away from heat as I'm too used to the mild weather, so I don't display any forms of such vulgarity ;)

    Are we going to have to wait until the Summer Solstice for the next instalment, or are you going to satisfy our needs sometime sooner? :D
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Three posts within the space of a month! Don't you feel loved? ;)

    Hope that people are still enjoying WED, as there's still a fair bit for me to post, and I'd like to hope people are reading it. We're at about the halfway point here and, after a few chapters which have been mostly character building and scene setting, from the next chapter onwards the tension should be increased and the action quotient raised.

    Chapter 17 (provisionally titled The Roar of the Dunes though this may change depending on how the story turns out) has been started and will, hopefully, be with you all by April at the latest. Or maybe May. Come on, I've been writing it for nearly a year now - you expect punctuality? :D
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    Quoting jetsetwilly:
    Three posts within the space of a month! Don't you feel loved? ;)

    Hope that people are still enjoying WED, as there's still a fair bit for me to post, and I'd like to hope people are reading it. We're at about the halfway point here and, after a few chapters which have been mostly character building and scene setting, from the next chapter onwards the tension should be increased and the action quotient raised.

    Chapter 17 (provisionally titled The Roar of the Dunes though this may change depending on how the story turns out) has been started and will, hopefully, be with you all by April at the latest. Or maybe May. Come on, I've been writing it for nearly a year now - you expect punctuality? :D

    This tale in its final form is set to be a true masterpiece -I'm loving it and look forward your next installment whenever that may be. :)
  • frostbittenfrostbitten Chateau d'EtchebarPosts: 286MI6 Agent
    I agree with Sc1 that this story will make quite an impressive entry for the AJB library once it is finished. (In fact, it has already inspired me to start working on a new fan-fic, which I hope will include a little tribute to Casino Royale) :).
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    Take as much time as you need,Jetset.This is an excellent story and quality cannot be rushed...;)
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent

    To let you know: WED hasn't been forgotten. It's been severely,severely delayed these last few months because I've had a major project ongoing at work which has taken over my life, basically. But, thank ****, it'll all be coming to an end in a couple of weeks time. From then on, I plan on devoting myself to polishing this damn thing off.

    It's also been hamstrung because, well, this section (the desert travel) has gone on a lot longer than I had planned. Bond & Kindie in the desert was going to be one chapter; the discovery of the village was going to be another. Somehow it's ended up being four so far, with at least one more to come. If you look back to my update earlier, Chapter 17 was going to be called The Roar of The Dunes; the way the story turned meant that chapter was no longer valid, so it became the working title of Chapter 18. I'm now deep into Chapter 18 (having resolved some structural issues I had with it) and it looks like The Roar of The Dunes is now unlikely to happen until Chapter 19! (Chapter 18 is now provisionally called "Blood and Sand", which is what number 15 was going to be called!).

    On the plus side, the real climax is now starting to approach; there will soon be a sense of where the story has been headed, and where it's going after that. And there are a few juicy chapters coming up that I've been planning for (literally) years and which I am absolutely gagging to get down, so they'll probably follow in quite quick succession.

    In the meantime, I hope you'll be patient!

    Many thanks for anyone who's reading,

    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    There's Chapter 18 for you, you lucky people ;) And I've already a couple of thousand words into number 19.

    Also my project at work is now finally finished, so I should have more time to devote to the thing.

    Comments are, as always, most welcome...
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited August 2005
    Promising momentum building up in the time it takes to get the next chapter online, so keep it up ;)

    Is that true about the Numbers gangs? It's pretty bloomin' scary. If it is, then nice bit of research and a very clever tie in to the real underworld. If it's not, then I seriously worry about what's swimming in that imagination of yours! :o

    The pace has never really lessened throughout, but the suspense is certainly starting to build. Every chapter so far has finished with a "ooh, what happens next??" but I sense it's becoming a bit more climactic now.

    One criticism though, and it's again linked to the time its taking between chapters rather than anything else, is that I had briefly forgotten about Catchlove, and in particular what field it was he was a scientist in. But as I say, that was simply because it was over a year ago I read it... ;)

    Still enjoying it immensely though! And the standard of writing has been brilliant throughout, from the intricate descriptions to the realistic and gritty dialogue. None of this cinematic or throw away padding and action. Take it you'll eventually get it on a PDF format or summat before we're all in nursing homes? :p

    OK, no more time criticisms...as long as it keeps coming!
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited November 2005
    Although the plot thickens and the story becomes ever more disturbing in it's casual revelation of planned mass genocide on a racial basis, I'll have to admit I didn't read most of the last chapter. Well, "couldn't" would probably be a better word. Being the cowardly, squeamish big girl's blouse that I am, I simply couldn't stomach it, sorry! I started reading every paragraph, but as I read them, they kind of did this....

    "His forehead was slick with sweat. He felt rivulets of salt water slipping down his nose. He felt the slighttugasthetipofthebladeslidthrough - lalalalalalalalalalalalalala I'm thinking happy thoughts lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala - inexpertlypulledthebladeout.Hetriednot to contemplate the possible ruin he was causing himself."

    So I'm sure the last chapter was very good and gripping, but I do know it was detailed and descriptive, and gave that uncomfortable light, floaty feeling where I involuntarily squirm.
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Well I figured, we've had sex and snobbery - about time we had some sadism too :D
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Agent SidewinderAgent Sidewinder Posts: 223MI6 Agent
    Very good story so far. Creepy villain (got to love the deformities, very Fleming-esque), chilling plot (a psychopathic Cecil Rhodes? Neat), and excellent description. My only criticism is that it feels a little too-fast paced and thin in parts - I would have liked to have seen more scenes with Bond snooping around du Lyonne's mansion, and having to find out the link between him and Catchlove himself instead to being told it by Samantha. Also, is it good or bad that I'm trying to imagine the story as an EON film screenplay (not while I'm reading, but more as an afterthought)? IMO in some respects this story would be better suited to that style.

    Still, I do like this story. I'm itching to find out what happens next!
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Thank you for your kind words Sidewinder... and also for showing that Moonie isn't the only one still reading! ;)

    I know what you mean about Bond being told about the Catchlove/du Lyonne link, rather thatn working it out himself. Morning Reflections is actually my least favourite chapter so far; it is way too much exposition instead of character/story. But after the cliffhanger ending to chapter 2, I had to work out a way for Samantha to know Angus was alive again. There was no way that I could get her to explain to Bond that she knew about Angus without her mentioning du Lyonne; it would have been unconvincing that in her hour of most desperate need she chose to hold something back. If I ever rewrite the story (though it's taking me an age to write it the first time!) then chapter three is the first one that will be revised.

    The next chapter is in progress, but is a bit ill-formed; it's a "necessary" chapter, rather than an "exciting" one, so it's taking me a while to get it down...
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Yes; the wait is over... the next part of WED is online! This chapter was as you can imagine, absolutely horrendous for me - as Alice once (sort of) said, "What use is a Bond story with no conversations or violence?" It was just a massive chapter of practical stuff where Bond has to get out of x, yawn yawn, and I couldn't get the energy for it.

    The next chapter - at the moment without a title - is a doozy, though, and the one after that should be even better. Thanks to patient readers, and if it's any consolation, it's about to get more brutal and exciting... :D
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    Thanks to patient readers, and if it's any consolation, it's about to get more brutal and exciting... :D
    More brutal??? Think of the squeamish in your readership!! I squirmed enough through the screwdriver in the neck there, thank you very much...

    I had begun to wonder whether you'd forgotten about this though!
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Thanks to patient readers, and if it's any consolation, it's about to get more brutal and exciting... :D
    More brutal??? Think of the squeamish in your readership!! I squirmed enough through the screwdriver in the neck there, thank you very much...

    I had begun to wonder whether you'd forgotten about this though!

    Oh, come on - nobody important has died yet!
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    Jetset, it has been shamefully long since I last posted about While England's Dreaming however I must say that it is good to see the novel back. I have a lot of catching up to do, and once finished be assured that I will post my thoughts regarding your work. :)

    Keep writing and fail not.
  • Agent SidewinderAgent Sidewinder Posts: 223MI6 Agent
    Great work, jetsetwilly. The last bit really threw me for a loop. Can't wait to read more.
  • Dan007Dan007 Posts: 12MI6 Agent
    Iwant more , Iwould pay to read this storey..{[]
  • Dan007Dan007 Posts: 12MI6 Agent
    Iwant more , Iwould pay to read this storey..{[]
  • moonhoundermoonhounder Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    Interesting stuff indeed ;)
  • moonhoundermoonhounder Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    edited January 2007
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    It has been so long since I last read this that I will have to go back and start from the beginning. I just want to remark on one line:

    "I know that to you she was just a vagina."

    Brilliant. :D
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    Latest chapter was riveting. The revulsion and anger and fury.

    My favorite part of WED, thus far, goes back to the chapter entitled "A History Of Violence". Du Lyonne's delusionary grandeur and insane patriotism confronted with those of Bond's and sanity. Wonderful and addictive.
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited April 2007
    Only one word can truly describe this serial and that word is "superb".I suspect Ian Fleming would've approved of your story,Jetset.And once again,if the world was a fair place,you would be writing the James Bond continuation novels.
    Great work.

    Enough with the brutal criticism--now for a few compliments...
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Wheezing, arthiritic, stumbling: WED staggers towards its climax. Looking back at this thread I can't help noticing that half the posters aren't even on this site any more! Ah well.

    Only a few chapters left... I hope to finish before the Olympics (London, not Beijing). Keep reading constant readers... both of you! :D
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • GoldFingererGoldFingerer Posts: 32MI6 Agent
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    This might surprise you to know, but I do have a rough draft ending to this fan fic all on my laptop. However, I'm not going to bother finishing it now, as I suspect that in the next couple of weeks, a story which features a villainous billionaire who is up to nefarious practices in a hotel located in the desert, a Bond Girl who is motivated by revenge against the villain for actions against her family, a climax involving the explosive destruction of said hotel, and a battle between Bond and a henchman on a collapsing set of scaffolding, will suddenly seem rather old hat and tired. Sorry about that (but not half as sorry as me).
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
    Isn't that amazing - what sounds new today may be overdone tomorrow...
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    This might surprise you to know, but I do have a rough draft ending to this fan fic all on my laptop. However, I'm not going to bother finishing it now, as I suspect that in the next couple of weeks, a story which features a villainous billionaire who is up to nefarious practices in a hotel located in the desert, a Bond Girl who is motivated by revenge against the villain for actions against her family, a climax involving the explosive destruction of said hotel, and a battle between Bond and a henchman on a collapsing set of scaffolding, will suddenly seem rather old hat and tired. Sorry about that (but not half as sorry as me).

    Jetset,I sincerely hope you finish this serial--even if you now believe that a portion of your original storyline will have to undergo a few revisions prior to completion.

    Y'know,I've always said that you are a very talented writer, and frankly,it'd be a damn shame if you choose to simply stop "While England's Dreaming" at this juncture.Don't disappoint your many faithful readers.

    Apparently Quantum of Solace's storyline has a few situations that inadvertantly resemble some of the things you'd planned to put in your final chapter.That's unfortunate.However,why not view this situation as a challenge to your creativity,and come up with something equally as compelling, but different from QofS?I know you can do that...:v

    This excellent story needs a resolution--and I'm confident you'll provide an exciting one.:)
  • MogsmumMogsmum Posts: 5MI6 Agent
    That jeep disappeared into the distance months ago and we want (nae need) to know what happens next. As Willie Garvin said earlier ' .. you ARE a very talented writer ..' and WED is much better written than a great deal of the stuff on bookshop shelves. As for " ..a battle between Bond and a henchman on a collapsing set of scaffolding .. suddenly seem[ing] rather old hat and tired" not a bit of it - I never thought that bit in the film worked very well anyway.

    C'mon jetset, some of us are still hoping you'll finish it - please? :)
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