The ULTIMATE bond ranking- your 1-20



  • Agent PurpleAgent Purple Posts: 857MI6 Agent
    Jarvio wrote:
    Here's an update to my list, with brief notes on each:

    1 - LALD - Still my favourite, probably always will be
    2 - AVTAK - I don't care about the 'flaws', they don't effect this very enjoyable film for me
    3 - LTK - Went up a stop. Just a great movie
    4 - OP - Went down a spot but still a favourite of mine
    5 - SF - By far DC's best
    6 - FYEO - Solid film
    7 - GE - Went up a spot. Largely for Xenia and the Cuba scenes
    8 - OHMSS - Great film, only let down by Lazenby
    9 - DN - A great all-rounder, with the best bond girl
    10 - DAF - Underrated. Very enjoyable, although a little odd, but in the good way
    11 - TSWLM - Mainly for the Egypt scenes
    12 - TLD - Consistent film, only let down by Kara
    13 - YOLT - Can bore me at times, but when I'm in the mood for it I enjoy it
    14 - TMWTGG - Mainly for Scaramanga and his island
    15 - FRWL - Nothing wrong with this one, but I'm just not in love with it like so many are
    16 - MR - Here's a shock - I've grown to like space. And I love the amazon temple. But I still don't like of the jokey Jaws stuff
    17 - GF - It's a good film, but just average in bond-standards for me. Overrated {:)
    18 - TWINE - Boring in places, but has a great villain in Elektra King
    19 - TND - Again, bores me in places, but has some good bits
    20 - CR - Just not for me, although I recognise it as a well-made film
    21 - DAD - Has enjoyable bits, but too much bad stuff and bad CGI
    22 - QOS - Same as CR, just not as well-made though
    23 - TB - Has Fiona Volpe who is great, but apart from that, a bit of a snoozefest for me

    Jarvio, interesting to see how you love SF but aren't as big on the other 2 Craig films.

    And Bondage loves CR, but isn't too big on QoS or SF.

    One sees funny things in this site.
    "Hostile takeovers. Shall we?"
    New 2020 ranking (for now DAF and FYEO keep their previous placements)
    1. TLD 2. TND 3. GF 4. TSWLM 5. TWINE 6. OHMSS 7. LtK 8. TMWTGG 9. L&LD 10. YOLT 11. DAD 12. QoS 13. DN 14. GE 15. SF 16. OP 17. MR 18. AVTAK 19. TB 20. FRWL 21. CR 22. FYEO 23. DAF (SP to be included later)
    Bond actors to be re-ranked later
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    One sees funny things in this site.
    Yes, lots of wackyness here! Luckily, OUR lists make sense! :))
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • WadsyWadsy Auckland, New ZealandPosts: 412MI6 Agent
    I love it how Jarvio loves the John Glen Bond films. Thumbs up for that, I think all of his films were fantastic, with For Your Eyes Only being the best (followed closely by Living Daylights), and Octopussy being his weakest directorial effort.
    1. FYEO 2. OHMSS 3. LTK 4. FRWL 5. TLD 6. TSWLM 7. AVTAK 8. GF 9. MR 10. TB 11. OP 12. SF 13. DN 14. SP 15. LALD 16. GE 17. CR 18. YOLT 19. TWINE 20. TMWTGG 21. NTTD 22. TND 23. QOS 24. NSNA 25. DAD 26. DAF 27. CR '67

    1. Dalton 2. Moore 3. Connery 4. Lazenby 5. Craig 6. Brosnan
  • eric7064eric7064 USAPosts: 344MI6 Agent
    1.GoldenEye- My favorite. Great everything. Bond movie I grew up watching every single day.

    2. Goldfinger- Classic. Connery at his best. Great villian. Great henchman.

    3. OHMSS- HONESTLY great film. Lazenby wasn't as horrible as I heard he was. Loved the tone of the film. Great action sequences. Plus that ending. .

    4. CR- To me it's a classic. Bond at its best, and what a debut for DC. Vesper is great. And this shows that action does not need to drive the film.

    5.Skyfall- Overall great film. Has all the right elements of a great Bond movie. Background info on Bond something new and refreshing. Nice nostalgia kicks bringing back Moneypenny and Q. Few references to old films.

    6. Moonraker- Love this movie. Always have. Something about it. Easily my favorite Moore film.

    7. LTK- Very good all around film. Great pacing and villian. Great Bond Girl

    8.FRWL- All around great film. Really made the Bond formula here.

    9. LALD- Awesome Moore debut. Loved the simplicity and setting. Might go higher with time.

    10. Dr.No- The start. Connery setting the standard.

    11. TSWLM- Very good, but again nothing great. If not for the ending it'd be average to me.

    12. YOLT- Even with the hokey stuff in here its still a great Bond flick. Very enjoyable. Just forget about Japanese Bond though.

    13. QOS- Enjoyed this movie. Great action pieces. And I honestly liked the plot and story. Tied strings up well. Downside very forgettable villian.

    14. TND- Good start. Slow middle. Good finish. Nothing very memorable.

    15. TLD- Very good action pieces. Love the setting and the final battle. More serious Tone was needed after Moore.

    16. DAD- Great start. Ok Middle. Hokey but entertaining end.

    17. TWINE- Electra King was great. Villian was ok. Good opening and ending.

    18. TB- Not bad , but not a huge fan of underwater scenes taking over the movie. Bond Girl was great. Movie had some good moments.

    19.FYEO- Very basic plot. But executed well. Great first half. Not as great 2nd half.

    20. DAF- Little hokey and over the top. Blofield isnt used very well. Decent last hurrah for Connery

    21. TMWTGG- Love the villian and knick knack. Had potential to be really great. Might like this one more with passage of time.

    22. Octopussy- I'm not sure what it was but did not like the pacing of this film. Ending was really good. But the first 3 quarters were lackluster.

    23. AVTAK- Again good last 30 minutes. Walken was an amazing psycho. Loved his role. The rest was honestly boring. Still had some fun parts.
  • AnotherJamesBOndAnotherJamesBOnd Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    how would you rank every bond film- i have not listed NSNA and CR as i have not yet seen them but of the "official" films here is how i rank them:1 From Russia With Love
    2 The Living Daylights
    3 Goldfinger
    4 For Your Eyes Only
    5 Thunderball
    6 The Spy Who Loved Me
    7 Goldeneye
    8 License to Kill
    9 The World is Not Enough
    10 You Only Live Twice
    11 Diamonds Are Forever
    12 Dr. No
    13 The Man With the Golden Gun
    14 Tomorrow Never Dies
    15 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
    16 A View to a Kill
    17 Octopussy
    18 Live and Let Die
    19 Moonraker
    20 Die Another Day

    Well, you are rating these as all action movies. Live and Let Die is better than many farce movies. I judge all the the Moore movies as campy fun, so I find his "best" one. And I find the Spy Who Loved Me is just a bit too serious and dry (except for the opener, which is probably the best). And For Your Eyes Only is just too creepy.
  • FiremassFiremass AlaskaPosts: 1,910MI6 Agent
    I never thought I would put a Daniel Craig film in my top 20, but now that I'm a QoS fan I should make a new ranking:

    Mid-range Bond that I really enjoy:

    10. QoS - Craig nails a performance as Fleming's Bond. Can't handle the fast pace? Go back to watching Thunderball. :))

    11. TMWTGG - Quirky and strange in a cool way. Only JW prevents this one from being in my top 10.

    12. LTK - Violent and brutal. I have to be in the mood for this one, but I do have much respect for it.

    13. OP - Problematic, but also highly enjoyable. Perhaps my most watched Bond film for sheer entertainment.

    14. DAD - Expecting the worst Bond film? The first hour is actually rock solid. And still enough good moments in the 2nd half to keep me interested. Especially the car chase on ice.

    15. CR - Hmmm, well I like the Fleming parts of the film. The rest is just filler.

    The rest I have gotten a lot of enjoyment over the years, but nowadays I almost never watch:

    FRWL - Boring. Not a fan of the novel or the film. Great style, but the plot doesn't make any sense.
    THUNDERBALL - Boring. Great novel, poor film version.
    YOLT- Boring. I will watch MR or TSWLM instead!
    DAF - Quite funny actually and never boring. However, I just can't dig the sleezy, campy feel of DAF. Excellent novel wasted.
    OHMSS- Boring. Not a fan of the novel or the film.
    LALD - Used to love this one, but now I find it almost unwatchable. Some parts of it are super cool though.
    FYEO - Boring. Bad attempts at humor. Uneven tone. Bibi Dahl is annoying. The 2nd half is excruciatingly slow with the underwater and climbing scenes.
    SKYFALL Worst Bond film ever written.
    My current 10 favorite:

    1. GE 2. MR 3. OP 4. TMWTGG 5. TSWLM 6. TND 7. TWINE 8.DN 9. GF 10. AVTAK
  • DutchJamesBondFanDutchJamesBondFan the NetherlandsPosts: 414MI6 Agent
    1 - Casino Royale - IMO the best theme so far. YKWM fits the movie perfectly. It's dark and has some awesome actionscenes, think of the Madagascar scene or the Miami one. The pokertournament is perfect, my dad knew that Bond was in trouble without knowing how poker works. Great movie.

    2 - GoldenEye - GE, I don't know what it is, but there is something about this film and it's awesome! Brosnan rocks and so does the rest of the cast.

    3 - Tomorrow Never Dies - A great actionpacked film. I love it, same as GE, there's something awesome about it.

    4 - Goldfinger - A golden movie with a golden Connery.

    5 - Licence To Kill - I love the darker theme and Sanchez is a great villian.

    6 - The Spy Who Loved Me - Funny, action packed and a solid Moore on his perfect age, it's sad that Bach was way too wooden.

    7 - The Living Daylights - Kara might not the the most beautiful Bondgirl, but she's a loveable character. Oh and the Aston is great, beautiful car.

    8 - On Her Majesty's Secret Sevice - Just a great movie, the story is nice and it's different than the rest, I do like Lazenby.

    9 - From Russia With Love - Just one of the better ones, it has it all and it's just magic.

    10 - The World Is Not Enough - Great to see a different kind of Bond movie, until Skyfall it was the only one where there was an personal attack on M and I like how they did it in this movie.

    11 - The Man With The Golden Gun - I just love the music of this film, I love Lulu's score and the film score. Scaramanga and NickNack are great. Sad that the and feels like a copy of the beginning.

    12 - Quantum Of Solace - A fine follow up of CR, but it the editroom did do some damage. I quite like the plote, fine film.

    13 - For Your Eyes Only - Solid movie, it has it all, the Citroën scene is very enjoyable.

    14 - Dr. No - The first one was a great one, the ones above are just better.

    15 - Moonraker - I don't care that Bond does go into space. The plot is redicules and sadly Jaws became his own parody, still very fun.

    16 - Skyfall - Still don't know what to think about this one, it feels it borrows too much from TWINE and it goes way too deep in the personal life of Bond. Still thinking about this one. The whole midlifecrisis is something that wasn't needed IMO, it's just not who Bond is. Although I do still like this one.

    17 - Die Another Die - My first Bondfilm, it's very unrealistic but just as Moonraker, I don't really care. It has great action packed scenes and a awesome, awesome, awesome car chase scene.

    18 - A View To A Kill - I used to care way too much about Moore's age, but I didn't care the last time I saw it. I used to not really love it as I do now. It's a good movie. I had a very good time while watching it.

    19 - Octopussy - A solid Bondmovie, but not very special. Overall a good film.

    20 - Live And Let Die - It's a very good film and I do understand that a lot of fans like it way better that I do. It's just so that I prefer the other ones, this one is fine, but the others all just better.

    21 - Diamonds Are Forever - Connery is way better than in TB and YOLT, it's a fine film. Not great.

    22 - Thunderball - I think it's fine, not super good or something, I just don't enjoy it that well.

    23 - You Only Live Twice - Sorry fans, I just don't seem to like this one very well. It's OK, but nothing more to me. On a good day I enjoy it, but it's not even near to LALD, which it's just 3 places higher.
    Don't confuse me with the other DutchBondFan, but be sure to follow his YouTube account. You can read my articles on James Bond Nederland:
  • Agent PurpleAgent Purple Posts: 857MI6 Agent
    Interesting ranking DJBF.

    Only one Craig film in your Top 10, but it just so happens to be your #1.

    I get the impression that you like all the Bonds.
    "Hostile takeovers. Shall we?"
    New 2020 ranking (for now DAF and FYEO keep their previous placements)
    1. TLD 2. TND 3. GF 4. TSWLM 5. TWINE 6. OHMSS 7. LtK 8. TMWTGG 9. L&LD 10. YOLT 11. DAD 12. QoS 13. DN 14. GE 15. SF 16. OP 17. MR 18. AVTAK 19. TB 20. FRWL 21. CR 22. FYEO 23. DAF (SP to be included later)
    Bond actors to be re-ranked later
  • Virgil37Virgil37 Posts: 1,212MI6 Agent
    Let me see, you have to leave three out, right?

  • Bondage007Bondage007 AustraliaPosts: 371MI6 Agent
    Virgil37 wrote:
    Let me see, you have to leave three out, right?


    Godamn!! A mod please change the thread title!!!

    Whats your last 3?!!
    2019 progress (6) FRWL (7) GE (8) FYEO (9) TND (10) MR (11) GF (12) LALD (13) DAF (14) LTK (15) TMWTGG (16) TB (17) TSWLM (18) DAD (19) AVTAK (20) YOLT (21) QOS (22) SF (23) TWINE (24) SP
  • Virgil37Virgil37 Posts: 1,212MI6 Agent
    Bondage007 wrote:
    Virgil37 wrote:
    Let me see, you have to leave three out, right?


    Godamn!! A mod please change the thread title!!!

    Whats your last 3?!!

    21. GE
    22. DAD
    23. TND
  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    Updated List:

    1 - AVTAK
    2 - LTK
    3 - OP
    4 - LALD
    5 - FYEO
    6 - SF
    7 - GE
    8 - DAF
    9 - OHMSS
    10 - DN
    11 - TMWTGG
    12 - TSWLM
    13 - TLD
    14 - YOLT
    15 - FRWL
    16 - MR
    17 - TWINE
    18 - TND
    19 - QOS
    20 - GF
    21 - CR
    22 - TB
    23 - DAD

    Typical - My top 2 are the 2 lowest grossing
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
  • Agent PurpleAgent Purple Posts: 857MI6 Agent
    Jarvio wrote:
    Updated List:

    1 - AVTAK
    2 - LTK
    3 - OP
    4 - LALD
    5 - FYEO
    6 - SF I
    7 - GE
    8 - DAF
    9 - OHMSS
    10 - DN
    11 - TMWTGG
    12 - TSWLM
    13 - TLD
    14 - YOLT
    15 - FRWL
    16 - MR
    17 - TWINE
    18 - TND
    19 - QOS
    20 - GF
    21 - CR
    22 - TB
    23 - DAD

    Typical - My top 2 are the 2 lowest grossing

    I find it "Shocking. Positively shocking." that you have GF so low. What are your issues with it?
    "Hostile takeovers. Shall we?"
    New 2020 ranking (for now DAF and FYEO keep their previous placements)
    1. TLD 2. TND 3. GF 4. TSWLM 5. TWINE 6. OHMSS 7. LtK 8. TMWTGG 9. L&LD 10. YOLT 11. DAD 12. QoS 13. DN 14. GE 15. SF 16. OP 17. MR 18. AVTAK 19. TB 20. FRWL 21. CR 22. FYEO 23. DAF (SP to be included later)
    Bond actors to be re-ranked later
  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    Jarvio wrote:
    Updated List:

    1 - AVTAK
    2 - LTK
    3 - OP
    4 - LALD
    5 - FYEO
    6 - SF I
    7 - GE
    8 - DAF
    9 - OHMSS
    10 - DN
    11 - TMWTGG
    12 - TSWLM
    13 - TLD
    14 - YOLT
    15 - FRWL
    16 - MR
    17 - TWINE
    18 - TND
    19 - QOS
    20 - GF
    21 - CR
    22 - TB
    23 - DAD

    Typical - My top 2 are the 2 lowest grossing

    I find it "Shocking. Positively shocking." that you have GF so low. What are your issues with it?

    I have no issues with it really. I think it's a good film, but I just happen to like many of the others better. It's basically a good film that doesn't really do much for me. There is lots I like about it, but not much I "love" about it.

    But, to be honest, I enjoy every single bond film. Even my rock bottom DAD.
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
  • MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia, PAPosts: 754MI6 Agent
    Though my list is quite different than yours Jarvio, I have much of the same mentality and find myself agreeing with a lot of what you have to say! I love all of the Bond films, but some others just do more for me and give me further enjoyment and happiness. Here's my most up to date list, which may change a bit as I am finishing up a marathon currently:

    1.) Moonraker
    2.) The Living Daylights
    3.) Casino Royale
    4.) From Russia With Love
    5.) Live and Let Die
    6.) The Spy Who Loved Me
    7.) Skyfall
    8.) On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    9.) GoldenEye
    10.) Thunderball
    11.) You Only Live Twice
    12.) Dr. No
    13.) Licence to Kill
    14.) Octopussy
    15.) Goldfinger
    16.) The Man With The Golden Gun
    17.) A View to a Kill
    18.) For Your Eyes Only
    19.) Tomorrow Never Dies
    20.) Diamonds are Forever
    21.) Die Another Day
    22.) The World is Not Enough
    23.) Quantum of Solace
  • heartbroken_mr_draxheartbroken_mr_drax New Zealand Posts: 2,073MI6 Agent
    1.) Moonraker

    1. TWINE 2. FYEO 3. MR 4. TLD 5. TSWLM 6. OHMSS 7. DN 8. OP 9. AVTAK 10. TMWTGG 11. QoS 12. GE 13. CR 14. TB 15. FRWL 16. TND 17. LTK 18. GF 19. SF 20. LaLD 21. YOLT 22. NTTD 23. DAD 24. DAF. 25. SP

    "Better make that two."
  • MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia, PAPosts: 754MI6 Agent
    Thanks :)

    Not normally the response I receive. It's usually more like "WHAT?!?!" or "You're an idiot" :))

    My list has changed so much in the past 10 and even 3 years. I have to say you are the first person I've heard, other than myself, to put both Moonraker and The Living Daylights in their top 5! -{
  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    Though my list is quite different than yours Jarvio, I have much of the same mentality and find myself agreeing with a lot of what you have to say!

    Our lists may be different, but we both have a "controversial" number 1 -{
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    To be honest MR like YOLT are too big for the small screen. They need to be seen
    On a big screen, to really get the full scale and scope of these films.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • heartbroken_mr_draxheartbroken_mr_drax New Zealand Posts: 2,073MI6 Agent
    To be honest MR like YOLT are too big for the small screen. They need to be seen
    On a big screen, to really get the full scale and scope of these films.

    I'd give my right nut to see MR on the big screen.
    Thanks :)

    Not normally the response I receive. It's usually more like "WHAT?!?!" or "You're an idiot" :))

    My list has changed so much in the past 10 and even 3 years. I have to say you are the first person I've heard, other than myself, to put both Moonraker and The Living Daylights in their top 5! -{

    Yeah I saw that you had TLD in there too, and TSWLM in a similar position. Must be :x

    The technical achievement of MR alone is why I hold it in such high-regard.
    1. TWINE 2. FYEO 3. MR 4. TLD 5. TSWLM 6. OHMSS 7. DN 8. OP 9. AVTAK 10. TMWTGG 11. QoS 12. GE 13. CR 14. TB 15. FRWL 16. TND 17. LTK 18. GF 19. SF 20. LaLD 21. YOLT 22. NTTD 23. DAD 24. DAF. 25. SP

    "Better make that two."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    You're all idiots.


    But then who am I to Judge? I like Batman & Robin. :s
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia, PAPosts: 754MI6 Agent
    Jarvio wrote:
    Our lists may be different, but we both have a "controversial" number 1 -{

    And LALD in our top 5! -{
    To be honest MR like YOLT are too big for the small screen. They need to be seen
    On a big screen, to really get the full scale and scope of these films.

    Still hoping one of the retro cinemas near me do a screening of MR. Jealous of the kids who got to see this one on the big screen!
    Yeah I saw that you had TLD in there too, and TSWLM in a similar position. Must be :x

    The technical achievement of MR alone is why I hold it in such high-regard.


    I can't quite put my finger on what makes MR the all around best. Something in my wiring might just be off because the most emotional moment in the entire series for me is when Jaws finds Dolly after fearing the worst might have happened to her. Chokes me up every time!
    chrisisall wrote:
    You're all idiots.


    But then who am I to Judge? I like Batman & Robin. :s

    :p Hey now! We both have TLD right at the top and FRWL in the top 5. That has to count for something brother {[]
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Hey now! We both have TLD right at the top and FRWL in the top 5. That has to count for something brother {[]
    Oh it does, bro! {[]
    All fans here, no matter our person preferences! -{
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    It's been quite a while since I've done this...

    1) FRWL
    2) DN
    3) CR
    4) OHMSS
    5) GF
    6) TB
    7) SF
    8) YOLT
    9) DAF
    10) QoS
    11) TLD
    12) TMWTGG
    13) GE
    14) LALD
    15) FYEO
    16) LTK
    17) TND
    18) TSWLM
    19) TWINE
    20) NSNA
    21) DAD
    22) MR
    23) OP
    24) AVTAK
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    It's been quite a while since I've done this...

    1) FRWL
    2) DN
    3) CR
    4) OHMSS
    5) GF
    6) TB
    7) SF
    8) YOLT
    9) DAF
    10) QoS
    11) TLD
    12) TMWTGG
    13) GE
    14) LALD
    15) FYEO
    16) LTK
    17) TND
    18) TSWLM
    19) TWINE
    20) NSNA
    21) DAD
    22) MR
    23) OP
    24) AVTAK
    That's actually a pretty nice spread. It shows an eclectic taste without undo prejudice IMHO.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • Agent PurpleAgent Purple Posts: 857MI6 Agent
    chrisisall wrote:
    It's been quite a while since I've done this...

    1) FRWL
    2) DN
    3) CR
    4) OHMSS
    5) GF
    6) TB
    7) SF
    8) YOLT
    9) DAF
    10) QoS
    11) TLD
    12) TMWTGG
    13) GE
    14) LALD
    15) FYEO
    16) LTK
    17) TND
    18) TSWLM
    19) TWINE
    20) NSNA
    21) DAD
    22) MR
    23) OP
    24) AVTAK
    That's actually a pretty nice spread. It shows an eclectic taste without undo prejudice IMHO.

    His Top 10 is clearly dominated by Connery and Craig movies, while also having the Lazenby movie.

    So yeah...
    "Hostile takeovers. Shall we?"
    New 2020 ranking (for now DAF and FYEO keep their previous placements)
    1. TLD 2. TND 3. GF 4. TSWLM 5. TWINE 6. OHMSS 7. LtK 8. TMWTGG 9. L&LD 10. YOLT 11. DAD 12. QoS 13. DN 14. GE 15. SF 16. OP 17. MR 18. AVTAK 19. TB 20. FRWL 21. CR 22. FYEO 23. DAF (SP to be included later)
    Bond actors to be re-ranked later
  • Virgil37Virgil37 Posts: 1,212MI6 Agent
    Wadsy wrote:
    TND is the first Bond I saw and I didn't like it then as much as I hate it now.

    I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Virgil37 wrote:
    Wadsy wrote:
    TND is the first Bond I saw and I didn't like it then as much as I hate it now.

    I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)

    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    This should clear that up nicely. ;)
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Virgil37Virgil37 Posts: 1,212MI6 Agent
    chrisisall wrote:
    Virgil37 wrote:
    Wadsy wrote:
    TND is the first Bond I saw and I didn't like it then as much as I hate it now.

    I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)


    Don't be mad, you knew it had to happen one day :D
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