The ULTIMATE bond ranking- your 1-20



  • somethingsomething Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    3. o.h.m.s.s.
    6.goldfinger and let die are fovever
    9.the spy who loved me
    10.the world is not enough
    11.the man with the golden gun only live twice
    13.tomorrow never dies(also never say never again)
    14.the living daylights
    15.die another day
    17.license to kill
    18.for your eyes only
    20.a view to a kill
  • Scaramanga10Scaramanga10 Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    My list of the 20 greatest movies ever made:
    [*]The Man With The Golden Gun[/*]
    [*]A View To A Kill[/*]
    [*]The Living Daylights[/*]
    [*]From Russia, With Love[/*]
    [*]Live And Let Die[/*]
    [*]The Spy Who Loved Me[/*]
    [*]Tomorrow Never Dies[/*]
    [*]Dr. No[/*]
    [*]Licence To Kill[/*]
    [*]For Your Eyes Only[/*]
    [*]The World Is Not Enough[/*]
    [*]Die Another Day[/*]
    [*]Diamonds Are Forever[/*]
    [*]On Her Majesty's Secret Service[/*]
    [*]You Only Live Twice[/*]
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    My list of the 20 greatest movies ever made:
    [*]The Man With The Golden Gun[/*]
    [*]A View To A Kill[/*]
    [*]The Living Daylights[/*]
    [*]From Russia, With Love[/*]
    [*]Live And Let Die[/*]
    [*]The Spy Who Loved Me[/*]
    [*]Tomorrow Never Dies[/*]
    [*]Dr. No[/*]
    [*]Licence To Kill[/*]
    [*]For Your Eyes Only[/*]
    [*]The World Is Not Enough[/*]
    [*]Die Another Day[/*]
    [*]Diamonds Are Forever[/*]
    [*]On Her Majesty's Secret Service[/*]
    [*]You Only Live Twice[/*]

    YESSSSSSSS! PRO-AVTAK! Sad to say, I'm not too fond of TMWTGG, but that's fine! AVTAK is there!
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Interesting choices, I too like TMWTGG.
  • Scaramanga10Scaramanga10 Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    I think we need to see the What is Wrong with TMWTGG forum shortly...
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    Hopefully you're not like me or it will become AVTAK Obsessions Pt. III (one of the longest threads in the "James Bond Films" forum!
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    By adding the 3 videogames (AUF, NF, and EON) I won't put Rogue Agent on there (not because of my hatred for it, but it's not about Bond so...) Here's where they'd rank with ME if they were movies, other gamers can place them according to their tastes.

    1. Goldeneye
    2. Goldfinger
    3. A View to a Kill
    4. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    5. For Your Eyes Only
    6. The Spy Who Loved Me
    7. From Russia with Love
    8. Never Say Never Again
    Everything or Nothing
    9. The World is Not Enough
    10. Octopussy
    11. You Only Live Twice
    Agent Under Fire
    12. Live and Let Die
    13. Thunderball
    14. The Living Daylights
    15. Moonraker
    16. Dr. No
    17. Tomorrow Never Dies
    18. Diamonds Are Forever
    19. License to Kill
    20. The Man with the Golden Gun
    21. Die Another Day

    So they're all pretty close. Though EON isn't my favorite of the 3, it would definitely be the best movie, followed by Nightfire and then AUF. So EON would be 9th, Nightfire would be 11th, and AUF would be 13th (or maybe 12th).
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    Hey everyone -

    Now that the "Favorite Films" thing has become part of our profiles this thread is pretty useless but shouldn't be locked. But everyone should update this wonderful feature!
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Well, I think we should keep this thread open. It has provided some good conversasion. I encourage everyone who is interested to view my top 20, changes have been made. DAF is beginning to rule me.
  • Harry PalmerHarry Palmer Somewhere in the past ...Posts: 325MI6 Agent
    edited March 2006
    I love this topic and it's the one that got me hooked on this forum. It's about discovering one's own tastes as well as other people's. However, now I've discovered that we have the "Favourite Films" and "Compare favourites" option next to our personal profiles, and that kind of replaces the need to keep checking out this topic (for me).
    1. Cr, 2. Ltk, 3. Tld, 4. Qs, 5. Ohmss, 6. Twine, 7. Tnd, 8. Tswlm, 9. Frwl, 10. Tb, 11. Ge, 12. Gf, 13. Dn, 14. Mr, 15. Op, 16. Yolt, 17. Sf, 18. Daf, 19. Avtak, 20. Sp, 21. Fyeo, 22. Dad, 23. Lald, 24. Tmwtgg
  • jamesbondagent007jamesbondagent007 Divided States of TrumpPosts: 236MI6 Agent
    edited March 2006
    This is the epitome of my ultimate Bond ranking. I've been studying the films, and working on and tweaking my list for years now, and I just now got done with my most recent viewing of the entire series. So each film is in its exact place from 1-20, and I'm not just tossing them in a general order like I used to.

    But, I actually really like most of the Bond films, and I dont want people to think I completely despise the ones toward the bottom, so I'll include each film's star rating, from 1 to 4. People ask me: "Is Moonraker that horrible?" No, 2.5 stars means entertaining but not really good or great. I still like it, I just like 16 others more. You could even call me an AVTAK liker, because I like it quite a bit, but I like 13 others more. So, here goes...

    Top 5:
    1.) On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    Complete brilliance when it comes to spy flicks. This one feels the least like escapism and the most like interpretive fiction with its involving story and round characters. Superb villain, as well. This movie just always strikes a certain chord with me, and it's the closest to Fleming until the Dalton era. It's ALWAYS better to see 007 use his wit like in this film to get out of sticky situations rather than some odd device, because the audience can relate and gets a certain rush when he's escaping. Very down to earth espionage film, which is what they should be. In short, almost perfect.
    4 stars
    2.) From Russia With Love
    4 stars
    3.) GoldenEye
    4 stars
    4.) The Living Daylights
    4 stars
    5.) Goldfinger
    4 stars

    Middle 10:
    6.) The Spy Who Loved Me
    4 stars
    7.) Live and Let Die
    3.5 stars
    8.) The World Is Not Enough
    3.5 stars
    9.) Licence to Kill
    3.5 stars
    10.) Dr. No
    3.5 stars
    11.) For Your Eyes Only
    3.5 stars
    12.) Tomorrow Never Dies
    3 stars
    13.) Thunderball
    3 stars
    14.) A View to a Kill
    3 stars
    15.) The Man with the Golden Gun
    3 stars

    Bottom 5:
    16.) Die Another Day
    2.5 stars
    17.) Moonraker
    2.5 stars
    18.) Octopussy
    2.5 stars
    19.) Diamonds Are Forever
    2 stars
    20.) You Only Live Twice

    I actually used to like this one because of all it's iconic scenes, like Little Nellie, the hollowed out volcano, etc., until I realized that none of these scenes makes any sense, and the whole film has this aura of carlessness and stupidity to it. The story isn't very interesting either, and the special effects were much worse than any of the four films before it. Plus, it unfairly makes Japan look like the most backward nation on the planet. In short, borderline awful, saved from one star oblivion only by its fun Bondishness.
    2 stars
  • sharpshootersharpshooter Posts: 164MI6 Agent
    Tier One

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
    From Russia With Love (1963)
    Dr. No (1962)
    Goldfinger (1964)
    Thunderball (1965)
    You Only Live Twice (1967)
    Casino Royale (2006)
    Quantum of Solace (2008)
    GoldenEye (1995)
    Licence To Kill (1989)
    The Living Daylights (1987)
    The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
    Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)

    Tier Two

    Moonraker (1979)
    Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
    The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
    Live and Let Die (1973)
    Octopussy (1983)
    For Your Eyes Only (1981)
    Die Another Day (2002)
    The World is not Enough (1999)
    A View to a Kill (1985)
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    Clumping them, I get:

    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969): takes EON's very swinging 60s creation and cements him in - a love story?? Not only that, it works: story, characters, action, design, all elements combine to create a Bond and his world, perfected. Lazenby just works.
    2. Quantum of Solace (2008): best blend of character and action in the series, and Craig is pitch-perfect. An amazing film.

    3. From Russia With Love (1963) and
    4. Dr. No (1962): Bond's best straight-forward (ie no deeper lovestory/aftermath) adventure and Connery at his zenith: still slightly raw, suave yet not too thick with it; then his earlier, more low-budgety but still thrilling intro.

    5. Goldfinger (1964): slicker yet still homey.
    6. Casino Royale (2006): great rebooted Bond that anchors him in another love - his first - story, and sets up the future of the series nicely.
    7. Thunderball (1965): Bond at his superspy best and Connery loving every moment of it.

    8. The Man With The Golden Gun (1974) and
    9. Live and Let Die (1973): a new Bond for a new era, a tad campy/uneven but with (more or less) solid Bond-style action and characters.

    10. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997): after 20+ years of Barry Manilow Bond (you know, trying to get the feeling again...), this one finally strikes the correct balance and tone. Brosnan (more or less) shines.

    11. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977): YOLT revisited and squared but with a much more charismatic Bond in swinging 70s Moore.
    12. Goldeneye (1995): brings back some good old-fashioned Bondisms along with some long-awaited modern elements, but can't quite break free of the previous decade's Bond. Brosnan holds his own.

    13. You Only Live Twice (1967): a Bond pastiche more than a Bond adventure, lots of cool moments but in the end a pageant, not to its betterment.
    14. Diamonds Are Forever (1971): spoof-Bond with - again, and this later becomes an EON blueprint oddly enough - Bondian touches.
    15. Moonraker (1979): how many times can they refilm YOLT?? Silly but again Moore keeps things interesting, even enjoyable in brief moments.

    I have no use for 80s Bond, or Brosnan's last two: cartoons ineptly handled. Double-meh (and pity poor Dalton, used and abused by a frightened, aimless franchise).
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    Recently made some changes to my list, GF stays at #1, TB moves up to #2, TWINE is #3, LTK #4 and GE #5. The big mover was OHMSS into the top 10, with TLD dropping out of the top 10.

    Bringing up the rear are, QOS at #19, OP #20, MR #21, AVTAK #22, NSNA #23 and then the two early Casino Royales that can be flipped flopped.

    The list is always changing, especially for the films in the middle, so next week I could think differently.
  • heartbroken_mr_draxheartbroken_mr_drax New Zealand Posts: 2,073MI6 Agent
    Top Five:
    1. TWINE
    2. QOS
    3. FYEO
    4. MR
    5. TLD

    Bottom Five:
    18. DAF
    19. FRWL
    20. DAD
    21. TND
    22. LALD
    1. TWINE 2. FYEO 3. MR 4. TLD 5. TSWLM 6. OHMSS 7. DN 8. OP 9. AVTAK 10. TMWTGG 11. QoS 12. GE 13. CR 14. TB 15. FRWL 16. TND 17. LTK 18. GF 19. SF 20. LaLD 21. YOLT 22. NTTD 23. DAD 24. DAF. 25. SP

    "Better make that two."
  • TrenchcoatTrenchcoat Posts: 10MI6 Agent
    1)FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (The very essence of Bond)
    2)GOLDFINGER (Bond's cinematic perfection)
    3)DR. NO (The name is...)
    5)YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (Crescendo)
    6)THUNDERBALL (Prescient)
    7)THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS (Good Bond - poor plot)
    8)THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (A fun reworking of YOLT)
    9)FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (Roger's 2nd. best)
    10)DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (Witty, campy, but tired)
    11)LISENCE TO KILL (A bit off target)
    12)GOLDENEYE (Nice intro - good fight at end)
    13)THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH (Good PB -but muddled)
    14)TOMORROW NEVER DIES (The doctor is in)
    15)DIE ANOTHER DAY (Good opening idea, but alas)
    16)MOONRAKER (Loony Tunes)
    18)LIVE AND LET DIE (Soul without ice)
    19)OCTOPUSSY (You must be joking!)
    20)A VIEW TO A KILL (Quick Watson, the Geritol!)

    and in no particular order...
    *)CASINO ROYALE (Great opening - Nice new re-invention of series. Craig just fine as former SAS type Bond)
    *)QUANTUM OF SOLACE (Fast & furious. Doesn't play the audience cheap. Flaws? Yes. But overall it stays with you. An art-house action movie - who would have thought it?)
    *)NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN (Sigh...One or two okay touches but a sad farewell)
  • Monza860Monza860 USPosts: 501MI6 Agent
    edited January 2009
    Casino Royale - Love the story, and well everything
    Quantum of Solace - It’s Daniel Craig
    Tomorrow Never Dies - Love the story, love the car chase, lots of action
    Goldeneye -First bond movie I ever seen, would of possibly been higher than TND but the music is so dated that it brings it below, love 00’s fighting each other

    I Love these movies just not favorite material
    The World Is Not Enough
    Die Another Day - The only reason this is so high is because it’s fairly new and it’s Brosnan
    Goldfinger - A classic
    The Spy Who Loved Me - love Barbara
    You Only Live Twice - Love the music, best Blofeld

    Greatly enjoy watching with the occasional boring moments
    Live and Let Die
    The Man with the Golden Gun - Have seen most of it but in bits and pieces, if I seen it straight through would probably be higher than LALD
    From Russia With Love
    Diamonds Are Forever - Gay henchmen bring this down, wished the mustang chase was longer
    Thunderball - Bond girls were a little blah

    Good movies, I just like the others better
    Moonraker - A lot of hot girls in the background and I suppose Dr Goodhead help bring this up
    For Your Eyes Only - I feel the bond girl wasn’t very memorable, maybe if she wore some more revealing clothes she would have been

    I enjoy these but there not the most interesting
    A View to a Kill - Been a while since I seen this one and don’t remember much but terrible bond girls
    Dr. No - I really like the end and Dr. No but getting to it takes forever

    On Her Majesty’s Secret Service - Never seen so can’t judge
    The Living Daylights - Been so long I don’t remember anything other than the Aston on ice which was cool, but I can’t really judge

    I just don’t like
    License To Kill - I just feel that this was a job for Miami Vice not a 00 but I'll still watch if it's on

    As you can see I grew up with Brosnan so I’m a little biased when it comes to his movies. In general I love all Bond movies and it was very hard to rate them.
    Away at Boot Camp, won't be back until April the earliest.
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    edited April 2009
    01. From Russia With Love - Try and find me one fault with this film.

    02. On Her Majesty's Secret Service - Connery was better but this was Lazenby's baby B-)

    03. Quantum of Solace - Had an incredibly hard time ranking CR & QOS but I think this is good for now.

    04. Casino Royale - See above.

    05. The Spy Who Loved Me - As much as "From Russia With Love" is my favourite, if there was to be only one Bond movie then it would be this one. It has it all, beautiful girls, edge-of-your-seat action, exotic locations, fast cars, hi-tech gadgets etc

    06. Octopussy - Underrated. I really don't see what beef people have with this movie. Sure Moore was getting a bit long in the tooth and it had a few campy moments but they don't spoil the film for me ;)

    07. Licence To Kill - A lot of people moan at this Bond for being too much like "Miami Vice", a lot of people moan at "Moonraker" for being too much like "Star Wars", a lot of people moan at "Quantum of Solace" for being too much like "The Bourne Ultimatium". A lot of people are stupid :p

    08. Goldfinger - Good but overrated.

    09. Live and Let Die - Once again, Bond is trying new things. Moore puts on a great performance as his 'Bourbon drinking, cigar smoking' version of Bond :)

    10. Tomorrow Never Dies - "Tomorrow Never Dies'" first half is good on so many levels. The 'Hamburg' scenes are Brosnan's best moments as 'Bond' in my opinion. It is just a pity that the film then the film plummets into your average 1990s action movie about 75mins in :(

    11. Moonraker - You would be forgiven for thinking that this film was a spoof directed by 'Mel Brooks' but it is good for a one-off.

    12. The Living Daylights - Runs out of steam a bit when it goes to 'Afganistan' but overall a good effort.

    13. Thunderball - A bit slow. The Bond girls were good but instantly forgettable.

    14. Goldeneye - The first 40minutes was simply 'Brozzer' being rather smug and trying to show how 'Bondian' he was. A fairly run-of-the-mill Bond movie with a darker touch.

    15. For Your Eyes Only - Fairly forgettable villain and Bond girl but overall a good effort.

    16. Dr No - The original but not quite the best. Plays out more like a detective movie, 'Honey Ryder' even says "I've never met a detective before".

    17. You Only Live Twice - Connery puts on a poor performance and the film is full of plot holes. Still beautiful scenery and score. Probably the most parodied in the "Austin Powers" films.

    18. The Man with the Golden Gun - The film has beautiful scenery and interesting characters although the goofy humour and lacksture finale let it down.

    19. The World Is Not Enough - Starts and ends brilliantly but sags in the middle. Some good characters (Bond, Elektra King, Miss Moneypenny, Q, Renard, Valentin Zuvosky etc) Fairl run-of-the-mill though.

    20. Diamonds Are Forever - Only beats "A View To A Kill" because of 'Sean Connery'.

    21. A View To A Kill - Good action, good girls (I count May Day as a villain ;)), good song, good villains. Had the potential to be a good Bond movie if it wasn't just a poor "Goldfinger" remake starring an age-ing 'Roger Moore'.

    22. Die Another Day - I don't feel like writing another 'I hate "Die Another Day" because...' list at the moment. Just scan through some of the other threads on the forum, I'm sure you'll find something ;)
  • TripleXXXTripleXXX Posts: 23MI6 Agent
    edited March 2009
    1. TSWLM Best stunt, best big battle, best love story, one of the best Bond girls IMO :007) :007)

    2. FRWL Possibly the most well-made Bond film, one of the sexiest Bond girls, but can get a little slow.

    3. GF -Best line of any Bond "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die." Golf scene, Oddjob

    4. TB Domino, underwater battle scene

    5. LALD Some of the best chase scenes in any Bond film, death of Kananga is classic

    6. DN The original, with the most memorable Bond girl of all time.

    7. YOLT While not on the level of the previous Bond films, it still has its moments, especially the helicopter scene.

    8. CR A vast improvement over the past 20 years of Bond films, it has great action scenes and a good plot. Gets a little slow.

    9. GE The best Brosnan film, easily. Saved the series from the terrible films that came out in the 80's (sorry Dalton fans)

    10. OHMSS Lazenby did an ok job, it is a good all-around Bond film but it is not the masterpiece people here crack it up to be.

    11. TWINE Second-best Brosnan film, it has some good action and lets face it Elektra is the hottest Bond villain ever ;)

    12. OP Good film but really silly.

    13. MR I like the Gondola scene but this movie is definetely the most unrealistic Bond ever.

    14. TND Good action, not really that great of a plot, lacks a good Bond girl.

    15. FYEO Not bad, nothing special though. Has too much of an "80's" feel.

    16. QOS Great action, hot ass Bond girl, lacks any resemblance of plot.

    17. TMWTGG Could have been much better.

    18. DAF Not as bad as people here make it out to be but definetely left a bad mark on SC's otherwise fantastic Bond movies.

    19. TLD Boring, Dalton.

    20. LTK Boring, Dalton.

    21. DAD WORST THEME SONG EVER seriously i almost left the theatre during the theme song and wish I had, would have saved 2 hours of my life.

    22. AVTAK Terrible, only good thing about this movie is Stacey's pretty eyes. Mayday is the worst abomination to ever see the screen of any Bond film.
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent

    01. From Russia With Love - Try and find me one fault with this film.

    02. Goldfinger - My first Bond film :)

    03. On Her Majesty's Secret Service - Connery was better but this was Lazenby's baby B-)


    04. Quantum of Solace - Had an incredibly hard time ranking CR & QOS but I think this is good for now.

    05. Casino Royale - See above.

    06. Thunderball - A bit slow. The Bond girls were good though :)

    07. For Your Eyes Only - Fairly forgettable villain and Bond girl but overall a good effort.

    08. Licence To Kill - A lot of people moan at this Bond for being too much like "Miami Vice", a lot of people moan at "Moonraker" for being too much like "Star Wars", a lot of people moan at "Quantum of Solace" for being too much like "The Bourne Ultimatium". A lot of people are stupid :p

    09. Goldeneye - A great Bond movie with a darker touch.

    10. The Spy Who Loved Me - It has it all, beautiful girls, edge-of-your-seat action, exotic locations, fast cars, hi-tech gadgets etc

    11. Octopussy - Underrated. I really don't see what beef people have with this movie. Sure Moore was getting a bit long in the tooth and it had a few campy moments but they don't spoil the film for me ;)

    12. The Living Daylights - Runs out of steam a bit when it goes to 'Afganistan' but overall a good effort.

    13. The World Is Not Enough - Starts and ends brilliantly but sags in the middle. Some good characters though (Bond, Elektra King, Miss Moneypenny, Q, Renard, Valentin Zuvosky etc)

    14. Diamonds Are Forever - The only bad things about this one are some of the characters.


    15. Dr No - The original but not quite the best. Plays out more like a detective movie, 'Honey Ryder' even says "I've never met a detective before" (or something along them lines)

    16. Live and Let Die - Once again, Bond is trying new things. Moore puts on a great performance as his 'Bourbon drinking, cigar smoking' version of Bond :)

    17. The Man with the Golden Gun - The film has beautiful scenery and interesting characters although the goofy humour and lacksture finale let it down.


    18. A View To A Kill - Good action, good girls (I count May Day as a villain ;)), good song, good villains. Pity that it was just a "Goldfinger" remake starring an ageing 'Roger Moore'.

    19. Tomorrow Never Dies - "Tomorrow Never Dies'" first half is good on so many levels. The 'Hamburg' scenes are Brosnan's best moments as 'Bond' in my opinion. It is just a pity that the film then the film plummets into your average 1990s action movie about 75mins in :(

    20. You Only Live Twice - Connery puts on a poor performance and the film is full of plot holes. Still beautiful scenery and score. Probably the most parodied in the "Austin Powers" films.


    21. Moonraker - You could be forgiven for thinking that this film was a spoof directed by 'Mel Brooks'!


    21. Die Another Day - I don't feel like writing another 'I hate "Die Another Day" because...' list at the moment. Just scan through some of the other threads on the forum, I'm sure you'll find something ;)
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    It's been a while but here's my new & improved top 22 :)

    001) Thunderball (1965)
    002) The Living Daylights (1987)
    003) Tomorrow Never Die (1997)
    004) Goldfinger (1964)
    005) Moonraker (1979)
    006) Octopussy (1983)
    007) Casino Royale (2006)
    008) From Russia With Love (1963)
    009) On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
    010) For Your Eyes Only (1981)
    011) Licence To Kill (1989)
    012) Dr No (1962)
    013) The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
    014) Goldeneye (1995)
    015) You Only Live Twice (1967)
    016) Live and Let Die (1973)
    017) The World Is Not Enough (1999)
    018) Quantum of Solace (2008)
    019) Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
    020) The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
    021) A View To A Kill (1985)
    022) Die Another Day (2002)
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    01. From Russia With Love - Try and find me one fault with this film.
    Well, you should challenge yourself, as you now put it at eighth on your list. :p :D
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Harry PalmerHarry Palmer Somewhere in the past ...Posts: 325MI6 Agent
    As the "favourite films" link seems to have vanished from our profiles, I'm updating my list.

    The greats:
    1. From Russia with Love
    2. The Living Daylights
    3. LTK
    4. Casino Royale
    5. Tomorrow Never Dies
    6. For Your Eyes Only
    7. Quantum of Solace

    Good ones but flawed:
    8. TWINE
    9. OHMSS
    10. TB
    11. Goldfinger
    12. TSWLM
    13. GE
    14. OP
    15. DN

    Below Average:
    16. YOLT
    17. AVTAK

    Seriously flawed:
    18. Diamonds Are Forever
    19. Moonraker
    20. Die another Day
    21. The Man With the Golden Gun
    22. Live and Let Die
    1. Cr, 2. Ltk, 3. Tld, 4. Qs, 5. Ohmss, 6. Twine, 7. Tnd, 8. Tswlm, 9. Frwl, 10. Tb, 11. Ge, 12. Gf, 13. Dn, 14. Mr, 15. Op, 16. Yolt, 17. Sf, 18. Daf, 19. Avtak, 20. Sp, 21. Fyeo, 22. Dad, 23. Lald, 24. Tmwtgg
  • blofeld#1blofeld#1 Posts: 118MI6 Agent
    My List
    1 From Russia With Love
    2 Goldfinger
    3 OHMSS
    4 Dr.No
    5 Casino Royale
    6 Goldeneye
    7 Thunderball
    8 License To Kill
    9 The Living Daylights
    10 Live And Let Die
    11 Moonraker
    12 The Spy Who Loved Me
    13 Quantum Of Solace
    14 Tommorrow Never Dies
    15 A View To A Kill
    16 You Only Live Twice
    17 For Your Eyes Only
    18 Octopussy
    19 The World Is Not Enough
    20 The Man With The Golden Gun
    21 Diamonds Are Forever
    22 Die Another Day
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    blueman wrote:
    Clumping them, I get:

    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969): takes EON's very swinging 60s creation and cements him in - a love story?? Not only that, it works: story, characters, action, design, all elements combine to create a Bond and his world, perfected. Lazenby just works.
    2. Quantum of Solace (2008): best blend of character and action in the series, and Craig is pitch-perfect. An amazing film.

    3. From Russia With Love (1963) and
    4. Dr. No (1962): Bond's best straight-forward (ie no deeper lovestory/aftermath) adventure and Connery at his zenith: still slightly raw, suave yet not too thick with it; then his earlier, more low-budgety but still thrilling intro.

    5. Goldfinger (1964): slicker yet still homey.
    6. Casino Royale (2006): great rebooted Bond that anchors him in another love - his first - story, and sets up the future of the series nicely.
    7. Thunderball (1965): Bond at his superspy best and Connery loving every moment of it.

    8. The Man With The Golden Gun (1974) and
    9. Live and Let Die (1973): a new Bond for a new era, a tad campy/uneven but with (more or less) solid Bond-style action and characters.

    10. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997): after 20+ years of Barry Manilow Bond (you know, trying to get the feeling again...), this one finally strikes the correct balance and tone. Brosnan (more or less) shines.
    No change to the top ten. But after that the murk comes in:

    11. You Only Live Twice (1967): a Bond pastiche more than a Bond adventure, lots of cool moments but in the end a pageant, not to its betterment.

    12. Diamonds Are Forever (1971): spoof-Bond with - again, and this later becomes an EON blueprint oddly enough - Bondian touches.

    13. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977): YOLT revisited and squared but with a somewhat more charismatic Bond in swinging 70s Moore.

    Still have no use for 80s Bond, or Brosnan's awful last two - or MR I guess (last time I tried to watch it, made it to Rio then crapped out, oh well), or GE either (way too schizo-Bond for me, just doesn't come together the way early Moore Bond does, oh well again).
  • dr. evan-gelistdr. evan-gelist SheffieldPosts: 399MI6 Agent
    Tim Dalton films
    Sean Connerys films
    Pierce Brosnan films
    Sir Roger Moore films
    Daniel Craig Films
    George 'lazy' Lazenbys 1 film
    "You're in the wrong business... leave it to the professionals!"
    James Bond- Licence To Kill
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    1. Goldfinger
    2. You Only Live Twice
    3. From Russia With Love
    4. Thunderball
    5. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    6. Dr. No
    7. Casino Royale (2006)
    8. Diamonds Are Forever (mostly for the return of Sean Connery!)
    9. Goldeneye
    10. The World is Not Enough
    11. The Living Daylights
    12. License to Kill
    13. Die Another Day
    14. Quantum of Solace
    15. Tomorrow Never Dies
    16. For Your Eyes Only
    17. The Spy Who Loved Me
    18. Octopussy
    19. Live and Let Die
    20. Moonraker
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • The VikingThe Viking Posts: 17MI6 Agent
    I think that the collaboration of Young, Connery, and Hunt added something to the Fleming foundation, and produced the (IMHO) definative film Bond. Thus my ranking of the films:

    1. From Russia With Love
    2. Thunderball
    3. Dr. No
    4. Goldfinger
    5. OHMSS
    6. CR (Craig)
    7. QoS (another fine job, maybe some tweaks will make 23 even better)
    8. License to Kill (Dalton mastered Fleming's Bond, but I like a little Young influence in my Bond)
    9. The Living Daylights
    10. DAF (mostly because of Sean)
    11. You Only Live Twice (same as above, too much sci-fi, lots of reusable elements)
    12. Goldeneye (best script given to Pierce, get rid of laser watch)
    13. For Your Eyes Only (most down to earth Roger film)
    14. Tomorrow Never Dies (get rid of cable cutting feature/stunt, exchange BMW with Jaguar XJR to keep Fleming from spinning too much in his grave);)
    15. The World is Not Enough (trade BMW for Jaguar XKR same reason as above)
    16. LALD (too much comic relief)
    17. TMWTGG (too much comic relief)
    18.TSWLM (too much comic relief)
    19. Octopussy (you guessed it, too much comic relief)
    20. AVTAK (problems a plenty, and too much comic relief)
    21. DAD (many, many, problems, and an invisable car)
    22. Moonraker (other problems, but the Star Wars ending really kills the film)

    Please excuse me for ranking all twenty two films. B-)
  • buser333buser333 Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    edited March 2013
    1. Thunderball
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. Dr. No
    4. From Russia with Love
    5. Goldfinger
    6. The Man with the Golden Gun
    7. Live and Let Die
    8. Octopussy
    9. For Your Eyes Only
    10. Diamonds Are Forever
    11. Moonraker
    12. The Spy Who Loved Me
    13. The Living Daylights
    14. License to Kill
    15. Casino Royale
    16. You Only Live Twice
    17. A View to a Kill
    18. GoldenEye
    19. The World is Not Enough
    20. Tomorrow Never Dies
    21. Quantum of Solace
    22. Die Another Day
    23. Skyfall
    1-tb, 2-dn, 3-ohmss, 4-frwl, 5-fyeo, 6-gf, 7-tmwtgg. 8-op, 9-lald, 10-daf, 11-mr, 12-tswlm, 13-ltk, 14-cr, 15-tld, 16-yolt, 17-avtak, 18-ge, 19-tnd, 20-twine, 21-qos, 22-dad, 23-sf
  • hegottheboothegottheboot USAPosts: 327MI6 Agent
    My 11-20 are based on overall strengths, but my 1-10 change spots around regularly.
    1. Live and Let Die
    2. OHMSS
    3. FRWL
    4. Goldfinger
    5. Thunderball
    6. Dr. No
    7. TLD
    8. YOLT
    9. TSWLM
    10. TMWTGG
    11. MR
    12. DAF
    13. FYEO
    14. OP
    15. AVTAK
    16. LTK
    17. TWINE
    18. GE
    19. TND
    20. DAD
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