The Five Bond Actors Best To Worst



  • wordswords Buckinghamshire, EnglandPosts: 249MI6 Agent
    words wrote:
    1. Pierce Brosnan
    2. Sean Connery/Roger Moore
    4. George Lazenby
    5. Me
    6. Jenny Flex - Alison Doody
    7. Pan Ho - Papillon Soo
    8. May Day - Grace Jones
    9. Christopher Walken
    10. The Train Driver from GE
    11. Koskov - Jeroen Krabbe
    12. Someone who isn't Dalton
    13-1000. Other people who aren't Dalton
    1001. Timothy Dalton

    You're a hard man (woman!) JFF! I hope Timothy Dalton isn't too sensitive.

    I have two lists - one is the actor's who were technically the best at playing Bond and another which is the order in which I personally enjoyed
    them most:

    Technically Personally

    1. Connery 1. Moore
    2. Brosnan 2. Connery
    3. Dalton 3. Dalton
    4. Moore 4. Brosnan
    5. Lazenby 5. Lazenby
    So how many people exactly thought I was a woman.

    Loads of us I think, you saucy minx! :))
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    So how many people exactly thought I was a woman.
    I still can't believe that you're not a woman! My dreams are totally shattered! :D
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited July 2006
    Dan Same wrote:
    I can not separate the two as my personal preference of each actor is related to (IMO) their ability to play Bond.
    You mean, your subjective evaluation of their ability to play Bond.
    Of course, that's why I used IMO. 8-) Are you just trying to pick a fight with me because my above statement is obviously not intended as a fact. (Unlike you, I actually am quite aware that my opinions are, just, opinions.)

    It is all subjective, including your beliefs that Dalton was one of the best Bonds and was a better Bond than Moore. Those two beliefs are equally as subjective as my evaluation of the actor's abilities to play Bond, in case you didn't know.
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Klaus HergescheimerKlaus Hergescheimer Posts: 332MI6 Agent
    Dan Same wrote:
    Dan Same wrote:
    I can not separate the two as my personal preference of each actor is related to (IMO) their ability to play Bond.
    You mean, your subjective evaluation of their ability to play Bond.
    Of course, that's why I used IMO. 8-) Are you just trying to pick a fight with me because my above statement is obviously not intended as a fact. (Unlike you, I actually am quite aware that my opinions are, just, opinions.)

    It is all subjective, including your beliefs that Dalton was one of the best Bonds and was a better Bond than Moore. Those two beliefs are equally as subjective as my evaluation of the actor's abilities to play Bond, in case you didn't know.

    When have I suggested my opinions are facts?

    And by the way, my opinion isn't that Dalton is one of the best Bonds: my opinion is that he is THE BEST Bond. ;)
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited July 2006
    When have I suggested my opinions are facts?
    Countless times: I'll just list two; your comment that people should want Speilberg to direct the next film and your Dalton-related comments in this same thread. However that's not really the point. The point is that you made sure to remind me that my comments were subjective when I had used the phrase IMO. (Your comments are equally as subjective yet you often don't go to nearly that much length to present them as opinions.)
    And by the way, my opinion isn't that Dalton is one of the best Bonds: my opinion is that he is THE BEST Bond. ;)
    Fine, and my opinion is that Dalton was the worst Bond.
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    Personally, I don't think either one of you really're both just some randomly looped Bond computer program, endlessly posting the same Bond thing, over and over, back and's hypnotic, and somehow strangely fascinating, I find myself wanting more and more and more Bond...;)

    But that's just my little ol' opinion, definately non-reality based and utterly silly. {[]
  • scrmpb007scrmpb007 Posts: 3MI6 Agent
    1. Without question Connery
    2. Then probley Roger M.
    3. Next Dalton
    4. Pierce b/ he was I great actor but I didn't think he seemed like the ''Bond Type''
    5. George L.- I think he wasn't a very bad actor but OHMSS script was bad or something b/ that movie stunk
  • Slazenger7Slazenger7 Posts: 62MI6 Agent
    My opinion of Dalton is one that has taken years to form, and is almost like an enigma. I still can't really make up my mind whether I like him or Roger better. In some ways I think this is because Roger did so many "Moore" movies and has just given me that many more Bond moments that I enjoy.

    Dalton has given me some great moments that I enjoy as well, but he will always be cursed by only being able to do just two movies, although I feel he fit those movies very well. Further complicating the matter is the fact that I enjoy TLD and LTK more than many of Moore's movies.

    Also, it should be noted that my first impression of Dalton was scarred during my high school years. In English class we were forced to read 'Wuthering Heights' *shudders* ,and then watch the movie starring none other than Timothy Dalton himself. God do I despise Bronte and Victorian literature to this day!

    Dalton's strengths are obvious, and I appreciate them. His first scene in TLD with Pushkin is gold, as is Saunders' death scene. I also really enjoy the Afghan scenes in this movie. I love parts of LTK as well, particularly his scenes with Sharky and the DEA agents, and also his first meeting with Sanchez.

    However, when it's all said and done, I just don't feel that Dalton has enough screen presence, or leading man ability, or coolness, or whatever the intangible qualities are that make a great motion-picure Bond. His Shakespearian-stage roots are evident on screen and detract from his overall performance in many scenes. He's just not well rounded enough to make me want to BE HIM when I'm watching him like others do. It's close, but I have to give Moore the slight edge here.

    I'm sorry, but I'm not necessarily sold on the fact that he's "Fleming's Bond" either. In no way does either of his performances even come close to sniffing Sean's in FRWL, if you want to talk Fleming. My humble opinion, of course.

    So my rankings are as follows:

    1. Connery
    2. Brosnan
    3. Moore
    4. Dalton
    5. Lazenby
  • Pierce_BrosnanPierce_Brosnan Posts: 329MI6 Agent
    edited July 2006
    blueman wrote:
    Personally, I don't think either one of you really're both just some randomly looped Bond computer program, endlessly posting the same Bond thing, over and over, back and's hypnotic, and somehow strangely fascinating, I find myself wanting more and more and more Bond...;)

    But that's just my little ol' opinion, definately non-reality based and utterly silly. {[]

    That is one obsract idea you have there!
  • Hunter HarryHunter Harry Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    1. Timothy Dalton.

    He has always been my favourite, he just had a much more realistic edge that the others didn't. As someone else said, he could be hateable as well and I wish he had done another film or two. He was badass.

    2. Sean Connery.

    Great Bond, he was badass and cool, he was great in Dr. No, From Russia With Love (my personal favourite Bond film), Goldfinger, Thunderball and You Only Live Twice. Diamonds Are Forever soured me to him abit. Professor Dent's death was great though.

    3. Roger Moore.

    Played the role well and brought more humour into the series. He had some great films like Live and Let Die and The Spy Who Loved Me. Sadly, the ridiculous opening scene in For Your Eyes Only, where Bond kills his main nemesis in under ten minutes, dropped him in my opinion

    3. Pierce Brosnan.

    He played Bond coolest. GoldenEye is in my top five, and I enjoyed all of his films to an extent (Die Another Day being the only one I considered average). I think he had some more left in him, I could have seen him being the next Roger Moore.

    5. George Lazenby.

    Didn't care for him much, and doing only one film makes it hard for me to endear myself to him.
  • BondyBondy Posts: 8MI6 Agent
    For me its Dalton at no 1, Moore at no 5. Too hard to place the other 3. Dalton is simply Ian Flemings James Bond.

    By the way, I know we should not bag other members, but the clown who says OHMSS 'stank' would have to be in the minority wouldn't he?
  • Pierce_BrosnanPierce_Brosnan Posts: 329MI6 Agent
    Bondy wrote:
    By the way, I know we should not bag other members, but the clown who says OHMSS 'stank' would have to be in the minority wouldn't he?

    You are right Bondy, he would be in the minority, but you know everyone is entitled to there own opinions and preferences.
  • Hunter HarryHunter Harry Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    I just re-watched On Her Majesty's Secret Service and I have to change Lazenby the joint third with Brosnan and Moore.
  • Thomas CrownThomas Crown Posts: 119MI6 Agent
    edited July 2008
  • jhermanjherman Posts: 59MI6 Agent
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,175MI6 Agent
  • ThunderballsThunderballs Posts: 16MI6 Agent
    6. Moore
    5. Brosnan
    4. Lazenby
    3. Dalton
    2. Craig
    1. Connery
  • MrBond95MrBond95 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    1.Pierce Brosnan has to be the first. He was moore and connery put to together. He had the charm and was serious at the same time.

    2.Roger Moore, He really carried the bond character through seven films. He really had that bon charm on point

    3.Sean Connery, the reason I put him three is because in his films he seemed a little dull making it boring. But overall He had the bond look plus he was the first.

    4.Timothy Dalton, He reminded me of connery a little bit but connery was more animated, plus connery could dress. He couldn't.

    5.George Lazenby, He could have done more but it didn't look good money wise so he was out.

    6.Daniel Criag, No offense but why is he bond? he looks nothing like how bond would look. Plus he looks very old. Casino Royale was trash. Step it up.
  • Herr MichaelHerr Michael Posts: 360MI6 Agent
    I'm glad I am finally seeing some support for Brosnan's role of Bond.

    I thought he was a combination of the ruthlesness of Dalton and the suave and calculating Connery. Both could fight, and Brosnan held his own in that regard.

    I can't really rate any of them. They were all the right actor at the the time, and I was there for all of them and I know how the times were then.

    Moore was wildly accepted and revered as the "James Bond" of the '70's and early '80's.

    I guess you had to be there.
  • Herr MichaelHerr Michael Posts: 360MI6 Agent
    MrBond95 wrote:
    1.Pierce Brosnan has to be the first. He was moore and connery put to together. He had the charm and was serious at the same time.

    2.Roger Moore, He really carried the bond character through seven films. He really had that bon charm on point

    3.Sean Connery, the reason I put him three is because in his films he seemed a little dull making it boring. But overall He had the bond look plus he was the first.

    4.Timothy Dalton, He reminded me of connery a little bit but connery was more animated, plus connery could dress. He couldn't.

    5.George Lazenby, He could have done more but it didn't look good money wise so he was out.

    6.Daniel Criag, No offense but why is he bond? he looks nothing like how bond would look. Plus he looks very old. Casino Royale was trash. Step it up.

    MI6 doesn't hire employees on looks.
  • urhashurhash USPosts: 985MI6 Agent
    1) Connery
    2) Brosnan
    3) Craig
    3) Moore
    4) Dalton
    5) Lazenby
  • SeducerSeducer Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    1-The Great Sean Connery- Confident, deadly, masculine, cool, the Voice, not self absorbed.

    2-Daniel Craig- Deadly, masculine, the voice, not self absorbed

    3-Roger Moore-Confident, masculine, cool

    4-Timothy Dalton- Deadly, masculine, not self abosrbed

    5-Pierce Brosnan- Confident

    6-What's the name of that other guy????
  • Tilly Masterson 007Tilly Masterson 007 UKPosts: 1,472MI6 Agent
    1. Dalton
    2. Moore
    3. Connery
    4. Brosnan
    5. Craig
    6. Lazenby
  • urhashurhash USPosts: 985MI6 Agent
    1. Dalton
    2. Moore
    3. Connery
    4. Brosnan
    5. Craig
    6. Lazenby

    That list is a little unusual. Could you delve a little bit into why you have ranked them as such? :)
  • stumac7stumac7 ScotlandPosts: 295MI6 Agent
    1. Connery (by a country mile)
    2. Brosnan
    3. Craig
    the next 3 are hard for me to judge as I don't really like any of them.
    4. Moore
    6. Lazenby
  • 3rbrown3rbrown MI6 Top Secret - Scotland, GlaPosts: 100MI6 Agent
    edited June 2008
    1. Daniel Craig
    2. Sean Connery
    3. Timothy Dalton
    4. Roger Moore
    5. Pierce Brosnan
  • slingerslinger USAPosts: 79MI6 Agent
    1. Connery
    (Almost a tie with Craig. Gave first to Connery because he's the classic.)
    2. Craig
    3. Brosnan
    4. Moore (Mainly for Live & Let Die)
    5. Dalton
    6. Lazenby
  • solacesolace Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    Ist ever post so here goes

    1.Daniel Craig
    2.sean connery
    3.George Lazenby
    4.pierce Brosnan
    5.Timothy Dalton
    that of course leaves Roger in 6th place.
    I see bond as Fleming intended him. Daniel so far being the closest. By the way great site.
  • solacesolace Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    cheers -{
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