The Five Bond Actors Best To Worst



  • LonelyriderLonelyrider Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    edited April 2008
    1. Timothy Dalton - He was so real and devoted. He made Bond looking like what his creator, Fleming wanted. Dalton made many of his stunts by himself.
    2. Craig - Continues Dalton's way to make Bond movies. Harder, more realistic and less womanizer style. Good actor but not so good as Dalton was.
    3. Brosnan - He was quite nice to act Bond. He looked great in the first film, after that he was hardly as good as he should have been. Too much womanizer and selfish. Made one film too much.
    4. Moore - Was quite funny but way too old for the role! 58 in his last film!
    5. Lazenby - what I have heard and seen (Bond extras), George was VERY selfish. He did quite good job but one film was enough for him.
    6. Connery - The last one! Too selfish and too ambitious. He thinks that he is the only real Bond actor and I don't like him at all. Looks better now than in the 60's or 70's. People likes him because he was the first.

    Many people wonder my list because Connery is the last but...this is what I think. ;)
  • mr zorinmr zorin Posts: 16MI6 Agent
    Its hard because they all have different points of Bond that they focus on but still
    1. Sean Connery
    2. Pierce Brosnan
    3. Roger Moore
    4. Tim Dalton
    5. George Lazenby
  • Thomas CrownThomas Crown Posts: 119MI6 Agent
    edited April 2009
    From least favorite to favorite:

    6. Roger Moore: On any given day, any and all Bond fans should recognize the contribution of Roger Moore to the Bond cannon. He sheparded the series through times in which Bond was no longer seen as relevant, expanded the 007 fanbase, and kept Bond marketable by proving another actor besides Sean Connery can find success as 007. But I feel that, almost like Jimmy Carter and the presidency, the best work we saw from Moore came long after his 007 run (with UNICEF), and certainly not during it.

    Moore's Bond is just uninspiring to me. I see what people call suaveness as some eye-raising horny teenager cracking perverted jokes with little sense of class besides an upper class sounding voice. I can't take him seriously as Bond because he seldom takes the role seriously; with Roger's 007 there is little character development, and little character evolution throughout his era. Sure, he was popular and profitable in his time but I doubt he would be successful as Bond in this day and age, at least not in a way that would be faithful to both Ian Fleming's conception and the series-defining original films. I rank The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only highly, but aside from that its a real stretch for me to put a Moore film in the DVD player.

    5. George Lazenby: An actor who showed great promise and I wished accepted the seven picture deal he was offerred. As many have suggested, he was up against nearly insurmountable expectations with casual audiences who defined James Bond as Sean Connery. While some of his performance can be credited to Peter Hunt rather than his own talent, and Diana Rigg outshined him in many scenes, he had a lot of potential as Bond and I wish we saw more of him. Artistically speaking, the series might have been better off.

    4. Pierce Brosnan: As the Bond I grew up with, I have a sentimental value for Brosnan that exceeds any other actor on the list. Nevertheless, Brosnan can and does stand well on his own merit. He popularized the qualities of ruthlessness and vulnerability Dalton re-introduced in the series, and saved the series in doing so. While he was often better than his material, there is evolution in his Bond character not seen in most other Bond actors. While I didn't always buy his physical presence, and frustrated with the lack of character he was given in parts of Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day, he will be remembered by me as the Bond that made the idea of returning to Fleming popular, even if his films did not exactly do it.

    3. Timothy Dalton: A great person in interviews and a fine James Bond. His contribution to the series is rather significant given his only doing 2 Bond films. He re-defined the significance of Fleming's (and Connery's) 007 within the film series, and added a cold blooded ruthlessness not even seen with Sean Connery. I strongly prefer him in The Living Daylights as one of the series best performances; loyal to both the character and short story. Also, he looks like I picture Bond in the novels: aged, but not old or incapable of physical feats, a smoker, and a dark looking loner.

    Dalton re-introduced essential characteristics to Bond seemingly lost in the Moore era and was graceful during his time in the role, especially during the ensuing legal battles. I only wish he did more films.

    2. Sean Connery: What can be said about Connery that hasn't been said before? He is everything he's cracked up to be: the gold standard for Bond. He defined the role and left a stamp on it like no one has and no one ever will. With a great balance of the elements that made Fleming's Bond interesting, and a sophisticated wit, and encyclopedia knowledge, Sean Connery created the cinematic conception of 007, and still is it, particularly in From Russia With Love and Goldfinger, pure classic.

    So why rank him second? Well, it's subjective really. I give Connery a lot of credit for defining the character and leaving such a stamp, but the fact is he had the benefit of a great director, screen writer and Ian Fleming on the set to craft that image. Also too, his care for getting the role right later on in his era was seemingly lost. While not entirely is fault, he does deserve some of the blame for becoming disinterested in the character and not advocating for something more.

    Nevertheless, we would not know Bond as we know him without Sean Connery, and no other Bond actor can be said to have left such a legacy. Well done, Mr.Bond.

    1. Daniel Craig: This man simply is Ian Fleming's "ironical, brutal and cold" James Bond 007. He exudes a level of believability I've never experienced with the other actors, and keeps me on the edge of my seat with his physical presence, fatalism regarding his own life, suave yet dark style/humor, and alpha-male dominance in spite of how much his Bond still has to learn. Most importantly, Craig sets himself apart from all the previous Bond actors by not being cast out of the Connery mold. Combine that with starring in what is a series "Re-boot," he has the potential to define James Bond using Ian Fleming as his inspiration and leave a legacy rivaling on Connery's. Judging by what we got out of Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, I believe he has laid a great foundation for doing so, and will do so. A great actor and a pleasant surprise for the role.
  • Tilly Masterson 007Tilly Masterson 007 UKPosts: 1,472MI6 Agent
    1. Dalton
    2. Moore
    3. Connery
    4. Brosnan
    5. Craig
    6. Lazenby
  • stjimmy456stjimmy456 Manchester, EnglandPosts: 75MI6 Agent
    So favourite Bonds in order more or less ?

    1. Brosnan
    2. Connery
    3. Craig
    4. Dalton
    5. Moore
    6. Lazenby

    A pretty common top 6 I bet ;)
  • SmileySmiley Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    do you think the actors playing bond effect the box office success???
  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    1.Pierce Brosnan best ever :D
    2.Daniel Craig
    3.Timothy Dalton
    4.Roger Moore
    5.Sean Connery
    6.George Lazenby
  • sharpshootersharpshooter Posts: 164MI6 Agent
    Alright, here's my list.

    1. Connery
    2. Craig
    3. Dalton
    4. Moore
    5. Brosnan
    6. Lazenby
  • murikmurik Posts: 10MI6 Agent
    Bob Holness --- nuff said :)
  • murikmurik Posts: 10MI6 Agent
    seriously - Connery, Craig, Brosnan, Moore, Dalton and Lazenby. I think it's a bit too easy to slate Roger Moore, in actual fact all the Bond actors and producers have always said how much he influenced the franchise, the only problem is Moore should've bailed out after For Your Eyes Only.
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    We are list happy aren't we? :))

  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Sean Connery
    Daniel Craig (might be moving up :v )
    Pierce Brosnan
    Timothy Dalton
    George Lazenby
    Roger Moore
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • SeahawkSeahawk Posts: 85MI6 Agent
    In first place I would have to place Sean Connery,because his look, attitude & style of dress were,along with the world he inhabited,recognisably the ones which Fleming had been describing for upwards of a decade by this time.(especially in his first 2 films)
    Also in first place I would put George Lazenby. The slightly anonymous quality which he brought to the part (exemplified by the seemingly effortless manner in which he "hides in plain sight" whilst infiltrating Blofeld's solicitor's office) is a necessary ability for any effective real life clandestine operative,but noticeably lacking in most of Bond's cinematic incarnations.
    Further to this, Lazenby (unlike some of his successors) completely convinces in fight scenes.And the slightly inexpressive demeanour he displayed in his sole outing is appropriate for a character who is required to keep secrets.

    Also in first place I would have to put Roger Moore. Fleming's Bond was brought up primarily in southern England (despite being, like myself, tenuously Scottish), educated at Eton & Fettes,had been a Navy Officer, & was a senior Civil Servant. Moore's demeanour & voice are both more convincing in this regard than any other actor to have played the role.
    In addition to this Moore played Bond as a reluctant but calculated killer which is more true to Fleming than the hot blooded enthusiastic killer he has sometimes been portrayed as.
    Next, I would have to put Timothy Dalton in first place. He more closely resembles Fleming's description of Bond than any of the others, he injected some emotional depth into the series at a time when it was desperately needed & was the first cinematic Bond to inhabit a world where acts of extreme violence actually cause injuries & pain.
    Next Piers Brosnan. Fleming's Bond was a man who found his domestic & normal working life boring. He was a sensation seeker, but he was also a highly disciplined individual who acquired information via intensive research & expert tuition. Brosnan was the first to make these aspects of the character apparent on screen.
    Finally in first place Daniel Craig for drawing on the best of all of the above & reminding us that James Bond was not born 007 but became 007 (Or, in his case, is in the ongoing process of becoming 007)
  • Shatterhand67Shatterhand67 Safe HousePosts: 424MI6 Agent
    This is an interesting thread and one that, I must confess, is not easily answered. Obviously this is subjective as everyone will have their favorites. I have enjoyed all the era's of Bond and I feel that all of them did a fine job.

    However, I feel that some of the actors are victims of poor scripts and the fact that some of the films are not as timeless as others. My list is basically drawn from what movies I tend to keep going back to when I fire up the dvd player. Having said that, here is my list.

    1) SEAN CONNERY - The original Bond and the one every successor will be compared to. I believe the popularity of his Bond films is that he benefitted from having the best scripts.

    2) DANIEL CRAIG - He along with Dalton are probably the best true actors to assume the role. He is certainly one of the most physical and has the attitude that I believe holds very true to what Fleming had in mind. I don't care that he has blonde hair. This guy has nailed the character. CR is also MUCH better than any of the Brosnan films. Craig has beat this to death in interviews but I tend to agree with him when he simply says "We just trying to make a great movie".

    3) GEORGE LAZENBY - Another on this thread mentioned Lazenby's anonymity as a strength and I would tend to agree. He was very convincing in his fight scenes...probably more so than Craig and Connery who are both quite good. I think it is a shame that he chose to quit after OHMSS.

    4) ROGER MOORE - Good ol' Roger usually gets beat up on these type of polls. But as he has so eloquently stated, the checks still kept coming and the royalties have been handsome. He was right for the 70's and he did more Bond films than anyone else so he did a few things right or he wouldn't have lasted so long.

    5) TIMOTHY DALTON - I really loved Dalton's take on the role but I don't find myself coming back to revisit his films that often. I thought he was great but again...script, script, script.

    6) PIERCE BROSNAN - You know, I know he "saved" the franchise and all but I really believe that Pierce is destined to become the new Roger Moore in that I think Moore's status over time will elevate and Brosnan will sink a little. I think this comes back to the story line. I thought Pierce was great but again, I really don't find myself putting his Bond films in the dvd player all that often. I'm a Pierce fan but it's his non Bond movies that I get more enjoyment from.
    "I musht be dreaming."
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    edited April 2009
    1. Sean Connery - The original B-)

    2. Timothy Dalton - Who I imagine as Bond when reading the books.

    3. Roger Moore - Good old 'Roger' usually gets beaten up on these type of polls but he was just right for the 1970's. His films are pure fun and great after 'Sunday Lunch' ;)

    4. Daniel Craig - The new one. I really, really like him but it's just that I like some of the others better.

    5. George Lazenby - Could of been a great Bond if given the chance.

    6. Pierce Brosnan - He brought nothing new to the role and was more-or-less all the previous Bond's rolled into one. He always seemed too smug as if he thought he was better than he really was. I really don't find myself putting his 'Bond' films into the DVD player all that often.
  • jorgemjorgem DTWPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    To me is:

    1. Daniel Craig
    2. Sean Connery
    3. Roger Moore
    4. Pierce Brosnan
    5. George Lazenby
    6. Timothy Dalton
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    edited March 2009
    jorgem wrote:
    To me is:

    1. Daniel Craig
    2. Sean Connery
    3. Roger Moore
    4. Pierce Brosnan
    5. George Lazenby
    6. Timothy Dalton

    Why has TD been highlited?
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited March 2009
    Sean Connery
    Daniel Craig (might be moving up :v )
    Pierce Brosnan
    Timothy Dalton
    George Lazenby
    Roger Moore

    This post was from last October (pre-Qos). As of now, my list has been revised, with Craig and Connery switching places...

    While I'll concede the possibility that Sir Sean may one day reemerge as my top favourite, Craig's energy, physicality and multi-faceted performance---no doubt buttressed by his 'Current Bond' status---puts him on top, albeit just barely.

    IMO, Sean Connery and Daniel Craig are the two originators of the role :007)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • jorgemjorgem DTWPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    jorgem wrote:
    To me is:

    1. Daniel Craig
    2. Sean Connery
    3. Roger Moore
    4. Pierce Brosnan
    5. George Lazenby
    6. Timothy Dalton

    Why has TD been highlited?

    He's the most underrated Bond ever, underrated than Lazenby. Dalton is falling back to obscurity. While George Lazenby made a hit Bond film that reached the top of the box-office. Lazenby isn't forgotten. Nowadays only 10% know who Timothy Dalton is.

    Just ask someone or a friend about Dalton. As of today he's a nobody. Some of his non-Bond films aren't a box-office hit. (The examples are: The Doctor of the Devils, Hawks, Framed, Possessed, Hercules, The Informant, should I continue?)

    Somebody would say "Who the h*** is he?," "Timothy who?" or "I don't know him."
  • jorgemjorgem DTWPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    jorgem wrote:
    jorgem wrote:
    To me is:

    1. Daniel Craig
    2. Sean Connery
    3. Roger Moore
    4. Pierce Brosnan
    5. George Lazenby
    6. Timothy Dalton

    Why has TD been highlited?

    He's the most underrated Bond ever, underrated than Lazenby. Dalton is falling back to obscurity. While George Lazenby made a hit Bond film that reached the top of the box-office. Lazenby isn't forgotten so as OHMSS. Nowadays only 10% know who Timothy Dalton is.

    Just ask someone or a friend about Dalton. As of today he's a nobody. Some of his non-Bond films aren't a box-office hit. (The examples are: The Doctor of the Devils, Hawks, Framed, Possessed, Hercules, The Informant, should I continue?)

    Somebody would say "Who the h*** is he?," "Timothy who?" or "I don't know him."
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    1 T Dalton
    2 S Connery
    3 D Craig
    4 G Lazenby
    5 P Brosnan
    6 R Moore

    From reading the books Dalton comes closest to Bond IMHO but looked uncomfortable in the fight sceens
    Connery was great and will forever be the one others are compared to.
    Craig has the makings of a great Bond I just hope his next outing is a bit more of what alot of fans want.
    Lazenby could of been a great Bond if he had only done another 2 or 3, OHMSS is my favorite Bond film.
    Brosnan IMO always seemed too smug as if he thought he was better than he really was.
    Moore, as a kid he would of been my favorite Bond but as i got into the books etc,I would of like him to have a slightly harder edge to Bond.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • MailfistMailfist Posts: 244MI6 Agent
    There has not been a Bond actor that I didn't like, but as stated by other contributors there are always ones you like more than others.

    In order of preference:

    Sean Connery
    Pierce Brosnan
    Daniel Craig
    Timothy Dalton
    George Lazenby
    Roger Moore
  • TripleXXXTripleXXX Posts: 23MI6 Agent
    edited March 2009
    Connery- Classiest and best acting, fit the role better than anyone

    Moore- Made some great Bond films and some terrible ones, but very entertaining

    Brosnan- He played the role well, I believe he could have done better if his movies weren't so focused on action in lieu of traditional plot and intrigue

    Craig- Well-suited for action scenes but he just doesn't seem very "Bond-like" He doesn't wear suits, he doesn't womanize as much, etc. However this may change as he matures into the "real Bond"

    Lazenby- He was ok for his first film, only did one though and most people don't even know who he is.

    Dalton- Incredibly boring and his films were terrible
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited April 2009
    I've been revisiting the movies lately thanks to the BluRay releases and the hi-def showings on Encore so I've amended my list slightly as well. Every actor has brought something worthwhile to the role, but my preference as of right now goes something like this:

    1. Sean Connery
    Still the best; even the out of shape Connery from DAF rocked and only his creaky performance in NSNA is a misfire for me.

    2. Pierce Brosnan
    Takes himself a little too seriously in his last couple of films, but he's just about perfect in Goldeneye, with an excellent mix of wit, charm and toughness.

    3. Roger Moore
    Having again watched his evolution from LALD to MR, Sir Roger deserves more credit than even I gave him. He really adapted to the changing needs of the role; being a little tougher with the ladies and even showing the occasional hint of ruthlessness early on and then gradually smoothing his persona out as the films got bigger and bigger. Should have probably retired after MR and is far too creaky in AVTAK but still provided great moments.

    4. George Lazenby
    Saw OHMSS on EncoreHD recently and really marvelled at how good a job he did and I very much doubt any of the other Bonds could have sold that last scene from the movie any better. At turns funny, tough and quite vulnerable, George did quite a lot considering just how little acting experience he had.

    5. Timothy Dalton
    A physical dead ringer for Fleming's Bond, Dalton's lack of humor hurts his longevity. As I've mentioned many times, I blame the filmmakers for this as Dalton had far more range than his outings showed.

    6. Daniel Craig
    While I'll never question his committment to the role, Craig continues to be a hard sell for me. The filmmakers have a habit of making him look haggard and beat up too much of the time and, like Dalton, he takes the whole thing way too seriously. QoS showed me, if only in brief flashes, that he can lighten up and deliver a quip if he wants to. I hope he and the filmmakers broaden and open up the character a little bit and have a little more fun next time around as I think that would make him even more appealing to a general audience.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Having rewatched some of the films recently I will just say my list is the exact same as Tony's.
    Lazenby moved up in my ranking after I saw OHMSS again, as he was better than I remembered.

  • cap1228cap1228 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    Hated Roger Moore, found him extremely boring. Great if I have insomnia. Sean Connery has a beautiful voice and is a wonderful actor. :x :x But my favorite Bond is, was, and always will be :x :x George Lazenby :x . :x
  • Fillet_of_SoulFillet_of_Soul Posts: 18MI6 Agent
    1. Roger Moore
    2. Pierce Brosnan
    3. Sean Connery
    6. Dalton/Craig/Lazenby
  • JuraquagmireJuraquagmire CanadaPosts: 49MI6 Agent
    1. Roger Moore
    2. Pierce Brosnan
    3. Sean Connery
    6. Dalton/Craig/Lazenby
    That's harsh!

    Mine would be:
    Dalton is the Bond! Lazenby is the other fella.
  • always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
    I cant list this one ,as they have all brought something to the table ,
    I like DC as I can relate more to his era (and he used my dads factory in SF)
    I like TD ,its just a shame he was dropped he could have knocked SC of his perch
    I like PB sense of humour and style ,
    I have to like big ROG, well we was neighbours once :D
    does sir David Niven count in this, a great Thespian, but sadly no Bond :#
    I SC he is the original and has the most class ,
    By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
  • MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia, PAPosts: 754MI6 Agent
    Moore use to be my least favorite and now he has jumped to the top spot. I hesitate to say best because that has an air of objectiveness in a topic that is strictly personal taste.

    1.) Moore
    2.) Craig
    3.) Dalton
    4.) Connery
    5.) Brosnan
    6.) Lazenby
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