Favourite bond cars after the db5

Hi everyone

I love Bond cars and these are my favourite 3 after the db5

1, The white Lotus.
2, Brown Aston from TLD (one of my favourite films)
3, 750i from TND.I know it's a BMW but the gadgets are great.

Hope you post your favourites.{[]

P.S anybody know the best place to get the dvd box set. I have the vhs box set which i want to sell as i no longer have a vhs player.



  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    750 all the way for me. It was an awsome car. Then I would take the V12 VANQUISH from DAD. I would like the vanquish more if it didn't go invisible.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    I have to agree with the V12. Including all gadgets.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    The Aston Martin DB5 is my favourite Bond car. It's classic stylish design gives it a real edge. I also really like the gadgets, particularly the ejector seat. I can think of a few occasions when I wished that I had one of those in my car. :D

    After the DB5, my big favourite's are the Lotus Esprit and the Aston Martin V12 Vanquish. While they don't match the classic design of the DB5 they still look very sleek. The combined gadgets in the Lotus Esprit are just about the most impressive, or implausible, of all Bond's cars depending on your point of view, but I love them. For me, the invisibility of the Vanquish was perhaps stretching credibility a little too far. That's one car I did not wan't to Vanquish out of sight. :D
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    The Lotus Esprit from TSWLM, and then the bronze Lotus Esprit from FYEO. After that, the BMW Z8.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    I've said it before, but after the definitive and timeless Aston Martin DB5, my favorites are the Aston Martin V8 Volante (convertible) and the Aston Martin V8 Vantage (hardtop) from Dalton's premiere. Both elegance and muscle combined. What a pair of beauties those two.
  • asioasio Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 546MI6 Agent
    edited March 2006
    The DBS from OHMSS. It's a DB5 with muscle, a real man's car.
    The Lotus from TSWLM. Extra points if Anya Amasova is in the passenger seat.
    Drawn Out Dad.
    Independent, one-shot comic books from the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia.
  • rick_sylvesterrick_sylvester Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    the lotus in Spy has been the only one since the DB5 to have a character of its own and be integral to the story. for me it stands side by side with the DB5. rog's signature wheels - enough said.
    the BMWs sum up brosnan. bland and unexciting. the silver one in World was the best effort though - as was the film itself.
  • WillyBognerWillyBogner Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    edited March 2006
    I always liked the second (winterised) Lotus in FYEO but was always guuted that we didn't see it in any kind of action (other than Luigi getting killed).

    But my favourite 'non-Q' car of all was the Alfa Romeo GTV that Bond stole in Octopussy and had a good little chase with the Polezei in their 5-series BMWs
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Yeah, the Alfa Romeo is very cool.
  • Cynjin SmythCynjin Smyth Rocky MountiansPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    pegasus wrote:
    Hi everyone

    I love Bond cars and these are my favourite 3 after the db5

    1, The white Lotus.
    2, Brown Aston from TLD (one of my favourite films)
    3, 750i from TND.I know it's a BMW but the gadgets are great.

    Hope you post your favourites.{[]

    P.S anybody know the best place to get the dvd box set. I have the vhs box set which i want to sell as i no longer have a vhs player.


    Revive post

    I would say that my favs are:

    1 DB8 from TLD
    2 DBS from CR
    3 Lotus from FYEO
    Bond: You don't think I enjoyed what we did this evening, do you? What I did tonight was for King and country! You don't think it gave me any pleasure, do you?
    Fiona: But of course, I forgot your ego, Mr. Bond. James Bond, who only has to make love to a woman and she starts to hear heavenly choirs singing.
  • s96024s96024 Posts: 1,519MI6 Agent
    After the DB5 it's the V8 Vantage (Daltons's) and then the Lotus Espirit (White). Sorry but I love the older cars. The new Astons just aren't as stylish as the old ones.
  • jamesm123jamesm123 LondonPosts: 184MI6 Agent
    i know it has no gadgets but i like the aston db5 in ohmss. then it has to be the white esprit. and don't forget the 2cv!
  • youknowmynameyouknowmyname Gainesville, FL, USAPosts: 703MI6 Agent
    For me it has to be:

    1) DBS from OHMSS
    2) Lotus Esprit from TSWLM
    3) Ford Mondeo from CR :))

    just kidding...my third would be between the V12 Vanquish (minus the invisibility) the Chevrolet Impala from LALD or the Mustang Mach 1 Coupe from DAF. In fact, just because I love the Mach 1 so much I will make that my third favorite. I will definitely own one of those some day. I had the chance to buy one but passed up on it because the body wasn't cherry. Oh well, I went on to buy a sweet as truck and I love it. Good times.
    "We have all the time in the world..."
  • youknowmynameyouknowmyname Gainesville, FL, USAPosts: 703MI6 Agent
    What about the double decker bus from LALD? :D
    "We have all the time in the world..."
  • Cynjin SmythCynjin Smyth Rocky MountiansPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    What about the cart thing in OP:007)
    Bond: You don't think I enjoyed what we did this evening, do you? What I did tonight was for King and country! You don't think it gave me any pleasure, do you?
    Fiona: But of course, I forgot your ego, Mr. Bond. James Bond, who only has to make love to a woman and she starts to hear heavenly choirs singing.
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    What about the cart thing in OP:007)

    It's called an auto rickshaw.

    What about the Bentley in FRWL, with Silvia Trench in the back seat.

    Now that is a fully equipped vehicle! -{
  • D_SomersetD_Somerset The Direct Orient-ExpressPosts: 20MI6 Agent
    edited June 2008
    How about cars belonging to other characters? I'm thinking specifically of Zao's Jaguar XKR in DAD.
    Connery's Bentley outside Shrublands in NSNA is choice.

    BTW- I've been a Bond fan for nearly 30 years, but it goes to show you never run out of stuff to learn- all these years I thought the Aston in OHMSS was a DB6, not a DBS- now I know better! Thank you, all.
    Cheers! -{
  • martini manmartini man Posts: 26MI6 Agent
    best car AMV8 on T.L.D
    best place to buy dvd set is Ebay but make sure the region is correct uk and europe is 2
  • sharpshootersharpshooter Posts: 164MI6 Agent
    The DB5 is a timeless classic and my favourite, but I do like Dalton's Aston Martin V8 from TLD.
  • JADE66JADE66 Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    Until the DBS came along, I didn't think anything could top the DB5. For sheer beauty, performance and muscle(not just its performance but also its stance and the way it grips the road)the DBS is it. It will definitely be my next purchase. Until then, I can still drive my 2001 Taurus and dream. That's not a hole in my front bumper by the way, it's a rocket launcher.;)
  • youknowmynameyouknowmyname Gainesville, FL, USAPosts: 703MI6 Agent
    The other day I saw a Dalton era Alfa Romeo...what a great looking vehicle. My wife said, "oooh, I like that car." I couldn't agree more.
    "We have all the time in the world..."
  • James003James003 Posts: 28MI6 Agent
    Lest we forget The Silver Beast SAAB 900 Turbo since I am a bit of a realist I would either prefer the SAAB900 Turbo with the gadgets Gardner described or dare I say it a mini-cooper with a turbo charged engine and the Saab's gadgets I am not a big Austin Powers fan but I like the two door mini-cooper in black paint my Black Beauty.
    James 003
    Quote: Eyes on the shadows,protecting his fellows from sunup to the moon on his back. Send those villains to Hades to make Queen and country safe and sound but those villain six feet under ground.
  • RavenstoneRavenstone EnglandPosts: 152MI6 Agent
    DBS V12. Closely followed by the Lotus Esprit. Or the other way round. Who knows? I have a weakness for Colin Chapman's genius, which means the Lotus always hold a place in my heart. But the DBS V12 is - to me - so outstandingly, heart-stoppingly, brutishly gorgeous, it takes my breath away.
  • Rainier WolfcastleRainier Wolfcastle Posts: 484MI6 Agent
    I am a huuuuuge fan of the DB5, and I dare to say that without the gadgets - especially the ejector seat - incorporated into this car and the toys following suit (of course the Corgi but also the tinplate versions) we would not have seen more than four or five Bond films.

    (We would perhaps read in the off-topic area of some other forum about those obscure James Bond films that had been made in the early sixties: "Yeah, I think I remember one of the films. There was an Aston Martin - in pursuit it could change its headlight pattern - clever idea! The actor, John Canary or so, was not too bad but I don't know if he did any other films. I don't think that these Bond films have ever been released on DVD." :)) {:) )

    That said I think that the DB5 is a classic - but it is not a *timeless* classic. In fact it looked quite dated when it was brand new, when compared to the Mustang in the same film. In essence this is a late-fifties design with small tail fins and a too long rear overhang. The 1969 DBS or the TLD V8 coupe are far cleaner, better aging designs, and both are among my favourite cars.

    But the most beautiful and most timeless of all Bond cars (it still looks futuristic) is the Lotus Esprit. Of course the submarine transformation will be forever remembered, just like the ejector seat, even from non-007 fans.
    However, I would prefer the turbo version from FYEO. White suits the car better IMO but the bronze one isn't too shabby either. ;)

    The DAF Mustang Mach 1 is also a favourite. Long and low with the flat rear window I find the 1971-72 models to be the most attractive of the first-generation Mustangs.
  • bacaretbacaret ArizonaPosts: 73MI6 Agent
    how about the tank from ge its sager than any suv on the road.... ha ha

    really other than the db5 its got to be the lotus espirit fron tswlm, whith or without submarine options..:)):)):))
  • stumac7stumac7 ScotlandPosts: 295MI6 Agent
    A bond car for me has to be an Aston Martin, anything else just doesn't feel right.

    1. First has to be the DB5 which was used in Goldfinger ("ejector seat, your must be joking?") TB,GE,TND and CR which is THE definitive Bond car.

    2. DB5, beautiful car (CR and QoS)

    3. Vanquish (DAD, the invisibility part is stupid but that is the writers fault and not the car makers)

    The only non Aston Martins worth mentioning for me are the Lotus in TSWLM and the Bentley in Dr No and FRWL.
  • sharpshootersharpshooter Posts: 164MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    Where Connery is linked to the DB5, Roger Moore is linked to the white Lotus Esprit. It's another great Bond car for sure.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    I'm the proud possessor of an Aston Martin DB5, 1965 model. I've refused offers for it, some rather substantial. Yup, Corgi sure produced a classic. :D

    So, for me there is no other James Bond car. I did see one- a real one- for sale last year at £80K and caught myself thinking if I gave up eating, sold the kids...
  • agent 00agent 00 Univex Station L Netherlands Posts: 340MI6 Agent
    Second place would be the lotus esprit submarine
    and third place would be another Aston....
    The DBS from CR. -{

    " Sono Topolino, e tu chi saresti? ".
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