


  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Saw the movie last night and I definitely enjoyed it, although as the film sinks in I feel like something was missing. I enjoyed the film while watching it and even smiled during some of the homage scenes. The action scenes are well shot, the director and cinematographer should be commended for the look of the film, which while stark was still interesting, and I thought all the actors did a fine job. I would specifically mention Bryce Dallas Howard, who plays John Connor's wife Katie, although her scenes were limited, her face and eyes were very expressive and I felt she brought some warmth to a film that needed a little. I definitely diasgree with the critics who thought the film lacked a story, as I found the story to be compelling.

    Although I have no specific complaint about the film, I do think a few scenes where we see the burden John Connor carries being the person who must save humanity from the machines may have helped the audience identify with him more. Having said that, I think the scens where we see John listening to his mother's tapes were effective.

    All in all I enjoyed the movie and am glad I went. I recommend the film to Terminator fans as I think it achieved its goal of setting up the next stage of the story.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed it Barry. I plan to see it tomorrow but I had a hard time believing it was as bad as some people would have led you to believe. It all goes back to what I was saying about the importance of just drawing your own conclusions.

    Dan Same wrote:
    TonyDP wrote:
    I think another source of the negative word of mouth is the Cameron-wankers who still can't deal with the fact that someone else is making these movies.
    That's quite unfair, and to be honest, I expect more from you. Yes, there are people who believe that Cameron should be making T4 but to call them wankers?

    Context can legitimise anything.

    :)) :)) :)) Now that is a Cameron who I'd gladly surrender my blind loyalty to.
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    Dan Same wrote:
    TonyDP wrote:
    I think another source of the negative word of mouth is the Cameron-wankers who still can't deal with the fact that someone else is making these movies.
    That's quite unfair, and to be honest, I expect more from you. Yes, there are people who believe that Cameron should be making T4 but to call them wankers?
    Context can legitimise anything.

    :)) {[]
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited May 2009
    My brother and I just got back from seeing Terminator: Salvation today and we both enjoyed it immensely. In what can be considered both a sequel to T3 and a prequel to T1, T:S finally throws us hip deep into the war for survival between humanity and the machines; along the way we catch up with some old friends and meet some new characters.

    In watching the film, it was clear that the focus was originally supposed to be on the character of Marcus Wright as he is one of the more interesting characters to be introduced into the Terminator mythos. Sam Worthington does a good job with the character, even if his Australian accent keeps slipping thru, portraying him as a flawed but still sympathetic person who you can feel empathy for.

    Anton Yelchin does a very good job as a young Kyle Reese. He is in many ways the fulcrum around which the film revolves and he gives a creditable, believable performance; I could believe that this person would grow into the man that goes back in time in the first movie.

    Christian Bale brings more than a little bit of Batman's gruffness to John Connor but from where I sat, it worked given where the character was at this point in his life. After seeing the adolescent John being conflicted about his destiny in T2 and the young adult John being conflicted about his destiny in T3, the last thing I wanted to do was put up with another conflicted John Connor. I think Bale and director McG were wise to give us a John Connor who is at last at peace with his purpose in life and is prepared to throw himself headfirst into that destiny.

    The supporting cast including Bryce Dallas Howard, Moon Youngblood, Common and the always fun Michael Ironside are all very good as well.

    Several people have commented that something seems missing from this film; from my perspective, it was a bit strange at first to see a Terminator movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't driving the narrative...
    off course, it was a treat to see the 1984 edition of Arnold digitally inserted into one of the film's action sequences

    ...however, I don't think the film really suffers from this. There is action aplenty (including some really memorable sequences), plenty of tie-ins and references to the other movies in the series and in spite of what the naysayers would have you believe, the movie even has its fair share of character development. The title of the film clearly speaks to what at least one character is looking for.

    So overall, a big thumbs up from SpectreIsland and myself on this one. Given my admittedly non-conventional tastes, T:S actually ranks pretty high for me, but again that's just my opinion. Bravo to McG for elevating himself above his past, shallow efforts and delivering one of the best action movies I've seen in a long time; he shows a talent for constructing action sequences that are fun to watch and visually easy to follow and understand. Once again, I'm left scratching my head at just what it was that the critics seemed to have against this film.
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    I am going to be giving Terminator Salvation a miss.......

    because for me .. Terminator without Arnie... Just aint the Terminator... HE IS THE TERMINATOR .. ARNIE is the man ..

    TERMINATOR 1 .. is an absolute amazing film outstanding.. and realy well done.. I would rate it a 9/10 just some bad animation when Kyle Ryhs is fighting the terminator at the end.. and when the terminator pulls his eye out... still pretty cool.. though .. althou it was obviously a menequine.. etc and when he is fixing his arm et c.. but the work was there.. the prop guy made the model it was there in the flesh much like the stunt man doing the stunt.. etc .. the robotics build in model for real... and not computerised.... the begining of a legend

    TERMINATOR 2 .... I think is the best.. superb film .. a worthy seequel that lives up to and beyond teh original .. the 2 were perfect together and made sense.... arnie again on top form.. the suporting cast is great .. john connor great... Linda hamilton .. again .. brings her character a long way and develops from teh first one.... Robert Patrick as the T-1000 has got to be one of the best hollywood villians of all time.. the effects are outstanding and still stand up today in my opinion against any of your matrix stuff.. of any space age crap that Blue screen.. o sorry Hollywood has to offer... again the prop guys are there making morking models.. not all computerisation.. work has gone into it.. its very beleivable in a sci fi point of view.. and its seemless. a movie of its time .. like the 1st one but lives on and stands up even today .. 10/10 film .. one of my favorites of all time .. the music track is .. absolutely perfect also... just an all round entertaining and superbly made film... i only wish they used the alternate ending after the metal works factory .. so it could just have been left as the 2 perfect films... and that would have been the end .. and treasured ever more.... much like i wish they done with Halloween 1 and 2 as horror films 1 and 2 are fantatstic classics.. and the original creater wanted to leav it at that .. much like Terminator'S CREATOR wanted to leave it at 1 and 2

    TERMINATOR 3 ...... I find it very very hard to .. look on any good side with this movie... my only saving grace .. i can think of .. Arnies model 101 is a different model .. from T1 and T2 so i can accept he will be a bit different .. in terms of what he has been programed to do .. and what this one has learned etc ... but not.. too different.. hes almost a stand up comedien in this one .. and theres so much that dosent link up well with T1 and T2....... a major draw back to this film was the villian .. one being shes a female... Big mistake should never have been that way.... although it was a bit different.. and she had some highlights them being comical tho.. but thats not what terminator is about.... AND AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED THE CRANE and FIREENGINE chase in the film was almost a direct copy.. shot for shot.. of the AVTAK Fireengine chase.. with OO7 raplaced handing from an outrigged structure / ladder ETC WITH THE TERMINATOR HANGING and smashing through things... The T-X as a machine is.. in my mind less beleivable and less effective than the 101 and the t-1000 from T2 ... she's a mix of both..... which was pointless... the whole point of the time travel / time displacment equipment... is that you come through naked... with no technology or weapons.. she comes through with saws .. dremels.. and flame throwers attached to her.. way way to much green screen and CGI used in the film .. and little effort from teh prop guys here.. the guy who played John Connor .. was so memorable i have forgoten his name.. but i gotta give him some credit.. he played it ok .. and had a few highlights.. here and there.. and i liked the fact that he looked a bit like Kyle Rhys from T1 as if it could have been his father.. overall T3 should not have been made...terminator without James Cameron .. involved is like .. Bond without .. Cubby / Barbara Broccoli / willson involved.. and we all know what the results of that can be like... look at NSNA... and thats what T3 is like to me in the Terminator series the NSNA of that .. ok it had the original star.. back but that didnt save it...

    TERMINATOR - Shara Connor CHRONICLES....
    smalvile / americanised / high school terminator crap for TV .. get some actors to screw there faces up a bit and stick some bits of metal onto there faces.. dosent make them arnie.. as the terminator .. I have tried to get into this show.. but its .. so bad and pathetic .. like most american tv show drivel..... it just goes on and on..... loved Prison Break ... 1 and 2 and again lts just milk this.. instead of ending on a high note.... the usual crap.... the only thing I think was good about TTSCC was Shirley Manson's appearance as a Terminator... Like a T-1000 sort of machine.. pretty cool .. but not enough to save the show.. i am affraid... there is only so many times.. you can avoid death from killer robots.. and mix it with .a. mind numbing one tree hill / 90210 style.. its time to ban .. anything which portrays .. actors in there 30's still at high school...... I mean come on ... whats the script.

    ok onto

    TERMINATOR SALVATION... I will no doubt end up watching it at some point in time... at a friends house or something .. when it comes out on DvD etc .. I dont like Christian Bale.. hes an absolute To***r ...... over rated Gimp...... I would have given this film a go if it had the guy who played John Connor from T3 in it... to be honest.. so . this film is a prequal.. does that not sort of blank everything gone before..... so what the hells the point.. and a terminator film aint a terminator film without Arnie .. i see from the trailer .. john connor is fighting some great blue screen .. computerised pieces of crap..

    T1 and T2 .. and that should have been it.. they can never leave a perfect thing alone..
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited June 2009
    TERMINATOR SALVATION... I will no doubt end up watching it at some point in time... at a friends house or something .. when it comes out on DvD etc .. I dont like Christian Bale.. hes an absolute To***r ...... over rated Gimp...... I would have given this film a go if it had the guy who played John Connor from T3 in it... to be honest.. so . this film is a prequal.. does that not sort of blank everything gone before..... so what the hells the point.. and a terminator film aint a terminator film without Arnie .. i see from the trailer .. john connor is fighting some great blue screen .. computerised pieces of crap..

    If I read your post right, you're trashing a movie that you haven't even seen and don't know anything about. Don't you find that just a little hypocritical? As someone who has actually seen (and enjoyed) the movie, I feel obligated to point a few things out:

    - Your unwillingness to watch a Terminator movie without Arnold is short-sighted. He was hardly the only Terminator in the first three films and I don't see why any one actor should have a monopoly on a particular role. Going by that logic, EON should have mothballed the Bond series once Connery walked away. And for the record...
    you DO see Arnold as the Terminator in the movie.

    - Calling Christian Bale an overrated gimp is just laughable. It seems to have become fashionable to bash him since his on-set meltdown but that doesn't change the fact that he's done some very good work in some very memorable movies and has been an actor since he was a child. He also escaped the curse of typecasting that most child actors suffer thru; too bad Eddie Furlong was never heard from again after T2. Try reading some reviews of Bale's work in Empire of the Sun, American Psycho or The Prestige before condemning his craft.

    - The film tells the story of the adult John Connor's battle with the machines after Judgment Day. Given the time-traveling nature of the movies, it is thus both a prequel to the first movie and simultaneously a sequel to the third movie. It does not blank out or in any way contradict what happened in the prior movies; indeed, it goes out of its way to fill in the gaps by showing us how certain characters ended up where they did in the first movie as well as where the T-800 came from. The hardware of the film is also very consistent with the prior movies.

    - The point of the movie, as it relates to the other three films, is to show us how John Connor meets Kyle Reese and the beginnings of their friendship that will culminate with him sending Kyle back thru time to protect Sarah Connor. The movie also explores the notion of what it means to be human and to get a second chance thru the journey that another character called Marcus takes, and how his story dovetails with Connor's, again without ever contradicting anything from the first three movies.

    - John Connor does not fight some great blue screen or "crap CGI"; while CG is undoubtedly used to extend the film, the Terminators in the movie are primarily practical models that the actors physically interact with. Your rant against CG in general is also very amusing and once again uninformed given your love of Terminator 2; obviously, you didn't stop to think that T2 heralded the birth of CG effects in Hollywood and that the liquid metal, shape shifting T1000 was almost entirely a CGI character.

    You can't bear the thought of a Terminator movie without Arnold that isn't made by James Cameron. Fine. That's no reason to condemn a movie that you haven't seen and obviously know nothing about. If you check out moviegoer ratings on sites like IMDB, IGN Movies, BoxofficeMojo and Rotten Tomatoes, you'll find that most people who've taken the time to see the movie actually like it, scoring it at least a 7/10 on each of those sites (and that's with thousands of votes cast). Your uninformed rant reminds me of a quote by noted author Harlan Ellison: "People should not be entitled to an opinion; they should be entitled to an informed opinion."
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    ok ok .. you have persuaded me to give the film a chance...

    what you are saying about the special effects in T2 ... I know the liquid metal character was CGI etc etc .. but it was done right.. and it looked more convincing that .. absolute tosh like.. and I have to use this example .. but Bond riding the wave in ''Die Another Day'' with not even his hair a bit wet .. just too stupid and over the top... thats what i am getting at there was a time when special effects and cgi etc .. was done right and it looked very cool and to a certain degree convincing.... And T2 is a perfect example of when it was used and done to perfection.... if you look at T3 the ending in the army fall out bunker.. when the T850/ T101 arnie flys the helichopter in and crushed teh T-X and gets out.. it couldnt be more unconvincing....

    ok in regards to my opinion .. of Christian Bale.. I had that opinion of him .. way before his rant on set.. or when he was slapping his mum and partner about in Hotel Room's... I am sure hes a stand up kind a guy... i have seen a few of the films you have mentioned... lets use American Phyco for example... i saw it thought it was average ok .. decent but thats it.. and then when in conversations with people and friend .. you hear it being hailed as .. one of the greatest films of all time.. far from it....

    I dont chare the same opinion of the Bond films as I do with Terminator... there is a major different between them .... The Bond films .. novels and films etc have way more miliage... and that has been proven.... nearly 50 years.. still going still as successfull, need I say more.... i regards to Bond stopping after Connery No .way ... as his successor was even better than Him in his previous bond YOLT... and bettered him by far in his come back DAF ... Lazenby was great as Bond .. and should have done many more films... Moore reinvented it.. brought it into the 70's and 80's .. proved that Bond had so much more to show and .. proved that somone other than Connery could play Bond.... Dalton .. again .. took it back to the Fleming style .. much like Lazenby .. which always gets dismised for some reason... Brosnan .. again .. brought it further.. a bit smarmy at times.. but old Piercy Boy can be forgiven for that .. and now Daniel Craig .. one of my absolute favorite actors.. even before he was cast as Bond... and he plays possibly the Best Bond... well its right for the times lets just say that .. all the Bonds are on a par in my mind... all equal.

    I apologise if i did seem a bit quick to judge T4-S... you have put some good points across which have convinced me to give it a chance so i may just wonder into the cinema to see it.... its not often people admit there wrong and are swayed on chat forums... its usualy strung out into a 3 day argument.. :))

  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    Terminator: Salvation has been released in Australia today, and I booked my ticket two days ago. :D I'll be seeing it at 9:30 pm on Sunday night and I'll be seating in seat J-13, my favourite seat. :D I dislike seeing films on opening day (or night), and for *big films (such as this), I prefer to see them at night on the opening weekend by myself, in the very centre of the theatre.

    Scaramangasgoldengun, I would describe myself as a Terminator fanboy. I would put my love of Terminator up against anyone else's, and I also love Cameron and am fanatical about Arnie. For me, there's alot of stake. However I will see Terminator: Salvation , and if I love it, wonderful, but if I don't, well, I was pretty disappointed with the third film, and I'll always have the first two films (plus the first season of the TV show.) :D I'm happy that you are going to see it, as really, even if it's bad, it will still be alot better probably than the numerous cinematic crimes against humanity. But it could even be fantastic. :D

    *as defined by films which are extremely important to me. Terminator: Salvation, along with Eastwood's two latest films and the new Scorsese film at the end of the year, are my big films for 2009.
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent

    Bring your pillow with you to seat J-13, it will make the movie much more enjoyable if you sleep for the first hour and twenty minutes.

    Fan of Arnie eh? If you need a governer type in Australia I'll be happy to pay his air fare. He reached his zenith in T2 and it has been downhill ever sense!
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    here here .. I would agree with that ... T3 .. arnie was not that good as the Terminator.. too .. camp .. and stupid....

    T3 was a fan made production to a certain extent.. and should have never been made....

    I realy do wish Cameron used the alternate ending in T2 which ended it all once and for all...
    where it showed you shara as an old woman in the park with John as a grown adult with a little kid....

    I think Cameron probibly wishes he used that ending now.. after seeing T3 and all the other stuff that has come out since..
  • SpectreIslandSpectreIsland spectreislandPosts: 274MI6 Agent
    edited June 2009
    I have to say I just don't understand your postings. In your original post you said,"I am going to be giving Terminator Salvation a miss..because for me..Terminator without Arnie...Just ain't the Terminator. He is the Terminator. Arnie is the man.."

    Then here, you diss Arnie. "T3 Arnie was not that good..too camp...stupid"
    Which one is it? I thought Arnie was the man? :s
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited June 2009
    here here .. I would agree with that ... T3 .. arnie was not that good as the Terminator.. too .. camp .. and stupid....

    I thought Arnold gave a very brave performance, showing that he was not above being able to have a little laugh at his own public image. Yes, the sunglasses and the "talk to the hand" bit might have been a little over the top, but they are no worse than the scenes in T2 where he tries to smile or learn vulgar expressions. Besides, when it came time to deliver the action he was every bit as effective as in the first two movies.

    I also don't consider his character stupid. Unlike T2, where he basically just followed orders and did what he was told for 90% of the film (think of that scene where he stands on one leg because John tells him to or where he swears never to kill anyone again), in T3 he acted largely independently, first behaving as something of a drill sargeant to toughen John Connor up for the coming trials he would face, and then doing everything necessary to ensure that John and Kate survived, even tricking them into thinking that Skynet was at Crystal Peak so that they would go there and survive the nuclear holocaust.

    T3 also gave Arnold the chance to do some legitimate acting such as the scene where he's trying to fight his own programming as he attempts to kill John Connor. I actually thought Arnold had matured quite a bit by T3 and his character is far more rounded than in either of the two prior films.
    T3 was a fan made production to a certain extent.. and should have never been made....

    No it wasn't. It was made by the people who owned the rights to the franchise at a cost of almost $200 million. Arnold even chipped in $6 million of his own money to film one of the chase scenes when the movie was in danger of going over budget. You many not like the creative choices made but that doesn't change the fact that it was very much a professional, studio production made by very talented and qualified filmmakers.
    I realy do wish Cameron used the alternate ending in T2 which ended it all once and for all...
    where it showed you shara as an old woman in the park with John as a grown adult with a little kid....

    I think Cameron probibly wishes he used that ending now.. after seeing T3 and all the other stuff that has come out since..

    Its been widely documented that the reason Cameron didn't use that ending was because at that time he still had designs on making more Terminator movies. His attitude changed after the success of Titanic, at which point he basically lost interest in any franchises that he didn't own outright (he was also attached to Spiderman but walked away for the same reasons). But until that point he very much viewed Terminator as a viable franchise to stay involved with. The reason he left T2 somewhat open-ended was to keep his own options open at that time; it was a business decision, not an artistic one.

    I enjoy T3 a lot; it has a somewhat different tone than the first two movies but that doesn't change the fact that it's a fast paced chase movie that happens almost in real time. It's a good looking and engaging film that holds your attention and doesn't give you a chance to catch your breath. I have a sneaking feeling that if James Cameron's name had appeared in the credits (even if he had nothing to do with the movie) it would be far more accepted by the fans.
  • John DrakeJohn Drake On assignmentPosts: 2,564MI6 Agent
    I thought Terminator: Salvation was moronic. They cancelled The Sarah Connor Chronicles and leave us with this? It's proof, if proof were needed that Christian Bale has no personality at all and that most modern films are dumber than television.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Just saw Terminator: Salvation tonight, as the 2nd half of a double bill at the Route 66 Drive-In Theatre...where the prologue to the films was a thrilling severe thunderstorm, with sheets of heavy rain, lightning and high winds... B-)

    I'll post a review in the 'Films' thread, probably tomorrow, as I'm flat tired tonight...but I didn't find it moronic. Quite a lot of fun, actually...
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    edited April 2011
    Didn't want to start a Terminator 5 thread so I changed the title of the Terminator 4 thread to a generic Terminator thread. Rumor has it Arnold wants to star in another Terminator movie.

  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Entertainment Weekly takes a first look at Terminator: Genisys, the first of three planned films that Paramount hopes will relaunch the sci-fi franchise, is set for release in July 2015. Arnold Schwarzenegger returns in a big way. Ex Doctor Who Matt Smith plays a close ally of John Connor. A little plot/character detail is revealed.

    This week's cover: First look at 'Terminator: Genisys'

    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    In my Opinion, only the first Film really captures just how deadly the Terminator is -{
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    First Terminator was a semi horror, from 2 on they became action
    Shows. They can play round with the format but the problem is we
    Know J Connor lives and Skynet get defeated.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    OJ Simpson, the American Football Player was originally going to play the Terminator.
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    And Arnie was to be the hero. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • David SchofieldDavid Schofield EnglandPosts: 1,528MI6 Agent
    Watch the first two, right up to the bit where Sarah Connor is with her grandkids and senator son John in an LA park, Judgement Day having been averted. THE END.

    A perfect original and its sequel. Ignore the rest.
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    What happened to the animated Terminator Film that was supposedly planned?
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Arnold Schwarzenegger was at the Lancaster London Hotel on Saturday night for a question and answer session with Jonathan Ross. Schwarzenegger discussed (amongst other things) his bodybuilding, his time in the military, his rivalry and then friendship with Sylvester Stallone, his "fight" with James Cameron over the 'I'll be back' line, and how he almost starred opposite Sean Connery in The Rock and John Travolta in Face/Off. He also hinted at a potential Running Man sequel.

    An Evening with Arnold Schwarzenegger: 8 highlights from London Q&A
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Arnie in the Running man two ? Will Arnie be "Running"
    In an electric wheel chair ? :))
    Much as I love Arnie, boy is he looking old, these days.
    Most young cinema goers will think it's a " Hunger Games"
    Rip off. :D
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
    I heard a rumour ,that Arnie is going to pay Canary Wharf a visit soon , ;)
    By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    A moving motion poster of the T-800's skull has been released two days ahead of the first trailer of Terminator: Genisys.

    The countdown is on!
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Prepare for tomorrow's world premiere of the Terminator Genisys trailer.

    Terminator Genisys Movie - Trailer Tease
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    He's back, and encounters his old self.....or should that be younger? :D

    Terminator Genisys Movie 2015 - Official Trailer HD
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • PeppermillPeppermill DelftPosts: 2,860MI6 Agent
    In my Opinion, only the first Film really captures just how deadly the Terminator is -{

    I agree, the first movie is by far my favourite.
    1. Ohmss 2. Frwl 3. Op 4. Tswlm 5. Tld 6. Ge 7. Yolt 8. Lald 9. Cr 10. Ltk 11. Dn 12. Gf 13. Qos 14. Mr 15. Tmwtgg 16. Fyeo 17. Twine 18. Sf 19. Tb 20 Tnd 21. Spectre 22 Daf 23. Avtak 24. Dad
  • Brosnan_fanBrosnan_fan Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 521MI6 Agent
    After seeing that trailer, all I can say is - WOW. Just WOW. B-) -{
    "Well, he certainly left with his tails between his legs."
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    The trailer looks good. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
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