Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull



  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    Still scarred by those monkeys Rogue? :)) You really have an unhealthy hangup about action heroes having children out of wedlock. First Superman, and now Indy. I think we need to get you some professional help here. {:)

    I didn't think Mutt was bad at all; definitely far more palatable than other action-hero sidekicks in my opinion.

    As for Crystal Skull's sci-fi angle, I think it went hand in hand with Lucas' desire to bring Indy into the 1950s and it may take Spielberg and Ford both putting their foot down on a suitable story to get him to go back to a more mystical artifact at this point.

    OK, so you don't like the monolith. How about this (and yes, I do have one of these in my collection)...:v

  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    TonyDP wrote:
    Still scarred by those monkeys Rogue? :))

    Yeah, the kid and I both. It was completely OTT & unnecessary. :))
    I didn't think Mutt was bad at all; definitely far more palatable than other action-hero sidekicks in my opinion.

    Mutt. What an appropiate name. 8-)

    Is it fashionable to give all of the awesome action heroes kids nowadays in these pictures? I want to step into the fantasy that these guys live their lives above the fray of the normal man. In a way, we idolize and emulate them, not be reminded that I have one myself sitting beside me while hogging all of the popcorn for two + hours. :#
    You really have an unhealthy hangup about action heroes having children out of wedlock. First Superman, and now Indy. I think we need to get you some professional help here. {:)

    So my wife tells me...DAILY! :p :))

    Hey you're talking to a guy who hated that James Bond, Jr. cartoon from the 90s; you'd think that Q Branch could've developed a more invincible prophylactic. :D

    OK, so you don't like the monolith. How about this (and yes, I do have one of these in my collection)...:v


    Won't Warner Bros. have a say in that? :))

    I LOVE the collectable BTW. Very hardcore fanboy. B-)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

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  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,877MI6 Agent
    I dunno; if they do another I don't want something so obviously 'Ark of the Covenant mk3' as the Spear of Destiny. The Crystal Skull was at least an attempt to do something a little different. Does there have to be a relic at the centre of it? There must be other stories to tell that don't have a thing in a box to chase after.
    Get some baddies to try to awaken Satan or something: that'd scare the kids.

    I hope they do do another, though: helicopters, robots, spies... there's still a lot of fun stuff for Indy to do!
    Not sure I wouldn't mind Spielberg not directing it, though: he didn't seem 100% interested last time (although far from bad) and it'd be nice to have a director of a globe-trotting adventure movie who doesn't mind leaving the US to shoot it.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    RogueAgent wrote:
    I love reading up on the history behind The Spear Of Longinus; I hope that they go with that or Noah's Ark. :)

    I recently read an adventure called 'The Secret on Ararat' which involved a race to find Noah's Ark. The interesting premise involved the idea that Noah had saved (along with the animals) some arcane metallurgical secrets on the ark.

    Mythos surrounding the philosopher's stone and King Solomon's mines I always found interesting. I think they could be good underpinnings of an Indiana Jones film.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    darenhat wrote:
    RogueAgent wrote:
    I love reading up on the history behind The Spear Of Longinus; I hope that they go with that or Noah's Ark. :)

    I recently read an adventure called 'The Secret on Ararat' which involved a race to find Noah's Ark. The interesting premise involved the idea that Noah had saved (along with the animals) some arcane metallurgical secrets on the ark.

    Mythos surrounding the philosopher's stone and King Solomon's mines I always found interesting. I think they could be good underpinnings of an Indiana Jones film.

    Interesting to see The Spear of Destiny and King Solomon's Mines mentioned. There were a couple of made-for-TV movies made a few years back with Noah Wylie as "The Librarian", a poor-man's Indiana Jones who travelled the globe protecting the world's great treasures (many of which had mystical abilities) from evildoers. They were moderately entertaining in a TV movie of the week sort of way and the McGuffins for the two movies were in fact the Spear of Destiny and King Solomon's mines. There's a third entry supposedly coming out later this fall. Here's a Wikipedia page with more info: The Librarian

    One mythical artifact that I've always been fascinated with is Excalibur; not sure what kind of Indiana Jones adventure you could craft around King Arthur's fabled sword (there was a pretty entertaining Tomb Raider game that used the sword as its focal point) but I think that would be another interesting relic for Dr. Jones to pursue.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    The dvd's extras had a nice documentary, some nice interviews with the players. ($14 at walmart)

    Being my first viewing, I thought this was a great blood relative to the classic three. (as Spielberg put it)

    Loved Blanchet's character. Disliked Mac and John Hurt's parts, didn't essentially amount to much. LOVED Marion & Indy's dynamic chemistry, the Marcus Brody statue, Connery portrait. And the cold war 50s backdrop. And yes, I also LIKED Mutt!

    If there was a scene I'd remove though, would have to be Mutt's Tarzan transformation complete with army of monkeys. That belonged in the cutting room floor, or better yet, not even dreamed up.

    Give us another! -{
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    My brother and I picked up the BluRay a couple of days ago; we watched it again and still had a good time sitting thru it. The film holds up to repeated viewings and, sci-fi angle and 1950's setting be damned, still feels like an Indiana Jones movie to us.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    The film holds up to repeated viewings and, sci-fi angle and 1950's setting be damned, still feels like an Indiana Jones movie to us.
    Felt like an Indy movie to me as well. Maybe the scifi was ramped too high but I rather enjoyed the 50s. Fit the timeline and must've been a problem for script writers from the beginning.

    I must admit that a greaser / soc rumble wasn't something I ever expected to see in this franchise, but what the heck.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    It's good to know I'm not the only one who thought the fourth Indy film seemed like a legitimate part of the series. Sheesh--did anyone see the season premiere of South Park last week? The kids were depressed and traumatised because they'd all witnessed their best friend being raped and they'd done nothing about it. Well, it turns out that the victim was Indy and the perpetrators were Lucas and Spielberg! I didn't agree with what the episode had to say, but it was pretty funny nonetheless. Especially when Spielberg had Indy strip to his underwear and "squeal like a pig!"
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Regarding the Mutt character, I'm being a little brutal and pragmatic here, but if Indy and Marion are to get together at the end, then they're too old to have a kid, so... hence Matt appears, to ensure a happy ever after vibe for audiences. There was no other way to do it, though I hestitate to suggest generally that a couple need a kid to live happily ever after...

    One odd, slightly encouraging aspect :)) for some of us is that Indy and Marion don't have many people at their wedding, I mean, I'm not married but I'm not sure how many I could russle up! I suppose it's in proportion to the number of Xmas cards you get... Then again, how many did we recognise at Bond's wedding in OHMSS? He doesn't exactly have many mates does he?
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    At Uni, in one of my tutorials, we talked about the film, and the way some people acted, you would think that Lucas and Spielberg committed a crime against humanity or something. 8-) I mean, I didn't love the film, but I did like it, and I don't think it's any more damaging to the Indiana Jones name than Temple of Doom.
    One odd, slightly encouraging aspect :)) for some of us is that Indy and Marion don't have many people at their wedding, I mean, I'm not married but I'm not sure how many I could russle up! I suppose it's in proportion to the number of Xmas cards you get... Then again, how many did we recognise at Bond's wedding in OHMSS? He doesn't exactly have many mates does he?
    The number of people that come to your wedding often comes down to things like family politics. When my brother got married, we had to keep the numbers down, which created some problems in terms of which relatives and family friends we didn't invite. :#

    Anyway, why would it be encouraging that Indy's and Marion's wedding not be attended by too many guests? Did you not want them to get married? :v
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Eh? No just pointing out that it seemed quite low key and realistic a wedding, not the usual let's rent out a cathedral thing to show how many friends we've got.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Alex wrote:
    TonyDP wrote:
    The film holds up to repeated viewings and, sci-fi angle and 1950's setting be damned, still feels like an Indiana Jones movie to us.
    Felt like an Indy movie to me as well. Maybe the scifi was ramped too high but I rather enjoyed the 50s. Fit the timeline and must've been a problem for script writers from the beginning.

    I must admit that a greaser / soc rumble wasn't something I ever expected to see in this franchise, but what the heck.

    My brother and I quite enjoyed it as well---a great time at the movies. Not on the level of ROTLA, but then neither are any of the others, in my view.
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
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  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Watched the movie last night and I definitly enjoyed it. Noticed myself smiling through a lot of it.

    On the positive side, Harrison was great, he was stil believable as Indy and they didn't make him do too many stunts that were beyond him. Although I keep wanting to dislike Shia becauise he seems to be in everything, he was fine as Mutt. Karen Allen was a joy as Marion and Cate Blanchett was a suitable villian. The action scenes were well done, only during the vehicle chase sword fight did I see obvious CGI.

    On the downside I didn't care for the treasure idea. I never had the feeling that this treasure was important. I also hated the introduction of the martian/space element to the story.

    If they make another one, which seems a long shot based on what Spielberg and Lucas say, it seems based on the scene in the church when the door opens and Indiana's hat blows down the aisle, that the hat might be passed on to someone new. But, my bet is, we won't see another one anytime soon.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,877MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    Watched the movie last night and I definitly enjoyed it. Noticed myself smiling through a lot of it.

    You lucky people- we have to wait for early November before it's released here! :)
    Although I keep wanting to dislike Shia becauise he seems to be in everything, he was fine as Mutt.

    Yeah- I used to hate him when he was on telly, but I really have nothing against him in this film, or any other recent ones I've seen him in. Mutt's not a terribly interesting character, but Shia does nothing to make him irritating.
    And I can sort of see where they're coming from on the son-of-Harrison thing too:


    They have very similar poster-faces! :D
    only during the vehicle chase sword fight did I see obvious CGI.

    True enough- although even during that there are shots of a couple of stuntmen actually doing it for real. I've heard lots of people say that after watching the extras it turns out that a lot of stuff they took to be CGI was done for real (e.g the big explosion in the warehouse at the beginning. I suppose that's something to do with the slightly odd sheen of the image.

    If they make another one, which seems a long shot based on what Spielberg and Lucas say, it seems based on the scene in the church when the door opens and Indiana's hat blows down the aisle, that the hat might be passed on to someone new. But, my bet is, we won't see another one anytime soon.

    I actually took that to be a joke in completely the other way- that the audience fear that Shia is being groomed to be the new Indy, but the real Indy takes his hat back- he ain't giving it away just yet!
    I think the chances of Indy 5 are higher we might think. They all seemed to enjoy it and it made a lot of money- I wouldn't write it off. I would guess that Spielberg possibly won't direct, though.
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    Just a question about Indiana Jones. Is anyone a member at The Raven ( forums) ?

    I joined about 5 days / a week ago, I cannot post or edit my profile all I get is a message saying my account is not approved yet.

    I cannot message of view other profiles to contact people about it, But I have been going on daily to see if it has been approved yet, But still nothing.

    I thought that if someone is a member do you know how long it takes or what I could do ?

    Many Thanks
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Just a question about Indiana Jones. Is anyone a member at The Raven ( forums) ?

    I joined about 5 days / a week ago, I cannot post or edit my profile all I get is a message saying my account is not approved yet.

    I cannot message of view other profiles to contact people about it, But I have been going on daily to see if it has been approved yet, But still nothing.

    I thought that if someone is a member do you know how long it takes or what I could do ?

    Many Thanks

    I've looked in from time to time, but never joined. Let us know how it goes...:)
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited November 2008
    Just a question about Indiana Jones. Is anyone a member at The Raven ( forums) ?

    I joined about 5 days / a week ago, I cannot post or edit my profile all I get is a message saying my account is not approved yet.

    I cannot message of view other profiles to contact people about it, But I have been going on daily to see if it has been approved yet, But still nothing.

    I thought that if someone is a member do you know how long it takes or what I could do ?

    Many Thanks

    I'm not familiar with but a lot of these sites will send you an email that you must reply to in order to activate the account. Have you checked your inbox just in case?
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    Yeah, It then said that it needs approving by admin, I have sent an email to him now, Hopefully that will work.

  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    I got my account vadiliated now :D

    I can finally post !
  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    edited November 2008
    I got my account vadiliated now :D

    I can finally post !

    What do you mean vadiliated ?:) :s

    Am i missing something here join what it said you joined something in a few posts back
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    I couldnt post because my account needed to be approved. But now I can.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Some rumors are surfing via Shia LeBouf and Frank Marshall that an Indiana Jones 5 is actively being pursued. LeBouf claims that Spielberg has 'cracked' the story, and Marshall says they're doing the research. A script, of course, is still pending. If these claims are true that Spielberg is involved in the storyline, then I would think that chances are strong this will see the light of day, since I got the impression that Spielberg was the least enthusiastic party for Crystall Skull.

    Details regarding the rumors are at
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