My art dump



  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Dan Same wrote:
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Dan Same wrote:
    Why? Did I leave a good impression on you? :v

    Honestly? No. 8-)
    ?:) I'm sorry, but I have no idea what that has to do with Spiderman or with me. :)) (BTW, that stature looks pretty similar to the one at my Uni. ;) )

    Perhaps you didn't read my initial convention post as closely as you should've. I even heard that the guy's name was Dan. :))
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Perhaps you didn't read my initial convention post as closely as you should've.
    ;% I actually missed the last bit. Sorry, my apologies.
    RogueAgent wrote:
    I even heard that the guy's name was Dan. :))
    :)) I should be insulted, shouldn't I? :# ;)
    RogueAgent wrote:
    There were two guys dressed up in Spider-Man 3 costumes black version and regular...problem was that neither one had on underwear and were both weirdly...revealing". :s

    Not worth a shot even on my cruddy cellphone...but I immediately thought of Dan Same. :D
    :)) I'm flattered that you thought of me. :D
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited January 2009
    They should have made those guys leave like they did this well-endowed female fan dressed as Black Canary last year. At least she was more fetching to the eyes...webbed taint only held in place by a thin sheath of fabric is never attractive and the hoards of children, who were in attendance,didn't need to be subjected to that either. Just disgusting. X-(
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited March 2009
    Been awhile since I posted some new stuff; first let me apologize to W.G. for not putting up his artwork sooner but I've been having more than a few issues to deal with here and I can easily be distracted sometimes. So what you will see first, is a couple of pieces from our own Willie Garvin.


    I think that they look great; he'll have to do a pinup for my next book. B-)

    Here are a couple of pieces that I did while looking after my ill family this week; something to keep sharp during downtime:



    And here's a page and a half started of SHYLOCK #4 I did while battling insomnia the other night:



    Issue 3 has been done but here's the final cover for it:


    And I just want to congratulate my son for placing 3rd place in the art contest in his district {[] .
    I think that politics played a part in his placing seeing that two 8th graders got 1st & 2nd and he's only in the 6th.

    Although being his father, I saw the other two pics and they were not up to the caliber of my kid's. Sue me. Apparently his peers felt the same way and booed once they compared them all; they too felt that my son was hosed on that one.

    I told him to hang in there; he'll capture the top crown eventually. He said it was sort of surprising to hear his name called out in front of everyone and his knees buckled as he went down to collect his certificate and prizes :)) . He got quite a few pats on the back from the older kids.

    Now they know his name. B-)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    He got quite a few pats on the back from the older kids.

    Considering he's your son, I would've expected more than a few pats on the back...
    but I guess he's got plenty of time for that. :v
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited March 2009
    Hey Rogue-I certainly hope your family is feeling better now.And thanks for the kind words--they're always appreciated.

    Got a quick technical question:I'm noticing that my inking is less than stellar.Perhaps it's a combination of an occasionally unsteady hand and manga pens.Years ago I used an architect's pen and got a finer and more consistent line, but it didn't(I don't know why)reproduce very well.What type of pen would you recommend I try?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited March 2009
    Hey Rogue-I certainly hope your family is feling better now.And thanks for the kind words--they're always appreciated.

    Thank you, W.G. They're doing much better now and I've passed along your best wishes to them. ;)
    Got a quick technical question:I'm noticing that my inking is less than stellar.Perhaps it's a combination of an occasionally unsteady hand and manga pens.Years ago I used an architect's pen and got a finer and more consistent line, but it didn't(I don't know why)reproduce very well.What type of pen would you recommend I try?

    From what I can tell of your work, you just have to get comfortable with working with inks. Your lines look tentative in spots. I hate Manga pens but if that's all you have, please don't take my statement harshly. Just work with what you have.

    Might I suggest to you that you get familiar with brush and a bottle of ink and practice nothing but varying lines on a blank piece of paper to help give your future compositions weight. You can also use Faber Castell india ink pens that come in packs of 4; it's the best of both worlds seeing that they give inkers the confidence it takes to commit to brush strokes and the control of a pencil.

    If you decide to go bottle and brush, do not let the side of your hand rest on the paper or table you work on; it effects you lines. For now, start with the pens I recommended. You should like them.

    Also invest in several Non-Photo pencils; I live by them. I can skip the pencilling altogether by mapping out what I want then putting inks over them. Case in point; here's a doodle I did the other day while at the doctor's office waiting for my kid to be seen:


    I hope this helps you and good luck. :)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Got a quick technical question:I'm noticing that my inking is less than stellar.Perhaps it's a combination of an occasionally unsteady hand and manga pens.Years ago I used an architect's pen and got a finer and more consistent line, but it didn't(I don't know why)reproduce very well.What type of pen would you recommend I try?

    Might I suggest to you that you get familiar with brush and a bottle of ink and practice nothing but varying lines on a blank piece of paper to help give your future compositions weight. You can also use Faber Castell india ink pens that come in packs of 4; it's the best of both worlds seeing that they give inkers the confidence it takes to commit to brush strokes and the control of a pencil.

    If you decide to go bottle and brush, do not let the side of your hand rest on the paper or table you work on; it effects you lines. For now, start with the pens I recommended. You should like them.

    Also invest in several Non-Photo pencils; I live by them. I can skip the pencilling altogether by mapping out what I want then putting inks over them. Case in point; here's a doodle I did the other day while at the doctor's office waiting for my kid to be seen:


    I hope this helps you and good luck. :)

    Thanks,Rogue--I'll definitely check these out!:)
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Here is a commission I finished not long ago for a guy in Baltimore. I'll be mailing it off to him this weekend. He wanted a nude pose from of Summer Gleeson from BTAS and Catwoman at play. There seems to be alot of comic geeks out there that request these sort of things... ;%

    I can't show you the full pick out of respect for the site here and female members who might get offended that stumble upon these so this is about as far as I could go without crossing the line. I hope.

    You just have to use your imagination for the rest. :D




    Now that I've tied up the 3rd ish of my book, I want to thank the members here for their support (Tony, Spec & Night) and likenesses in getting it off of the ground. I appreciate it and I'll have something in the mail for those involved very shortly. ;)

    Hopefully next issue, Dan Same will send me his pic so I can have him getting mugged in a brothel while wearing only a Spiderman tee and diaper. Men and their hidden fantasies I guess... :D

    I've started back on the cover for my next project which I'll weave pages in and out between other commissions and projects. Here are the latest updates to it:



    Thanks for looking. :)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Whoa, Rogue! :o Looks like you're doing high-class Tijuana comics!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    I'm disappointed, RA. You of all people should know that BTAS Catwoman is a blonde who wears a grey jumpsuit.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    woah! those new pages look AWESOME, Rogue!!!
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Hardyboy wrote:
    Whoa, Rogue! :o Looks like you're doing high-class Tijuana comics!

    You should see the one someone has commissioned me to do next :D .
    Thanks for looking.
    I'm disappointed, RA. You of all people should know that BTAS Catwoman is a blonde who wears a grey jumpsuit.
    I only said he wanted Summer Gleeson from the cartoon, I threw Catwoman in there as a bonus and I've never cared for the blonde Selina in BTAS. Looks much better as a brunette to me. B-)

    Pendragon wrote:
    woah! those new pages look AWESOME, Rogue!!!
    Thank you, Pen. :)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited May 2009
    Nice stuff Rogue...that's quite image you've dreamed up. But what's with the "peeping tom" Batman in the window? :o Too bad Halle Berry's Catwoman movie didn't have a subplot like this, might have made things more interesting. ;)

    Good luck with Shylock #3. As for Dan Same, I'd suggest a panel of Spiderman getting a restraining order against him. :))
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    Nice stuff Rogue...that's quite image you've dreamed up. But what's with the "peeping tom" Batman in the window? :o

    :)) Everyone seems to get a laugh out of that one. I mean wouldn't Bats want to get in on that kind of action? :D

    I mean, there has to be just a tinge of voyeurism in him wouldn't you think?
    Good luck with Shylock #3. As for Dan Same, I'd suggest a panel of Spiderman getting a restraining order against him. :))
    :)) :)) :))

    Thanks for the comp and the laugh.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited September 2009
    My son sat in on his first convention (albeit small) with me last weekend and actually sold a sketch of his to a nice old man. That really built his confidence. Here's one that he did off the cuff to break his nervousness at first...


    He really loves that yellow outfit. ;)

    I probably did more Superman pics at this one than I ever have: Superboy, Prime, the Smallville guy, etc. I guess because this is the one that I did when I first got there that stirred interest I guess.... Just a simple little doodle:


    I thought that interest in the Man Of Steel was waning...

    All in all I was happy my son got to experience being on the other side of the table. :)

    In advance, thank you for looking.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    aw! congrats to Rouge Jr on his sale!!! that's amazing!!! give him a high five for me :D
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    aw! congrats to Rouge Jr on his sale!!! that's amazing!!! give him a high five for me :D
    My son says thank you very much, Pen. ;)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Hey Rogue,

    I haven't been to this thread in a while, and in catching up I saw the nude pose of Summer Gleeson from BTAS and Catwoman! I wasn't offended at all....I thought it was really pretty!! I want to see the whole thing! :)) Maybe you can PM it to me!
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    Hey Rogue,

    I haven't been to this thread in a while, and in catching up I saw the nude pose of Summer Gleeson from BTAS and Catwoman! I wasn't offended at all....I thought it was really pretty!! I want to see the whole thing! :)) Maybe you can PM it to me!
    Thanks, 'Nique. Yeah with something like that, it isn't wise nowadays just to flash it to everybody. You never know when you might offend someone...especially females.

    So far, one guy, that asked to see it, thought it was offensive (and here I was afraid to show it to women) so I don't know what was up with that...maybe the toys I drew sprawled out on the bed set off something in him? His reaction a little too effeminate maybe? ?:)

    I'll try and get you a high rez scan and email you. ;)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    uhmm....I hope no one minds, but I wanted to share something I've been working on...

    I kinda screwed up his face, but I can't let that bother me too much...

    I've been on a Firefly kick lately...and I tried to draw boots, but I failed and erased them ;%
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    No, I don't mind, Pen. Looks good, BTW. But might I suggest that you practice drawing feet? Don't worry about messing up; you learn as you go. You've cheated yourself of a really good effort here to complete a well drawn figure.

    I like it though. ;)

    I've been really sick as of late but not out of it entirely. Nothing keeps me upbeat like continuing to draw when I'm up to it that is.

    Here's a sketch of one of my favorite X-Men (FORGE) despite not getting the love he so richly deserves.



    Here's a Zatanna sketch that I did as a warm up of a full figure pose I plan on doing:


    My buddy is in the process of inking this puppy for me. I'm getting it digitally colored as well:


    And here' s a sample of a panel done only in pen, ink and brush with wash effect, for a graphic novel, that I'm doing on the side:


    Hope you likes and thanks for viewing. :)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    No, I don't mind, Pen. Looks good, BTW. But might I suggest that you practice drawing feet? Don't worry about messing up; you learn as you go. You've cheated yourself of a really good effort here to complete a well drawn figure.

    I like it though. ;)

    lol thanks. and yeaaahhh...feet. there's my project for winter break haha :s

    RogueAgent wrote:
    I've been really sick as of late

    oh no! glad to hear you weren't entirely incapacitated though...

    LOVE love love the Bats drawing.

    and wow. only my class doodles are entirely in pen. that's a great page :x
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    Wow, we have a lot of talented people on these forums. I wish I would of stuck with this thread from the beginning. Everyone who has contributed to this thread, thanks for entertaining me for the last hour and half. I'm beyond impressed with everyones art. I'm going to stick with this thread from now on. Keep up the awesome work everyone and I look forward to the future contributions from everyone.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Thank you, Pen & Mr. Martini. Appreciate you for looking and liking. B-)

    Take my advice, Pen and practice feet.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Take my advice, Pen and practice feet.

    yessir *salutes*

    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • Colonel ShatnerColonel Shatner Chavtastic Bristol, BritainPosts: 574MI6 Agent
    This is my drawing of Batman copied from Frank Miller's magnus-opus, The Dark Knight Returns:


    What do you think, RogueAgent?
    'Alright guard, begin the unnecessarily slow moving dipping mechanism...'
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Looks good to me, Colonel.

    Tighten up your shading abit more and it's a winner. ;)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited January 2010
    phantasm: the delusion of a disordered mind. a phantom. a spirit. a ghost.

    Here's my first pinup for 2010; a commission for a horror fan I did in-between my current projects. Forgive the cell shot (didn't feel like scanning it) but I'll have an inked copy up soon.

    The client just wanted a simple rendering so I hope he won't be disappointed.

    Didn't know that there were any Phantasm fans left.


    Might do a Hellraiser, Burnt Offerings or Shining one for myself next. :D

    Also, here is another commision I did right before the new year for a guy who's making his own comic book about an adventurer along the lines of a black Doc Savage/Indy type hero. He's a big Indy fan it appears but he wanted a Shaft-esque look for his guy...

    I promised him that I wouldn't disclose the name of the character yet ( think he's still working on a name that isn't going to get him laughed at) but he had no problem with me showing it to others.

    I put a worn background on it with Illustrator for that tshirt look.

    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited January 2010
    Here's a pic I drew all in pen and shaded with watercolor wash of Wolverine flippin' the bird. Drawing strictly in pen forces you not to make mistakes as you go. It's a drill I do with all of my art students.


    One of the Marvel Sisters really wants this one for his collection...but he's going to have to swear allegiance to DC Comics for the next couple of months before he can get it. Let's see just how much he wants it...if he's up to it that is. :v

    He might have to jump through a couple of hoops for this as bad as a time he gives me on a daily basis for being DC-centric. :))
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
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