Iron Man



  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    It's finally here! It's here! And I love it! B-)

    Iron Man 2 movie trailer! :o

    WAR MACHINE, baby!!!!!!!! {[] {[] {[] {[]
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    :)) :)) :)) Hey Rogue, another near simultaneous post. What's that about great minds? Iron Man & War Machine strike again. Are the Marvel Sisters having a mass nerdgasm?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    :)) :)) :)) Hey Rogue, another near simultaneous post. What's that about great minds? Iron Man & War Machine strike again. Are the Marvel Sisters having a mass nerdgasm?
    You know I told my son that in some weird way of syncronicity, that you'd post this link soon/after I had in a matter of seconds. And damn, if it didn't come true. :)) :)) :)) :))

    That's what I call a strong connection, Tony. :D

    The Sisters are probably having to wring out their underwear from watching this a couple of times I'm sure. :))

    I wasn't too excited by the first film's teaser but this one is just so ...(to borrow from one of my son's latest venacular terms that he's run into the ground) BEAST!

    I just lost it seeing Rhodey in the armor. Awesome. :x
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    OK, that was way cool. What I like about Iron Man is that Tony Stark has a very interesting personality that makes his alter-ego more interesting, you know what is behind the iron mask. I am not up on the cast and who is good and who is evil, pretty sure Mickey Rourke is evil :) but the only possible weak character looked like Scarlett Johansson’s character, although she was only on screen about 3 seconds in the trailer. To top it off, they used two AC/DC songs. I am there opening weekend and I think I know a couple fellows who may be skipping work on the day it opens.
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    The first official trailer is up at Apple's Quicktime site. Looks good though I'm still not wild about Whiplash's look or the apparently jokier tone in parts of the trailer. Be sure to freeze-frame thru the final section to get a good look at the Mk IV Armor, the War Machine Armor...and some other stuff.

    My jaw is on the floor.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    In case anyone isn't aware, the new Iron Man 2 trailer is up and its looking pretty badass. Lots of cool stuff on display in this one: lots of new armors, War Machine, a better look at Whiplash, Scarlett Johanssen and, in a nice nod to old school IM, Stark even has the briefcase armor (watch the trailer to see what I mean). There also seems to be a better balance of humor to drama than in prior clips. has a low res version for the bandwidth challenged as well as links to high res Quicktime versions. Go here if you're curious....
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    TonyDP wrote:
    In case anyone isn't aware, the new Iron Man 2 trailer is up and its looking pretty badass. Lots of cool stuff on display in this one: lots of new armors, War Machine, a better look at Whiplash, Scarlett Johanssen and, in a nice nod to old school IM, Stark even has the briefcase armor (watch the trailer to see what I mean). There also seems to be a better balance of humor to drama than in prior clips. has a low res version for the bandwidth challenged as well as links to high res Quicktime versions. Go here if you're curious....

    Sweet! I like the brief glimpse of the 'hall of armor' and the interesting take on the briefcase armor concept!
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    . . .And if anyone hasn't wandered through the toy aisle at their local Target or Wal-mart, the Iron Man 2 toys are already out. There's even a Whiplash bobblehead. Let the dollars roll in!
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Downtown Chicago bus stop shelters are awash in Iron Man 2 posters with the film only about two weeks away. I am looking forward to the movie as I enjoyed the first one much more than I thought I would. Hoping the script is as intelligent as the first one and the film makers resist the urge to throw more CGI action at us. A little concerned that we seem to have more characters in this one, which tends to weaken the storyline, but hoping for the best.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Yeah Barry, I'm just a wee bit concerned about some of the footage I've seen as it sometimes seems a bit too hip and self-effacing. And there are a lot more characters this time around. I also think its a foregone conclusion that we will get more action this time around. Based on the clips I've seen (and I've not been following things to closely to keep it all as fresh as possible) I count at least four major set-pieces in this movie.

    Still, the good seems to far outweigh the bad and I plan to be there with my brother on opening day. There are also a couple of interesting collectibles being released....

    Oh, and its already been revealed that, like the first movie, there will be a little scene after the credits which
    will ostensibly serve to tie this movie in to The Avengers. There are even rumors that we'll get to see Thor and Captain America.
    So make sure to stick around untill ALL the credits have rolled.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    TonyDP wrote:
    So make sure to stick around untill ALL the credits have rolled.

    Oh...absolutely B-) Totally pumped to see this one.
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • michaeltoomeymichaeltoomey New York, USAPosts: 5MI6 Agent
    well, actually they change the story of the IRON MAN... even though it's similar to the original Iron Man Story.... still it's the best Movie I've ever seen!!
    I love to be someone else!!
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Amazing news here, guys...

    Iron Man 2 Earns $100.2M Its First 5 Days Internationally

    Source: May 2, 2010 has posted the estimates for the weekend box office and reports that Iron Man 2 got a big start internationally:

    Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios opened Iron Man 2 internationally a week earlier to give it more time before the World Cup starts on June 11th. The highly-anticipated sequel earned an impressive $100.2 million its first five days from 6,764 theaters in 53 foreign markets for a strong average of $14,814 per site. IMAX Corporation reported that the film grossed $2.25 million at 48 IMAX theaters overseas - an average of $46,875. That's a new record for a 2D release, surpassing 2009's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ($2.1 million). Directed by Jon Favreau, the movie stars Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Jon Favreau, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Garry Shandling, John Slattery, Kate Mara and Clark Gregg. has posted the estimates for the weekend box office and report that Iron Man 2 got a big start internationally.

    This film is going to be HUGE.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    I rarely go to movies anymore...instead I wait for the DVD release where I can enjoy the film in a more comfortable setting. But I have already warned my wife that I will be taking myself to the theater ASAP on Friday for this one :D
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    I finally got around to watching Iron Man :))

    I enjoyed it...but I think I expected a little from it because of all the hype....I thought Robert Downey-Jr was excellent...and Gwyneth Paltrow was hot !

    I've only read one review for Iron Man 2....and it was given an absolute star out of five !
    YNWA 97
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    So far the movie has a respectable 76% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. In perusing the reviews, most of the negatives seem to focus on the fact that this movie spends some of its time setting up Marvel's mega-crossover Avengers film or that the action sequences are too flashy and noisy. To that, all I can say is...WELL DUH!!!! Marvel has made no secret that all these films are working towards a single unified world which all these superheroes inhabit. It seems that the naysayers have trouble with that; they really don't care for the source on which this is based. Also, this is a summer action movie; I'm not looking for Stark of Arabia. So as far as I'm concerned the objections raised by the critics are off base and irrelevant.

    FWIW, I doubt IM2 will be as good as its predecessor if only for the simple fact that you can only experience the novelty of something like this once. But as long as it has some entertaining action sequences - and by all accounts, it does - then I'll be happy.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    I'm honestly not expecting too much from the story (Whiplash and Black Widow are not my favorites from the series) however, if there is indeed significant build-up to the Avengers storyline, than that's enticing enough for me. I'm curious if they're even going to try to create some sort of character arc for Stark in this one as well.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    TonyDP wrote:
    But as long as it has some entertaining action sequences - and by all accounts, it does - then I'll be happy.

    The main 'negative' of the review I read was that the action sequences are few and far between....and you only see Iron Man four times...also the fact that the film packs way too much into it...too many plotlines all going on for you to really care or understand.

    I guess time will tell.
    YNWA 97
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010
    I saw Iron Man 2 today with my brother; we checked it out at one of the Imax screens. This time around, Tony Stark must deal with the ramifications of going public to the world with his secret identity. This involves squaring off against Ivan Vanko, who blames the Stark family for his and his father's misfortunes, while also trying to keep the government from getting its hands on his technology. As if that weren't bad enough, the very technology that has kept him alive and allows him to be Iron Man is now also quickly killing him and unless Tony finds a solution his problems with Vanko and the government may quickly become moot.

    As Sir Miles mentioned above, the movie does indeed throw a lot of subplots involving supporting characters such as Stark's assistant Pepper Potts, his friend and army liaison James Rhodes, business rival Justin Hammer, and mysterious assistant from accounting Natalie Rushman. Nick Fury of SHIELD makes a few appearances as well, providing Stark with some heretofore unknown info about his father. With so much plot to work thru, IM2 focuses a lot more on character at the expense of the action than its predecessor and I really think the short development time the movie had (barely 18 months) probably played a factor in this. Even though we see a lot of Tony in the armors, there are really only two noteworthy action setpieces and both of them end very quickly.

    As always, its fun to see all the armors and the various gadgets they're equipped with. Tony's MKV (a homage to the briefcase armor from the comics) and the War Machine armor being two memorable highlights. The film is also peppered with references to the Avengers and other Marvel Characters. But with so much going on, Tony Stark sometimes seems like a supporting character rather than the center of attention and that shouldn't happen in a movie title IRON MAN 2.

    In terms of performances, everybody is very good with Mickey Rourke's Vanko being suitably evil and grungy and Gary Shandling's sleazy Senator Stearns providing comic relief and a nice little payoff at the end. Don Cheadle is fine as Rhodes and both Scarlett and Gwenyth play strong women who are also quite yummy to look at.

    The Imax presentation was a little overwhelming for a movie like this. When the action kicks in there is so much going on that the large screen makes it hard to follow everything; the sound effects and bass can also get overwhelming at times. Anyone thinking about seeing this movie would probably do better just watching it on a traditional screen.

    Overall, while I liked the movie and would recommend it to comics fans or fans of the first movie, I can't say that I enjoyed it as much as the first one. Part of that stems from the fact that the novelty of something like that can only occur once but when all is said and done the movie just has a different feel from the first one as it focuses a little too much on plot and character at the expense of the action.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    TonyDP wrote:
    Overall, while I liked the movie and would recommend it to comics fans or fans of the first movie, I can't say that I enjoyed it as much as the first one. Part of that stems from the fact that the novelty of something like that can only occur once but when all is said and done the movie just has a different feel from the first one as it focuses a little too much on plot and character at the expense of the action.

    Saw it this afternoon, and I agree with everything you say (though I was surprised by how weak I felt Cheadle was in the role of Rhodey). There was indeed little action compared to the first one, and I felt a little cheated on the Black Widow scene - I would have like to see a bit more of ScarJo kickin' butt. The storyline only intrigued me when Nick Fury appeared and seemed to set Stark on a more fulfilling path. Also would have liked to see more of Iron Man and Whiplash going mano e mano.

    Best part of the film for me? The scene after the end titles. It's a good thing I took a bathroom break early on or I would have peed my pants in excitement. ;%
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Just got back from seeing it with Loeff Jr and Loeff III...will post a review in the films thread.

    I liked it B-)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    I'm so giddy excited to see this movie...probably gonna call my friends some time this week and drag them out to see it with me...
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Iron Man 2 has already earned a whopping $327.6 million worldwide, including over $133 million in its first three days here in the USA. While it didn't eclipse the openings of Spiderman 3 and The Dark Knight (I'm sure RogueAgent will be pleased by that) its still a ridiculously great opening, way more than the first film which made $98.5 million in its first three days. Given that the film cost between $160 and $180 million to make, I think its safe to say its well on its way to recouping its costs nicely.

    But for anyone already starting the countdown to Iron Man 3, John Favreau has confirmed that any future Iron Man movie will only occur after The Avengers. As such, while I wouldn't be surprised if Tony Stark makes a brief appearance in Thor or Captain America (and he will obviously figure prominently in The Avengers) I'd expect no standalone Iron Man project for at least 3-4 years.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    10 May 2010
    Iron Man 3 Hints From Jon Favreau
    You gotta do
    The Mandarin...
    Source: MTV

    He has no idea where Tony Stark will have ended up, post-Avengers in 2012, but Jon Favreau has confirmed that he wants to continue Iron Man's solo outings when the team-up dust has settled. He told MTV that he sees The Mandarin as Robert Downey Jr's next major adversary.

    "You've got to do The Mandarin", says the director, who has been teasing this in the films already with tiny references to the Ten Ring organisation, "but the problem is, the way he's depicted in the comic books... you don't want to see that."

    The way he's depicted in the comic books is basically as a dastardly Chinaman, a la Fu Manchu. He's a scientific genius, descended from Genghis Khan, whose martial arts prowess makes him capable of taking on the armoured Stark with his bare hands (although at one point he lost his memory and became a cleaner at Stark Enterprises). An IGN poll last year ranked him the 81st greatest comic book villain of all time. So he's above Carnage and Mysterio, but 79 paces below The Joker.

    He gets his power from ten magical rings, which Favreau concedes is a problem in his highly tech-based Iron Man universe. But with that universe expanding to include the supernatural Thor, he reasons "maybe introducing magic won't seem out of place" after all.

    Iron Man 2 is currently dominating the world's box office, and you can read our review here. Iron Man 3... is a long way off.

    Owen Williams
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Well the kid and I went to see IM2 Saturday and we both left the theatre with mixed feelings- more me than him really. He was just a little ticked off at the whole thing. It was certainly not as good as the first one but it wasn't bad enough to discourage me from buying the dvd come this fall.

    One thing that's now quite apparent for me is that Jon Favreau isn't very good with delivering potent action scenes much less lengthy ones. Short, short, short. In the first film, which was pretty much the introduction of Iron Man, I could forgive him for the sake of setup but this seemed to carry over into the sequel as well. The writing certainly didn't help the pace of the film IMO because all of the main characters just seemed ...I don't know...disjointed from one another?

    Was I the only one looking at this that got annoyed with
    everyone trying to talk over one another throughout the picture?
    There's nothing particularly clever about that; it felt like alot of ad-libbing for the sake of pace (because the writer didn't have a clue what to put here & there) and the forced humor in some instances just wasn't necessary. What I'm trying to say is that the flow didn't feel as natural as the first one where you actually cared for all involved. I know that the IM films are supposed to be good fun and all but this one teased on the borders of Spiderman 3-ness without completely crossing the line a couple of times. I could see my son facepalming in the dark to one particular scene; he really hated that part. :))

    Rourke was underused, Paltrow was noticably, NOTICABLY annoying this time round and how come the Black Widow didn't speak with a Russian accent :s ? The last, a comic nerd nitpick I admit but they just should've kept the original writing team from the first one.

    All in all, IM2 was pretty good but in the grand scheme of Marvel, a means to an end: Avengers. Like darenhat, we only got goosebumps watching the after credits scene in which the kid showed his approval in giving his patented "touchdown" arms thing. :))

    After seeing that, summer of 2011 can't get here soon enough if we're all in good health that is. ;)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    I could see my son facepalming in the dark to one particular scene; he really hated that part. :))

    Just out of curiosity, was it...
    the birthday party scene where Iron Man is playing DJ?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    RogueAgent wrote:
    I could see my son facepalming in the dark to one particular scene; he really hated that part. :))

    Just out of curiosity, was it...
    the birthday party scene where Iron Man is playing DJ?
    YES! :)) And the
    little Peter Parker-esque dance Stark was doing in the suit looked dumb to him and me to an extent much less exploding whole melons and shards of glass endangering the guests.

    I hated that Theroux decided not to incorporate more of the uncomfortable elements of Stark's descension of the Demon In The Bottle story arc to convey that scene more effectively. Instead it just looked stupid.

    What would have made that scene alot more uneasy and relatable would've been if
    Tony had have accidently struck Pepper as she was trying to talk him down and end the party. Alcoholism in this case makes the scene work better
    but now being under the Disney umbrella, might not have gone over too well with family-centric audiences.

    Tony didn't even shag a hot model this time around...I mean that's not even Tony Stark if he isn't doing that. That's a signature element of the character. I'd expect that from Bruce Wayne because he likes playing up the facade but Tony? :#
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited May 2010
    I thought so. :))

    FWIW, I read a recent interview with Favreau where he stated that sequence was about as close as he was ever going to get to the whole Demon in a Bottle storyline. His reasoning was that he was uncomfortable going any darker than he did because he would then be veering into Batman territory, but he also didn't want to go goofier because then he'd be in Spiderman territory. He talked about walking that fine line between those two franchises and how he viewed Iron man as light entertainment but not serious to the point of Batman or quirky to the point of Spiderman.

    Also, the true reason for Stark's behavior in that scene was not as black and white as it might at first seem:
    if you go back the conversation he has with Fury in the diner the next day, you could very easily make argument that Stark engineered the whole episode to manipulate Rhodie into putting on the armor since, as Fury points out, all the armor's failsafes were conveninetly disabled. Stark was dying; and just as he had left Stark Enterprises in Pepper's hands, he had decided to leave the technology behind the armors to the person he trusted the most with it.
    Maybe if your son sees it in that light, he'll feel a little better about it.

    The reason that Stark wasn't the womaniser this time around was clearly because he was smitten with Pepper; though it sure took them long enough to express their true feelings for each other. Yes that's different from the comic but you really have to look at these Marvel movies as a separate universe distinct from the books.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Smitten with Peppa?

    What do you get if Iron Man banged Peppa Pig?


    PIG IRON! :))
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    TonyDP wrote:
    I thought so. :))

    FWIW, I read a recent interview with Favreau where he stated that sequence was about as close as he was ever going to get to the whole Demon in a Bottle storyline. His reasoning was that he was uncomfortable going any darker than he did because he would then be veering into Batman territory, but he also didn't want to go goofier because then he'd be in Spiderman territory. He talked about walking that fine line between those two franchises and how he viewed Iron man as light entertainment but not serious to the point of Batman or quirky to the point of Spiderman.

    Also, the true reason for Stark's behavior in that scene was not as black and white as it might at first seem:
    if you go back the conversation he has with Fury in the diner the next day, you could very easily make argument that Stark engineered the whole episode to manipulate Rhodie into putting on the armor since, as Fury points out, all the armor's failsafes were conveninetly disabled. Stark was dying; and just as he had left Stark Enterprises in Pepper's hands, he had decided to leave the technology behind the armors to the person he trusted the most with it.
    Maybe if your son sees it in that light, he'll feel a little better about it.

    The reason that Stark wasn't the womaniser this time around was clearly because he was smitten with Pepper; though it sure took them long enough to express their true feelings for each other. Yes that's different from the comic but you really have to look at these Marvel movies as a separate universe distinct from the books.

    I realized that the party scene was going to be the extent of Stark's alcoholism issue, since it seems that it's the kind of plot thread you need to clear up before moving into a team story for the Avengers. But even so, I felt a little awkward watching those scenes...but then again, who hasn't felt that way watching a friend make a fool of themselves at a party?

    Also I loved the
    throwaway scene with Captain America's shield. If anything, it tied up a mystery from the first film as to whether or not that was really's Cap's shield was saw laying on the table.
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