The Ultimate James Bond An Interactive Dossier - Patch

tdb41tdb41 Atlanta, GAPosts: 23MI6 Agent
OK, for those of you older Bond fans, do you remember the software that came out about 10 years ago for Windows 95 called "The Ultimate James Bond: An Interactive Dossier?" It was like an encyclopedia of the first 17 Bond films with information on all the missions, characters, gadgets, etc. There was also a trivia game. IIRC, if you beat the trivia game, you would be given a password to use on MGM's site to download GoldenEye goodies like desktop wallpaper, etc.

Anyway, I remember installing this software on a "newer" PC with a Pentium II and Windows 98 on it. I forgot which of the two upgrades caused it (upgrading to the P2 or Win98), but when I clicked on the various missions, there was no longer any background music for that movie. I remember emailing MGM Interactive about this and they sent me a patch which corrected this problem. I was wondering if anyone may have this patch. I have searched all over the Internet for it and could not find anything. I know this patch is 10 years old, but I thought I would ask on this forum since there are so many hardcore Bond fans on here. Hopefully, someone has it! Surely someone knows what I am talking about? Thanks a lot.


  • JamesbondmmJamesbondmm Posts: 294MI6 Agent
    Hi tdb41. I know what you are talking about, as I still have the 'game' now - it's gathering dust on some shelf somewhere. I only used it on an older machine, so never encountered the problem, thus never downloaded the patch. Hopefully there might be other members who will be able to better assist you.
  • OO7ofMI6OO7ofMI6 Posts: 2MI6 Agent
    I am reserrecting an old post... Any chance anyone has gotten theirs to work on an XP, or dare I hope, a Vista machine?
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