What AJB really needs... HAPPY FESTIVUS!!!!

RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
edited December 2006 in Off Topic Chat
I got up this morning, checked into my favorite forum which is AJB and read the Merry Christmas thread. Reading these Xmas wishes nauseates me!

As I want to rain blows upon you people...I knew that there had to be a better way...so from now on, we celebrate FESTIVUS.

As another 365 days have passed...I think it's high time that we-yes we, the members of AJB start out with the AIRING OF GRIEVANCES...

*looks at SiCo*


"SiCo! Dan Same tells me that your site STINKS! You couldn't mod this board if you had a hot date with a babe... *

...I lost my train of thought..." :#

I'll leave this part of the holiday in the more capable hands of the most long-winded poster on this board...Willie Garvin. :D

I will look to Tony DP & SpectreIsland to find an aluminum pole from their archives.

As for the FESTIVUS FEATS OF STRENGTH... I will look for either MNL or Tee Hee to take on Lady Rose and the match won't be over until you pin her...ur, or him. :D

Anyway...Happy Festivus, everyone! Let's face it - this is part of our heritage...it's who we are.
Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
-Batman: The Brave & The Bold -


  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    I'm not up on Festivus, what's its origin? Seinfeld?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited December 2006
    TonyDP wrote:
    I'm not up on Festivus, what's its origin? Seinfeld?

    From Wikipedia:

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    Frank Costanza (played by Jerry Stiller, left) stands next to Cosmo Kramer (played by Michael Richards), and holds the aluminum pole his family has used in past Festivus celebrations, while talking to Jerry Seinfeld (played by himself) and watching his son George Costanza (played by Jason Alexander) race out of Monk's Cafe, at the very mention of the Festivus tradition "Feats of Strength".Festivus was first invented in 1966 when the father of Daniel O’Keefe, future Seinfeld writer, crafted a unique family holiday with untraditional practices such as the wrestling of the household head to the ground. O'Keefe introduced the holiday into Seinfeld lore on December 18, 1997 in the episode "The Strike", and a cult phenomenon was born. According to O'Keefe, the only tradition that was made up by the show’s writers was the undecorated Festivus pole—everything else was taken directly from his family celebrations.[1] Many people, influenced or inspired by Seinfeld, now celebrate the holiday, in varying degrees of seriousness. Some do it religiously; others do it with good tidings in their respect to Seinfeld.

    According to Seinfeld, Festivus is celebrated each year on December 23, but many people celebrate it other times, often in early December. Its slogan is "A Festivus for the rest of us!" An aluminum pole is generally used in lieu of a Christmas tree or other holiday decoration, shedding holiday materialism. Those attending participate in the "Airing of Grievances" in which each person tells each and everyone else all the ways they've disappointed him/her over the past year, and after a Festivus dinner, the "Feats of Strength" are performed. Traditionally, Festivus is not over until the head of the household is wrestled to the floor and pinned.

    For a more visual demonstration :)) :

    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    *looks at SiCo*

    "SiCo! Dan Same tells me that your site STINKS! You couldn't mod this board if you had a hot date with a babe... *
    Wow, thanks alot Rogue. X-( To think that you would report a private conversation, I am absolutely shocked. :# I really thought you were a friend. :'( Well, that's it. I'm not going to tell you anything else. :p
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    Aluminium pole? Why does my smutty mind automatically think of pole dancing? :D

    I think I will leave Tee Hee take on Lady Rose. I'm too much of a gent to pin a lady down......On second thought's I wouldn't mind being pinned down by her. :D
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    I think I will leave Tee Hee take on Lady Rose. I'm too much of a gent to pin a lady down......On second thought's I wouldn't mind being pinned down by her. :D

    :)) That's why you're perfect for the match, MNL. :))
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Dan Same wrote:
    Well, that's it. I'm not going to tell you anything else. :p

    I told you to hold back on the liquor, man. :p :))
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    edited December 2006
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Dan Same wrote:
    Well, that's it. I'm not going to tell you anything else. :p

    I told you to hold back on the liquor, man. :p :))

    Rogue, in the Festivus/Christmas spirit, I propose a truce, but this is only effective for today and tomorrow. However, the second it hits December 26th, the truce is OVER. We should enjoy these two days while we can. :D

  • Tee HeeTee Hee CBT Headquarters: Chicago, ILPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    I think I will leave Tee Hee take on Lady Rose. I'm too much of a gent to pin a lady down......On second thought's I wouldn't mind being pinned down by her. :D

    Don't let my name fool you, in the event that Lady Rose and I went elbow to elbow, she would most likely come out victorious. I might agree with your final comment MNL, however I doubt that I'd be worthy of such a fine lady as LR. ;%
    "My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised..."

    -Roger Moore
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    How about... "Nique and Lady Rose, respectively, in a mud-wrestling match?

    Could that be anymore pay-per-view? :D
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • JohmssJohmss Posts: 274MI6 Agent
    Indeed... A Festivus for the rest of us :D
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Johmss wrote:
    Indeed... A Festivus for the rest of us :D

    Have a good Festivus, my friend. {[]

    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited December 2006
    It just occurred to my that Don Rickles would have made a great Festivus Master of Ceremonies. So, how did the Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength go at the RogueAgent household ??
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    How about... "Nique and Lady Rose, respectively, in a mud-wrestling match?

    Could that be anymore pay-per-view? :D

    :)) How on earth did it go from Festivus to Lady Rose and I mud wrestling?? :)) :)) You can tell the alcohol has been flowing this holiday season! :)
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    It just occurred to my that Don Rickles would have made a great Festivus Master of Ceremonies.

    Rickles is absolutely classic and would be a great choice. ;)
    So, how did the Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength go at the RogueAgent household ??

    It didn't take... :D

    Monique wrote:
    :)) How on earth did it go from Festivus to Lady Rose and I mud wrestling?? You can tell the alcohol has been flowing this holiday season!

    Not quite sure, 'Nique...I think MNL planted the suggestion and it took off from there. :))
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    And there I was just enjoying another mince pie and a glass of egg nog! :s

    I pop into the Festivus thread to find that when I'm not beind pinned down by MNL or Tee Hee I'm mud wrestling Mo !!! If only Christmas had been so exciting :))
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Lady Rose wrote:
    And there I was just enjoying another mince pie and a glass of egg nog! :s

    I pop into the Festivus thread to find that when I'm not beind pinned down by MNL or Tee Hee I'm mud wrestling Mo !!! If only Christmas had been so exciting :))

    Yes, Lady R... I'm afraid the suggestions of who takes on who went the way of male decadence... ;)

    So should we make this a Friday night event or Saturday, LR? The altercation alone should rival even Wrestlemania numbers. :D

    All in the name of Festivus!!! :))
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Another year has passed so...


    Who wants to start with the airing of grievances? :D
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    'spose I will...

    why don't some people shower? for goodness sake...the shower is your FRIEND...who wants to be stinky all day? Apperintly, this kid in my Anthropology class does...:v

    ~Pen -{
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?

  • GeorgiboyGeorgiboy Posts: 632MI6 Agent
    Seinfeld is my favorite TV show. But, who's going to be doing the feats of strength?
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    I can't stand people who don't return shopping carts to their corrals in the parking lot...it's inconsiderate rudeness. I've seen old ladies lift shopping charts over the curbs of parking lot islands to avoid pushing them the 20 feet to the corrals X-(

    On a Saturday or Sunday, carts are strewn for hundreds of yards/metres across the shopping centre... X-( And on Christmas Eve, it's twice as bad! X-( Curses, I say! Curses! X-( X-( X-(
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited December 2007
    Yeah, Loeff, that chaps my hide too. X-(

    I have a problem with a well known bookstore that allows people to come in, buy bran muffins & coffee or not, sit in the cafe area and read books that ACTUAL CUSTOMERS WANT TO BUY and leave grease stains and crumbs on the pages! X-(

    On top of that, many don't have the decency to return the books from whence they came! Many leaving them on the tables bent out of shape.

    What are the odds of the very book that I was looking for, WITH THE HELP OF MANAGEMENT, was currently being used as a placemat who wanted nothing more than to pass the time? Isn't that considered as "slumming"? Whatever happened to "you break it, you buy it?"

    Then have the audacity to charge the sincere customer full price for said book that has knowingly just been "offended". IMO, it is now considered damaged goods; what's the difference between that act and taking it to the bathroom?

    Sad thing about it is, they put the book back on the shelves knowing that it's now tarnished with dried slob and grease-crumbs... X-(

    Sorry, but I'm very particular about that sort of thing especially when it comes to defiling new literature. That's just bad edicate to me... X-( X-( X-(
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Tee HeeTee Hee CBT Headquarters: Chicago, ILPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    edited December 2007
    Happy Festivus Everybody! {[]

    This year, for the airing of grievances:

    "Daniel Craig, [expletive] [expletive] [expletive], Barbara Broccoli [expletive] [expletive] [expletive]..." :v

    I feel better already! :D

    For the feats of strength:

    A tag team match: Dan Same and I vs. Loeffs and highhopes. :v

    You can watch all the Flemingist on CBT action on Pay Per View. :))

    And since Alessandra is back, she can work the Aluminum Pole! ;%

    Should be another Festivus to remember! {[]
    "My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised..."

    -Roger Moore
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008

    I have a few problems with some of the members here so I want to start with THE AIRING OF GRIEVANCES. One specific member comes to mind almost immediately:

    Dan Same!!!!! X-(

    You're incompetance and reluctance to educate yourself on the aspect of comic literature is apalling! X-( To wait as long as you did and not have the moral fortitude to at least pick up a book to immerse yourself in its mere amusement almost warrants your demise before a firing squad. The one saving grace for you is that you finally read one but do not let 2009 pass and you haven't educated yourself more on the subject. As much as you slum on comic book threads, you should at least be competent enough to keep up like others who do.

    Also, Dan...go and rent The Prisoner tv series and purchase Star Trek TOS on dvd/Blu-ray now! Stop praising that revised series from the 80s when you haven't even seen the awesomeness of original! X-(

    Also this year's Festivus Feats Of Strength will be between me and Monique and the fight isn't over until one of us is pinned! ( Don't worry 'Nique, I won't put up a scuffle :D ;% ) .

    Who's bringing the aluminum pole this year? ?:)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Well... that's nice isn't it...

    Radio 1 playlists is my gripe. Same Nazi-sounding marching music that I never seem to hear anywhere else. You can tell how civilised an office and its class bracket by whether the workers have the radio on, it's like music for proles.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Also this year's Festivus Feats Of Strength will be between me and Monique and the fight isn't over until one of us is pinned! ( Don't worry 'Nique, I won't put up a scuffle :D ;% ) .

    Mrs. RogueAgent may have something to say about that. Will this be greco-roman, catch as catch can, or old school rasslin rules? :D

    I didn't really partake in past Festivus get-togethers, so I guess I'll have to try to make up for it...

    Want to know what really bugs me? People who insist on walking up escalators. Kind of defeats their purpose, doesn't it? What's up with that? And then they even have the nerve to get all huffy when you won't walk up in front of them. If you wanna walk, take the freakin' stairs already!

    Wanna know what else sets me off? People who can't pronounce "nuclear". It's NU-KLEE-ARE people! Not NUKE-YOU-LAR.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    Want to know what really bugs me? People who insist on walking up escalators. Kind of defeats their purpose, doesn't it?
    Wanna know what else sets me off? People who can't pronounce "nuclear". It's NU-KLEE-ARE people! Not NUKE-YOU-LAR.

    Guilty on both charges. ;% It's to keep the forward momentum. People who stand on escalaters are the sort who always take a free offer even when they don't want it. :p
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    TonyDP wrote:
    Want to know what really bugs me? People who insist on walking up escalators. Kind of defeats their purpose, doesn't it?

    Guilty on both charges. ;% It's to keep the forward momentum. People who stand on escalaters are the sort who always take a free offer even when they don't want it. :p

    I always walk up and down escalators; I've got places to go, and this gets me there more quickly. When I'm old, I guess I'll just ride them {:)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • DrMaybeDrMaybe Posts: 204MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Who wants to start with the airing of grievances? :D

    Close and delete all threads pertaining to "men" in capes or other merch tie-in flicks, especially the one's unsubtly bumped on a daily basis, and return the forum to discussions about Bond films and quality films in general.

    Ahhh, you're right. I feel better already.

  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    God bless us...every one.
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:

    Also this year's Festivus Feats Of Strength will be between me and Monique and the fight isn't over until one of us is pinned! ( Don't worry 'Nique, I won't put up a scuffle :D ;% ) .

    :)) I'm not really familiar with this particular tradition! :)) I'll have to trust ya!
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