Job like bond?

I mean does a job like that of Bond exist in real life?

Do MI6 spies really that kinda stuff?


  • zebondzebond DolletPosts: 103MI6 Agent
    We'd tell you . . . but then we'd have to kill you.
    "Guns make me nervous!"
  • A7ceA7ce Birmingham, EnglandPosts: 655MI6 Agent
    Wolverine wrote:
    I mean does a job like that of Bond exist in real life?

    Do MI6 spies really that kinda stuff?

    As in they do travel, survey, intercept, translate, report back. They also use an amount of technology to help them acheive this.

    As for meeting women called Pussy Galore, Goodhead, Broadchest, Ontaopp, well .....
  • jbfreakjbfreak Posts: 144MI6 Agent
    I don't think they do that much killing though.
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    Wolverine wrote:
    I mean does a job like that of Bond exist in real life?

    Do MI6 spies really that kinda stuff?

    Hello and Welcome to AJB, Wolverine. :)

    Two real life MI6 agents were interviewed recently and spoke about their job and compared their experiences with those of James Bond. Just click on the link below.

    Real MI6 Agents Interviewed
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    Obviously, someone like the cinematic Bond can't exist in real life. But the litterary Bond is more realistic. Take the man I have named myself after: Gunnar "the chin" Sønsteby. All of the SOE agents had numbers. Sønsteby asked for nr 13, but that was taken. So he became nr 24. According to the SOE (Special Operations Executive) he was the best british agent in Scandinavia during 2WW. He was trained in CQB, demolitions, propaganda, parachuting, silent killing, shadowing, changing his appearance etc. He had a lot of false identeties. He seemed to have sixed sense, he could leave one of the safe houses in the middle of the night because he had a hunch, and it got raided by the Gestapo in the morning. He could litterary smell german soldiers! He could be walking down a street carrying weapons or something else illegal, stop to sniff the air right before the corner and turn before the german check point. He ran "the Oslo Gang", by many considered the best sabotage group in Europe at the time. He showed up at prisons in german uniform and false transferance papers for a fellow agent and get him delivered to freedom. He didn't carry out assasinations himself, because he was SOE's liason officer to the norwegian resistance MILORG and decideded together with the head og that organization who was marked for assasinations. He carried a suicide pill at all times because he knew far too much and very few people can get thru gestapo torture without talking. Right after the war he was head of the body guards unit for the returning royal family. The germans and norwegian nazis were still armed at the time. He is still alive, lectures about the war in schools and is still a close friend to the royal family.
    Apart from the womanizing and gambling, that's pretty much as close you can get to Bond in real life.
  • highhopeshighhopes Posts: 1,358MI6 Agent
    If you want to see what MI6, the CIA, Mossad, India's Research and Analysis Wing, France's DGSE, Russia's FSB do in real life, go see "The Good Shepherd." It's about the CIA, but they all operate in pretty much the same way (it's not very heroic). Other good films about intelligence work in real life are "The Spy Who Came In From the Cold" and "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy," both John LeCarre works. They're available on DVD. "Tinker" requires a real committment. It's a TV miniseries that's several hours long.
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