Am I Easily Pleased?

jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
edited May 2007 in General James Bond Chat
(Cheap laughs out of the way? Thank you. Now read on).

Yes, it's a serious question. Am I easily pleased? When it comes to 007, will I accept anything that Eon churn out?

It's a question that's troubled me for the last eighteen months or so - since Daniel Craig was announced as Bond. Because, well, I looked at him, and I though, is that 007? With his big flowing Munich 1970s locks? Is that my Bond? I could feel the doubt welling up inside me. And then I was told there'd be no Moneypenny, no Q - that basically Bond #21 would also be Bond #1. These were all ideas that made me nervous.

And yet...

And yet, I still trusted Eon. I was genuinely excited by the prospect of CR, despite my misgivings. Not excited - thrilled. I realised that I totally, utterly trusted Babs and Mickey. I realised that even though they had foisted Tanya Roberts, a double taking pigeon, Tanya Roberts, tarzan yells, Tanya Roberts, Blofeld in drag, and Tanya Roberts on me, I utterly trusted the Bond making machine. I even forgave them for Tanya Roberts.

So my question is: do I have low critical standards? Because I sort of realised that it didn't matter what they gave me, I'd have gone to see CR. I really, really loved it, before anyone thinks that I'm Craig-bashing, but I sort of knew I would before I walked in. Like I knew I'd like DAD, and TWINE, and TND... How even when I'm rude about Bond films, and say that DAD is, all things told, not one of their finest moments, I still know that I'll happily watch it again.

So to return to my question: am I easily pleased? And am I alone in basically accepting that Babs and Mickey would have to come round, kill my family, burn down my house, and recast Tanya Roberts before I would even consider possibly not going to see their latest film?
Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.



  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    Excellent post to ponder, jetset. I think as Bond fans we tend to be a bit more forgiving wher 007 is concerned(I was quite surprised by the level of hysteria that Craig's election initially caused, and even more surprised by the threat of a boycott).

    If Eon churns out something that is decidedly NOT Bond (say something like 67's Casino Royale) or, in my personal guidelines, if a Bond film merits an 'R' Rating here in the States, then I most likely won't see it.

    Other than that, anything is fair game IMO.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,512Chief of Staff
    No, you're a Bond fan. We need our fix of 007 at regular intervals, and a new film (or book, or album, T-shirt, whatever lights your fire) is one of the ingredients necessary to keep the interest up.

    We may not agree with everything that MGW & BB and their dad before them have opted to foist upon us (Tanya Roberts, Eric Serra, and Daniel Craig being favourite bones of contention) but we'll still fork over our hard-earned to see the latest instalment then buy the DVD then the new super-duper DVD with added bells & whistles. Maybe it's the collector mindset- how would it feel to say "Yes, I've seen all the Bond films except the new one" or to look at the DVDs on the rack next to the TV and know that they're all there... except one?

    It doesn't mean one has low critical standards; we all have had our turn at bashing films/actors/directors/composers (hello again, Eric Serra) etc whose contributions we feel have been below-par.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited May 2007
    The essence of fandom, IMRO---easily pleased, easily put off :v

    ...But most of us will gladly watch our least favourites, if only to sneer at them (yet always grudgingly enjoying a moment here or there...I'm reminded of May Day's leap off the Eiffel Tower in AVTAK---this movie sucks wind, but that is a classic Bond movie stunt, IMO)...

    Devotees of Sir Roger dismiss the Tarzan yell, in OP, as merely a moment easily overlooked, whilst others (like myself X-( ) feel it ruins an entire segment of the film. Similarly, detractors of (Formerly) Poor DannyTM are utterly distracted by his "Do I look like I give a damn?" in CR, as revolutionaries like myself merely smile in appreciation...

    All Bond fans choose what to forgive, and what to utterly condemn; in a franchise lasting 44+ years, there's an abundance of each :D

    Our tastes inform our reaction to these things...and they say quite a lot about the expectations we bring whenever the lights go down {[]
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    .. How even when I'm rude about Bond films, and say that DAD is, all things told, not one of their finest moments, I still know that I'll happily watch it again.

    I would take a rubbish Bond over most other films.

    I think I am the same as you jet set. I knew I would go and see CR no matter what. I too, apparently, trust Wilson/Broccoli implicitly. I had never thought of it before but your post brought it home.

    I had my doubts about Craig, no Moneypenny, no Q etc and yet I knew it would be OK. I think the only time I ever seriously doubted them was after seeing DAD and I've long got over that.
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    CR was the first time I haven't felt like EON was crapping on my head in a long time. I still went to see the films as they came out, but that's been it for the most part, hardly any have had repeat viewings since the 70s. Hibernation.
  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent

    The answer is...yes, you are easily pleased.

    The answer also is...that's not a bad thing, and I certainly hope you don't think it is.

    You're a Bond fan. "Fan" is derived from "fanatic" which by itself implies that logic is often thrown out the window.

    We often talk about the films on their individual merits, but (for me, at least) it's impossible to compartmentalize totally. The EON films have blended into one another, through six lead actors, nine directors, and five decades; from Fleming-based to de novo material; and with fans ranging in age from 10 to 80. Personally, my dislike for DAD is far outweighed by the broader body of work.

    Everyone has their own take, which is what makes this passion so much fun. We have blueman, whose spirits are renewed after what he felt was a long Dark Age. We have Tee Hee, who is currently wondering what has happened to the franchise he has come to know and love. We have Dan Same, whose attribute-by-attribute scorecarding leaves him somewhere in the middle. What I am guessing binds all three of them (and just about all of us here) is that they could easily sit through even their lower-rated films and enjoy themselves.

    As producers of artistic material go, EON are like family to many of us. We may not always like what they do, but we support them loyally in the end. old devil!
  • bigzilchobigzilcho Toronto, ONPosts: 245MI6 Agent
    I had a good chuckle, jetsetwilly.

    Let me see if I get this straight: You are a life-long Bond fan who is questioning your capacity to be critically objective about 007?

    To paraphrase a line from Stromberg: "You're deluded, jetsetwilly."

    My friend, it is beyond the laws of sub-atomic physics to be objective about 007 once you have...relished the exhiliration of the James Bond universe.

    Doubts about CR and Eon in general?

    No problem, as Vijay in OP, would say.

    Eon has become a magnificent machine (designed by Cubby and Harry) to survive ALL obstacles with one purpose in mind: make Bond movies.

    When you consider it, Eon is one the greatest success stories in the history of the film industry (with no end in sight!).

    THE prototype model on how to build and maintain a franchise, Eon has pulverized all competition in terms of longevity and quality. (Still waiting for Indy 4/5/6/7.....)

    Oh sure, Eon is not infallible (DAD anyone?) but to start to question if Babs and Co. can deliver the goods at this stage of the game is not really an issue in my books.

    Bond has been and, mark my words on this, will ALWAYS be a constant in the film industry. As Cubby said once, when asked about how long Bond movies would last: "Until doomsday."

    In an unprecedented move, Cubby set up Eon to be a family-owned business. The result? Babs in charge for decades to come. Talk about stability.

    To finish up, somebody will be making Bond movies for as long as movies are made. Period.


    Bond. James Bond.

    Pound-for-pound, still the coolest hero in the movies.

    Are we easily pleased, jetsetwilly? Not if you're a fan of 007.

    Bonds come and go and styles change, but whatever happens, a true Bond-fan will dodge laser beams and steel-rimmed hats to see a new Bond film.

    (So even the implication that anyone in this forum would NOT see a Bond film is slightly hysterical).

    Admit it, jetsetwilly, you're a Bond-fan.

    And Bond fans, as we well know, are slightly less than objective when it comes to their favorite secret agent.

    "World domination. Same old dream."
  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    Like other have said, I would imagine that many of us would only be horrified by certain Bond films in relation to other Bond films. While AVTAK, TLD and DAD are my three least-favourite Bond films, in no way are they among my all-time least-favourite films. There are several films (Drop Dead Fred for example) which have had nothing but a negative effect on me. There is nothing about some of these films which I can stand.

    The Bond films are different; even the worst ones have elements which I like. They are all much more enjoyable than some other films that I've seen, and while I'm not going to rush out to see AVTA, TLD and DAD, again anytime soon, I wouldn't object to rewatching them should I have no choice. ;)

    There are times when I question and may not even like Eon's decisions (the casting of Crag, the reboot and the elimination of Q and Moneypenny.) But regardless of my feelings, I will continue to see every Bond film. Usually I love the Bond film, but when I do not, I am assured that I am likely to do so the next time around.
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    Lady Rose wrote:
    I had my doubts about Craig, no Moneypenny, no Q etc and yet I knew it would be OK. I think the only time I ever seriously doubted them was after seeing DAD and I've long got over that.

    You echo my thoughts beautifully, Lady Rose. -{

    It appears that just when I think they have gone too far - for me anyway - they rein it back in and I get a film that suits me better. As said above, even a poor Bond film has it's merits and good segments - and they always entertain !
    YNWA 97
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    JSW, like Hilly says, you got your Bond thing going and that ain't bad. It's your Bond thing, yours, and power to ya. I know a little of what you speak, I have[i/] been going, film after dreadful film, because there's always hope--it's a new Bond film!

    One thing EON has done well is, continue the series. DAD, as much as many dislike it, was a box office champ, the kind of film that generated a lot of butts in seats. So be it. But, isn't it nice--with CR--to have something so very swell to call a Bond film? And to look forward to the next with the expectation, can it be as good? Better even? As opposed to...jeez, I hope they pull their butts outta their nether areas with the next one, the theatre may be full but my heart is cold and empty.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I'm like one of those football fans who have high expectations and will always moan that we're not in Europe or what have you. Often fandom has that effect.

    Yes, jsw, maybe you're easily pleased although I went to CR hoping for the best and it didn't work out.

    Being, I suppose, a tad neurotic about it all, I'm either very chuffed with a Bond film or it's never quite right.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    edited May 2007
    blueman wrote:
    I have been going, film after dreadful film, because there's always hope--it's a new Bond film! after dreadful film. Now there's a Bond fan if I ever saw one.
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    I went to both "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequels, and while there was lots of entertaining pirate stuff going on neither had a strong storyline that moved the action forward like the first did. Still a fan, but the sequels had their share of dreadful stretches of unimaginative kitchen-sink filmmaking. I'm sure if it lasts 40 years, they'll find a way to make a few absolutely dreadful pirates films--and I'd go see 'em. Because I'm a fan. Doesn't mean I throw all critical faculties out the window, lol. Not my fault EON's made--IMHO--sub-par films the last 25 years or so.

    It's not hard to make a decent genre film, I don't know why I've believed EON would eventually get around to making another one. When you latch onto something in your childhood, it can be hard to let it go. I can appreciate that the spirit of Bond has been living on (much like the spirit of the first "Pirates" film has been flopping around in its two sequels) but that doesn't mean the films themselves have been what they should be. IMHO. But like JSW, there's a part of me that was satisified enough with what little EON dished out, not ashamed to say I ate of that dish over and over, lol.

    And anyway, if they didn't want such harsh criticism they should never have made FRWL or OHMSS in the first place, lol. It's all EON's fault any way you slice it. :D I mean it is tough, after seeing what they can churn out in films like FRWL and OHMSS, watching them create such sloppy "this'll keep 'em happy" films. It did seem as if a lower standard was in effect post-the 60s (excepting TSWLM ;), which recast a 60s Bond and bettered it...and I'm tempted to throw LALD in there as well, not that it's such a great film just that EON did embrace a few singular things for them with that film, and to good effect IMO) and up till CR. As always, JMHO and not intended as a line in the sand but rather points for discussion, I know from experience others place some Bonds and Bond films higher on the curve then me (LTK or FYEO or TWINE is another "singular" Bond film, Dalton is Fleming's Bond, Brosnan is a composite of the best of all Bonds, etc. etc. etc....every fan has their favorites and a particular Bond that speaks to them).
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