Your Favorite Gun Barrel Sequence/Personality Analization

Slyguy3129Slyguy3129 Posts: 58MI6 Agent
edited August 2008 in General James Bond Chat
Hey guys hows everyone doing? I've been away on movements for quite some time and just took some time to post a thought that I was having the other day. This thought was as follows. Everyone has thier own opinions about the gunbarrel look/ sound, which of course probubly pertain to your favorite Bond movies and also match your personality.

Bieng a rather young Bond fan of 19 (20 in September) I favor the "new" look to the barrel, ie the Brosnan age look where the barrel is CGI and has variables to match its movements and reflection. If I were to pick my top 5 gunbarrel sequances from the movies accompanied by thier matching music I would have to list them as following.

1. Goldfinger. (I believe its the first with Connery in it, please correct me if I am wrong I probubly am. EDIT: I stand corrected, it is still Bod Simmons not Connery in this GBS.) I enjoy the swagger that the theme carries throughout the sequence plus the sound of the Walther seems to have a great level of authority in it.

2. Tommorow Never Dies. Again there is a underlying swagger to the theme and again authority of the report of the Walther.

3. Casino Royale. I enjoy the way it surprises you. When I first watched CR in theater I nearly missed the whole thing altogather. Its surprising, and equally effective (almost a slap in the face, BAM!)

4. The Spy Who Loved Me. Yes I know some people do not like this one, but I enjoy the 70's techno theme it has to it, unique and classic Bond, adjusting to the new times and taste.

5. Dr. No. This one is a tough one for me. I enjoy this one simply for oldfashionness sake (yes that isn't a word.) Its the first and that in and of its self places it in high regard as far as I am concerned for without this one, we don't have the others.

Now that I have listed my favorite Gun Barrel Sequences (For time sake will be refered to as GBS) lets analyze them and reflect on personality.

Now I could say what I want my personality to be but we all know that our own persepction of ourselves is slightly skewered. So I will take observations that my friends have taken from me.

My personality is as follows. I am told that I am oldfashion in my thinking, a romantic for the "good old days". Paired with that I have a nonchalant attitude towards life and that carefree swagger that comes with it. Though I don't have much authority at the moment I am told that when I speak people tend to listen, and that my voice tends to carry an authoritative tone to it, especially when I am trying to accomplish something or when I am trying to get a point across.

Like I said, I was thinking on this a few nights ago and noticed the similarites in them and thought it was rather amusing. Please post your thoughts on your favorite GBS along with the personality traits in which define you and the GBS. I just thought this would add an intresting twist to an age old topic in the Bondverse, then again I am known to read to much into things.

Edited to correct the title. HB


  • 3rbrown3rbrown MI6 Top Secret - Scotland, GlaPosts: 100MI6 Agent
    edited June 2007
    The first 3 gunbarrel sequences are Bob Simmons and the rest 3 are Sean
  • Slyguy3129Slyguy3129 Posts: 58MI6 Agent
    Thanks I will edit my post accordingly.
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    The early GBS don't look so good now as the special effects are somewhat dated.

    I think Bob Simmons (armed with a revolver, not a PPK) did the "walk and shoot" the best. The later "gunbarrels" with the reflections and all are the neatest regardless of who was being aimed at.

    The Casino Royale gunbarrel had so many lands and grooves it looked more like a Howitzer barrel than a pistol barrel. One of these days the new special effect wizards should try looking at a real gun!
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    TND, modern, with a good theme.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    1. TB
    2. GF
    3. FRWL

    Mainly because of the music. Nobody plays it better!
  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    definately Goldeneye's GB, the weird synth-played james Bond theme works pretty well in it.
  • JADE66JADE66 Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    I'll have to give this one to Lazenby. The drop to one knee, the way the gun is brought up. I believe it is the first with Bond in formalwear.
    Previously, Connery/Simmons wore a business suit and hat. I think it was Lazenby who first put Bond in black tie for the GBS. It remains the most unique prior to Craig's and remains my favorite.-{
  • dougie007dougie007 FalkirkPosts: 45MI6 Agent
    Guys - don't know if you are aware but You Tube has loads of gunbarrels. Check it out!!!!{[]
    A genuine Felix Leiter - illuminating

    Live & Let Die - 1973
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    dougie007 wrote:
    Guys - don't know if you are aware but You Tube has loads of gunbarrels. Check it out!!!! {[]

    My favourite's the one where Roger Moore walks into a lamppost :D.
  • dougie007dougie007 FalkirkPosts: 45MI6 Agent
    Did you see the montage of the whole 21 barrel's together? Some work better than others. I like the one for OHMSS - the Bond theme is so strong - shame they had to overwrite the initial dots with Cubby & Harry's name.
    A genuine Felix Leiter - illuminating

    Live & Let Die - 1973
  • Lennon007Lennon007 Posts: 8MI6 Agent
    GE. It sounds the most mysterious and is the first use of the 3D gunbarrel.
  • FitzochrisFitzochris Posts: 242MI6 Agent
    All the gunbarrel's which are scored by John Barry are fantastic. After Living Daylights they were quite poor in my opinion. Perhaps Goldeneye and DAD musically are OK, put I hate the CGI bullet in DAD. TND and WINE are very poorly scored gunbarrel sequences.
  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent
    edited July 2008
    [Deleted] old devil!
  • sharpshootersharpshooter Posts: 164MI6 Agent
    I love the OHMSS gunbarrel, definitely my favourite. Cool music, dots stop mid screen, Laz dropping to his knee and the blood covering the barrel. Very unique.
  • Scribe74Scribe74 San FranciscoPosts: 149MI6 Agent
    I thought Pierce Brosnan did a good job with the gun barrel sequences in his films . . . but my favorite has to be Casino Royale's.

    It was definitely the grittiest of the series, and Craig's Bond in that shot definitely comes across as a man with a license to kill.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I like the Bob Simmons ones best, they seem more atmospheric. Connery actually wobbles in his first effort, and the others look a bit stagey, an actor being called on to do his thing (bar Craig's, which isn't quite the same anyway).
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    I prehaps should study this, but aren't the first three gunbarrels the same shot of Simmons?

    I always liked the music for the FRWL entry the best.
  • KronsteenKronsteen Posts: 28MI6 Agent
    I like the early ones with Simmons, true Classics IMO.

    The DN gunbarrel has a very special "feel" with the introcution music/sounds wich I like.
  • Shaken007Shaken007 Posts: 6MI6 Agent
    I do like the new one in Casino Royale. Correct me if im wrong, but is this not the first sequence for the character to not be wearing the tux?
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