About Bonds

LonelyriderLonelyrider Posts: 33MI6 Agent
edited July 2007 in General James Bond Chat

I come from Finland and at first I have to say that I'm not good to write or speak in english, so please forgive me :))

My opinion is that Timothy Dalton is the best Bond ever. He had six chances to act Bond.

1. In 1969 "On her majesty's secret service"
2. In 80's I think it was 1981 "For you eyes only" (I read about that)
3. In 1987 "The living daylights"
4. In 1989 "License to a kill"
5. In 1991 "The property of a lady"
6. In 1993 original "Goldeneye"

Dalton is good-looking actor and he was nearest the Bond created by Ian Fleming. Dalton himself said and says that he tried hard to be like Fleming's Bond



  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Hi Lonelyrider, there are a good few Dalton fans on this board. Yes, he did say he read Fleming and this was seen as a pleasant change after Roger Moore's somewhat cavalier approach.

    Personally I wasn't crazy about Dalton as he couldn't do the one-liners. He was about the only Bond who didn't have that cheeky quality the others had (though Craig not much). Also, for me he didn't really look like Fleming's Bond that much, not if you go by the traditional look on the Fleming paperbacks.

    The lack of humour was more noticeable in the cinema in front of a crowd than watching it alone on DVD, however.

    I'd have liked him to do three films though. What I've read about Property of a Lady didn't sound too convincing, however.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    Welcome Lonelyrider,

    You are very preceptive. Dalton is the one Bond actor who had the dark, intensity of the literary oo7. I think he made the best looking oo7. It would have been nice to see him do more, as the two scripts he did are pretty lackluster.

    I never felt Dalton got a clean shot at oo7. The reboot idea, lauched with Casino Royale was brilliant and cleaned the plate nicely for Daniel Craig. Dalton would have been better regarded had he been given a similiar opportunity.
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    welcome! {[]

    as a fellow Dalton fan, I agree with what you have stated about him. He's dark, like Flemming's Bond, which is a very very good thing. :x

    ~Pen -{
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?

  • mhousty007mhousty007 IrelandPosts: 18MI6 Agent
    Greetings fellow Dalton fan! :)
  • LonelyriderLonelyrider Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    edited July 2007
    I'm happy because you accepted me in this Bond-group like this. Reception was friendly :) I try to keep this site on my own way and I want to talk with all of you about Bonds.

    But now back to speak about Dalton :p
    Yeah, I'm sad because Dalton did only two Bonds. I agree the thought that Dalton would be better known Bond if he would done three Bonds at least. Know, I think, he is some kind "stranger" in Bond actor's team. The big audience really don't know who is Dalton or what kind of actor he is/was, what kind of Bond-adventures he did.

    (sorry about my english :#)
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    His films didn't quite get the big publicity push that the other Bonds got. His second was badly overshadowed by Hollywood blockbusters like Lethal Weapon 2, Batman and Indiana Jones, which all seemed more Bondian.

    After that, nothing, due to legal difficulties. Over in the UK, his films do not get shown much on television, they are not the bank holiday staple that the classic Bonds are, though you can say the same even of the more commercial Brosnan flicks.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • James F EJames F E Posts: 140MI6 Agent
    Those two Dalton films show alot of promise, a certain moodyness, that was long overdue after the the fluff of the Moore era..(with a few exceptions). -{
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