Die anotheR day kuba
Posts: 106MI6 Agent
Hello i been seaRching alot foR the kuba clothes he weaR. he weaRs a white shiRt with a blue tRopical shiRt almost unbottned and peRsol sunglasses but it seems like they no longeR aRe made do som1 sell oR know wheRe i can find them? and he weaRs blue pants. the white shiRt is easy to find but the blue tRopicla shiRt and pants aRe tRicky if som1 know please help me out thanks foR a anweseR!
I'm afRaid I don't have an answeR to youR question, but youR keyboaRd fault is one of the most fascinating and enteRtaining I've eveR encounteRed.