Rating of “Doctor Who” Episodes

Colonel ShatnerColonel Shatner Chavtastic Bristol, BritainPosts: 574MI6 Agent
This is my rating breakdown for every episode of the new series of Doctor Who so far...

Overall Show Rating - 5/5

Season One
“Rose” - 3/5
“The End of the World” - 4/5
“The Unquiet Dead” - 4/5
“The Aliens of London” - 4/5
“World War Three” - 3/5
“Dalek” - 5/5
“The Long Game” - 3/5
“Father’s Day” - 4/5
“The Empty Child” - 5/5
“The Doctor Dances” - 4/5
“Boom Town” - 4/5
“Bad Wolf” - 4/5
“The Parting of the Ways” - 5/5

Season One in a Nutshell - Has a faltering start with the somewhat disposable "Rose" but picks up brilliantly with "TEotW" then carries on with the rather decent "The Unquiet Dead" and the competent yet silly Slitheen two parter. "Dalek" is the first and best Dalek story of the recent series while "The Long Game" was a watchable filler episode that sets up the far better two parter adequately enough. "Father's Day" was somewhat overrated but a interesting distraction. "TEC" and "TDD" was perhaps the best two parter of the first season, while "Boomtown" was a underrated character driven episode that cut back on the Slitheen cheese. "BW" and "TPoW" was a great RTD two parter that capped off a great first season.

Season Two
“The Christmas Invasion” - 4/5
“New Earth” - 3/5
“Tooth & Claw” - 3/5
“School Reunion” - 5/5
“The Girl in the Fireplace” - 4/5
“Rise of the Cybermen” - 4/5
“The Age of Steel” - 4/5
“The Idiot’s Lantern” - 2/5
“The Impossible Planet” - 4/5
“The Satan Pit” - 4/5
“Love & Monsters” - 4/5
“Fear Her” - 2/5
“Army of Ghosts” - 4/5
“Doomsday” - 5/5

Season Two in a Nutshell - "The Christmas Invasion" was a good enough introduction for David Tennant, but the begining of Season Two proper was pretty uneven with the rather average "NE" and "T&C", two episodes that were initially enjoyable but did not hold up so well to repeat viewing. "School Reunion" was by far the highpoint of the first half of Season Two, while "TGitF" was well written by Moffat but something somehow felt a little off. The Cyberman two parter is the best early season double bill so far, but was sullied somewhat by the soapy ending and "The Idiot's Lantern" was very flat in comparison to Gatiss' last effort. I generally liked the well tailored Satan two parter and "Love & Monsters" was a guilty pleasure. "Fear Her" was the worst episode at this point. The Torchwood dominated two parter with Cybermen and Daleks really hits the spot, a shame it directly led to a hokey spin-off and equally hokey next season two parter...

Season Three
“The Runaway Bride” - 4/5
“Smith & Jones” - 4/5
“The Shakespeare Code” - 4/5
“Gridlock” - 4/5
“Daleks in Manhattan” - 3/5
“Evolution of the Daleks” - 2/5
“The Lazarus Experiment” - 3/5
“42” - 3/5
“Human Nature” - 5/5
“The Family of Blood” - 5/5
“Blink” - 5/5
“Utopia” - 5/5
“The Sound of Drums” - 4/5
"The Last of the Time Lords" - 4/5

Season Three in a Nutshell - RTD made Catherine Tate tolerable in last year's Christmas special, while Season Three proper started off better than expected with "S&J", "TSC" and "Gridlock", three episodes that were not outright classics but were well written, very well presented and held up to repeat viewing. But then Season Three hits the wall HARD with the watchable but rather turgid and underperforming Dalek two parter - "Evolution of the Daleks" is by far the worst Dalek story so far and perhaps the worst overall story of the new series. Season Three then coasts along with "TLE" and "42", two passable but semi-forgettable filler episodes. But then we have the season saved by an absolute tour de force of four classic episodes - "HN", "TFB", "Blink" and "Utopia". Paul Cornell, Steve Moffat and Russell T. Davies were at their very best in this set of outstanding episodes. Season Three is finally capped off by the consistently entertaining but pretty wobbly "The Sound of Drums" and "The Last of the Time Lords".
'Alright guard, begin the unnecessarily slow moving dipping mechanism...'
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