5 black porches & a white lotus?

Hey guys - love the site & the forum - was wondering if you could help me out? As a kid I watched a film that I was certain, or was told, was a Bond film, it must have been made in the 60s or 70s, that in the opening scenes had Bond in what I thought was a white 2-door Lotus being chased by 5 black porche 911's, down a hillside road. Bond dispatched or blew them up one by one, until he reached the bottom of the road where there was a pier at the ocean where, followed by the single remaining porche, he jumped off the end of the pier in the Lotus only for airbags to inflat under the car so he could float off to safey, whereas the black porche obvious sunk into the water. Ive bought a bond collection set with all the films and have watched them, but cant seem to find this scene? The only one with a white lotus in it has it as a submarine, not floating, and doesnt include the 5 porches or this chase scene. Have I gotten this confused with another action film of the genre, perhaps misinformed at the time, or have I simple missed that scene out somewhere? Thought it was the opening scene, before the starting credits rolled. Could anyone help with identifying which film it was, and if it wasnt a Bond film, any idea which was it was? Sorry to be so vague in facts, it was a *long* time ago. Thanks guys!


  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,512Chief of Staff
    I vaguely remember seeing Jackie Chan in a similar scene in one of his films, but can't remember which one.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    The Spy WHo Loved Me has a scene where a Lotus goes into the water, but it wasn't the opening scene and I don't believe he was chased by 5 Porsche 911's. See link for picture of the Lotus that appeared in the movie. Need to scroll down to the bottom.

  • Bill TannerBill Tanner "Spending the money quickly" iPosts: 261MI6 Agent
    I think you're mixing Disney's Condorman http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082199/ with The Spy Who Loved Me.

    Condorman (1981) featured a chase with the main character's car (a modified yellow Sterling/Nova kit-car by the looks of it) against at least five black Porsche 911s. At the end the hero's car does indeed leap into the water and convert to a hovercraft. The scene is similar to 1977's TSWLM, which you probably saw at around the same time and blended the two.
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