What Kind of Bond Fan Are You? - Take The Quiz!

I've made a quiz based on our whole Bond Political Party structure! Hope you like it!



  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,512Chief of Staff
    "You are Odd/JFF-esque. You like AVTAK, the most random characters (Jenny Flex, Pan Ho, Naomi, etc.) and Eric Serra's work."

    :o No no no no no. And no, no, no as well. I answered question 30 with a "Disagree"- Serra better than Barry??!! :)) And 22 with an "Agree". Although the last Bond film I watched (yesterday) was AVTAK, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

    Some of those questions are a bit loaded, JFF. I mean, bracketing Dalton and Craig is reasonable but there's a lot more range in Connery/Moore/Brosnan than in Dalton/Craig. Also, I wouldn't put GF/early Moore/GE in the same basket!
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited January 2008
    Your quiz was fun to take, JFF, but I must say it's extremely flawed in the way some of your questions are phrased. Forcing people to lump Craig in with Dalton---and Connery in with Moore and Brosnan---skews the whole thing, IMO. I think each actor deserves his own preference question...and you'd be better served by having a choice range from 1 to 5 rather than only three options.

    I scored as a CBT, with only 20% Flemingist :))

    Interesting...but waaaay off ;)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Tee HeeTee Hee CBT Headquarters: Chicago, ILPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    edited January 2008
    Interesting quiz JFF. However, it's rather biased wouldn't you say? You're clearly trying to push your own personal agenda. :p

    You asked a lot of the same questions, although they were phrased differently. I can count at least three times that you ask whether or not one supports the return of Moneypenny and Q.

    Still, it was entertaining. :D
    I scored as a CBT, with only 20% Flemingist :))

    Interesting...but waaaay off ;)

    I was going to tell you "the truth hurts," but I took the quiz and got branded a Flemingist. I've never been more insulted in my life! :))

    Looks like you're 0/3 JFF. I don't think it would be a stretch to say that your quiz is flawed.

    Might I suggest that you go back to the old drawing board and work out all the bugs? :D
    "My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised..."

    -Roger Moore
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    What kind of Bond fan are you?
    You scored as a Cinematic Bond Traditionalist
    You're a "CBT"! You like Bond to stay the way he's been portrayed in the movies, not like how Timothy Dalton portrayed him in those two awful trainwrecks! You like the music brassy, the movie's OTT to a degree and watching Sean Connery, Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan charming their latest Bond girl who pretends to resist their charms until they finally break.
    Cinematic Bond Traditionalist

    Nope! I think Dalton's the best and cosider myself to be a Flemingist.
  • MikeyRichardsMikeyRichards Posts: 16MI6 Agent
    "You're a "CBT"! You like Bond to stay the way he's been portrayed in the movies, not like how Timothy Dalton portrayed him in those two awful trainwrecks! You like the music brassy, the movie's OTT to a degree and watching Sean Connery, Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan charming their latest Bond girl who pretends to resist their charms until they finally break."

    Funny, Dalton's my favorite.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    I scored as a 70% Flemingist

    Fun quiz, JFF! I half expected the results to crank out responses like "You are Loeffelholz!" or "You must be Dan Same!"
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    O, JFF, JFF. . .questions about CR being tripe, AVTAK and Serra being underrated? Obviously trying to recruit followers, eh?
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited January 2008
    I scored as a CBT, with only 20% Flemingist :))

    Interesting...but waaaay off ;)

    And I ended up being a Flemingist with only 45% CBT. All of a sudden, I'm not sure I'm me anymore. As a girl I used to know was fond of saying, What the FU--??? :))

    Sorry JFF, but I think you got your multipliers crossed up somewhere.
  • darenhatdarenhat The Old PuebloPosts: 2,029Quartermasters
    edited January 2008
    The quiz does illustrate some disconnects in the definition of 'Flemingism'...I mean, how does prefering one film composer over another correlate with what can be considered 'Fleming'? As the original novels had no soundtrack, and Ian Fleming himself was only briefly exposed to John Barry's 007 film scores, who would know what Fleming himself would have enjoyed. Perhaps Serra is just the sort of thing he would have wanted to hear?
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    Hmm... this is troubling. I believe some of the answers were supposed to be disagree but ended up giving another response! I'll have to go back and edit it! It wasn't necessarily trying to push my own agenda. The "Odd/JFF-esque" questions were fans who believe in Bond similar to me. I'll have to see where it went wrong though, that's just troubling with some of the results I've seen!
  • BestBondSeanBestBondSean A Bavarian in CornwallPosts: 108MI6 Agent
    edited January 2008
    What kind of Bond fan are you?
    You scored as a Flemingist
    You're a Flemingist! Flemingist
    Cinematic Bond Traditionalist

    quite a mile off, but that's probably because i don't belong in any of the categories, darkness and grit don't exclude exciting stuntwork and over the top action sequences, but that's my opinion...
    very interesting questions though, maybe more diversified and a bigger number of questions would make it a very good test to take.
  • DAWUSSDAWUSS My homepagePosts: 517MI6 Agent
    You scored as a Odd/JFF-esque
    You are Odd/JFF-esque. You like AVTAK, the most random characters (Jenny Flex, Pan Ho, Naomi, etc.) and Eric Serra's work. You prefer Casino Royale (1967) to the more recent one and some of the classic outings loved by all just don't appeal to you. You're an odd, but mostly beloved fan.
    Cinematic Bond Traditionalist

    Not quite where I thought I'd land, but hey...
  • PinewoodSpyPinewoodSpy Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    What kind of Bond fan are you?
    You scored as a Odd/JFF-esque
    You are Odd/JFF-esque. You like AVTAK, the most random characters (Jenny Flex, Pan Ho, Naomi, etc.) and Eric Serra's work. You prefer Casino Royale (1967) to the more recent one and some of the classic outings loved by all just don't appeal to you. You're an odd, but mostly beloved fan.
    Cinematic Bond Traditionalist

    Just goes to show the truth about lie, damn lies and statistics - or in Bonds words "Bean Counters" lol
  • RavenstoneRavenstone EnglandPosts: 152MI6 Agent
    You scored as a Odd/JFF-esque
    You are Odd/JFF-esque. You like AVTAK, the most random characters (Jenny Flex, Pan Ho, Naomi, etc.) and Eric Serra's work. You prefer Casino Royale (1967) to the more recent one and some of the classic outings loved by all just don't appeal to you. You're an odd, but mostly beloved fan.
    Cinematic Bond Traditionalist

    Hmmm... Not entirely sure what that proves. I'd actually put myself squarely in the middle, with a slight erring towards Flemingist. I just see the Film Bond and Book Bond as being somewhat different characters, and necessarily so.
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