Is there still a place in the Bond franchise for...

...the big-budget, action-oriented, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink type of Bond film?

It's obvious that since CR came out, the gritty style of Ian Fleming has come to be regarded as the "way to go", at least for the time being. I think also that DAD soured a lot of people's view on the more OTT type of Bond film. So, do you people think that a film filled with expensive gadgets, one-liners, a crazy world domination scheme from an exotic, eccentric villain, and a shoot-out in an elaborately-built hidden lair will curry favour with the Bond fandom, or has Ian Fleming indeed risen from his grave and come to take back his creation?

Personally, I like the way the Bond series keeps circling back on itself...the films gradually get more OTT, then the filmmakers say "enough", we get a more "gritty" and "realistic" film, and then the cycle repeats. It has resulted in a couple of disappointments, sure, but I think it's that aspect of the series which as made it so popular in the eyes of the public. Not every "big" Bond film has to involve CGI surfing, huge lasers, DNA swapping, Robocop suits, and "spunky" Bond girls who are "the equal of Bond, lolz!"

Take it away...


  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,515Chief of Staff
    The general consensus seems to be that the Bond films go through cycles, and that the YOLT/TSWLM style will come back in favour again sooner or later- to be followed by a comparatively low-key entry. The best example is probably MR (technology, OTT plot) being followed by FYEO (stunts rather than gadgets, Fleming plot). Or of course DAD being followed by CR. And YOLT then OHMSS.
  • Brosnan_fanBrosnan_fan Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 521MI6 Agent
    I have absolutely no doubt that some time in the (not too distant) future the Bond producers will, once again, give us one or two unbelievably action-packed, gadget-laden Bond entries, featuring spectacular sets and (hopefully) eye-catching locations. :007)

    I do agree with Barbel's observations that after YOLT, MR and DAD (and no matter what type of Bond film gets released), the Bond franchise has still maintained a loyal audience. If the people at Eon are smart and savvy (I have a feeling some of them are ;)), they should realise they can't simply churn out the same type of film for two years every single decade.
    "Well, he certainly left with his tails between his legs."
  • baccaretbaccaret Posts: 61MI6 Agent
    Of course there will be another super action packed movie.The producers will always change Bond its the best reason that the series has lasted as long as it has. Also each of the actors play and treat Bond differently. Sean and Pierce have the suave agent down pat, while Roger put more fun in it. Timothy and now Daniel play the role in a more serious manner which lends to more movies being more realistic.
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