University Aston DBS project

Hi there everyone .. as most of you know in this section I am a prop and replica collector and maker..

I have been given the great opportunity to design concept gadgets for the DBS in the new bond film qontum of part of a university design project

I will be making full scale models of what ever gadgets and designs I come up with.

I would love it if we could get a little brainstorming going here..similar to what everyone on the cast and crew did on 'Goldfinger'

I would love some suggestions as to what you would love to see in the aston in the next film ?

any suggestions would be great ..

I am leaning more towards in car gadgetry like Casino Royale.

I have some ideas like an collapsable assault rifle concealed within the passanger seat. and a gun and reconocance tray in the glove compartment ...

Please any help would be great ..

and who knows you sugestion may get made .. into a full scale working peice of Q branch gadgetry .

also any new guns or devices which the car could have?

this should be cool ..

If this topic generates interest I will post concept scetches and models for all to see.

Any input on this would be great


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