Aston Martin didn't top poll

KissyLoverKissyLover AustraliaPosts: 139MI6 Agent
I was fishing around the net just before and came across this article on the Motor Trader site for a poll taken on the most popular movie cars...well I must say was suprised twice when I read it.

Firstly the poll didn't incude the Aston Martin DB5 from Goldfinger, surely the most iconic movie car ever, and secondly that the Aston Martin they did choose for the poll was the Vanquish from DAD. :o

Here is the link for the article.


  • Apocrypha23Apocrypha23 Posts: 177MI6 Agent
    Clearly 2000 movie fans polled were 14 year-old boys, likely coming out of a Summer slasher movie. I'm suprised they didn't list some suped-up Subaru from "The Fast and the Furious".

    The one that really gives me a WTF!?!?!? pause is Lady Penelope's Rolls Royce. This must be a joke.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,877MI6 Agent
    A car website that doesn't know how to spell Delorean?
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    I don;t pay any attention to such articles. Top Gear (UK's leading car and motor show) series rated the DBS very highly, and they consider the DB5 a classic - which it is. Aston Martin is an anomoly, as it is a classic aristocratc car, like Rolls Royce or Bentley, while still being fund and sexy as a sports car. - A style crossover that Porsche and Ferarri can't do.
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • Cynjin SmythCynjin Smyth Rocky MountiansPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    Clearly 2000 movie fans polled were 14 year-old boys, likely coming out of a Summer slasher movie. I'm suprised they didn't list some suped-up Subaru from "The Fast and the Furious".

    The one that really gives me a WTF!?!?!? pause is Lady Penelope's Rolls Royce. This must be a joke.

    I have to agree, what about the Mustange from Bullet or the Camaro from the new Transformers movie.
    Bond: You don't think I enjoyed what we did this evening, do you? What I did tonight was for King and country! You don't think it gave me any pleasure, do you?
    Fiona: But of course, I forgot your ego, Mr. Bond. James Bond, who only has to make love to a woman and she starts to hear heavenly choirs singing.
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