ANZAC Day 25th April

KissyLoverKissyLover AustraliaPosts: 139MI6 Agent
edited April 2008 in Off Topic Chat
The 25th of April is one of those very important dates on the calender if you are from Australia or New Zealand. You see it's *ANZAC day, the day when there are special dawn ceremonys in all towns and citys throughout Australia and New Zealand, and most importantly at a small cove with a steep rocky outcrop on the Turkish peninsula known now as ANZAC Cove. The day we as nations remember the young men who fought for the freedom we now enjoy and who, through their bloody sacrafices, helped to build two young and flegling nations, and start the legend of the ANZAC during WWI.

This is also a time to reflect and remember all of those courages men and women who have lost their lives during any conflict, at anytime, and from any Country.

To all I say Rest In Piece. :'(

* ANZAC = Australian And New Zealand Army Corps


  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    Well said. And our unflagging respect.
  • KissyLoverKissyLover AustraliaPosts: 139MI6 Agent
    Thankyou sir.

    It is very important to remember our history and I am so happy that we are now starting to realise what we truly owe to these self sacrificing men and women.
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