Have you ever wanted to be James Bond?

LonelyriderLonelyrider Posts: 33MI6 Agent
edited May 2008 in General James Bond Chat
Maybe stupid question, but yes, have you ever wanted to be James Bond 007? (I don't mean times when you were 10 years old or less)

If yes, what kind of Bond would you be like(or would have been*) and how many movies would you like to make? What would you put more to the Bond's style and what would you remove?

If you don't want to be Bond, tell us why? (Because of some reason I think that many guys will choose this option :)))

I have to say, that I would like to be Bond :D Of course I know that I would be way too short and my English is not good enough 8D I would like to take some style from Dalton and put more romance to the stories. If I could be Bond, I would like to make two or three films, not more than that...

What do you think about being Bond? Is it some kind of tabu thing? "Only the best of the best can act James Bond" or "This kind of discussing is a farce! We are too "worthless" fellows to even think about being Bond".


  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    Its interesting that you mentioned being James Bond becuase just the other day i was wondering how i would be as Bond, if i gained around 35 pounds of muscle (im about 163 lbs right now), got the short military haircut, and a tan, i was told a few times i would make an awesome 007 :D but i dont believe that only the best of the best can or should play james Bond, ive seen lots of people just walking the street who i thought would be a credible 007, the good thing about Bond is that he has seen many faces, unlike Indiana Jones for example who is universally known played by Harrison Ford, Bond can be played by many different people (and has). but if i was Bond it would be a mix between Brosnan,Connery, and Craig and maybe a hint of Dalton and would probably only do 3-4 films, i think 6-7 is too much for one actor in the role.
  • LonelyriderLonelyrider Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    I agree. 6 films ore more is absolutely too much. I hope that any actor in the future (including Craig) doesn't make more than 3 films. That way we can see many people acting Bond and still we get enough from one actor.

    I can join you that many ordinary people could be good Bonds. I'm unhappy because I'm so short :D I can train my English more, but I don't get more height :D ..."can I still be Bond? can I?" hahah :D
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Well I'm waaaayyy too young but I'd obviosely love to be 007. I am of medium height and weight (for my age) although not muscely enough. I have short black hair which can be in any style (A have mine spiky but not too spiky) and I'm English. I'm extremely good at Maths, good at English and Science, quite good at Geography, History and ICT, A bit crap at PE (Although great climber/fighter/freerunner) and rubbish at Art and Music (Although I like listening to music). I'd only do 3 or 4 because otherwise I'd be stretching the limit but I'd like to have good expierience. I'd like to play a middle-of-the-road Bond like PB who is serious/humoruos/romantic/man of action.
  • Herr MichaelHerr Michael Posts: 360MI6 Agent
    Where do I sign up? :))

  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Maybe if you looked a little less serious, had no facial hair and were a few years younger
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    Well, if they're looking for someone who's Scottish, blue-eyed, 183cm tall, speaks French & German and has a scar down his right cheek...

    However I suppose grey-haired guitar-playing Grandpas need not apply! :D And the French is very rusty these days. The scar, by the way, came from falling off the top of the chipmunk shed; not very glamorous :# .

    Anyhoo, I haven't wanted to be Bond since I was maybe twelve.
  • Herr MichaelHerr Michael Posts: 360MI6 Agent
    How old (without checking) would you guess I am?

    I was facing the sun when it was taken. I don't normally look so stern.
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Forties, maybe pushing towards 50.
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,517Chief of Staff
    Na, take ten years off that.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    ...have you ever wanted to be James Bond 007?.....

    You mean I'm not ? :o

    Damn ! :#
    YNWA 97
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited May 2008
    Sir Miles wrote:
    ...have you ever wanted to be James Bond 007?.....

    You mean I'm not ? :o

    Damn ! :#

    Of course you aren't...because I am :007)

    ...in my dreams :))

    Of course I'd love the job...but an American of German descent wouldn't be on Eon's short list. In addition, I'm actually too large (6'4", 240 lbs) and too old (46 next month!) :#
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Herr MichaelHerr Michael Posts: 360MI6 Agent
    Sweepy was closer, but thanks Barbel.

    I'll be 46 in two weeks.

    Actually, most do think I'm in my late thirties when seeing me in person. I don't always look this wrinkled up.

    Of course kids think I'm an old man, and old men think I'm a kid.

    I thought the awkward age used to be 20 something. What happened?
  • LonelyriderLonelyrider Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    Well, because people have ventured to tell what kind of Bonds they would be I can say that I'm 170 centimeters/5,6 feet tall (or short), a little bit dark, springy, broad-shouldered and both practical and theoretical. I'm very good in psychology and history and I'm good to pronounce in English. :p

    So if producers will show my lines very very beforehand (that I can learn to pronounce those nicely) and short Bond is not bad, then I'm the man for the role :))...uh? So..."I think I could be a splendid Bond, but I'm just way too short"...unless people would have changed their opinions :D

    At least I'm young! :)) If Craig will make 5 Bonds total (I doubt that), I'm about 26 in that time :D

    in fact that very small picture plays me
  • Cynjin SmythCynjin Smyth Rocky MountiansPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    I would love to play Bond. Though it would be a spanish looking Bond. I would have to put on about 5 lbs. of muscle. I wouldn't need weapons training or drivers trianing as I learned this in the Military and Police Academy. As what kind of Bond I would play it would have to be a cross of Connery and Criag. The Bond as he is writen in the books. Because I am already 34 I would only do at most 4 movies.
    Bond: You don't think I enjoyed what we did this evening, do you? What I did tonight was for King and country! You don't think it gave me any pleasure, do you?
    Fiona: But of course, I forgot your ego, Mr. Bond. James Bond, who only has to make love to a woman and she starts to hear heavenly choirs singing.
  • sharpshootersharpshooter Posts: 164MI6 Agent
    Without a doubt.

    I don’t know any male who doesn’t want to be like Bond. I’d love to be, minus being beaten to an inch of my life, tortured and shot at. The lifestyle would be excellent.
  • JADE66JADE66 Posts: 238MI6 Agent
    I'm tall enough, lean enough, know something of cars and weapons, know Bond back to front and have always wanted to do it. Sadly, I bear an uncanny resemblence to Steve Buscemi and the few stabs I've taken at acting have been nothing short of cat vomit.
    Alas, I couldn't even be 003 1/2. ;)
  • JamesbondjrJamesbondjr Posts: 462MI6 Agent
    I've always wanted to be Bond, ever since I used to watch LALD over and over as a kid.
    I'm tall enough, have the right looks and would play the part well B-)

    However I'm only 26, maybe in 10-15 years. I'll settle for a 2 picture deal and show timmy boy how to leave a lasting mark with 2 films :D
    1- On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2- Casino Royale 3- Licence To Kill 4- Goldeneye 5- From Russia With Love
  • DEFIANT 74205DEFIANT 74205 Perth, AustraliaPosts: 1,881MI6 Agent
    edited August 2008
    Which Bond fan doesn't want to be Bond?

    Trouble is, I'm of Chinese origin, so unless the makeup artists can produce some magic and make me look European, I don't think I'm eligible. Not only that, I'm too short (172cm), I have a pot belly, and various scars on my abdomen which would make shooting topless scenes with Bond girls unworkable. I shouldn't have any troubles with the language side of it, having lived in Australia for 18 years - and some of my friends even think I sound more English than Australian (having been influenced by watching lots of Bond films when I was developing my English language skills!).

    As for what kind of Bond I'd be, the Fleming kind would be my answer. Very much Dalton-like. I have already read the entire series of Ian Flemings' Bond novels, and if I were given the role, I'd not only read it over again, I'd study and analyse the character as it is written.
    "Watch the birdie, you bastard!"
  • bondaholic007bondaholic007 LondonPosts: 878MI6 Agent
    I dream about it ever night and day :007)
  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    so do i
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    James Bond dreams about being me. -{ :D
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    very funny:))
  • DrMaybeDrMaybe Posts: 204MI6 Agent
    Why would you want to be Bond? The Supervillain has the sweet end of the deal.

    Money - Bond always has to go to work, the Supervillains, all gazillionaires, sit around in their captain's chair all day, stroking their pussy, and poising their diabolical weapons at another hapless nation.

    Job Stress - M ****es off Bond, all he can do is storm out of the office. The Supervillain gets peeved, he presses a button, one of his cohorts falls thru a chute in the floor into some ghastly demise(pool of pirhanas, sharks, etc.) I think many jobs would be less stressful, if you could do in a coworker, now and then.

    Women - Bond has to wheedle, cajole and devise clever banter to get the girl. Supervillain(no matter how butt-ugly he is) pops out the checkbook, and Voila! instant babe magnet.

    Comfort - Whenever Bond talks to Supervillain, he's usually tied or chained to something. Sv always has that nice plush chair. Bond has to fight his way thru countless badguys, just to get to Sv, whereas Sv only has to fight Bond.

    Health Benefits - When's the last time you saw a doctor walk up to Supervillain and say "I'm sorry Mr. Bloefeld, but it seems we've found a malignant tumor. You will need a lengthy stay in the hospital and lot's of treatment!". They usually get dispatched quickly by Bond, saving a long tedious demise.

    I'll be Stromberg, Goldfinger or Bloefeld, thank you.
  • Herr MichaelHerr Michael Posts: 360MI6 Agent
    The big problem is they always die at the end. :))

    DrMaybe wrote:
    Why would you want to be Bond? The Supervillain has the sweet end of the deal.

    Money - Bond always has to go to work, the Supervillains, all gazillionaires, sit around in their captain's chair all day, stroking their pussy, and poising their diabolical weapons at another hapless nation.

    Job Stress - M ****es off Bond, all he can do is storm out of the office. The Supervillain gets peeved, he presses a button, one of his cohorts falls thru a chute in the floor into some ghastly demise(pool of pirhanas, sharks, etc.) I think many jobs would be less stressful, if you could do in a coworker, now and then.

    Women - Bond has to wheedle, cajole and devise clever banter to get the girl. Supervillain(no matter how butt-ugly he is) pops out the checkbook, and Voila! instant babe magnet.

    Comfort - Whenever Bond talks to Supervillain, he's usually tied or chained to something. Sv always has that nice plush chair. Bond has to fight his way thru countless badguys, just to get to Sv, whereas Sv only has to fight Bond.

    Health Benefits - When's the last time you saw a doctor walk up to Supervillain and say "I'm sorry Mr. Bloefeld, but it seems we've found a malignant tumor. You will need a lengthy stay in the hospital and lot's of treatment!". They usually get dispatched quickly by Bond, saving a long tedious demise.

    I'll be Stromberg, Goldfinger or Bloefeld, thank you.
  • DrMaybeDrMaybe Posts: 204MI6 Agent
    The big problem is they always die at the end. :))

    Hence, my statement about the health benefits.
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