TLD keyring finder mistake

Boris07Boris07 lincs ukPosts: 10MI6 Agent
There is something about the keyring finder in The Living Daylights that has always bugged me and its this, the whistles that activate the keyring are the wrong way round.

Let me explain, in the shootout in Whitakers armoury room Bond uses a wolf whistle to activate the explosive devise to kill Whitaker (who is an admirer of dictators through the ages) when surely the Rule Britanina (a song that means Britain will never be defeated) whisle makes more sense. OK the Rule Britanina Whistle is used to acivate the stun gas in tne Afganistan jail, but ive always thought it would make more sense the other way round, what do you think?


  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,877MI6 Agent
    Yup- I always thought that too. Would have been a much nicer gag if he'd whistled Rule Britannia to Whittaker.
  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent
    Oh, the minutiae we delve into! :))

    Seriously though, you guys are right. Although the significance of "Rule Britannia" might be lost on many non-Britons, it still would have been a cool inside gag.

    To add to that, if the wolf whistle had been used for the stun gas, they could have had Bond get ready to whistle, only to have the lecherous jailer leer at Kara and whistle himself, thus triggering the device inadvertently. That could have been quite humorous! old devil!
  • wordswords Buckinghamshire, EnglandPosts: 249MI6 Agent
    I'll tell you what else bugs me about that key-ring. When they are in Q's lab he tells bond to put on a gas mask, and then tells him to whistle, prompting him to remove the gas mask. Whats the point of that?
  • scaramangasgoldengunscaramangasgoldengun ScotlandPosts: 1,388MI6 Agent
    another major thing with it is if you look closely...

    when the finder is is there hands its pretty flat .. when it emits gass its a lot thicker and taler and its almost as if the original keyring finder is sitting on a conatiner with the gas smoke inside it...

    check it out you will see what I mean..

    if you look closely at it in other shots the finder is not much thicker than the little loop which conects it to the keyring...
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