Geopolitics of James Bond Research

Old member making a return here... with a vested interest might I add...


I am currently studying for a BA Hons in Human Geography. However abstract the following may seem, please bear with me.

I am currently doing research into the geopolitics of film, and how geopolitical situations and events are reflected through cinema (in the context of James Bond, the Cold War is the obvious example).

It has been suggested in the literature that there is the possibility to research the consumption of films in order to understand the importance of popular representations of geopolitics and whether viewers take any meaning away with them. Thus, I am looking at filling that gap in the literature... that being the way in which such geopolitical 'codes' are consumed by James Bond fans. Think of it as obvious things in James Bond films; locations, plot lines, nationalities of criminals, organisations used throughout the series, adaptations from novel to screen.

At present, I am posting this request to gauge the interest in whether people would like to participate in such a study. I am currently working through potential methodologies, but at present, I am thinking along the lines of fans (you!) just emailing me a short (or long if you wish!) passage regarding their views on specific geopolitical aspects of a certain film in the Bond series. Now, although not necessarily the most geopolitically charged film of the series, I am thinking along the lines of Casino Royale.

If anyone is interested, please say so as it would be very helpful in my preparations for this research.

P.S - Hi to the mods - hope you're all keeping well.
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