Was Bruce Lee killed ?

ohmss1969ohmss1969 EuropePosts: 141MI6 Agent
Today is May 10th , which marks 35 yrs since Lee nearly died while dubbing "Enter the Dragon"

When he woke up his eyes were spinning , was he poisoned that day ?

I find it fishy that just 5 days prior someone (Raymond Chow ?) had established life insurance on Lee's life.....I think it was planned because Lee didn't dance to the Triads tune.

The motif : money !

Suspect : his co-partner Raymond Chow , present on May 10th & on July 20th , the day he died....

-May 5th , '73 : Someone does a life insurance policy on Lee's life....5 days later he nearly dies

-June '73 : Bruce goes to L.A to do a health test and is told he's got "a body of a 18 yr old"

-July 10th , '73 : Boss & Fist director Lo Wei (who had obvious mob connections !) claims Lee threatened him with a knife at Golden Harvest studios....the police never found the knife , it is rumored Lee's wife smuggled it off

-July 20th , '73 : Bruce Lee dies

Raymond knew damn well that Bruce was ill in Bettys bed on the 20th but dragged out the time so that the ambulance wouldn't reach Bruce in time....pretty convinient of Chow to use Lazenby as an alibi too (Chow , Lee & Lazenby were to discuss "Game of Death" at a restaurant the 20th) so as to not be involved in any matter.

Chow visited Lee's house early afternoon at around 2 pm on July 20th....he and Bruce were alone (strange that everyone was gone on the day he died cuz usually the Lee residence were crawling with people) , personally I think Chow hinted that Triads were not pleased by the way Lee brushed them off & he also prolly hinted that it was a bad idea for him to leave H.K for good (bad idea = you're gonna be dead if you leave)

Bruce prolly went ballistic and told Chow to take a hike.....Chow went back to the Triads and told them that Bruce couldn't be reasoned with , needless to say the Triads wanted his head as enough was enough.....the Triads & Chow knew they'd be screwed financially if Lee went to Hollywood !

At around 4 pm Chow drove Lee to Bettys apartment.....what happened there from 4 to 11 pm is anyones guess , it was definitely more than enough time to get rid of Lee :(

-Aug or Sept , '73 : brown paper bag is found and on it is written in Chinese "Betty knows the cause of Lee's death"

-why did Chow go out in the H.K press saying "Bruce was a sick man !" , it was known among WB execs so why the need to do this....to cover over something else ??

Chow also lied that Bruce had passed out in his garden , reporters quickly found it to be BS....he'd been found dead at Bettys apartment.

-was Bruce poisoned and then dumped at Bettys flat ?

-why did his wife Linda go out in the press telling that "she holds no people or persons responsible" when Lee hadn't even been autopsied yet....how could she be so sure no foul play occured ?? She honestly seems scared during the Kai Tak airport interview.....

-why was Wu Ngan (Bruce's childhood friend & co-star) & Bob Baker (played Russian mobster in Fist of Fury) paid money to leave H.K shortly after Lee died....Baker is also rumored to have been Lee's drug courier & he supposedly smuggled guns into H.K for Lee's safety.

-why does Chow , Linda , Betty & Wu Ngan not want to comment on Lee's death if his death was just freak accident ?



  • Dan SameDan Same Victoria, AustraliaPosts: 6,054MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    I have no idea whether Bruce was killed or not. It was certainly very mysterious. You know, I am a massive Bruce Lee fan, and one of my cousins recently delighted me by informing me that she intends to soon see Enter The Dragon. :D
    "He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. and then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory." Death of a Salesman
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    No idea about Bruce, but his son Brandon was killed during filming of THE CROW by a dummy bullet.

    ~Pen -{
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?

  • NewsmanNewsman Erie, PA USAPosts: 92MI6 Agent
    Often times, great conspiracy theories pop up when a simple explanation seems too simple to be true. I mean how can a man as in-shape, tough, and smart as Bruce Lee be felled by something as ordinary as a pill? Something in our psyche can't accept it so we create many stories about what "probably" happened so the death is as equally as big as the life. We also want someone to blame for the death. The sad truth is that great and powerful people often die in the most usual, mundane ways. Usually conspiracies to pull off are terribly hard to keep quiet. If someone wanted Lee dead, why didn't they just attack him in the street (he was not bulletproof)or in his home?
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