Your Bond Movie

Cynjin SmythCynjin Smyth Rocky MountiansPosts: 98MI6 Agent
So if you made a Bond movie:

What would it be called?
Who would play Bond?
Where would you take him?

Nothing if Forever.
AS I am writing a Fan Fiction, the places are Qutar, London, Spian, and ending in my favorite place Las Vegas.

What are your ideas?
Bond: You don't think I enjoyed what we did this evening, do you? What I did tonight was for King and country! You don't think it gave me any pleasure, do you?
Fiona: But of course, I forgot your ego, Mr. Bond. James Bond, who only has to make love to a woman and she starts to hear heavenly choirs singing.


  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    I would make "Live and Let Die" and follow the book faithfully.

    London, New York, Florida and Jamaica.

    Starring Jude Law.
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    Title: No More Heroes
    Year: 2006 (Replacing CR)
    Length: Erm... 2 hours?
    Certificate: 15 (Strong Violence and Drug Theme)
    Bond: Daniel Craig
    Song: 'No More Heroes' by The Stranglers
    Plot: Bond is sent to stop a drugs shipment between America, Britain, Egypt, France, Georgia, India and Russia involving the KGB!
  • PendragonPendragon ColoradoPosts: 2,640MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    Title: either "Ace of Spades" or "Cardkiller"
    Actor: Danny Craig
    Song: possibly "Professional Killer" by KMFDM
    Places: Set in London and Las Vegas
    The Plot: Bond is sent to track down a man who runs a massive cocaine shipping industry, but who has also stolen a hefty sum from Her Majesty's government.

    these titles are taken from a film by Harvey Studios and my fan fiction...both of which are still very much in the works

    ~Pen -{
    Hey! Observer! You trying to get yourself Killed?
  • Cynjin SmythCynjin Smyth Rocky MountiansPosts: 98MI6 Agent
    Pendragon wrote:
    Title: either "Ace of Spades" or "Cardkiller"
    Actor: Danny Craig
    Song: possibly "Professional Killer" by KMFDM
    Places: Set in London and Las Vegas
    The Plot: Bond is sent to track down a man who runs a massive cocaine shipping industry, but who has also stolen a hefty sum from Her Majesty's government.

    these titles are taken from my a film by Harvey Studios and my fan fiction...both of which are still very much in the works

    ~Pen -{

    Love KMFDM and grew up in Vegas so DAF is my fav for location
    Bond: You don't think I enjoyed what we did this evening, do you? What I did tonight was for King and country! You don't think it gave me any pleasure, do you?
    Fiona: But of course, I forgot your ego, Mr. Bond. James Bond, who only has to make love to a woman and she starts to hear heavenly choirs singing.
  • LonelyriderLonelyrider Posts: 33MI6 Agent
    edited May 2008
    This is delicious question, thanks for that. many title -ideas that it is hard to know which one I would use but one could be "Bond's Will" or "007 - The Fight Of Life".

    Song could be somekind of classical/romantic rock style ;)

    Bond would be absolutely Timothy Dalton (or me :)))

    Places? ...Different kind of Bond film...Finland, Canada, Africa, maybe Italy...
  • Andy A 007Andy A 007 Posts: 199MI6 Agent
    Title: Gift for the Darkness

    Bond: Clive Owen (Just for "what if?" purposes. DC is still my fav Bond!)

    Locations: London and New Zealand

    Bond Girls: Michelle Monagan as Anne Reilly (Q'ute from Gardner novels) and Monica Bellucci as Onatop-esque femme fatal that kills with poison lipstick

    Villain: Alan Rickman

    Song: Feelin' Good by Michael Buble'

    Car: Bentley Continental GT

    Plot: The plot of this film basically revolves around the return of spectre, but the audience doesn't find out that Alan Rickman's character is Spectre's #2 until the end when Bond notices the Spectre ring on his finger after killing him. It begins with MI6 tracking down sales of illegal high tech weapons to terrorist from an unkown weapons manufacturure. Bond tracks down different buyers and sellers of the weapons throughout London, eventually leading him to suspect Alan Rickman's character, a former MI6 operative and now freelance security contractor. Bond and Anne Reilly get into a weekend party being held at his mansion in New Zealand where Monica Bellucci tries to seduce Bond to no avail (I imagine a scene involving Bond cold-bloodedly shooting Moncia Bellucci's character after she tries to kill him). eventually, bond discovers the villain's layer in a mountain behind a big waterfall where all of his weapons will be sold to a group of terrorists (the sale is codenamed gift for the darkness) and the film ends in a big battle between the baddies and MI6 operatives, in the spirit of the big fight scenes in YOLT, TB, and OHMSS.
  • hacketthackett Odds change the numbers remainPosts: 197MI6 Agent
    My first fan fiction effort; Edge of Treason, could not be made into a film, because I have taken the QoS production ideas from Oct 07 to Jan 08 along with the Casino Royale follow on theme. Which of course is already in production.
    So I suppose the first stand alone effort could come from my second (currently Work in Progress) story "Silhouettes and Shadows"
    Daniel Craig captures the time and feel of Bond, so I do not see anyone else playing him.
    The pre title sequence would take place in the Maldieves.
  • asioasio Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 546MI6 Agent
    Title: The Bond Ultimatum
    James Bond: Sam Neill
    Sebastian Blofeld: Matthew Macfadyen
    Ian Bond: Jonathan Rhys Meyers
    Song: 'Thnks fr th MMrs' by Fall Out Boy, title sequence to show clips from past Bond films (a la OHMSS).
    Locations: Scotland, London, Singapore, Melbourne, Hawaii.
    Plot: An ageing James Bond, angry at what society has become, is forced to come out of retirement when his son, secret agent Ian Bond, is held captive by Sebastian Blofeld, the son of his greatest enemy.
    Drawn Out Dad.
    Independent, one-shot comic books from the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia.
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