Favorite James Bond scenes with Connery

new to this forum.. surprised it took me so long to find it

if the owner o fteh forum will contact me I'll be happy to give a link or banner at my auction site..

but anyway, I'm always curious what some people think are the best Connery scenes.

my most memorable Connery moments

Dr No:
when Bond is waiting in the small shack for Anthony Dawson who he shoots with his Walther PPK

well how can it be anything but the laser table sequence

From Russia With Love:
sticking the knife into Robert Shaw. Too bad it couldn't be filmed the way it is written in the novel

this film also has one of the hokiest scenes.
When Pedro Armendáriz gets shot in the arm at the gypsy camp. He's wearing a white suit & bond holds Armendariz' arm out to look at the crook of his elbow where he has been shot (there is no blood stain on the white jacket)and tells him it doesn't look too bad and puts his hankerchief into Armendariz' arm & folds his arm back.. all without taking off his jacket or even rolling up the sleeve to look at the arm.. too funny
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