Sean Connery & Claudine Auger -Cannes 1965

scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
Found this news footage from Cannes in 1965 with Sean Connery and Claudine Auger interesting example of the Bond media circus of the period. Some of it is in French which I do not speak too well but Connery's interview is in English although you can't always hear what he's saying. Enjoy!


  • youknowmynameyouknowmyname Gainesville, FL, USAPosts: 703MI6 Agent
    Very interesting video. The interview with Claudine Auger is short. They basically asked her who she is in the movie, she talks about how she is going to play Domino (Je suis Domino) and how her and James Bond meet underwater. She also mentions how she plays for both teams and mentions the American connection as well.

    Good video, and you are exactly right how it shows the hillarity surrounding Thunderball.
    "We have all the time in the world..."
  • scaramanga1scaramanga1 The English RivieraPosts: 845Chief of Staff
    The feature on the Aston Martin is amusing also -and some of the other cars at the motor show are interesting.
    What Sean has to say about the hype being similar to Beatlemania also puts the publicity into context.
  • urhashurhash USPosts: 985MI6 Agent
    Could Connery look any more bored? lol
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