Bond Girl Style Watercooler



  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    edited January 2011
    ke02eww wrote:


    Alessandra you're spot on when you say Meg Ryan is insecure...
    And no doubt she is a victim of her plastic surgeons...
    But the idea that Sally left Harry for Aussie is rubbish ...

    I'm afraid it is not. I think you have forgotten a fundamental part of the story. She left Quaid and eloped with that vulgar troublemaker (and I'm being kind, by personal experience, both mine and that of a friend of mine, and I mean professionally, so he had no excuse, Crowe can only be described as a douchebag). After having done that... SHE WENT BACK TO DENNIS. And asked him to take her back. Considering she had just gone do whatever she pleased with Crowe, leaving behind BOTH Dennis AND her child, Dennis of course told her "no way, José". And he did not take her back. So clearly Quaid must have not been that bad in her opinion, for her to go to him once dumped by Crowe and ask him to take her back. And yet... the rest is history.
    I'm a huge fan of quaid and many of his movies are amongst my favs 
    (dreamscape, traffic , Great balls of fire and of course far from heaven) but angel he no ain't...
    His coke addiction and philandering were legend and this is meg's own explanation of their breakup..
    "On February 14, 1991, he and Meg Ryan were married. Quaid and Ryan have a son, Jack Henry (born April 24, 1992). They were divorced on July 16, 2001. In a 2008 interview with Insight, Ryan stated "Dennis was not faithful to me for a very long time, and that was very painful. I found out more about that after I was divorced."

    Quaid certainly was never an angel. But neither was Meg Ryan. You seriously believe an interview where Meg Ryan, in 2008, without work and with a completely ruined image (not to mention a completely messed-up face because of plastic surgery), states that? It is not true. And trust me, well-informed friends of mine (who live and work in Hollywood) have told me so. If there was cheating, it wasn't at any early point in their relationship. And (shocker I know) she was the one doing it first. Crowe wasn't the first one, but he was just too big and she was just too foolish at that point to manage to keep it quiet. And the drug addiction? Was before they got married, in fact they got married because she helped him clean up. Except she then had the same problem (cocaine). It was a very sad and vicious circle :#

    In fact, not only Quaid came out of the whole thing (the Crowe affair especially) as the wronged one and not the wrongdoer, but also, he's the one whose career kept going, and with many great-quality movies, after that. His image in Hollywood is great as of now and he started a new life after what Meg did. Fact: Dennis Quaid remarried in 2004 and is still happily married with 2 kids. Meg Ryan? Kept going from one loser to another and never settled down again. Meg Ryan came up with that cheating thing in the interview, trying to overturn the general public opinion by stating he basically constantly cheated on her, in one of her many desperate attempts to regain respectability and attention. Miserably failed, sadly, I love her as an actress but the Crowe thing ruined her for good. And, to go and say "he wasn't faithful to me for that long" after 7 years you are divorced and after you have gone back to that man asking him to take you back after YOU have cheated is just pathetic. Quaid sued her over those statements, btw (it's good to have lawyer friends in Hollywood :)) )
    As to the Aussie, ever seen proof of life? The chemistry between the two was electric..... No surprise they ended together...

    But they didn't end together. He just slept with her for a while. And he made her become, publicly too, just as vulgar as he is for the time they were sleeping together. I think I can speak for quite a few Bond girls when I tell you this: a woman is perfectly aware when there's sexual chemistry with someone and when there's love. Meg Ryan had sexual chemistry with that douchebag, and once he of course DUMPED her, she had the nerve to go back to Quaid and ask him to take her back. :o Why do you think she did that, if he was anything like what she said in that interview? That's because she realized, of course, where the "just sexual chemistry" was and where the "actual love" was. And where the decent person was and where the douchebag was. Except of course she did all that she pleased with Crowe and then what, expected Quaid to take her back? Not really the way it works. It's a very, very sad story about an extremely insecure woman. But she really and I mean really is the one to blame for the debacle her life has become, not Dennis Quaid. He is no saint, nobody is, but the same statement applies to her. the risk of a blast.....might I offer poor Meg the shoulder of comfort?....

    And as to joker-jipes in the words of Solange, I just ain't that cruel cruel


    But of COURSE you can offer Meg your shoulder, regardless of all the above! If you like her, you should totally go for her. :D Oh come on, the joker one was all about the makeup and the big mouth, which really shows in the Donald Duck one too! If she had a friend telling her "Meg, you have GOT to stop doing this because YOU DO look like the joker and Donal Duck!" she would never have gotten to this point! But again, insecurity is a bad thing to go around with. I just think her new thing with that barely divorced rocker is beyond sad. And yet another statement about how the most messed-up one is her, not Dennis, who built up a stable life and a family again. I feel really sorry for her, don't misunderstand me. But I'm not going to overlook what she did just because I understand she is insecure, or because she is a woman. Men are snakes, they suck at times. But women can really be the masters of their own ruin sometimes, sadly. C'est la vie.

    That's why we are Bond girls. There is NO doing that with us, because if anyone kicks ass? That's going to be us first and foremost! :)) Of course we are the winning Bond girls. Not the ones who are helpless and end up dead. Basically, we're a storm of Pam Bouviers, and Honey Riders, and Pussy Galores, and Jinxes (no jokes please :)) ). We get the man, and we do it right for ourselves :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Hey allesandra Thx for the additional details....

    You are obviously far better informed than I on this.

    The popular take is that she had an affair with RC after the marriage had split and while she filmed proof...

    She also contests thAt she dumped crowe.

    But if you know with certainty of course I will trust you.

    On the joker pics I have no axe - if i don't like them I can look away..

    But regarding ALL men being snakes I take exception - I'm actually a Leo.

    Further , I actually think meg is too puppydog for me - I think I've already
    declared for the honor blackman type earlier in the thread

    But the fact that you went to so much trouble replying to my comment is appreciated.
    And of course why guys frequent "the cooler"

    semper fi
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited January 2011
    ke02eww wrote:
    I think I've already
    declared for the honor blackman type earlier in the thread

    hey Paul,

    never knew, that you have been into that type.

    I guess, that it's the L.A. Hollywood virus grossing :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    ke02eww wrote:
    I think I've already
    declared for the honor blackman type earlier in the thread

    hey Paul,

    never knew, that you have been into that type.

    I guess, that it's the L.A. Hollywood virus grossing :D

    careful Markus ..... 8-)

    Besides i suspect you meant growing?

    No been "into Pussy" since a young boy though I have to say it's "seasoned"
    into adulthood somewhat.... :v

    Now old friend, anything seasoned to add to the debate or perhaps another pic?
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    ke02eww wrote:
    Hey allesandra Thx for the additional details....

    You are obviously far better informed than I on this.

    The popular take is that she had an affair with RC after the marriage had split and while she filmed proof...

    She also contests thAt she dumped crowe.

    But if you know with certainty of course I will trust you.

    I know quite a few things with certainty because a friend of mine is the one who handled the divorce... ahem. :)) See, the lawyers again :)) The whole thing about her going back and begging Quaid to take her back, and him telling her "No way" was also widely reported though. I have heard it from direct source but I do remember that being reported back then.
    On the joker pics I have no axe - if i don't like them I can look away..

    But regarding ALL men being snakes I take exception - I'm actually a Leo.

    No no that is not what I meant, in fact at the end of the sentence there is "at times". Men are snakes and suck AT TIMES, not everyone and not all the time of course! And women sometimes are the masters of their own ruin. I meant that as a general comment in the sense of "while men CAN suck, women can too" :)) Anyone can suck, regardless of sex. That was the sense. I don't think all men are snakes at all! Just a good portion of them. :)) I'm kidding, there ARE good ones out there. :D
    Further , I actually think meg is too puppydog for me - I think I've already
    declared for the honor blackman type earlier in the thread

    Excellent choice. And yes, very different type from Meg. But hey, you never know, maybe getting to know her.. :))
    But the fact that you went to so much trouble replying to my comment is appreciated.
    And of course why guys frequent "the cooler"

    semper fi

    :D I am not very keen on gossip at all, so if I comment in a "serious" manner it's because I have first-hand info. Otherwise I really just ignore it or laugh it off. After all, it is Hollywood. Everything concerning personal relationships is very blurry and strange there.

    Unless James Bond and Bond girls are involved, of course :v
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    ke02eww wrote:
    Hey allesandra Thx for the additional details....

    You are obviously far better informed than I on this.

    The popular take is that she had an affair with RC after the marriage had split and while she filmed proof...

    She also contests thAt she dumped crowe.

    But if you know with certainty of course I will trust you.

    I know quite a few things with certainty because a friend of mine is the one who handled the divorce... ahem. :)) See, the lawyers again :)) The whole thing about her going back and begging Quaid to take her back, and him telling her "No way" was also widely reported though. I have heard it from direct source but I do remember that being reported back then.
    On the joker pics I have no axe - if i don't like them I can look away..

    But regarding ALL men being snakes I take exception - I'm actually a Leo.

    No no that is not what I meant, in fact at the end of the sentence there is "at times". Men are snakes and suck AT TIMES, not everyone and not all the time of course! And women sometimes are the masters of their own ruin. I meant that as a general comment in the sense of "while men CAN suck, women can too" :)) Anyone can suck, regardless of sex. That was the sense. I don't think all men are snakes at all! Just a good portion of them. :)) I'm kidding, there ARE good ones out there. :D
    Further , I actually think meg is too puppydog for me - I think I've already
    declared for the honor blackman type earlier in the thread

    Excellent choice. And yes, very different type from Meg. But hey, you never know, maybe getting to know her.. :))
    But the fact that you went to so much trouble replying to my comment is appreciated.
    And of course why guys frequent "the cooler"

    semper fi

    :D I am not very keen on gossip at all, so if I comment in a "serious" manner it's because I have first-hand info. Otherwise I really just ignore it or laugh it off. After all, it is Hollywood. Everything concerning personal relationships is very blurry and strange there.

    Unless James Bond and Bond girls are involved, of course :v


    Agreed.....if any one would, hollywood ( celeb-voyeurism always amuses me)

    Apols if my slur was incorrect - the English language is full of potholes....

    But you are nevertheless correct - some men are indeed worthy - or at least that's what bondtoys told me his wife told her best friend.....

    And might I ask a favour of you?

    An introduction to your LA-based divorce lawyer friend whose services I might need if bondtoys Continues to spread rumours about me.....

    Semper fi
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    :D that's why my wife is not registered here :D

    Unfortunately, Alessandra and her are blocking my internet access with their praisals of Henry Cavill, so, it may be, that Alessandra will tell her a bit about my not-so-goodsides, if there are any :D

    Additionally as we met Pendragon in person recently, I should not feel too safe! Small world!
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    I am not very keen on gossip at all ........

    What ??? Thats the only reason I come here !!!!! ...... :))
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    :D that's why my wife is not registered here :D

    Unfortunately, Alessandra and her are blocking my internet access with their praisals of Henry Cavill, so, it may be, that Alessandra will tell her a bit about my not-so-goodsides, if there are any :D

    Additionally as we met Pendragon in person recently, I should not feel too safe! Small world!

    I wondered when the thread would neatly handbrake-turn back to HC..

    As to feeling safe BT, I'd suggest you ask Alessandra if she has any divorce lawyer friends based in northern Europe....

    Btw I still recall the story of you asking that pretty waitress if she could look after your meat and vegetables for you when I took you for lunch in Bonds.... :)

    Now there's some gossip for you Lady Rose especially as you could pop over to Bonds and check it out....
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    ke02eww wrote:

    Btw I still recall the story of you asking that pretty waitress if she could look after your meat and vegetables for you when I took you for lunch in Bonds.... :)

    The waitress was indeed pretty but the meat and vegetables (we call them Maultaschen here) where technically yours..... :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    ke02eww wrote:

    Btw I still recall the story of you asking that pretty waitress if she could look after your meat and vegetables for you when I took you for lunch in Bonds.... :)

    The waitress was indeed pretty but the meat and vegetables (we call them Maultaschen here) where technically yours..... :D

    And a wonderful gift my friend...

    I often wonder what happened to them.....
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Lady Rose wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    I am not very keen on gossip at all ........

    What ??? Thats the only reason I come here !!!!! ...... :))

    :)) :)) :)) :))

    (whispers in Lady Rose's ear: we can only handle that among us girls. Men become alarmed when gossip is involved)

    :)) :)) :))

    I meant that as in "real life". Hate gossip in real life, it ruins people's lives for no reason whatsoever at times. Just bad. Of course when it's mindless, light stuff like clothes and shoes, it's AAAAALL good and worth it :D :v

    Agreed.....if any one would, hollywood ( celeb-voyeurism always amuses me)

    Apols if my slur was incorrect - the English language is full of potholes....

    But you are nevertheless correct - some men are indeed worthy - or at least that's what bondtoys told me his wife told her best friend.....

    And might I ask a favour of you?

    An introduction to your LA-based divorce lawyer friend whose services I might need if bondtoys Continues to spread rumours about me.....

    Semper fi

    Why do I feel like I'm watching Bond and Leiter here? Seems like you could basically ruin each other's lives if one or the other opened their mouths... but of course you never would. You just do the whole sparring partners thing. :)) :)) Anyhow it is no problem. I have the name and number, if things get nasty, let me know. He is going to obtain a great deal :))

    Surely the gentlemen who attend this place must be worthy? Because if they aren't we will go Bond girl on them :)) (and I don't mean Bond girl in love :)) )

    What's this about pretty waitresses and vegetables and meat? I swear, Bond and Felix. Up to NO good :))
    ajb007/biggrin that's why my wife is not registered here :D

    Unfortunately, Alessandra and her are blocking my internet access with their praisals of Henry Cavill, so, it may be, that Alessandra will tell her a bit about my not-so-goodsides, if there are any :D

    Additionally as we met Pendragon in person recently, I should not feel too safe! Small world!

    You reeeally shouldn't feel too safe... Bond girls all around, dangeeer! :))

    Don't worry, our praises for Henry Cavill are keeping us very busy, especially the video evidence that requires pause, rewind, play MANY a times in order to judge his many good sides properly :)) :v ;%

    But, we do mention you... so who knows :v :))
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    Don't worry, our praises for Sienna Miller are keeping us very busy, especially the video evidence that requires pause, rewind, play MANY a times in order to judge her many good sides properly :)) :v ;%
    Yup, know what you mean.
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    blueman wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    Don't worry, our praises for Sienna Miller are keeping us very busy, especially the video evidence that requires pause, rewind, play MANY a times in order to judge her many good sides properly :)) :v ;%
    Yup, know what you mean.

    :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

    She's cute, unlike other women I actually like her :)) :)) I won't comment on her private life though. That is too messy to begin with :))
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    Ah, private lives generally are, seems the unmessy ones are the notable exceptions.
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:

    Why do I feel like I'm watching Bond and Leiter here? Seems like you could basically ruin each other's lives if one or the other opened their mouths... but of course you never would. You just do the whole sparring partners thing. :)) :)) Anyhow it is no problem. I have the name and number, if things get nasty, let me know. He is going to obtain a great deal :))

    Surely the gentlemen who attend this place must be worthy? Because if they aren't we will go Bond girl on them :)) (and I don't mean Bond girl in love :)) )

    What's this about pretty waitresses and vegetables and meat? I swear, Bond and Felix. Up to NO good :))

    But, we do mention you... so who knows :v :)).

    You are indeed perceptive Alessandra .....

    I can always rely on my two-tonic friend to "mix it up a little"

    And the maultaschen was a kind gift but we needed a place to store the fresh meat and veg and fortunately a lovely waitress was forthcoming with her icebox :007)

    Its important to keep your meat and veg fresh..... ;)
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    blueman wrote:
    Ah, private lives generally are, seems the unmessy ones are the notable exceptions.

    Ain't that the truth. Wanna try the Italian Prime Minister? :)) (except it makes me want to cry, but, better to just laugh it over)
    You are indeed perceptive Alessandra .....

    I can always rely on my two-tonic friend to "mix it up a little"

    Of course... the sparring partners James and Felix at work. Really. I rewatched Dr No last night, it's funny how differently I look at Felix now, knowing he is Jack Lord and being a fan of the remake of "Hawaii Five-0" (a show I warmly recommend to both the Bond girls and the gentlemen in here.. it's really good. Good actors, good writing, good action). Well Jack Lord's hair (may his soul rest in peace) was surely MUCH better in Bond than it was with that horrid wave on the original Hawaii Five-0! :))
    And the maultaschen was a kind gift but we needed a place to store the fresh meat and veg and fortunately a lovely waitress was forthcoming with her icebox :007)

    Its important to keep your meat and veg fresh..... ;)

    There goes the Bond wit. Seriously, the more I read about this, the more I think you and Bondtoys are up to NO good :)) Which is of course, always a good thing when done with moderation, and most of all, BOND STYLE! :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    And the maultaschen was a kind gift but we needed a place to store the fresh meat and veg and fortunately a lovely waitress was forthcoming with her icebox :007)

    Its important to keep your meat and veg fresh..... ;)

    There goes the Bond wit. Seriously, the more I read about this, the more I think you and Bondtoys are up to NO good :)) Which is of course, always a good thing when done with moderation, and most of all, BOND STYLE! :D

    i'll take that as a compliment.....

    BTW Jack Lord is my fav amazing man, I bought some of his personal effects after his sad passing....

    did you know he was quite an established artist....

    " He studied at New York University on a football scholarship and majored in art - his paintings are hung in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and other galleries. "I'd rather paint than eat," he once said. "I'm using acting as a way of getting my name before the public. Then my pictures will have a name value." In fact the Metropolitan purchased a lithograph when Lord was plain J.J. Ryan and only 18 years old."

    he was also originally tabled to play felix in goldfinger...but cubby blocked it, worried that this might overshadow Connery's bond....

    which is ironic as Lord's real name was John Joseph Patrick Ryan, the name of Tom Clancy's CIA hero ....
    and both Felix and Ryan's first screen appearance was opposite ......Sean Connery...

  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Ah, see! I didn't know about Jack Lord also being an artist, had no idea. I literally found out more about him by becoming a fan of the new Hawaii Five 0 (I know many fans of the original who watch it and think that the new version is great, even if it's different from the original, so if you're into it, you should check it out!). I remembered the theme and Lord's McGarrett but very vaguely... I watched a few scenes etc on youtube just to try and remember more about it. I wasn't even born when the original started airing :))

    But, I agree, Lord was a very good actor, and I also agree his Leiter is the best (it's the original after all). He had great style for the part (and a great haircut, too :)) ) and of course was very convincing.

    What a coincidence about the name and the appearance opposite Sean Connery... sometimes life is strange. Just like when you and Bondtoys team up :)) (and of course the previous post was meant as a compliment)
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Oh Ale............ White Collar is backkkkkkk. :D

    I am so happy we get to have Matt again, so far the season is starting out great! I love that show!

    Btw...did you know he sings????? I saw him at Christmas time on the Kennedy Center Honors and he sang a Broadway show tune! I was shocked! He's pretty good too! Man of many talents. ;)
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    Oh Ale............ White Collar is backkkkkkk. :D

    I am so happy we get to have Matt again, so far the season is starting out great! I love that show!

    Btw...did you know he sings????? I saw him at Christmas time on the Kennedy Center Honors and he sang a Broadway show tune! I was shocked! He's pretty good too! Man of many talents. ;)

    Oh hell yeah White Collar is baaaackkk :D And so is our Thomas Crown meets Bond favorite character!

    It's such a good thing to have Matt Bomer to regularly drool over again :)) :)) Of course I know he sings! I can tell you do not follow the White Collar writers on Twitter, do you? They posted MANY a videos from set with both Bomer and DeKay singing, the singing is one of the "things" on the White Collar set... clearly Bomer is a man of many talents. By the way, have you ever seen that absolutely HILARIOUS video with Bomer and DeKay dancing with the new Wii game at Comic Con? With a kid in the middle who was hilarious for how miserable he was :)) :))

    That was possibly the coolest thing ever two actors did at Comic Con... Needless to say Bomer kicked ass :)) It's too bad he can never be Bond, but it's still good to be able to see a man with such a distinct sense of style on TV every week! :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    edited January 2011
    A quick note while I gloat :))

    FINALLY someone has listened to me and Minka Kelly has INDEED been cast as one of the new Charlie's Angels! Yay! Stylish, gorgeous, sexy, she's the perfect Jaclyn Smith replacement. -{

    She plays Marisa, "described as a former U.S. Marine, a weapons expert trained in all forms of hand-to-head combat, and a neat freak." Wow.

    I guess this means we can't have her as a Bond girl for now... or can we? Maybe this will actually help her case, make her more well-known (not that she isn't already, but this will probably be one of the big hits of the fall, so..)

    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    A quick note while I gloat :))

    FINALLY someone has listened to me and Minka Kelly has INDEED been cast as one of the new Charlie's Angels! Yay! Stylish, gorgeous, sexy, she's the perfect Jaclyn Smith replacement. -{

    She plays Marisa, "described as a former U.S. Marine, a weapons expert trained in all forms of hand-to-head combat, and a neat freak." Wow.

    I guess this means we can't have her as a Bond girl for now... or can we? Maybe this will actually help her case, make her more well-known (not that she isn't already, but this will probably be one of the big hits of the fall, so..)



    Your gloat just floated my boat....

    Thx alessandra :p
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Hahah you're welcome Paul!

    I'm glad you approve of Minka Kelly. I looove her. I loved her character on Friday Night Lights (especially with my favourite, Tim Riggins, who was played by Taylor Kitsch). I said even on here I wanted her to replace Jaclyn Smith on the new Charlie's Angels and.. there it is! :D I'm very happy for her as I think she hasn't been very lucky with parts on TV lately, she was cast in a couple of pilots but it all went wrong (not for her, for the entire pilot LOL). This is sure going to be one of the big hits of the fall, so I'm really pleased!

    Not to mention, with the part she plays in the new Charlie's Angels, she has more of a chance to be cast as a Bond girl thinking about it! :D Henry Cavill as Bond and Minka Kelly as Bond girl.. I would think 90% of the world population would go see it if only to stare at one of them :)) :))
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Hey girls,

    Ever seen 'The Mentalist'? staring Simon Baker


    Now, I don't normally go for Blonds, (apart from Daniel of course ;) ) but well, there is something about him.... and I've just seen ads for the new series.... worth sky+ ing or not?
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited January 2011
    we have had "The Recruit" tonight on TV and I must say, that Bridget Moynahan was stunning. Wow! :o

    She would have made a very good "smart and equal" Bond Girl, what happened to her?

    P.S. My wife HATES Colin Farell? How are the ladies here feeling about him?
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    we have had "The Recruit" tonight on TV and I must say, that Bridget Moynahan was stunning. Wow! :o

    She would have made a very good "smart and equal" Bond Girl, what happened to her?

    P.S. My wife HATES Colin Farell? How are the ladies here feeling about him?

    well hate is a very strong word.... but I don't like him either..... or Brad Pitt.... or George Clooney.

    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Lexi wrote:

    well hate is a very strong word....

    well, she leaves the room. She refused even to discussing to watch a movie where he's in :D

    Coming back to Bridget Moynahan: She seems to be pretty tall. Not a problem for me ;%
    But maybe for Dannyboy.... :))
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:

    Coming back to Bridget Moynahan: She seems to be pretty tall. Not a problem for me ;%
    But maybe for Dannyboy.... :))

    a man that likes a taller woman.... well that says a lot about the man ;)

    However I doubt they would ever cast Bond with one.... (although Grace Jones was the exception...although not a very good one :# )

    Bridget is pretty.... not familiar with the programme you mention though.
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Lexi... I LOOOOOVE Simon Baker. Loved him ever since "The Devil Wears Prada". He's great. And "The Mentalist" is a great series. Procedural, but not the usual trite one. And he's really good in it (he's had award nominations and whatnot for it). .

    Now, Bondtoys, about Colin Farrell... I need to talk to your wife. I HATED him too. Until I A) saw him in Miami Vice and B) met him at a club in NYC, where he was checking me out (I am not bragging, I didn't even freaking notice, my friend had to tell me! :)) ). He is... I can't explain. He's got that something. He's not incredibly attractive but he oozes mystery and sexiness in person. Mind you, before Miami Vice and before seeing him in person I couldn't stand him either :))

    Bridget Moynahan: GORGEOUS. Love her, and she's so classy, too. But yeah, very tall. Don't think they'd cast her with Craig. I don't think they'd cast her with Cavill either because she's older than him :)) You should watch "Six Degrees" she was in it, and while the show was short-lived (only one season) she was the lead so you will get to enjoy her! :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
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