Bond Girl Style Watercooler



  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Fry it in Loads of Batter and serve with Lashings of Mushy Peas and Chips. :p
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Halcon wrote:
    zaphod wrote:
    Monique wrote:

    That is just wrong! To only cater to flat chested women is foolish as it's excluding a huge part of the population! Us busty girls will take our business where we are appreciated like VS! :) And I stand behind what I said about their models, on the American website the girls have thin, boyish figures and are very flat chested. Edgy maybe, but that image with lingerie isn't sexy in my opinion, and it's completely lost on me.
    Me too. Also have been underwhelmed by the tendency for Boobless Tomboys in recent cinema. Bring on the curves and a sense of classic glamour

    The women in La Perla ads are incredibly sexy...much more so than in the VS fact, VS is getting a bit too close to that 'ghetto' line, and by ghetto i mean lacking in class (anybody catch the last VS show?). it wouldnt be a stretch to imagine kim kardashian in a VS ad...but that would NEVER happen in La Perla.

    plus, the only VS model i ever thought was trully sexy doesnt pose for VS anymore, she was blonde and had a lot of freckles....cant remember her name but man was she incredible to look at.

    i love a curvy, voluptous, lady as much as the next guy, but the ladies in La Perla are no tomboys buddy.

    I second Halcon's post. Each and every word. La Perla is classy and sexy... I've never seen anything anywhere near a tomboy in it. They do NOT want women with cups D in their ads or with super big boobs. Because it is vulgar to have that in a lingerie ad. They want B cup. And I actually find that ok, because the vast majority of the population covers that size. I love Gisele Bundchen (Tom Brady's wife, former Victoria's Secret model) and she's just one of the last few supermodels out there, she has posed for all the major stylists in the world (and she's been on their runways, needless to say). She now has her own business to attend to, and doesn't pose for VS anymore.

    This is the homepage. Seriously? That girl sure isn't a tomboy. She is very feminine and sexy. And refined.
    Hi, do you Bond women know to cook ? What dish would you prepare in a dinner for Bond ?

    Sorry I just busted out laughing because nobody would EVER ask me that question, seen as I am known for my passion for food and cooking, and being Italian that means I'm REALLY into it (family of gourmets and chefs among other things LOL)

    If you want to know what I'd prepare I need to know what season and for what occasion. The menu will change accordingly. If it was right now it would be this

    Antipasto (appetizer) Culatello di Zibello
    Tortino di verdure con béchamel al timo (vegetable tortino with béchamel thyme sauce)
    Tortino di patate e prezzemolo al taleggio con vellutata ai porri (potato and parsley tortino with taleggio cheese and leek velouté sauce)

    Primo piatto (entree)
    Casoncelli (it's my family's recipe and casoncelli is a type of stuffed pasta, ravioli like but with a different shape. The stuffing is typical of this area and is my grandma's secret recipe. Zero meat, only breadcrumbs, egg, parmsan, parsley and a couple other things I won't reveal). It's not just refined and made by hand one by one (My mom and I made 250 last Christmas!) but also incredibly good. Bond would DEFINITELY approve, and he'd know about it just because I would have thought him. Not many chefs now about this. And they most certainly don't know my grandma's recipe! (my grandma owned a restaurant).

    Secondo piatto (main)
    Anatra all'arancia (Canard à l'orange)

    Assorted Italian cheese from Langhe (oh Bond would DEFINITELY know..this is just and only for gourmets, and it's a selection of goat milk, sheep milk and cow milk cheese from the Piedmont area called Langhe)

    Ananas al maraschino con arance (Pineapple and orange with maraschino. Maraschino is an Italian sweet liquor).

    Semifreddo all'arancia con scaglie di cioccolato fondente (Orange cream semifreddo with dark chocolate crumbs).


    For the appetizers: FIANO from Planeta
    For the entrée: Sancerre rouge
    For the duck: Back to the FIANO from Planeta
    For the dessert: Moscato Passito di Pantelleria Donnafugata or Sauterne Ch. D'Yquem

    Please note, all the dishes are homemade from scratch (and yes I make all of that stuff.. we've just had that menu for New Year's Eve at my house!).

    NEVER provoque me on food and wine. :v Or stilettos :)) :))
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • jamesfanjamesfan Posts: 56MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    Halcon wrote:
    zaphod wrote:
    Me too. Also have been underwhelmed by the tendency for Boobless Tomboys in recent cinema. Bring on the curves and a sense of classic glamour

    The women in La Perla ads are incredibly sexy...much more so than in the VS fact, VS is getting a bit too close to that 'ghetto' line, and by ghetto i mean lacking in class (anybody catch the last VS show?). it wouldnt be a stretch to imagine kim kardashian in a VS ad...but that would NEVER happen in La Perla.

    plus, the only VS model i ever thought was trully sexy doesnt pose for VS anymore, she was blonde and had a lot of freckles....cant remember her name but man was she incredible to look at.

    i love a curvy, voluptous, lady as much as the next guy, but the ladies in La Perla are no tomboys buddy.

    I second Halcon's post. Each and every word. La Perla is classy and sexy... I've never seen anything anywhere near a tomboy in it. They do NOT want women with cups D in their ads or with super big boobs. Because it is vulgar to have that in a lingerie ad. They want B cup. And I actually find that ok, because the vast majority of the population covers that size. I love Gisele Bundchen (Tom Brady's wife, former Victoria's Secret model) and she's just one of the last few supermodels out there, she has posed for all the major stylists in the world (and she's been on their runways, needless to say). She now has her own business to attend to, and doesn't pose for VS anymore.

    This is the homepage. Seriously? That girl sure isn't a tomboy. She is very feminine and sexy. And refined.
    Hi, do you Bond women know to cook ? What dish would you prepare in a dinner for Bond ?

    Sorry I just busted out laughing because nobody would EVER ask me that question, seen as I am known for my passion for food and cooking, and being Italian that means I'm REALLY into it (family of gourmets and chefs among other things LOL)

    If you want to know what I'd prepare I need to know what season and for what occasion. The menu will change accordingly. If it was right now it would be this

    Antipasto (appetizer) Culatello di Zibello
    Tortino di verdure con béchamel al timo (vegetable tortino with béchamel thyme sauce)
    Tortino di patate e prezzemolo al taleggio con vellutata ai porri (potato and parsley tortino with taleggio cheese and leek velouté sauce)

    Primo piatto (entree)
    Casoncelli (it's my family's recipe and casoncelli is a type of stuffed pasta, ravioli like but with a different shape. The stuffing is typical of this area and is my grandma's secret recipe. Zero meat, only breadcrumbs, egg, parmsan, parsley and a couple other things I won't reveal). It's not just refined and made by hand one by one (My mom and I made 250 last Christmas!) but also incredibly good. Bond would DEFINITELY approve, and he'd know about it just because I would have thought him. Not many chefs now about this. And they most certainly don't know my grandma's recipe! (my grandma owned a restaurant).

    Secondo piatto (main)
    Anatra all'arancia (Canard à l'orange)

    Assorted Italian cheese from Langhe (oh Bond would DEFINITELY know..this is just and only for gourmets, and it's a selection of goat milk, sheep milk and cow milk cheese from the Piedmont area called Langhe)

    Ananas al maraschino con arance (Pineapple and orange with maraschino. Maraschino is an Italian sweet liquor).

    Semifreddo all'arancia con scaglie di cioccolato fondente (Orange cream semifreddo with dark chocolate crumbs).


    For the appetizers: FIANO from Planeta
    For the entrée: Sancerre rouge
    For the duck: Back to the FIANO from Planeta
    For the dessert: Moscato Passito di Pantelleria Donnafugata or Sauterne Ch. D'Yquem

    Please note, all the dishes are homemade from scratch (and yes I make all of that stuff.. we've just had that menu for New Year's Eve at my house!).

    NEVER provoque me on food and wine. :v Or stilettos :)) :))

    Sounds great also. Congratulations !
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    ke02eww wrote:
    ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. .......

    I guess, that it's not entertaining enough to him, that all the Bond girls are jumping on me because of my botox speculations :D

    And hey, leave that captain alone!
    He's a hero -


    With humble apologies to all Italians, especially the gorgeous alessandra (ops I had a halcyon moment there...) but as usual winston seems appropriate.....

    "Late in his life, Sir Winston churchill took a cruise on an Italian ship. A
    journalist from a New York newspaper approached the former prime minister
    to ask him why he chose to travel on an Italian line when the Queen
    Elizabeth under the British flag was available.

    Churchill gave the question his consideration and then gravely replied.

    'There are three things I like about Italian ships.
    First, their cuisine,which is unsurpassed.
    Second, their service, which is quite superb.
    And then - in time of emergency - there is none of this nonsense about women and children first'

    As to the globen golds nonsense, Im sorry but even the delicious Kate B looked ordinary...

    I'm going to save my saliva for the pics alessandra has promised once dhl has worked it's magic... :007)

    Semper fi
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    ke02eww wrote:

    And then - in time of emergency - there is none of this nonsense about women and children first'

    :)) and now my italian espresso is on my white shirt..... 8-)

    Thanks for the quote, old friend, Churchill never fails to amaze me ;)
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    I second Halcon's post. Each and every word. La Perla is classy and sexy... I've never seen anything anywhere near a tomboy in it. They do NOT want women with cups D in their ads or with super big boobs. Because it is vulgar to have that in a lingerie ad.

    And I'm a D and I've never once been called vulgar. All of my lingerie is classy and tasteful, and I've never had any complaints. :v Maybe you should just allow people to agree or disagree, and have their own opinion on the matter. You don't have to be an expert on every subject known to man!
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,447Chief of Staff
    Monique wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    I second Halcon's post. Each and every word. La Perla is classy and sexy... I've never seen anything anywhere near a tomboy in it. They do NOT want women with cups D in their ads or with super big boobs. Because it is vulgar to have that in a lingerie ad.

    And I'm a D and I've never once been called vulgar. All of my lingerie is classy and tasteful, and I've never had any complaints. :v

    Hi Mo, I'm almost tempted to ask for pics then we can decide if you look vulgar or not :v ;% :D

    But I think I shall stay away from doing so as I don't like getting my face slapped :( :))
    Monique wrote:
    Maybe you should just allow people to agree or disagree, and have their own opinion on the matter. You don't have to be an expert on every subject known to man!

    I can't understand why high fashion decides to go down the 'stick-thin model' route...women should have don't see many people trying to climb flat mountains ! ;%
    YNWA 97
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    I second Halcon's post. Each and every word. La Perla is classy and sexy... I've never seen anything anywhere near a tomboy in it. They do NOT want women with cups D in their ads or with super big boobs. Because it is vulgar to have that in a lingerie ad.

    And I'm a D and I've never once been called vulgar. All of my lingerie is classy and tasteful, and I've never had any complaints. :v Maybe you should just allow people to agree or disagree, and have their own opinion on the matter. You don't have to be an expert on every subject known to man!

    But I never said that anyone having a cup D is vulgar! That is not what I said at all, I said it is vulgar in a lingerie ad! It's too much exposure in a photograph! Never even remotely implied that all people who are busty are vulgar, good for them if they are, it would be vulgar to photograph lingerie with D cups for an ad though, because it's too much for a photograph that's supposed to reach out to the average! That's all I said. The VS models are all B to C cups as well. I would never dare to offend anyone here, let alone call you vulgar. Why would I? Never thought that for a sec. I think you're a bit too sensitive on the subject here. I merely talked about La Perla and you went on a crusade against the brand. Everyone has their opinions of course, but you're the one who called the La Perla women manly so to that I replied because I really don't think it's a fair assessment. And I explained what I meant because you misunderstood (twice, given your reaction to this). I never said, thought, or implied that everyone with a cup D is vulgar. I said it would be vulgar in a lingerie ad. Which it would, in fact no lingerie famous brands have cup D models. That doesn't mean YOU are vulgar at all, of course you're not, you've always been more than nice and well behaved why would I think or imply something like that? And that's all I'll add on the matter.
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    ke02eww wrote:
    Bondtoys wrote:
    ke02eww wrote:
    ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. .......

    I guess, that it's not entertaining enough to him, that all the Bond girls are jumping on me because of my botox speculations :D

    And hey, leave that captain alone!
    He's a hero -


    With humble apologies to all Italians, especially the gorgeous alessandra (ops I had a halcyon moment there...) but as usual winston seems appropriate.....

    "Late in his life, Sir Winston churchill took a cruise on an Italian ship. A
    journalist from a New York newspaper approached the former prime minister
    to ask him why he chose to travel on an Italian line when the Queen
    Elizabeth under the British flag was available.

    Churchill gave the question his consideration and then gravely replied.

    'There are three things I like about Italian ships.
    First, their cuisine,which is unsurpassed.
    Second, their service, which is quite superb.
    And then - in time of emergency - there is none of this nonsense about women and children first'

    As to the globen golds nonsense, Im sorry but even the delicious Kate B looked ordinary...

    I'm going to save my saliva for the pics alessandra has promised once dhl has worked it's magic... :007)

    Semper fi

    :)) the Churchill quote is absolutely perfect! No apologies needed :)) Especially since it of course doesn't represent the average but it DOES describe the captain of that ship perfectly! :))

    Oh come on now, I'm not NEARLY as pretty as Kate B (I thought she looked great) or any of those gorgeous actresses (Charlize Theron? Heck not even Angelina Jolie :)) And I'm not a big fan of hers). I just got the dress this morning. And no, I'm not posting photos :)) After the wedding photos have been taken (I'm wearing it at a wedding) I'll see if there's a decent one :))
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    inappropriate ad :D

    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    inappropriate ad :D


    hehehehehehe, super norks, hehehehehehehehe
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    But I never said that anyone having a cup D is vulgar! That is not what I said at all, I said it is vulgar in a lingerie ad! It's too much exposure in a photograph! Never even remotely implied that all people who are busty are vulgar, good for them if they are, it would be vulgar to photograph lingerie with D cups for an ad though, because it's too much for a photograph that's supposed to reach out to the average! That's all I said. The VS models are all B to C cups as well. I would never dare to offend anyone here, let alone call you vulgar. Why would I? Never thought that for a sec. I think you're a bit too sensitive on the subject here. I merely talked about La Perla and you went on a crusade against the brand. Everyone has their opinions of course, but you're the one who called the La Perla women manly so to that I replied because I really don't think it's a fair assessment. And I explained what I meant because you misunderstood (twice, given your reaction to this). I never said, thought, or implied that everyone with a cup D is vulgar. I said it would be vulgar in a lingerie ad. Which it would, in fact no lingerie famous brands have cup D models. That doesn't mean YOU are vulgar at all, of course you're not, you've always been more than nice and well behaved why would I think or imply something like that? And that's all I'll add on the matter.

    Good, I'm glad to hear that I misunderstood you! Thank you for clarifying. I'm sorry for overreacting, but the word vulgar can make anyone sensitive. I am not on any crusade against La Perla! I respect their reputation. I was expressing my impression of some of their models, and practices, and obviously I am not their target customer. Right or wrong, it's just the material that I have seen. I didn't say manly, or that they aren't glamorous, but for lack of a better word, boyish, kind of pixie thin, more edgy. We don't have to agree on that at all.
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    ke02eww wrote:
    ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. .......

    I guess, that it's not entertaining enough to him, that all the Bond girls are jumping on me because of my botox speculations :D

    And hey, leave that captain alone!
    He's a hero - just slipped accidentially into the lifeboat while organizing the rescue :D




    I feel a little sorry for this guy. Nobody really knows how they will act when death is a possible outcome. However, like in war I imagine there is a moment when you battle with concience and fear and pull yourself out of it say "fu*k it, gotta die sometime" and do what you've got to do. Once you get your head around dying, it doesn't really seem to matter anymore. That's been my experience. This emotion clearly escaped this man, forever labelled a coward with the death of people on his hands. Ironically for this cowardly man, he'll most probably face up to his lack of character down the line and take his own life anyway. The shame and guilt will take it's toll in the end for sure. His chances would have faired better to stay put and co-ordinate events. Personally, I'd rather die a lion than a lamb any day...

    On another note. I have served in the same theatre of operations as French, Yanks, Aussies, Danish, Spanish, kiwis, too many African nations to mention, Canadians, Norweigens, Dutch and Italians. I would pick any one man of these countries to fight alongside over ten Italians. What is it about these guys?
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    edited January 2012
    Bondtoys wrote:
    inappropriate ad :D


    :)) :)) :)) :))

    Monique, I'm very glad to have clarified I really never even remotely meant anything more than commenting on the ad campaign picks, and I love everyone on here dearly, especially the Bond girls (yes boys we DO stick together especially when it's needed and we're Bond girls). I'd never even think of offending anyone, least of all you.

    Regarding fighting, I'm not a fighter but I beg to differ about the picks... this dude who was the captain is ONE person out of an entire nation. I know for a fact (friends and family in the navy/air force both here in Italy and in the US) that Italian pilots for example are the most sought-after because they're extremely good and rank in the top three best-trained groups. So I don't think it's fair to say that anyone is braver than an Italian, that certainly isn't the case for pilots for example.

    This guy is just a moron like many others worldwide who was in a position he clearly didn't deserve (like many others worldwide, again). I highly doubt he'll take his life, people in his hometown are still calling him a hero :)) He'll just have a sad life because of course his career is over and he'll have to make do with something else. I most certainly hope that depression doesn't get the best of him and I hope he learns and he moves on and becomes a better human being after all this. But he must pay the price for what he did, and I'm quite sure he will seen as he'll probably spend quite a few years in jail (and not for not staying on the ship but for making that imprudent move of going way too near the coast in the first place).
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    But I never said that anyone having a cup D is vulgar! That is not what I said at all, I said it is vulgar in a lingerie ad! It's too much exposure in a photograph! Never even remotely implied that all people who are busty are vulgar, good for them if they are, it would be vulgar to photograph lingerie with D cups for an ad though, because it's too much for a photograph that's supposed to reach out to the average! That's all I said. The VS models are all B to C cups as well. I would never dare to offend anyone here, let alone call you vulgar. Why would I? Never thought that for a sec. I think you're a bit too sensitive on the subject here. I merely talked about La Perla and you went on a crusade against the brand. Everyone has their opinions of course, but you're the one who called the La Perla women manly so to that I replied because I really don't think it's a fair assessment. And I explained what I meant because you misunderstood (twice, given your reaction to this). I never said, thought, or implied that everyone with a cup D is vulgar. I said it would be vulgar in a lingerie ad. Which it would, in fact no lingerie famous brands have cup D models. That doesn't mean YOU are vulgar at all, of course you're not, you've always been more than nice and well behaved why would I think or imply something like that? And that's all I'll add on the matter.

    Good, I'm glad to hear that I misunderstood you! Thank you for clarifying. I'm sorry for overreacting, but the word vulgar can make anyone sensitive. I am not on any crusade against La Perla! I respect their reputation. I was expressing my impression of some of their models, and practices, and obviously I am not their target customer. Right or wrong, it's just the material that I have seen. I didn't say manly, or that they aren't glamorous, but for lack of a better word, boyish, kind of pixie thin, more edgy. We don't have to agree on that at all.

    As a double D myself.... it's interesting that to shoot a 'tasteful' lingerie ad, you have to be a B or smaller.... implying that anything bigger is 'non tasteful' (don't like the word vulgar, far too harsh...) On the other hand, if you are anything bigger than a B, or C - then something considered less tasteful, say FHM, page 3, or playboy is quite acceptable.

    So, big busted implies less 'tasteful'. That is such a shame. And I think Le perla are cutting out a large group of women who feel that way, due to their ads. (And woman will… when their body shape is NEVER catered for :# )

    We are bombarded with ads of 'underweight' girls... and the press have finally highlighted the fact. Runway models are often very underweight... and the fact that they have to BAN size 0 models, just goes to show how skewed it all is. (ALthough I don't think Europe has caught up with that.... :s )

    I consider myself a curvy girl....hence the DD. However, I was once very thin, and consequently a B cup. In fact I was too thin... and my health suffered because of it. So at my natural weight... I will always be a D+ size. The fact that I'm considered too busty to be 'tasteful' doesn't offend me so much - hey, I know what most men like, and that's some meat on the bones, rather than jutting ribs and hips. Nothing is less attractive that an underfed girl - so I’m old enough not to be affected by that. But there are a lot of younger, and naïver girls out there that aren’t.

    It's just a shame that the modelling world hasn't quite caught up with that fact. Or advertisers for that matter. It's fine if you fit the cookie cutter mould, i.e. you're 5"6 with a size 6 shoe.... but when you're 6"1... not a model size 10 and have a size 9 shoe... well you can feel a bit of a freak. (Ironically it's usually 6"+ models that are in the ads... but they are always smaller than a size 10 - something that my frame just couldn't handle....) Yet on the high street, the average sizing of clothes is for the average size woman of 5" 6 :s Shopping when I was a teenager was a nightmare… and you can never find designer shoes larger than an 8. When I was at school, I had to wear mens shoes.... and that does NOTHING for a girls confidence when hitting puberty... :#

    As long as we are comparing ourselves to the unattainable, or to what the advertisers think is ‘tasteful’ then no woman who are larger than a size 10/12 or larger than a D cup bra (unless you’re looking at porn ) ) will be happy with her weight... and consequently have body issues.

    Just my take on it….. :D
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    The Italian reputation for cowardice came about when some 40,000 Brit troops routed 200,000 in WW2 but acc to piece in the i newspaper, it only told part of the story, the other being national disunity, disillusionment with the war and so on.

    A very odd juxtaposition these posts, secretagent's sober thoughts and bust size... :o
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    On the subjects of breasts and bra sizes - a D cup is close to perfection. A double D is the Holy Grail! The ultimate shape, the right amount of perkiness, the rounded perfection... oh god, I've got to stop there... :#

    Lexi - any pics to prove you're what you say you are? :))

    Can't blame a guy for trying...
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    you can try tsa but don't expect a lady to response :D

    Now giving a bit of a counterpart to the Scettino-bashing:
    I have been talking with a cruiser captain and he told me, that the "bedding" of the ship near the coast was a very good move after all the crap that he did previously and I am sure, that this saved a lot of people's lifes.

    Regarding the national thing:

    Like Mr. Greene said (almost): We have a..holes everywhere
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent

    Lexi - any pics to prove you're what you say you are? :))

    :)) :)) :))


    (However flattery an all.... ) ;)
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    Hi, this seems like a fairly awkward part of this conversation to join, but thought I would anyway(-:

    I've read some of the first pages of the thread, considering I'm another girl, thought I might join in. I'm a fair bt younger than most here, and can sometimes feel like a freak. I am quite lean, a little gangly as I have very long legs, big size nine feet (so yes, mens school shoes are on the agenda) and I'm not as developed as the others my own age. Slowly.
    I think that media is dreadful, and refrain from watching a lot of t.v because of it. BUT IT'S EVERYWHERE. Models are far to skinny, making many woman and even some men feel very uncomfortable and insecure about their bodies. I wouldn't mind some curves, but I'm almost a stick ahahha! Some celebrities weigh so little these days, it'a horrible.Their bones stick and rut out of their bodies, yes Posh Spice I'm talking to you.
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Mrs.Bryce wrote:
    Hi, this seems like a fairly awkward part of this conversation to join, but thought I would anyway(-:

    I've read some of the first pages of the thread, considering I'm another girl, thought I might join in. I'm a fair bt younger than most here, and can sometimes feel like a freak. I am quite lean, a little gangly as I have very long legs, big size nine feet (so yes, mens school shoes are on the agenda) and I'm not as developed as the others my own age. Slowly.
    I think that media is dreadful, and refrain from watching a lot of t.v because of it. BUT IT'S EVERYWHERE. Models are far to skinny, making many woman and even some men feel very uncomfortable and insecure about their bodies. I wouldn't mind some curves, but I'm almost a stick ahahha! Some celebrities weigh so little these days, it'a horrible.Their bones stick and rut out of their bodies, yes Posh Spice I'm talking to you.

    Bless you... when is there a good time to jump in? But jump you did, and good for you :D

    Welcome to AJB, and the watercooler. As you can see LOTS of different topics are discussed, and we have a fair few men stopping by too... just to see what is going on :))

    Enjoy your stay.... you'll soon get to know everyone on here.

    (And try Evans for shoes.... they do some great girls/lady shoes, boots... etc in our size and at normal high street prices ;) )
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Couple of things while I'm awake..... :s

    Nothing much to add on the terrible events on the concordia.... I recently took a cruise and the emergency drill seemed pretty professional and effective... But to see the girl explaining to passengers lined up in a crowded enclosed space that all was well and they should return to their cabins while the electrical fault was fixed was seriously disturbing...
    However BT is right (yep it happens) having ruptured the bow the best course is to bed the liner and evacuate....

    Ive steered clear of the size debate.... Seemed one that the ladies were able to manage on their own (with a few minor scuffles 8-) ) and one that men usually end up adding gratuitous giggles to... 8-) .... But naps observation of the strange juxtaposition of the two discussions was particularly apt... {[]

    And welcome mrs.Bryce!

    You'll find a lot of smart, elegant and above all normal female company on here, especially in this haven of the 'cooler....

    Semper fi
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    Thanks from both you and Lexi, Ke02eww!

    Thanks for the pointers on shoes, I can never find any of the right styles in my size!
    I see about the men, I found the discussion at the begining of the thread about where it should be placed on the site rather funny :))

    Also, may I ask, as I know there are claims on which Bond men are whose, who is still up for grabs? ;%
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Mrs.Bryce wrote:
    Thanks from both you and Lexi, Ke02eww!

    Thanks for the pointers on shoes, I can never find any of the right styles in my size!
    I see about the men, I found the discussion at the begining of the thread about where it should be placed on the site rather funny :))

    Also, may I ask, as I know there are claims on which Bond men are whose, who is still up for grabs? ;%

    Welcome here! :D

    Hm, I'm afraid that nobody is up for grabs except maybe George Lazenby! :)) But hey, we've learned to share when necessary :)) So whoever is your favourite, go ahead and claim.

    Re: the size. I don't think most (photo) models are too slim. They have perfect bodies in most cases: slim with boobs, which is the ideal. RUNWAY models however can definitely be skinny in some cases, depending on what the stylist is using. I find the Prada/Gucci ones the worst in general. While instead Armani, Ralph Lauren, Valentino generally have just beautiful models. The most famous supermodels aren't too slim at all, they're perfect: Gisele Bundchen, Alessandra Ambrosio, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Elle McPherson, Naomi Campbell, and my adored Yasmeen Ghauri all have beautiful bodies. Then of course there's Kate Moss but I don't consider her a supermodel, but only a product of incredibly twisted advertising. And I find her extremely unattractive in terms of face (to say it the blunt way, I think she is ugly :)) ). SHE is too skinny but again that's not due to fashion at all but to her well-known, uhm, on-the-side habits? :)) And she still doesn't represent the majority of models, thankfully. And I think the biggest problem today's society has (and it's documented) is obesity, certainly not being underweight. Eating disorders do not equal "you're too thin" , they actually mostly hit overweight people who have a very wrong dietary and exercising lifestyle in the first place. And they're mostly psychological, so nothing to do with trying to lose weight per se. And while we're at it: I hate the double standard with the name calling. People need to STOP calling slim, fit people "sticks" and "skinny" (or skinny bitches as often happens :)) ). If it's not ok for me being slim and fit to call someone who's overweight "fat" then it's not ok for anyone to call me stick or skinny.

    Now back to more interesting business: do any of the Bond girls here live by the sea? Because going by the latest news it seems like they may try and go keep Bond company while they're filming, seen as tropical locations are out of question for budgetary reasons? Now, wanting to do that when it's freezing in Britain in March takes some suicidal intentions, but hey if one is in love enough with the current Bond, anything can be done :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    Well, if people can share with me weowowo!
    I pick Rog :x
    Can't help myself :D

    Some very good points there! Yes, I too think that the runway models are worse than other models, and I agree that the models you mentioned have very beautiful, healthy looking bodies. Obesity is a problem, and I don't think it's taken very seriously either. Take away and fast food, in my opinion, really shouldn't be allowed to advertise to the extent that they do, considering they're false a lot of the time. And yeah, I don't find Kate Moss attractive at all, she looks half stoned most of the time.. :v Her smoking is quite a turn off too!

    Now to the more interesting business, unfortunately no. :))
    And I don't believe I'm anywhere near filming either :(
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    Now, wanting to do that when it's freezing in Britain in March takes some suicidal intentions, but hey if one is in love enough with the current Bond, anything can be done :D

    Well as you know, that would be me then.... and I'll go swimming with him anyday of the week, in Bogor or wherever. Heck, I'd swim the channel if I had too.... :D

    I guess this is where having a little extra meat on my bones comes in handy! ;)
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    And here's the face that sank a thousand ships - or one ship anyway.


    I don't think she had to swim for it, Lexi!
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    And here's the face that sank a thousand ships - or one ship anyway.

    I don't think she had to swim for it, Lexi!

    :)) :))

    Indeed, I wonder what the captain was actually doing when the ship hit the rocks.... getting his off instead perhaps ;)
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    It's hot where I am, but I'd still freeze to meet Daniel, there's something mysteriously sexy about him; I think the word I want to use is sultry. :D
    Actually, I'd probably freeze to see any celebrity I liked, but right now I'll exclude anyone that isn't James Bond :v

    Hahha! :))
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    Lexi wrote:
    I consider myself a curvy girl....hence the DD. However, I was once very thin, and consequently a B cup. In fact I was too thin... and my health suffered because of it. So at my natural weight... I will always be a D+ size. The fact that I'm considered too busty to be 'tasteful' doesn't offend me so much - hey, I know what most men like, and that's some meat on the bones, rather than jutting ribs and hips. Nothing is less attractive that an underfed girl - so I’m old enough not to be affected by that. But there are a lot of younger, and naïver girls out there that aren’t.

    Its nice that companies like Ultimo are catering for us curvy girls. It is actually a much bigger market than is projected and maybe if La Senza had stoped being so precious about small cup sizes thay wouldn't be in administration right now ... ;)
    Lexi wrote:
    ..... i.e. you're 5"6 with a size 6 shoe.... but when you're 6"1... not a model size 10 and have a size 9 shoe... well you can feel a bit of a freak. (Ironically it's usually 6"+ models that are in the ads... but they are always smaller than a size 10 - something that my frame just couldn't handle....) Yet on the high street, the average sizing of clothes is for the average size woman of 5" 6 :s

    Well, at 5'10" and a size 8 shoe I know where you are coming from ... though more and more places cater for my height now, for many years even 5'10" was a nightmare. It still is in some ways. They now cater for leg length but not body !! I have a long body and orangutan arms so tops/coats/jumpers are a real problem for me.

    Like you Lexi, I went through a phase in my 20's were I was very thin. I thought I looked fabulous but looking back on pics now I see it just wasn't right. My height and build was begging for some 'meat' ... I've rectified that problem since mind, maybe a bit too much :))

    NB ....New Look cater for bigger shoes ... If you want the cheap and cheerful route ...regularly see 9/10/11's in there .....

    And 'Hi' Mrs Bryce ... Welcome to the gang. This is were us girls hang out and a few of the boys who are more in touch with their femine side ... What country are you in ?? As you can see there a couple of us big footed girls here ... My nickname at school was 'Sasquatch' (nice) ... So maybe we can use our years of experience to help you out ....

    And btw ... Timothy Dalton is mine and I SHARE WITH NO ONE
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