Bond Girl Style Watercooler



  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent

    "You're quite welcome to him, I'm sure."
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Mrs.Bryce wrote:
    It's hot where I am, but I'd still freeze to meet Daniel, there's something mysteriously sexy about him; I think the word I want to use is sultry. :D
    Actually, I'd probably freeze to see any celebrity I liked, but right now I'll exclude anyone that isn't James Bond :v

    Hahha! :))

    Sorry, Mrs Bryce - and I realise you're new and all... but like Lady Rose says... I don't share either.... back of the Q for you! (I'd stick with ol Rog.... Daniel is all mine :)) )
    Lady Rose wrote:
    Its nice that companies like Ultimo are catering for us curvy girls. It is actually a much bigger market than is projected and maybe if La Senza had stoped being so precious about small cup sizes thay wouldn't be in administration right now ... ;)

    Indeed and wasn't one of the dragons involved... ? Theo Paphitis.... but can't help but think that if you're going to segregate the large part of the population then well you're asking for trouble - don't know if you've ever looked at Triumph - they had a bit of a 'older' person's image, but their lingerie is lovely - and really well made. Their cut's are really flattering for the curvy figure.... yet procotive at the same time. You can't help but feel sexy when you're wearing their underwear.
    Lady Rose wrote:
    Well, at 5'10" and a size 8 shoe I know where you are coming from ... though more and more places cater for my height now, for many years even 5'10" was a nightmare. It still is in some ways. They now cater for leg length but not body !! I have a long body and orangutan arms so tops/coats/jumpers are a real problem for me.

    Like you Lexi, I went through a phase in my 20's were I was very thin. I thought I looked fabulous but looking back on pics now I see it just wasn't right. My height and build was begging for some 'meat' ... I've rectified that problem since mind, maybe a bit too much :))

    :)) Yes indeed, getting long enough jeans is now not so much of a problem, but tops are all too short, and like you my arms are too long. Although I think Next now caters for the 'taller' girl... and that includes tops etc.

    (Thanks for the tip about New Look... ;) )
    Lady Rose wrote:
    And 'Hi' Mrs Bryce ... Welcome to the gang. This is were us girls hang out and a few of the boys who are more in touch with their femine side ... What country are you in ?? As you can see there a couple of us big footed girls here ... My nickname at school was 'Sasquatch' (nice) ... So maybe we can use our years of experience to help you out ....

    I remember once a girl at school holding up one of my shoes... and saying "bloody hell, I could cross the atlantic in that" - I was mortified at the time.... I laugh now though, because it was actually quite funny... but still, those kind of comments can hurt when you're in your teens.

    Oh, and Mrs Bryce, you can see - us girls are rather territorial when it comes to the Bond men.... (And don't get Ale started on Henry Cavill... she wants him as next Bond... and I don't think SHE will share either :)) )
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    jamesfan wrote:
    Hi, do you Bond women know to cook ? What dish would you prepare in a dinner for Bond ?

    Still thinking about this ... It wouldn't involve oysters though (gross :p ) .... Poss a Chateaubriand but that's not very imaginitive ( gorgeous but boring ) ...
    Fry it in Loads of Batter and serve with Lashings of Mushy Peas and Chips. :p

    You know what they say TP, 'you can take the girl out of the North ....' Love mushy peas ;%
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Lexi wrote:
    Monique wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    But I never said that anyone having a cup D is vulgar! That is not what I said at all, I said it is vulgar in a lingerie ad! It's too much exposure in a photograph! Never even remotely implied that all people who are busty are vulgar, good for them if they are, it would be vulgar to photograph lingerie with D cups for an ad though, because it's too much for a photograph that's supposed to reach out to the average! That's all I said. The VS models are all B to C cups as well. I would never dare to offend anyone here, let alone call you vulgar. Why would I? Never thought that for a sec. I think you're a bit too sensitive on the subject here. I merely talked about La Perla and you went on a crusade against the brand. Everyone has their opinions of course, but you're the one who called the La Perla women manly so to that I replied because I really don't think it's a fair assessment. And I explained what I meant because you misunderstood (twice, given your reaction to this). I never said, thought, or implied that everyone with a cup D is vulgar. I said it would be vulgar in a lingerie ad. Which it would, in fact no lingerie famous brands have cup D models. That doesn't mean YOU are vulgar at all, of course you're not, you've always been more than nice and well behaved why would I think or imply something like that? And that's all I'll add on the matter.

    Good, I'm glad to hear that I misunderstood you! Thank you for clarifying. I'm sorry for overreacting, but the word vulgar can make anyone sensitive. I am not on any crusade against La Perla! I respect their reputation. I was expressing my impression of some of their models, and practices, and obviously I am not their target customer. Right or wrong, it's just the material that I have seen. I didn't say manly, or that they aren't glamorous, but for lack of a better word, boyish, kind of pixie thin, more edgy. We don't have to agree on that at all.

    As a double D myself.... it's interesting that to shoot a 'tasteful' lingerie ad, you have to be a B or smaller.... implying that anything bigger is 'non tasteful' (don't like the word vulgar, far too harsh...) On the other hand, if you are anything bigger than a B, or C - then something considered less tasteful, say FHM, page 3, or playboy is quite acceptable.

    So, big busted implies less 'tasteful'. That is such a shame. And I think Le perla are cutting out a large group of women who feel that way, due to their ads. (And woman will… when their body shape is NEVER catered for :# )

    We are bombarded with ads of 'underweight' girls... and the press have finally highlighted the fact. Runway models are often very underweight... and the fact that they have to BAN size 0 models, just goes to show how skewed it all is. (ALthough I don't think Europe has caught up with that.... :s )

    I consider myself a curvy girl....hence the DD. However, I was once very thin, and consequently a B cup. In fact I was too thin... and my health suffered because of it. So at my natural weight... I will always be a D+ size. The fact that I'm considered too busty to be 'tasteful' doesn't offend me so much - hey, I know what most men like, and that's some meat on the bones, rather than jutting ribs and hips. Nothing is less attractive that an underfed girl - so I’m old enough not to be affected by that. But there are a lot of younger, and naïver girls out there that aren’t.

    It's just a shame that the modelling world hasn't quite caught up with that fact. Or advertisers for that matter. It's fine if you fit the cookie cutter mould, i.e. you're 5"6 with a size 6 shoe.... but when you're 6"1... not a model size 10 and have a size 9 shoe... well you can feel a bit of a freak. (Ironically it's usually 6"+ models that are in the ads... but they are always smaller than a size 10 - something that my frame just couldn't handle....) Yet on the high street, the average sizing of clothes is for the average size woman of 5" 6 :s Shopping when I was a teenager was a nightmare… and you can never find designer shoes larger than an 8. When I was at school, I had to wear mens shoes.... and that does NOTHING for a girls confidence when hitting puberty... :#

    As long as we are comparing ourselves to the unattainable, or to what the advertisers think is ‘tasteful’ then no woman who are larger than a size 10/12 or larger than a D cup bra (unless you’re looking at porn ) ) will be happy with her weight... and consequently have body issues.

    Just my take on it….. :D

    Beautifully said Lexi!! Thank you for saying what I was trying to, far more eloquently than I did! :x :)
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    edited January 2012
    Hahaa thank you for the welcome Lady Rose; don't worry, you can have Timmy. Oh, and Lexi I was merely admiring that you too have a well worth man, go cross that freezing water for him woman ;) I'd much prefer Roggy :x Sorry if I made you feel the need to release your inner territorialism, I know how things operate now ;)

    I'm in Australia, it's too warm, I'd much prefer any other month but tut tut, Summer's not too bad anywho! Thanks about the shoes Lady Rose! Yes, comments do kinda hurt sometimes, but yoi gotta take them in your stride (however big it is) :))

    That's an interesting comment! I'm not sure I'd no about dinner but I know what I'd cook him for breakfast! Half a pint of orange juice, three eggs, lightly scrambled, with bacon, a double portion of café Espresso with cream. Toast. Marmalade. :D
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Mrs.Bryce wrote:
    Well, if people can share with me weowowo!
    I pick Rog :x
    Can't help myself :D

    I was mentioning him while talking about Pierce in a previous post because both are actor's actors, as in, they make whoever is in the scene with them, and the leading lady especially, shine, even when they're undressing her :)) So, I think he's an absolutely excellent choice :D Classy, charming and good-looking. I can't help re-watching old episodes of The Persuaders from time to time and MAN was he good-looking!

    LOL Like Lexi said I do NOT share Henry (Cavill) (except with about half the world now that they have seen him in Immortals AND on the Superman set with those shirtless photos :)) ) BUT seen as I like both Pierce and Timothy a lot (and of course Sir Sean and Sir Rog), I have learnt to share the Bond actors when needed :)) Henry came in handy as my choice for the next Bond so I can have one AAAAALLL to myself :))
    Some very good points there! Yes, I too think that the runway models are worse than other models, and I agree that the models you mentioned have very beautiful, healthy looking bodies. Obesity is a problem, and I don't think it's taken very seriously either. Take away and fast food, in my opinion, really shouldn't be allowed to advertise to the extent that they do, considering they're false a lot of the time. And yeah, I don't find Kate Moss attractive at all, she looks half stoned most of the time.. :v Her smoking is quite a turn off too!

    Completely agree. Kate Moss is just all-around a no-no for me and yeah she DOES look half stoned most of the time, and the smoking, I agree, is quite a turn-off, too! I never understood what the deal quite was there. Never found her even remotely attractive and I was never "drawn" to the products she was advertising. But that's me. I completely agree about take away and fast food, too. A lot of people have horrible dietary habits and don't even realize what they're up for when they keep eating certain things. Obesity is a serious plague, and mis-information about appropriate exercising and eating causes a lot of damage. People think they can't eat to be slim which couldn't be more wrong. You can eat everything and be in good shape (which doesn't mean slim for everyone since based on different body types things change, but it sure doesn't mean overweight all the time either)... the key is learning to eat appropriate quantity and to have a varied and balanced diet. AND exercising. It's not a matter of simply looking good, it is primarily a matter of health. No exercising, no healthy habits, no body in good shape and in good health most of all. People join gyms without knowing what they're doing and that's not even necessary. Take your bycicle and ride a few kilometers (not many just a few) a day for starters. Costs nothing, eco-friendly and it'll do miracles for your body (and your spirit because that also makes you feel better in terms of mood). I don't understand how governments don't put this very simple habit into a campaign. Good for everyone, any age, and it really would help a lot of people.
    Now to the more interesting business, unfortunately no. :))
    And I don't believe I'm anywhere near filming either :(

    :)) it's too bad you're not near filming areas but hey... there's always a way for a Bond girl. We can concoct a plan :v (then you'll have to fight Lexi for it and I kind of think she'll have the upper hand because she is VERY motivated when it comes to Daniel Craig :)) :)) :)) )
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    Hahaha! It's all good, Lexi can have him, they're all good looking and was just admitting that Lexi got herself a treat with him, as I do with Rog :v
    And you can have Henry! Good plan with finding someone that no one else would have though! Nice one!

    And I agree that both Rog and Pierce are actor's actors very well written!
    Rog classy, sophisticated, handsome what isn't he ;)
    Have you seen him in his Saint days, very good looking indeed!

    I LOVE RIDING MY BIKE! That's a very good planl it's hard to understand the thoughts that go through government officials and politicians, but I'm telling you some of the things they implament are absurd! It's so logical to have something so simple implamented yet no one does. Crazy, I tell you! :))
  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    Lexi wrote:
    Monique wrote:

    Good, I'm glad to hear that I misunderstood you! Thank you for clarifying. I'm sorry for overreacting, but the word vulgar can make anyone sensitive. I am not on any crusade against La Perla! I respect their reputation. I was expressing my impression of some of their models, and practices, and obviously I am not their target customer. Right or wrong, it's just the material that I have seen. I didn't say manly, or that they aren't glamorous, but for lack of a better word, boyish, kind of pixie thin, more edgy. We don't have to agree on that at all.

    As a double D myself.... it's interesting that to shoot a 'tasteful' lingerie ad, you have to be a B or smaller.... implying that anything bigger is 'non tasteful' (don't like the word vulgar, far too harsh...) On the other hand, if you are anything bigger than a B, or C - then something considered less tasteful, say FHM, page 3, or playboy is quite acceptable.

    So, big busted implies less 'tasteful'. That is such a shame. And I think Le perla are cutting out a large group of women who feel that way, due to their ads. (And woman will… when their body shape is NEVER catered for :# )

    We are bombarded with ads of 'underweight' girls... and the press have finally highlighted the fact. Runway models are often very underweight... and the fact that they have to BAN size 0 models, just goes to show how skewed it all is. (ALthough I don't think Europe has caught up with that.... :s )

    I consider myself a curvy girl....hence the DD. However, I was once very thin, and consequently a B cup. In fact I was too thin... and my health suffered because of it. So at my natural weight... I will always be a D+ size. The fact that I'm considered too busty to be 'tasteful' doesn't offend me so much - hey, I know what most men like, and that's some meat on the bones, rather than jutting ribs and hips. Nothing is less attractive that an underfed girl - so I’m old enough not to be affected by that. But there are a lot of younger, and naïver girls out there that aren’t.

    It's just a shame that the modelling world hasn't quite caught up with that fact. Or advertisers for that matter. It's fine if you fit the cookie cutter mould, i.e. you're 5"6 with a size 6 shoe.... but when you're 6"1... not a model size 10 and have a size 9 shoe... well you can feel a bit of a freak. (Ironically it's usually 6"+ models that are in the ads... but they are always smaller than a size 10 - something that my frame just couldn't handle....) Yet on the high street, the average sizing of clothes is for the average size woman of 5" 6 :s Shopping when I was a teenager was a nightmare… and you can never find designer shoes larger than an 8. When I was at school, I had to wear mens shoes.... and that does NOTHING for a girls confidence when hitting puberty... :#

    As long as we are comparing ourselves to the unattainable, or to what the advertisers think is ‘tasteful’ then no woman who are larger than a size 10/12 or larger than a D cup bra (unless you’re looking at porn ) ) will be happy with her weight... and consequently have body issues.

    Just my take on it….. :D

    Beautifully said Lexi!! Thank you for saying what I was trying to, far more eloquently than I did! :x :)

    Curvy, DD, wide hips (super sexy), makes no fact a little stomach on a woman can be very long as she is ELEGANT, CLASSY, INTELLIGENT, and can hold interesting conversations... as you beautiful ladies have confirmed as you've matured.

    the self questioning, lack of confidence, comparisons, etc are simply a product of a younger age (as with everyone)... an attractive woman is fun to look at, but an attractive AND elegant woman is devastating...
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    the self questioning, lack of confidence, comparisons, etc are simply a product of a younger age (as with everyone)... an attractive woman is fun to look at, but an attractive AND elegant woman is devastating...

    That is for sure, Sir. Probably one of the many reasons why I am so nostalgic about the 50s/60s, when women were VERY elegant and well-kept and dressing up was a MUST, and being elegant was a MUST. Now? Lady Gaga and The Kardashians. :#
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Halcon wrote:
    Curvy, DD, wide hips (super sexy), makes no fact a little stomach on a woman can be very long as she is ELEGANT, CLASSY, INTELLIGENT, and can hold interesting conversations... as you beautiful ladies have confirmed as you've matured.

    the self questioning, lack of confidence, comparisons, etc are simply a product of a younger age (as with everyone)... an attractive woman is fun to look at, but an attractive AND elegant woman is devastating...

    I like you Halcon. :)
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    No Monique, read it again: he says you have to be elegant, classy, intelligent... {:)
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    Halcon wrote:
    Curvy, DD, wide hips (super sexy), makes no fact a little stomach on a woman can be very long as she is ELEGANT, CLASSY, INTELLIGENT, and can hold interesting conversations... as you beautiful ladies have confirmed as you've matured.

    the self questioning, lack of confidence, comparisons, etc are simply a product of a younger age (as with everyone)... an attractive woman is fun to look at, but an attractive AND elegant woman is devastating...

    I like you Halcon. :)

  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    the self questioning, lack of confidence, comparisons, etc are simply a product of a younger age (as with everyone)... an attractive woman is fun to look at, but an attractive AND elegant woman is devastating...

    That is for sure, Sir. Probably one of the many reasons why I am so nostalgic about the 50s/60s, when women were VERY elegant and well-kept and dressing up was a MUST, and being elegant was a MUST. Now? Lady Gaga and The Kardashians. :#

    ciao Alessandra

    my heart beats faster just thinking about how women dressed in those days...
    how lucky were those fellahs that actually lived through that era, surrounded by women attired as such???

    can anybody produce pictures??
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    No Monique, read it again: he says you have to be elegant, classy, intelligent... {:)


    I guess negative atention for you NP is better than none at all..right? 8-)
  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    No Monique, read it again: he says you have to be elegant, classy, intelligent... {:)


    I guess negative atention for you NP is better than none at all..right? 8-)

    Never mind such antics Ms Monique,

    may i ask u who you consider to be your style or fashion icons?
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    No Monique, read it again: he says you have to be elegant, classy, intelligent... {:)


    I guess negative atention for you NP is better than none at all..right? 8-)

    Well you know what they say about teasing Monique.....

    (It's a sign of affection ;) )
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Halcon wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    the self questioning, lack of confidence, comparisons, etc are simply a product of a younger age (as with everyone)... an attractive woman is fun to look at, but an attractive AND elegant woman is devastating...

    That is for sure, Sir. Probably one of the many reasons why I am so nostalgic about the 50s/60s, when women were VERY elegant and well-kept and dressing up was a MUST, and being elegant was a MUST. Now? Lady Gaga and The Kardashians. :#

    ciao Alessandra

    my heart beats faster just thinking about how women dressed in those days...
    how lucky were those fellahs that actually lived through that era, surrounded by women attired as such???

    can anybody produce pictures??

    I have quite a few but need to dig them up.

    Meantime, Kate Beckinsale looked beautiful at a presentation for her movie today:


    Classy, sexy, beautiful. A true Bond girl!
    Well you know what they say about teasing Monique.....

    (It's a sign of affection ;) )

    Precisely! NP has the same flirting style that Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) has with Susie! :))
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    Halcon wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:

    That is for sure, Sir. Probably one of the many reasons why I am so nostalgic about the 50s/60s, when women were VERY elegant and well-kept and dressing up was a MUST, and being elegant was a MUST. Now? Lady Gaga and The Kardashians. :#

    ciao Alessandra

    my heart beats faster just thinking about how women dressed in those days...
    how lucky were those fellahs that actually lived through that era, surrounded by women attired as such???

    can anybody produce pictures??

    I have quite a few but need to dig them up.

    Meantime, Kate Beckinsale looked beautiful at a presentation for her movie today:


    Classy, sexy, beautiful. A true Bond girl!
    Well you know what they say about teasing Monique.....

    (It's a sign of affection ;) )

    Precisely! NP has the same flirting style that Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) has with Susie! :))

    wow...that picture of Kate just proved that god made woman for the delight of man...
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Ladies, what are your views on green and purple going together? :D

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    :)) It seems, that we have a partner thread in the "James Bond Films" category which is also about elegance, and sophisticated Bond girls:
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Halcon wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    Halcon wrote:

    ciao Alessandra

    my heart beats faster just thinking about how women dressed in those days...
    how lucky were those fellahs that actually lived through that era, surrounded by women attired as such???

    can anybody produce pictures??

    I have quite a few but need to dig them up.

    Meantime, Kate Beckinsale looked beautiful at a presentation for her movie today:


    Classy, sexy, beautiful. A true Bond girl!
    Well you know what they say about teasing Monique.....

    (It's a sign of affection ;) )

    Precisely! NP has the same flirting style that Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) has with Susie! :))

    wow...that picture of Kate just proved that god made woman for the delight of man...

    Are you sure about that? God made woman...............

    So that man would have to wait about one hour every morning before he could get in the bathroom.

    So that man would have to wait half an hour outside public conveniences holding about half a dozen bags.

    So that man would have to watch two hours of soap opera every evening.

    So that man would have to spend half his weekend in the garden shed just to get some peace.

    So that man could hear "Not tonight, I've got a headache."

    So that man would have to go to lingerie shops and buy knickers and bra's.

    So that man would wear a rubber on his dick.

    So that man would get a Mother-in-Law.

    All the proof you need that God made woman to humiliate man. :D
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Moore Than wrote:

    Are you sure about that? God made woman...............

    So that man would have to wait about one hour every morning before he could get in the bathroom.

    So that man would have to wait half an hour outside public conveniences holding about half a dozen bags.

    So that man would have to watch two hours of soap opera every evening.

    So that man would have to spend half his weekend in the garden shed just to get some peace.

    So that man could hear "Not tonight, I've got a headache."

    So that man would have to go to lingerie shops and buy knickers and bra's.

    So that man would wear a rubber on his dick.

    So that man would get a Mother-in-Law.

    All the proof you need that God made woman to humiliate man. :D

    Oh dear, it looks like you've been dating the wrong women....

    or you could:

    Get up earlier....

    Take her to lunch while shopping, then you don't have to...

    Get sky +......

    Looks like you need a home office......

    Be better in bed......

    Buy them online, saves a lot of hassle....

    Get the snip......

    Then choose wisely......

    All the proof you need to take responsibility and stop blaming us.... :p
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    :)) :)) :))

    6:0 6:0 6:0

    No more questions asked!
    -{ Lex
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Lexi wrote:
    Moore Than wrote:

    Are you sure about that? God made woman...............

    So that man would have to wait about one hour every morning before he could get in the bathroom.

    So that man would have to wait half an hour outside public conveniences holding about half a dozen bags.

    So that man would have to watch two hours of soap opera every evening.

    So that man would have to spend half his weekend in the garden shed just to get some peace.

    So that man could hear "Not tonight, I've got a headache."

    So that man would have to go to lingerie shops and buy knickers and bra's.

    So that man would wear a rubber on his dick.

    So that man would get a Mother-in-Law.

    All the proof you need that God made woman to humiliate man. :D

    Oh dear, it looks like you've been dating the wrong women....

    or you could:

    Get up earlier....

    Take her to lunch while shopping, then you don't have to...

    Get sky +......

    Looks like you need a home office......

    Be better in bed......

    Buy them online, saves a lot of hassle....

    Get the snip......

    Then choose wisely......

    All the proof you need to take responsibility and stop blaming us.... :p

    I forgot to add that God made woman and gave her brains. :D

    Well, at least I got Sky +
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Moore Than wrote:

    I forgot to add that God made woman and gave her brains. :D

    Who cares. He gave them breasts and I am happy with that part :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    Ladies, what are your views on green and purple going together? :D

    As I know you are not being serious, I'll ignore that however I must admitt to reviewing my dislike of black/brown combo's as I nearly bought a black/brown dress the other day ;% However, I will quantify that by saying it very much depends on the shade of brown and only a tan sort of brown works ... Pierce's rather ugly dark brown would never work under any circumstances ....
  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    Lexi wrote:
    Moore Than wrote:

    Are you sure about that? God made woman...............

    So that man would have to wait about one hour every morning before he could get in the bathroom.

    So that man would have to wait half an hour outside public conveniences holding about half a dozen bags.

    So that man would have to watch two hours of soap opera every evening.

    So that man would have to spend half his weekend in the garden shed just to get some peace.

    So that man could hear "Not tonight, I've got a headache."

    So that man would have to go to lingerie shops and buy knickers and bra's.

    So that man would wear a rubber on his dick.

    So that man would get a Mother-in-Law.

    All the proof you need that God made woman to humiliate man. :D

    Oh dear, it looks like you've been dating the wrong women....

    or you could:

    Get up earlier....

    Take her to lunch while shopping, then you don't have to...

    Get sky +......

    Looks like you need a home office......

    Be better in bed......

    Buy them online, saves a lot of hassle....

    Get the snip......

    Then choose wisely......

    All the proof you need to take responsibility and stop blaming us.... :p

    :)) Moore, fortunately i have an ace up my sleeve that remedies all of these!
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Lexi wrote:
    Moore Than wrote:

    Are you sure about that? God made woman...............

    So that man would have to wait about one hour every morning before he could get in the bathroom.

    So that man would have to wait half an hour outside public conveniences holding about half a dozen bags.

    So that man would have to watch two hours of soap opera every evening.

    So that man would have to spend half his weekend in the garden shed just to get some peace.

    So that man could hear "Not tonight, I've got a headache."

    So that man would have to go to lingerie shops and buy knickers and bra's.

    So that man would wear a rubber on his dick.

    So that man would get a Mother-in-Law.

    All the proof you need that God made woman to humiliate man. :D

    Oh dear, it looks like you've been dating the wrong women....

    or you could:

    Get up earlier....

    Take her to lunch while shopping, then you don't have to...

    Get sky +......

    Looks like you need a home office......

    Be better in bed......

    Buy them online, saves a lot of hassle....

    Get the snip......

    Then choose wisely......

    All the proof you need to take responsibility and stop blaming us.... :p

    See what a Bond girl is made of? :D Game, set, match Lexi. -{

    Thankfully the gentlemen here all have a sense of humour :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • ke02ewwke02eww USPosts: 2,063MI6 Agent
    Halcon wrote:
    Lexi wrote:
    Moore Than wrote:

    Are you sure about that? God made woman...............

    So that man would have to wait about one hour every morning before he could get in the bathroom.

    So that man would have to wait half an hour outside public conveniences holding about half a dozen bags.

    So that man would have to watch two hours of soap opera every evening.

    So that man would have to spend half his weekend in the garden shed just to get some peace.

    So that man could hear "Not tonight, I've got a headache."

    So that man would have to go to lingerie shops and buy knickers and bra's.

    So that man would wear a rubber on his dick.

    So that man would get a Mother-in-Law.

    All the proof you need that God made woman to humiliate man. :D

    Oh dear, it looks like you've been dating the wrong women....

    or you could:

    Get up earlier....

    Take her to lunch while shopping, then you don't have to...

    Get sky +......

    Looks like you need a home office......

    Be better in bed......

    Buy them online, saves a lot of hassle....

    Get the snip......

    Then choose wisely......

    All the proof you need to take responsibility and stop blaming us.... :p

    :)) Moore, fortunately i have an ace up my sleeve that remedies all of these!

    Classic cooler.....

    Lexi, you're my pussy Galore... Smart, demure, and sophisticated... A match for any man on here and probably bond himself..... :p

    Halcon, cant wait for you to play your ace, or at least Show ur hand...

    Here's hoping your sleeves arn't too long 8-)

    And nap, let's start a discussion of the outfits of Penelope pitstop....

    For a start she had a bigger helmet than her male competitors B-)
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    Halcon wrote:

    Never mind such antics Ms Monique,

    may i ask u who you consider to be your style or fashion icons?

    As far as icons, I love the 60's sex kitten look and appeal of some of our Bond girls, namely Ursula Andress and Claudine Auger. Daniela Bianchi was incredibly sexy too.

    Fashion icon of all time, probably Audrey Hepburn, the epitome of style, class and grace. And speaking of grace, Grace Kelly would also be on that list.

    I'm kind of all over the place with what I like, I grew up on the beach as a little girl idolizing Farrah Fawcett and collecting all the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issues with Christie Brinkley and Kathy Ireland, all through grade school, high school and college, so I've always looked up to those blonde cover girls. Even though I'm a brunette, I've been a beach girl most of my life, and as much as I love my stilettos and designer handbags as an adult, I'd much prefer running on the sand barefoot and body surfing any day! :))

    Some of the icons of today leave me a little cold, I'm sorry but I can't stand the look of Gaga. I don't get it....I like feminine, not weirdness just for the sake of shock value. There are some very pretty actresses, but the models are so different now to the ones when I was a kid. It seems if you are 8 feet tall, 90 lbs soaking wet and unusual looking, you are a shoe in for success!

    And Lady Rose and Lexi, I'll borrow some of your height, please! I'm only 5'2!!! And my shoe size is 7 and it's always sold out when I'm shoe shopping, so us short girls have problems too!!! :))
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