Bond Girl Style Watercooler



  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    And Mo: the crocheted hat? Seriously?!?

    :)) Yeah, I think it's adorable. I love hats like that. Apparently you don't? :v

    I just think the "three month old child suffering from cradle cap" look is so passe :D
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    And Mo: the crocheted hat? Seriously?!?

    :)) Yeah, I think it's adorable. I love hats like that. Apparently you don't? :v

    I just think the "three month old child suffering from cradle cap" look is so passe :D

    :)) :)) :)) :))

    Ravenstone, I always get confused with the coast web page... it's not it's

    Anyway here is a page with sales. I think that tulle skirt would do for a gothic look if paired with a black top of your choice.. and it being with that shape and tulle, it's gonna be practical to wear (it's not short either, so you can wear it barefoot or with flats as you were suggesting). Just an example. And it's definitely not awfully expensive. There are a LOT of Bond girl-like dresses on that site (and they deliver in the UK only, les salauds!). I buy stuff from Coast in shops here but it's ridiculously expensive here for some reason. No idea why. I have a pair of beautiful evening capri pants in black satin, those were one of my best buys in terms of eveningwear. But no discount here and the prices are higher than they are in the UK.

    Seen as the site always has nice sales.. I gotta contact one of my former colleagues in London and have stuff delivered at her house :)) :)) No but seriously, lots of stuff for the Bond girl there :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    I'm not sure exactly what would fit you etc, but I find that Coast has GREAT evening dresses and tops and they aren't too expensive (not hyper cheap but not even expensive).

    I love Coast. Its a very underrated shop. Its not the cheapest but the quality is there.I bought an evening dress not so long ago and it was fablous. Stayed perfect all night. Highly recommended.
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Lady Rose wrote:
    Alessandra wrote:
    I'm not sure exactly what would fit you etc, but I find that Coast has GREAT evening dresses and tops and they aren't too expensive (not hyper cheap but not even expensive).

    I love Coast. Its a very underrated shop. Its not the cheapest but the quality is there.I bought an evening dress not so long ago and it was fablous. Stayed perfect all night. Highly recommended.

    I completely agree. I was shocked to see there's literally the Coast only shops in England and the prices are even lower than here. And people in most cases don't even know that shop exists... one of my friend in London had NEVER been into a Coast shop until I brought her, and she absolutely loved it. She bought a lot of stuff with the sales. It is not the cheapest but not even exaggeratedly expensive, and really, the quality is definitely there. It's like a slightly cheaper Ann Taylor. I adore Ann Taylor in the US, especially the dresses. And both Coast and Ann Taylor have VERY good prices when they have sales. So you can buy great stuff at great prices. :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • RavenstoneRavenstone EnglandPosts: 152MI6 Agent
    I've ordered a 'witchy' top from some ebay trader, found by my other half. It's 'toffee' colour, which means not black after all! :D I shall see what it's like when it arrives, probably team it up with black leggings and black boots. It has the advantage of being quite cheap, so I don't have to worry about damaging it or anything. Plus with leggings I can avoid any worries about falling over whilst wearing a skirt!

    One look I shall avoid like the plague is that awful look from certain female singers and girl bands, where they wear a mini skirt with heels, then when the camera is at the foot of the stage, all you can see is next week's washing :o

    Sorry, guys, but that is not a good look. I don't understand why they do it. You're on stage; you know you're higher than the audience; you know they'll be looking up to see you - so what do you wear? A short skirt. Yeah, cus that's such a classy idea 8-)
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,447Chief of Staff
    Ravenstone wrote:
    One look I shall avoid like the plague is that awful look from certain female singers and girl bands, where they wear a mini skirt with heels, then when the camera is at the foot of the stage, all you can see is next week's washing :o

    Perhaps you should take a tip from Wendy James...and not even bother wearing next weeks washing :))

    I haven't heard of Coast before either, but then I am a man and should be cut some slack ;)
    Any ideas as to what the boys should wear Alessandra ?
    YNWA 97
  • ClaireClaire Posts: 14MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    Wow, I step away from the watercooler for a while and by the time I get back there are pages and pages of posts to catch up on. And all these men. :p

    Well, I finally saw QOS last night. And I must say, that apart from the two Prada dresses and the black satin walking-through-the-desert heels, where were all the fabulous Bond Girl outfits? Could it be that DC doesn't like well-dressed women? :))

    :)) The moment I typed that, I flashed back to that scene of him making his way up Fields' unclothed back. I did like that part.:x

    Anyway, I did track down those shoes Olga wore. They are by Gina, a style named Amazon. Thanks to all who helped with the hunt. My blog post about the Gina shoe is here:
    A nice bonus is the shoe competition/contest I happened upon while browsing the Gina site. Do you UK ladies know about this contest? We should all enter. I think their sparkly evening shoes belong in every Bond Girl's closet.

    And speaking of closets, I just ordered the most fabulous purple shoeboxes to put my shoes in. They came from You must go look. They are amazing. They should arrive sometime this week. I can't wait to see the size of that delivery!

    I also liked the lavender peep toe pumps worn by the unfortunate girl who served the beer in QOS. I only got a quick look at them. Did anyone else notice that shoe?
  • MoniqueMonique USAPosts: 696MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    Claire, you have a shoe blog?? You are my new hero! From one shoe fanatic to another, I will definitely check it out!
    Claire wrote:
    I also liked the lavender peep toe pumps worn by the unfortunate girl who served the beer in QOS. I only got a quick look at them. Did anyone else notice that shoe?

    Of course I did! I didn't like that scene, so I had forgotten about them until now!
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    Ravenstone wrote:
    One look I shall avoid like the plague is that awful look from certain female singers and girl bands, where they wear a mini skirt with heels, then when the camera is at the foot of the stage, all you can see is next week's washing :o

    Perhaps you should take a tip from Wendy James...and not even bother wearing next weeks washing :))

    I haven't heard of Coast before either, but then I am a man and should be cut some slack ;)
    Any ideas as to what the boys should wear Alessandra ?

    Since you're a boy you're definitely excused for not knowing about Coast :))

    It's different when looking for men's clothes, while finding sportswear is probably easier, finding nice "formal" attire is much more difficult, especially at decent prices. I know quite a few Italian brands that make good stuff and it's not overly pricy, but those are only here. I would say in general, for my taste, Ralph Lauren always serves the purpose, but then that's not cheap at all :)) Stefanel (Italian chain) has very good stuff for both men and women. It's not cheap, but it's definitely not pricy either. And definitely good quality. I'd say that's a good compromise for men. But it's almost always everyday stuff, not formal. They may have more elegant stuff around Christmas/holidays because of parties though. It's nice.

    Otherwise, for elegant jackets etc but not exaggeratedly expensive, I'd recommend Via Ardigo', it is a "younger" brand from Corneliani. Corneliani obviously makes very nice suits, but those aren't cheap AT ALL. :))

    And back to us women, in Italy there's also another brand called Caractère that I absolutely love. Own lots of things from them, it's a bit like Coast but they also have a lot of "everyday/office" attire, and it's VERY good quality in general. I use it a lot for everyday. Not cheap, but not expensive either... and definitely Bond girl style/classy. :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,447Chief of Staff
    Alessandra wrote:
    It's different when looking for men's clothes, while finding sportswear is probably easier, finding nice "formal" attire is much more difficult, especially at decent prices. I know quite a few Italian brands that make good stuff and it's not overly pricy, but those are only here. I would say in general, for my taste, Ralph Lauren always serves the purpose, but then that's not cheap at all :)) Stefanel (Italian chain) has very good stuff for both men and women. It's not cheap, but it's definitely not pricy either. And definitely good quality. I'd say that's a good compromise for men. But it's almost always everyday stuff, not formal. They may have more elegant stuff around Christmas/holidays because of parties though. It's nice.

    Otherwise, for elegant jackets etc but not exaggeratedly expensive, I'd recommend Via Ardigo', it is a "younger" brand from Corneliani. Corneliani obviously makes very nice suits, but those aren't cheap AT ALL. :))

    Well...apart from Ralph Lauren, I haven't heard of the others...but that's no surprise either ;)

    RL is fine, a little 'old' even for my ageing tastes :)) And I'm not really into wearing 'sportswear'...unless playing sports.

    I'll keep an eye out for the other brands you mentioned, but whether they make it to the UK or not remains to be seen.
    YNWA 97
  • ClaireClaire Posts: 14MI6 Agent
    Monique wrote:
    Claire, you have a shoe blog?? You are my new hero! From one shoe fanatic to another, I will definitely check it out!

    Come play shoes with us, Monique! It's a fun place to chat about shoes, and you can even upload photos of your shoe collection. I love their daily shoe videos. Use promo code Shoe Diva when you visit so we can be connected.

    Right now I'm on the hunt for the perfect pair of red pumps. Nothing like a red pump to beat the economic blues. ;)
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:

    Well...apart from Ralph Lauren, I haven't heard of the others...but that's no surprise either ;)

    RL is fine, a little 'old' even for my ageing tastes :)) And I'm not really into wearing 'sportswear'...unless playing sports.

    I'll keep an eye out for the other brands you mentioned, but whether they make it to the UK or not remains to be seen.

    I am not sure really. I am pretty certain Corneliani is sold in the UK, but that's a definitely expensive suit brand, and I don't know whether they sell all the brands from Corneliani or not in the UK. I am guessing not all of them though.

    Ralph Lauren black label (the one that has Ignacio Figueras as model) is very modern, with very sharp cut..and their sports/ casual wear is very nice, it's all I wear when I have a more "casual" look :D :D Same for my brothers, whom I got into RL stuff :D :D But, there are many many brands for men that do for casual look and aren't even expensive (though I've got to say, RL in the US isn't NEARLY as expensive as it is here, in fact I buy RL stuff like crazy when I'm in NYC/Boston).

    Oh..the lavender peep-toe shoes. Good mention Claire, I had forgotten about those, and I agree, veeewy nice. Do we know the brand of those? And Gina shoes? Seriously? Not exactly among my favourites... :))
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • ClaireClaire Posts: 14MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    I admit I can be a tad forgetful at times, but I know I didn't post the same thing three times! How can I delete those extra posts? I tried edit but didn't see a delete option.

    Back to shoes...about those lavender peep-toe pumps. No leads yet. But I do love a shoe challenge.

    And yes, I contacted Gina and they confirmed the style of the black pump worn in QOS.
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    Deleted your two extra posts for you, Claire...
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    Not sure if this has come up yet, but Camille and shoes seems very significant in QOS...

    The first pair we see her in are those high-heeled sandal things walking into Greene's dock area in Haiti - not the most fashionable nor the most serviceable, she has a pronounced "girlie" (pardon the expression) gait like she's not used to walking in them at all, but more like she's in them cuz they're part of her undercover-bimbo costume. Fair enough.

    Next pair are the black heels that go with the little black dress - a step up in couture but look what happens to them: she takes them off in the desert after quite a bit more plot and action have occurred and simply to be able to walk more effectively.

    Then in the finale, sneakers I believe. Practicality first and foremost, and no style points.

    Camille goes from girlie-girl on the docks in Haiti, to spy-type woman in La Paz at Greene's fundraiser party that becomes stripped-bare (well, her feet anyway) as she's revealed to be a competent agent, to work-only shoes worn to the last kill. It's quite a journey her feet are on in QOS, puts me in mind of the rather obvious journey of Bond in CR (starts out in the jungle, goes blue-collary in Miami, then the classic suit in the casino: Bond grows into the spy we recognize right before our eyes in CR, pretty cool). And, I was very glad to see such a transformation for Camille in QOS, tells me the filmmakers aren't just in it for the money, or the style for style's sake alone. A good designer uses everything - including fashion - to tell the story of the character, and nicely done with Camille's shoes in QOS. {[]
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    ... and let's not forget the new colour of James Bond's car to underline the darker more serious tone of the phenomenal QoS... 8-)
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    Bondtoys wrote:
    ... and let's not forget the new colour of James Bond's car to underline the darker more serious tone of the phenomenal QoS... 8-)
    Good point: why not the lighter grey of the original Astin? Or white like the Lotus? Or any other color?

    Do you really think such decisions are made without thought? Everything you see in such a film is looked at by a team of designers, the director, the producer, etc. Good storytelling incorporates such attention to detail, to create the desired effect. You may not agree with the design choices, but choices they are and such basic ones as "what color should this car be?" can end up taking days and involving way more people than is prudent, simply cuz no such decision gets made without review by some higher up - and I'd bet dollars for donuts somebody at some point made the comment "oh yes, make the new Astin darker, cuz that's more like this new Bond we're doing." Sounds silly, but when you're in such discussions exactly those types of comments do get made, by paid professionals.

    As Camille travels through QOS, she reveals more and more layers of competency and complexity, and no designer worth his or her salt would not make choices they think reflect and support that character's journey. Basic requirement of the job (even if out of context it gets an eye-roll ;) ). Whether or not one likes the choices made, well that's why water coolers exist. :007)
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    blueman wrote:
    Good point: why not the lighter grey of the original Astin?

    :o Well observed, down to the smallest detail, blueman:
    It's AstOn.

    I am sure, that if Marc Foster lets a burp, some followers will bow down and praise his new masterpiece of Fleming interpretation, which of course has been created after extensive discussions by him and his team :D

    Now seriously: Are some people not over-interpreting some things here? I mean, before we are starting to view QoS backwards in double speed to discover some hidden messages from John Lennon ? B-)
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,524Chief of Staff
    Bondtoys wrote:
    Now seriously: Are some people not over-interpreting some things here? I mean, before we are starting to view QoS backwards in double speed to discover some hidden messages from John Lennon ? B-)

    If there is, I'm sure we can work it out. With a little help from our friends, working eight days a week (imagine...). ;%
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    Bondtoys wrote:
    blueman wrote:
    Good point: why not the lighter grey of the original Astin?

    :o Well observed, down to the smallest detail, blueman:
    It's AstOn.

    I am sure, that if Marc Foster lets a burp, some followers will bow down and praise his new masterpiece of Fleming interpretation, which of course has been created after extensive discussions by him and his team :D

    Now seriously: Are some people not over-interpreting some things here? I mean, before we are starting to view QoS backwards in double speed to discover some hidden messages from John Lennon ? B-)
    I think you're missing the point... ANY film or TV show or play or ballet or opera production, any type performance where designers are employed, they'll do their job and design. And base their choices on such thinking as being discussed. But don't take my word for it, go read up on (for starters) costume design. I'll wait (and work on my spelling, big oops ;% ).
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    Bondtoys wrote:
    Now seriously: Are some people not over-interpreting some things here? I mean, before we are starting to view QoS backwards in double speed to discover some hidden messages from John Lennon ? B-)

    If there is, I'm sure we can work it out. With a little help from our friends, working eight days a week (imagine...). ;%

    :)) Ah, the Fab Four.

    blue glad to see you posting here! :D Though I'm afraid our spirit is more of the fashion one and less of the "big interpretation" one. But, interesting nevertheless :D

    Now, about the car, I don't want to disappoint you in any way, but decisions such as car colour are made much more based on marketing than on story need, least of all story meaning. If the Aston is darker, it isn't because the producers say "it's doom and gloom we need it darker" but because the film sponsor says "we have a new colour coming out and would like to promote that one too". The producers don't have nearly as much power over sponsors as you seem to think? Surely they are proposed more than one alternative, but they don't dictate anything. They are in dire need of sponsors, and no, especially not with the movie industry in the shape it's been in the past few years, they don't have people knocking on their door begging them to use their money instead of someone else's. :)) Not to mention with Bond they are in need of specific car brand etc, which means the choices are much narrower.

    Anyway my point is, the choices for cars especially are marketing. The clothes obviously need to fit the story and there is a costume department that can make them, so it's a different story. But I don't think the director or script writer ever goes "oh he needs a darker suit here because he's angry". At least that's not the main concern. Clothes need to make the actor look good and fit the character as in "elegant secret agent cannot wear Benetton". Or "Bond girl can't be caught wearing H&M" :)) Colors are much more a matter of what suits or doesn't suit an actor in a particular scene. That's the main concern. Obviously, if they want to show someone all bloody, they'll need to have him or her wear white in the scene or you won't see it, but those are basic practical choices, nothing to do with "character development".

    On Camille, I think the point was merely that our darling didn't manage to do much in certain filming scenes with heels (she's probably not used to filming a Bond movie :))), reason why she ended up barefoot and/or sneakers. Don't quite see a character pattern there. Of course they need to show that not everyone is glamorous and fashionable, so that's a point but it's merely, how can I say, common sense on how to portray an agent. Nothing to do with evolution of the character and so on for me.

    I don't remember seeing Carey Lowell running around in Manolo stilettos in action scenes in LTK. Simply because there's a limit to unrealistic scenes. Not because lack of stilettos indicated anything for her character.

    She had gorgeous attires and beautiful shoes for sure, but they didn't overdo it when it came to action scenes. Either she was driving instead of running, or she just had a few secs in heels running. And about the "comfort"... let's just say that even for doctors, flat shoes are not ideal. The ideal is a 4-cm heel. For posture, back, comforto of feet, etc. So in that sense? Trainers weren't a good choice! :))

    About the style, it was just ok to me in QoS. One of the few things I save in it. But I don't go crazy about the Bond girls in this one at all. I want a LOT more style (that creased trench was simply horrendous) and characters that are a lot more fleshed out. They seemed very uninteresting and one-dimensional to me.

    This said, now back on topic: shoes and dresses and fashion :D

    And I'm afraid I am not happy with Kurylenko this round... here she is at the QoS press conference at the Ritz in Tokyo . :O :O :O I think she's a really gorgeous girl and all. But can't she at least brush her hair for a press conference? And while we're at it, she's a Bond girl, that shirt?! :s
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    I don't doubt, that costume decisions are well thought thru.

    What bothers me is the extent, how especially you, blueman, are pulling out every little fact to put it context of your picture about the "magic QoS".

    We have all recognized:

    You like QoS and I am totally fine with it.

    But some of your excursusses appear more like reading in coffee-ground, which is very funny in parts, but sometimes a bit absurd to my taste - see the colour of the car.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    Thanks for pointing out the practical side of things Alle. {[] And yeah, car colors are pretty factory-direct these days. I think of the car color as just representative of the times, so going along with it fit the film well (a white Lotus OTOH would not, lol).

    And BT, I was being QOS-specific as it's the Bond du jour and I think the design team put more thought into their choices in this film than, what looks hot. As for car color, your avatar displays a very pale grey (actually looks like a very light periwinkle blue on my computer, but I think it's more likely just a pale grey) Aston... wonder why they didn't pick that color. ?:) If you had to pick the Aston color for Craig's Bond, which would it be, and why? But for other bond fashion topics: can't remember where it is, but one of my favorite threads was about Connery's ties in DAF - talk about design choices! :o :D

    I guess some see Camille as thinly drawn, I don't. And I thought she was very well and appropriately outfitted indeed. Different strokes.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    blueman wrote:
    As for car color, your avatar displays a very pale grey

    Maybe, it's your colour-blindness that leads you to all these funny interpretations :))

    The colour is glacial-blue 2 but I assume, that you have been judging the colour of my AVATAR from my character-devellopement to one of your critics - which are all of course pale and grey.
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    ...and the topic is Bond Girl Style, not the merits or lack thereof of QoS, so back on topic please...
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Thread is way better when just the ladies are posting.
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    Thread is way better when just the ladies are posting.

    Sorry. Made an observation about shoes in a shoes thread (re Alle's first post). My bad.
  • AlessandraAlessandra Lake Garda, ItalyPosts: 633MI6 Agent
    edited December 2008
    blueman wrote:
    Thread is way better when just the ladies are posting.

    Sorry. Made an observation about shoes in a shoes thread (re Alle's first post). My bad.

    Come on, Barry was just paying a compliment to us ladies, right? :D

    Blue don't feel bad!! I was glad to read about your incredible attention for shoes! :D Which is why I pointed out the practical side of it being a bigger factor, you know, us ladies spend our lifetime picking the right shoes, so.. :)) :)) Just as I said.. we're more on the "style" side in general here, but it's interesting to read that a man pays so much attention to detail :D Speaking of, so what was your favourite attire for the girls on QoS? And what would you pick as your favourite Bond girl style EVER (all movies I mean)? The guys have been very useful on this and we've had some pretty good debates on this part of the style for Bond girls :D

    Hey Barry.. come on, I want your take on this too! :D The ladies here enjoy having the point of view of you guys on style :D :D
    "Are we on coms?" (if you don't know where this is from... you've missed some really good stuff! :D)
  • bluemanblueman PDXPosts: 1,667MI6 Agent
    Alessandra wrote:
    blueman wrote:
    Thread is way better when just the ladies are posting.

    Sorry. Made an observation about shoes in a shoes thread (re Alle's first post). My bad.

    Blue don't feel bad!! I was glad to read about your incredible attention for shoes! :D Which is why I pointed out the practical side of it being a bigger factor, you know, us ladies spend our lifetime picking the right shoes, so.. :)) :)) Just as I said.. we're more on the "style" side in general here, but it's interesting to read that a man pays so much attention to detail :D Speaking of, so what was your favourite attire for the girls on QoS? And what would you pick as your favourite Bond girl style EVER (all movies I mean)? The guys have been very useful on this and we've had some pretty good debates on this part of the style for Bond girls :D

    Hey Barry.. come on, I want your take on this too! :D The ladies here enjoy having the point of view of you guys on style :D :D

    I guess I'm not into for fashion for fashion's sake too much, I rather more appreciate it when it's used to effect. Liked how the designers helped along Camille's character in this one - and I gotta admit, I really liked the trench coat on Fields, it was so left-field and completely unexplained, made me wonder what the backstory on it was and how she came to be wearing it (she later says, she has nothing to wear, so I read that as she got the missive to intercept Bond and dashed out the door in just the coat and boots, as unlikely as that sounds...ah well, a boy can dream ;) ). Liked Fields's party dress, but again more for what it said about her character than loving the style of dress for it's own sake (it rather stuck out amidst the other party-goers' frocks, not as sophisticated, which struck me as appropriate).

    As for other Bond girls, loved Honey's white bikini (and hated Jinx's - she's a spy with a belt buckle shaped like a "J"??? Rent a billboard! :)) Although she did look lovely in it, sure). Thought Electra's sheer dress thing at the end of TWINE was tacky (but oddly not out of place in that dreadful film, lol). Loved Solange's red dress in CR, if too much for the scene. Thought they did a good job with Solitaire in LALD. And agree with Connery, those shoes he handed Fiona in TB are exactly what she needed to complete her bathwear. :007) Random thoughts off the top of my head...
  • frostbittenfrostbitten Chateau d'EtchebarPosts: 286MI6 Agent
    Surprisingly (or maybe not ;) ), I found the sheer dress that Elektra wore at the end of TWINE very sexy. I also love her skiing outfit (loved everything about that scene: the costumes, the cinematography, the music - one of Arnold's best tunes).
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