Bond Film Plot from 2001

JamesbondjrJamesbondjr Posts: 462MI6 Agent
edited September 2008 in General James Bond Chat
Using the Wayback web archive machine, I have been looking over some old posts I made on a now defunct Bond forum.

I came across a plot outline I suggested for a Bond movie the date of the post is 27/11/01 - I present it to you here in it's full glory for your entertainment.
Or follow the link to see it in it's original setting

Original Post

A shower of bullets intended solely for M leaves Q dead (explaining Desmond Llewellen's absence) and M fighting for her life, upon returning from his last mission Bond is met by the Prime Minister who details Bond on the events. He is then briefed by the prime minister to make contact with an unfeasably beautiful Russian/Italian female agent called (insert suitably sexual name here) who has a contact who knows something about the assassination attempt, Bond and the female agent are set up by the contact and are captured by the henchman of the main villain. After falling for Bonds charms in the room where they are being held the inevitable sexual encounter between the two occurs, almost immediately the female agent is executed right before bonds eyes. Bond then somehow escapes and meets up with another 00 agent (female of course) and goes off on a private vendetta against the man who tried to kil M and had his last love executed. The search for this man leads him to a remote castle on a mountain, maybe the one where 'Where Eagles Dare' was filmed. Here Bond meets the bad guy, only it's not a bad Guy, it's a bad Girl, none other than the agent who was supposedly shot when they were both captured. Bond is then thrown into a room and locked there with the other 00 agent, they plot their escape and a way to kill the bad girl, when they escape the room they find the castle deserted and a bomb set to go off in 5mins realising there is no way of deactivating it they evacuate, there is no evidence of the baddie. Bond is then confronted by the henchman, who, after a long and tiring fist fight, bond kills. Bond returns home and is met by M who is in a wheelchair, he describes the woman to his superiors and she is identified as a criminal mastermind and the head of a group that broke off from the KGB in the early 1980's. We have then set up a new terrorist organisation for Bond to do battle with over numerous future films and a new nemesis for Bond to run off on his personal vendettas and try to kill.

Im thinking Penelopie cruz for the italian/russian agent, and Vinnie Jones as the henchman. Set in Italy and Russia.
Hows that then V? Any suggetions of who could play who, or additions to the storyline anyone?

Well there it is!
1- On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2- Casino Royale 3- Licence To Kill 4- Goldeneye 5- From Russia With Love
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