30 AU

Apologies if this has been posted before but a search showed no results. Some of you may like to know that 30AU, who Fleming liased with & who undoubtedly fuelled his imagination, have their own dedicated website. http://www.30au.co.uk
Some fascinating background on the historical influences on what was to become the Bond phenomenon.


  • 72897289 Beau DesertPosts: 1,691MI6 Agent
    The 30AU folks blow hot and cold on IF, whom they like to refer to as an "Office Boy" or "Chocolate Salior" - nothing more than a posing poof.

    On the other hand, they would like to be seen as models for oo7.

    Truth be told, IF was James Bond, not the hundreds of commando types that claim to be the model for, or even the "real" oo7.

    Of course Fleming's life expierences influnced his imagination. But I think his talent and imagination went far beyond anything ever written up in a Bond Thriller!
  • SeahawkSeahawk Posts: 85MI6 Agent
    I think there was an element of "Six of one, half a dozen of the other" in 30AU's relationship with Fleming. His most famous plan was to seize an Enigma decoder by launching a false flag attack on a Luftwaffe rescue launch. Had this gone ahead it would have made 30AU complicit in what could legitimately have been interpreted as a war crime.
    Further to this it was his intention that 30AU should parachute into Paris on D-Day. Had that happened it is extremely unlikely that any of their members would have survived the war.
    You can see why this sort of thinking created a certain degree of ill-feeling.
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