Not another James Bond poll...

Sorry if this thread has been duplicated, I couldn't see one recently and figured this was kind of different! I saw the post about Poll The People - and wonder what do people think of the ranking so far?

It surprises me how quickly Daniel Craig has been accepted - his votes dwarf those given to Brosnan!
I stand by Brosnan, just a shame about the storylines he got!

How would people rank the bonds?

1. Connery
2. Brosnan
3. Moore
4. Craig
5. Dalton


  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    1 moore 2 craig 3 connery 4 dalton 5 lazenby 6 brosnan
  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    Brosnan :D
    Lazenby 8-)
  • Sweepy the CatSweepy the Cat Halifax, West Yorkshire, EnglaPosts: 986MI6 Agent
    Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
    A: No eye-deer

  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
    A: No eye-deer


    What is it with that joke today loads of people have been saying it.
  • Tilly Masterson 007Tilly Masterson 007 UKPosts: 1,472MI6 Agent
    1 = Best
    5 = Worst


    1. Dalton
    2. Moore
    3. Connery
    4. Brosnan
    5. Craig
    6. Lazenby
  • ConOO7ConOO7 Posts: 7MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
  • yodboy007yodboy007 McMinn CountyPosts: 129MI6 Agent
    edited October 2008
    1. Moore
    2. Connery
    3. Dalton
    4. Brosnan

    It is not fair to judge Lazenby at all or Craig just yet, but with each of them doing just one as of right this moment I'll take Lazenby over Craig.
  • RavenstoneRavenstone EnglandPosts: 152MI6 Agent
    1. Timothy Dalton
    2= Sean Connery
    2= Daniel Craig
    4. Roger Moore
    5= George Lazenby
    5= Pierce Brosnan
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    I admire every blessed one - but Sean and Roger are my most watched.
  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    Lazenby was dull. 8-) 8-)
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    OK. If you say so.
  • 84208420 Posts: 721MI6 Agent
    Come everybody has to agree he was stupid he didn't want to do more bonds because the hippies were around get real Lazenby.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    8420 wrote:
    Come everybody has to agree he was stupid he didn't want to do more bonds because the hippies were around get real Lazenby.
    Which has nothing to do with his performance in the film.

    GL has reflected on his youthful rashness with grace. Making decisions, right or wrong, is a trait all us mortal must endure. I'm sure his business affairs and perhaps his family matters were considered. Not whether or not this would please fans on an internet message board in the year 2008.
  • Lazenby880Lazenby880 LondonPosts: 525MI6 Agent
    1) Daniel Craig

    2) Timothy Dalton

    3=) George Lazenby

    3=) Sean Connery

    5) Roger Moore

    6) Pierce Brosnan

    I like them all though, and the differences between the two and threes are miniscule.
  • DrMaybeDrMaybe Posts: 204MI6 Agent
  • Steamy DanSteamy Dan Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    1=Best 6=Worst


    Yes Brosnan got crap films, but they were too smarmy, characatures of what Bond had become.

    I like the ones where there is more than just an essence of the original books.
  • Prince Kamal KhanPrince Kamal Khan Posts: 277MI6 Agent
    tasha33333 wrote:
    It surprises me how quickly Daniel Craig has been accepted - his votes dwarf those given to Brosnan!

    Doesn't surprise me. Craig is the current Bond so it's not surprising that he would be in 2nd place behind Connery.

    1) Connery
    2) Dalton
    3) Moore
    4) Craig
    5) Lazenby
    6) Brosnan

    Connery and Dalton battle it out for number 1 for me. Ultimately, Connery is probably the greatest overall Bond and the original. However, Dalton is the closest to how Fleming wrote the character and is by far the most underrated Bond actor so I voted for him in the poll. Connery didn't need my help but Dalton did.
  • Commander_BondCommander_Bond Posts: 9MI6 Agent
  • stumac7stumac7 ScotlandPosts: 295MI6 Agent
    1. CONNERY
    2. BROSNAN
    3. CRAIG
    4. MOORE
    5. DALTON
    6. LAZENBY
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    while it's true that Lazenby made a really bad decision by turning down more Bond, that has no bearing for me on his portrayal. I and a number of other fans would love to have seen him do more as his first and only contribution is one of the highlights of the series. True, occasionaly his lack of experience was visible in places, but equally true is that he brought a muscular physicality unmatched until Craig. It was not all muscles and fisticuffs though, as he showed tremendous vulnerability, as when absolutley worn out, spent, and at the end of his resources he is rescued by Tracy. Also the final scene is superb and the most challenging in the whole series and he plays it to perfection.
    It is of course pure speculation re what might have happened if he had continued, and he to may have donned the Safari Suit in later films. I can't help thinking though that his physicality would have spared us the worst excesses of The Jolly Roger and at the very least provided a counterpoint (even Sir Rogers most redoubtable supporters cannot claim that he ever looked comfortable with action, which for an action/adventure series is a real limitation)
    For me the Lazenby fiasco, along with the legal wrangles that denied us a third Dalton outing are a cause of disapointment.
  • bacaretbacaret ArizonaPosts: 73MI6 Agent
    1. sean connery- are you kidding he is bond
    2. daniel craig - the best opening movie
    3. pierce brosnam - very suave bond
    4. Roger moore- too many so so films
    5. timothy dalton- just diddnt feel like bond
    6. george lazenby- great film but not a good actor
  • bacaretbacaret ArizonaPosts: 73MI6 Agent
    1. sean connery- are you kidding he is bond
    2. daniel craig - the best opening movie
    3. pierce brosnam - very suave bond
    4. Roger moore- too many so so films
    5. timothy dalton- just diddnt feel like bond
    6. george lazenby- great film but not a good actor
  • DEFIANT 74205DEFIANT 74205 Perth, AustraliaPosts: 1,881MI6 Agent
    1. Sean Connery
    2. Timothy Dalton
    3. Daniel Craig
    4. George Lazenby
    5. Pierce Brosnan
    6. Roger Moore
    "Watch the birdie, you bastard!"
  • stumac7stumac7 ScotlandPosts: 295MI6 Agent
    stumac7 wrote:
    1. CONNERY
    2. BROSNAN
    3. CRAIG
    4. MOORE
    5. DALTON
    6. LAZENBY

    I've changed my opinion,new list is:

    1. Connery (He is Bond and is scottish)
    2. Craig (Brilliant, actually the best ever actor)
    3. Brosnan (Did a great job)
    4. Moore (Very camp)
    5. Dalton (1st film was good)
    6. Lazenby (Great film, crap actor)
  • Area52Area52 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    1. Connery
    2. Craig
    3. Brosnan
    4. Dalton
    5. Lazenby
    6. _______

    Six is blank because Moore is so bad he doesn't make the list. Why? One word: MOONRAKER.
  • Agent WadeAgent Wade Ann ArborPosts: 321MI6 Agent
    edited November 2008
    1.) Craig - A Bond for my generation, cruel & dashing
    2.) Connery - A Bond for my father's generation, dashin & cruel
    3.) Brosnan - A good hybrid Bond mixing the comedy with the seriou
    4.) Dalton - The Fleming Bond, cold & angry
    5.) Lazenby - A remarkable fighter & good looking though in need of refinement
    6.) Moore - A Bond of fickle ferocity, more concerned with charming the ladies than landing a convincing punch
  • Monza860Monza860 USPosts: 501MI6 Agent
    Away at Boot Camp, won't be back until April the earliest.
  • PDJamesBondPDJamesBond Posts: 180MI6 Agent
    Keep in mind that I'm ranking the actors and their portrayals; I'm not ranking the films in which they appear.

    Also keep in mind that, since I think all six actors are, at the minumum, pretty good, I will say this ranks them from "best to least best."

    1. Dalton (I still have never seen a James Bond with more presence)
    2. Connery (naturally)
    3. Craig (after his four or five movies are up, will he surpass Connery? Time will tell)
    4. Brosnan (takes the part more seriously than Moore, and tried very hard to add depth to 007)
    5. Moore (amusing take on the character, if a bit slight)
    6. Lazenby (a bit too imitative of Connery, but still more than adequate; helped by a stunning script)
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