Martin Campbell the modern Terence Young

I was thinking that maybe Martin Campbell is the modern day Terence Young regarding the bond films. He put's the actors into the role as Young did with Connery, and so far Campbell knows what it takes to make a great bond film. Just like Young back in the 60's. I would definitely welcome Campbell back to direct the next film. Any thoughts?


  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    I know what you mean, the crisp action style is a bit like Young. But Campbell only wants to do reboots or restarts and never the follow up (he gets offered them but turns them down, saying it's hard to think up new ideas).

    I slightly get the sense with both CR and GE that he sets things up very nicely for himself but it's a hard act for another director to follow in more ways than one. Like GE dealt with the end of the Cold War, but the next director sort of has to think up something entirely new and bring it into the present.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Pud2002Pud2002 Posts: 65MI6 Agent
    But isn't the next film a restart of the "traditional" bond film? There you go, now get crackin' Martin :P
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